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11-11 Reversed Destination
Author: Smul
Last updated: 4132d 3h 3m 9s ago by Smul
Comments: 165
Views: 68,594
Votes: 4 (5 average)
Version: 4.4
Involved families: Alpagus, Anadolu, Andalusia, Goodfellas, Indelicato, Jannisary, Karadeniz, Outpost, Peace, Persico, Presidential, Prestige, Regicide, Anarchy, Ballestrieri, Faffie, Frattiano, Impact, Koninkrijk, Legends, Vogue
As the future looked bright for the attackers of yesterday, dealing a massive blow to an opposing side, they were busy picking of the last couple of remaining highranks for the target families. But then.. There was a mayhem.

The Justice alliance started off the war with opening fire on one of the attackers of yesterday. Their target family was Faffie.
Soon after Justice's first wave we see Impact soldier drop to the floor too. They are getting targeted by Anadolu and Presidential.
Only moments later Prestige and Andalusia make a charge on Koninkrijk feeling bodies scattered through out the omerta cities.
Half an hour later we see Anarchy gangster leaving the realm of the living, they are getting butchered by Persico and Goodfellas.

Now, will there be a counter of the remaining attacking families of yesterday? We can only wait and see.

Impact didn't let the assault slide and went into an offensive mode. Aiming at Anadolu.

The first remaining attacking family has jumped in, Legends is jumping in for their bloods, with their tommies directed at Andalusia.
The second family to jump in is Ballestrieri, they are trying to keep Persico off of Anarchy's back.
Even though Frattiano was as1 with Anarchy they were left out of the initial targets by the attacker side. They jumped in for their better half and are shooting at Persico.
After changing their name from Amazing to Vogue the family jumped in for Anarchy and is targeting Goodfellas.

The sole remaining Indelicato highrank went on a revenge run, aiming at any family that shot them in the previous war.
War started on: 18:56:02 11-11-2013 War ended on: 22:56:02 12-11-2013
Bullet difference: -57,907,487 War duration: 1d 4h 0m
Money difference: -$3,778,610,479 Players died: 388

Dead Families:
[Legends] Family down on 22:23 12-11
[Frattiano] Family down on 08:47 12-11
[Anarchy] Family down on 06:39 12-11
[Faffie] Family down on 00:19 12-11
[Impact] Family down on 23:47 11-11
[Koninkrijk] Family down on 23:22 11-11
[Vogue] Family down on 23:12 11-11
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
| swin: 0 | assa: 3 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 30
Alpagus | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Anadolu | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 7 | cd: 2 | gf: 0 | points: 134
Anarchy | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 11 | brug: 36 | cd: 4 | gf: 1 | points: 685
Andalusia | swin: 0 | assa: 3 | lc: 6 | chief: 4 | brug: 16 | cd: 3 | gf: 1 | points: 376
Ballestrieri | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 2 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 55
Faffie | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 6 | chief: 6 | brug: 31 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 482
Frattiano | swin: 1 | assa: 2 | lc: 3 | chief: 1 | brug: 12 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 188
Goodfellas | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 5 | brug: 7 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 152
Impact | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 5 | chief: 6 | brug: 18 | cd: 5 | gf: 0 | points: 414
Indelicato | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 5
Jannisary | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 131
Karadeniz | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 31
Koninkrijk | swin: 1 | assa: 3 | lc: 4 | chief: 2 | brug: 18 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 281
Legends | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 4 | chief: 3 | brug: 18 | cd: 2 | gf: 2 | points: 388
Outpost | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Persico | swin: 1 | assa: 3 | lc: 4 | chief: 7 | brug: 11 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 264
Presidential | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 27
Prestige | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 34
Regicide | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Vogue | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 3 | brug: 14 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 245
Total | swin: 6 | assa: 16 | lc: 37 | chief: 54 | brug: 209 | cd: 18 | gf: 6 | points: 3,982

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darklazy (21:15:55 - 14-11)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 14:54:22 on 14/11:
knifelazytologin at 14:52:32 on 14/11:
Anonymous at 13:45:00 on 14/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

like as you bacstabbed maraz , right ? :DDD

when you backstab its normal huh ?

we wasnt blood with marazzino

Ask asabi and dark about the promises that were made ;)

I didnt make any deal with anyone. Ah my bad nonshootings for fags not for us. So u can show ur face so i can see who i am speaking with. till that time you are just another pussy anonymous.

Deals deals deals... Anarchy was a family which has smallest blood circle in top fams.
About marazzino i dont need to make a deal since i am their old co-founder in .com as well. Just they shot my blood and in that time we could only open the game by this move and mara got shot and we did not shoot marazzino directly in this case as well. Just like how marazzino shot gravano while we were shooting theagony.

About deal part;
if you are speaking about deal first you (if u are mara top/member. and keep your name under shadow) broke the deal with it in this way. Didn't you? To be honest some of ur tops know what i told them before they are going to shoot. But to speak about these kind of things in here is not ethic. I can explain you in pm and u know where to find me.

We are dead or not, its not problem. Gratz attackerz by this move they could actually did something what they never did in their omerta life. But as u know if there is income that means there will be outcome too.

Thanks who fight by our side and rip to them. It was honor to die with you guys.

No need to speak about it and knife please do not let these anonymous gayz provoke you like lavish did to me on irc. They will lower you in their level and try to beat you in there. So its useless. To fight with lavish is like write on the sea. Let him get his shiny 15 mins famous thing.
They will never have that chance again. And to be honest i am really sorry that i fought with him on irc like my old times. This is just ridiculus. Do not forget we are Anarchy and persico is not our challange.

Anyway we fought we stick together with our loyal bloods and tried to do best we can. 3 Times we went the worst position in top fams and 3 times we made our way to survive. Nobody needs to love us or speak good about us. We know who we are.

Now resting time... I am out o/ and knife man keep calm be anarchist :) and dont look at here because they do not deserved to get your replies so why do u fucking care. Take a rest and come back. Asabi still needs to fuck u up whahah.

Speacial thanks for Krays Amazing Frattiano Impact Koninkrijk Faffie Gravano Legends Leviticus . Yes i said leviticus xd and i actually mean it. eh i forget Coccada, thank you guys too. Redspeert o/
Anonymous (14:54:22 - 14-11)
Link Quote
knifelazytologin at 14:52:32 on 14/11:
Anonymous at 13:45:00 on 14/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

like as you bacstabbed maraz , right ? :DDD

when you backstab its normal huh ?

we wasnt blood with marazzino

Ask asabi and dark about the promises that were made ;)
knifelazytologin (14:54:07 - 14-11)
Link Quote

mate you arent a shit so stop trying to say/cry like little childs but YOU ARE DEAD, ok?
knifelazytologin (14:52:32 - 14-11)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 13:45:00 on 14/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

like as you bacstabbed maraz , right ? :DDD

when you backstab its normal huh ?

we wasnt blood with marazzino
Anonymous (13:45:00 - 14-11)
Link Quote
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

like as you bacstabbed maraz , right ? :DDD

when you backstab its normal huh ?
Anonymous (11:14:24 - 14-11)
Link Quote
lavish at 01:12:57 on 14/11:
lavish at 00:57:45 on 14/11:
knifelazytologin at 00:49:27 on 14/11:
lavish at 00:19:26 on 14/11:
Anonymous at 22:26:10 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:20:04 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:10:58 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:09:56 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:01:22 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

hehehee its a game, how can some 1 ever backstab in a GAME lol

except gfs, and i am not sure if all of them, any other player would have died in backfire of Rancor, Nxnp, Iou of Anarchy or in their direct attack. You talk shit Persico...

i wasnt persico but wahaha fair enough , still your dead they not lolol ROFL

and i am not anarchy, i am bruinsma LMFAO

The comment from Knife says WE WE WE TRY TRY TRY so u are "knife" "anonymous" lol make your mind up!!!
to yoru statement about arrangeing wars blah blah blah anarcy dident do shit all and the fact you try to clame u did is rediculas you shot a sister fam of mara woopdie woo and they was prity inactive if i rember correctly ontimes all other then capos was 1% and then you shot naz and u bitch taht we shot you just die wid dignaty like all the rest and stop crying we shot in 6 wars u shot in 2 and you try say blah blah fukery blah have some self respect and rather then tryin to dis us think abour what you atully done thsi version not wat we done we shot for our bloods and shoot alot fact! YOU let your bloods die FACT! and shot 2 times made non shoot deals and blooded half the dam game get a GRIP have some self respect and talk abouit yourlseves rather then us!

ahahah thats fucking drama, i understand when you see im talking the truth you couldnt accept that, i know when you were scared like hell because maraz told you anarchy looking around to shoot you.maraz told that to you because we shooted them also, so we didnt just shoot their sister fam and they were already 20 brugs+ (like you) what makes you silly is, anarchy doesnt have to ask around to kill you if we want we can kill in our own. about killing bloods; the families you/nazdrovia/maraz etc. shooted was friendly families of ours and we clearly said about that but when we joined a channel with you guys we saw a crying babies telling OMG :( they hadnt writed anything in their fam page thats why we shooted for some ks forgive us etc. etc. so its a bit weird you guys talking like that when we died and thats make all of you clearly hypocritical. you can check the wars we've been included in 5 big wars not small wars like you, so go play with your toys, a clearly message to you also if you guys really man, if you guys seriously have balls please play next version also, so we can see what you guys gonna do. have a nice night
lmao sayomg forgive us forgive us i think you will find when u joined the cannel taht was arrangeing teh shooting of mara i SIAD TO DARK COME GET SOME or move on! and all i eva hear is if we wnated to blah vblah blah so agin plz stfu and move on die wid dignarty !
and for the record you did not kill that 20+ brug alone u had faffies and your blood koni also helped u wid them so plzzzzzzzzzz shhhhhhhhh

Idiot lavish you assume that persico is a shit :D pooooor you
lavish (01:12:57 - 14-11)
Link Quote
lavish at 00:57:45 on 14/11:
knifelazytologin at 00:49:27 on 14/11:
lavish at 00:19:26 on 14/11:
Anonymous at 22:26:10 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:20:04 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:10:58 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:09:56 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:01:22 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

hehehee its a game, how can some 1 ever backstab in a GAME lol

except gfs, and i am not sure if all of them, any other player would have died in backfire of Rancor, Nxnp, Iou of Anarchy or in their direct attack. You talk shit Persico...

i wasnt persico but wahaha fair enough , still your dead they not lolol ROFL

and i am not anarchy, i am bruinsma LMFAO

The comment from Knife says WE WE WE TRY TRY TRY so u are "knife" "anonymous" lol make your mind up!!!
to yoru statement about arrangeing wars blah blah blah anarcy dident do shit all and the fact you try to clame u did is rediculas you shot a sister fam of mara woopdie woo and they was prity inactive if i rember correctly ontimes all other then capos was 1% and then you shot naz and u bitch taht we shot you just die wid dignaty like all the rest and stop crying we shot in 6 wars u shot in 2 and you try say blah blah fukery blah have some self respect and rather then tryin to dis us think abour what you atully done thsi version not wat we done we shot for our bloods and shoot alot fact! YOU let your bloods die FACT! and shot 2 times made non shoot deals and blooded half the dam game get a GRIP have some self respect and talk abouit yourlseves rather then us!

ahahah thats fucking drama, i understand when you see im talking the truth you couldnt accept that, i know when you were scared like hell because maraz told you anarchy looking around to shoot you.maraz told that to you because we shooted them also, so we didnt just shoot their sister fam and they were already 20 brugs+ (like you) what makes you silly is, anarchy doesnt have to ask around to kill you if we want we can kill in our own. about killing bloods; the families you/nazdrovia/maraz etc. shooted was friendly families of ours and we clearly said about that but when we joined a channel with you guys we saw a crying babies telling OMG :( they hadnt writed anything in their fam page thats why we shooted for some ks forgive us etc. etc. so its a bit weird you guys talking like that when we died and thats make all of you clearly hypocritical. you can check the wars we've been included in 5 big wars not small wars like you, so go play with your toys, a clearly message to you also if you guys really man, if you guys seriously have balls please play next version also, so we can see what you guys gonna do. have a nice night
lmao sayomg forgive us forgive us i think you will find when u joined the cannel taht was arrangeing teh shooting of mara i SIAD TO DARK COME GET SOME or move on! and all i eva hear is if we wnated to blah vblah blah so agin plz stfu and move on die wid dignarty !
and for the record you did not kill that 20+ brug alone u had faffies and your blood koni also helped u wid them so plzzzzzzzzzz shhhhhhhhh
lavish (00:57:45 - 14-11)
Link Quote
knifelazytologin at 00:49:27 on 14/11:
lavish at 00:19:26 on 14/11:
Anonymous at 22:26:10 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:20:04 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:10:58 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:09:56 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:01:22 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

hehehee its a game, how can some 1 ever backstab in a GAME lol

except gfs, and i am not sure if all of them, any other player would have died in backfire of Rancor, Nxnp, Iou of Anarchy or in their direct attack. You talk shit Persico...

i wasnt persico but wahaha fair enough , still your dead they not lolol ROFL

and i am not anarchy, i am bruinsma LMFAO

The comment from Knife says WE WE WE TRY TRY TRY so u are "knife" "anonymous" lol make your mind up!!!
to yoru statement about arrangeing wars blah blah blah anarcy dident do shit all and the fact you try to clame u did is rediculas you shot a sister fam of mara woopdie woo and they was prity inactive if i rember correctly ontimes all other then capos was 1% and then you shot naz and u bitch taht we shot you just die wid dignaty like all the rest and stop crying we shot in 6 wars u shot in 2 and you try say blah blah fukery blah have some self respect and rather then tryin to dis us think abour what you atully done thsi version not wat we done we shot for our bloods and shoot alot fact! YOU let your bloods die FACT! and shot 2 times made non shoot deals and blooded half the dam game get a GRIP have some self respect and talk abouit yourlseves rather then us!

ahahah thats fucking drama, i understand when you see im talking the truth you couldnt accept that, i know when you were scared like hell because maraz told you anarchy looking around to shoot you.maraz told that to you because we shooted them also, so we didnt just shoot their sister fam and they were already 20 brugs+ (like you) what makes you silly is, anarchy doesnt have to ask around to kill you if we want we can kill in our own. about killing bloods; the families you/nazdrovia/maraz etc. shooted was friendly families of ours and we clearly said about that but when we joined a channel with you guys we saw a crying babies telling OMG :( they hadnt writed anything in their fam page thats why we shooted for some ks forgive us etc. etc. so its a bit weird you guys talking like that when we died and thats make all of you clearly hypocritical. you can check the wars we've been included in 5 big wars not small wars like you, so go play with your toys, a clearly message to you also if you guys really man, if you guys seriously have balls please play next version also, so we can see what you guys gonna do. have a nice night
lmao sayomg forgive us forgive us i think you will find when u joined the cannel taht was arrangeing teh shooting of mara i SIAD TO DARK COME GET SOME or move on! and all i eva hear is if we wnated to blah vblah blah so agin plz stfu and move on die wid dignarty !
knifelazytologin (00:49:27 - 14-11)
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lavish at 00:19:26 on 14/11:
Anonymous at 22:26:10 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:20:04 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:10:58 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:09:56 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:01:22 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

hehehee its a game, how can some 1 ever backstab in a GAME lol

except gfs, and i am not sure if all of them, any other player would have died in backfire of Rancor, Nxnp, Iou of Anarchy or in their direct attack. You talk shit Persico...

i wasnt persico but wahaha fair enough , still your dead they not lolol ROFL

and i am not anarchy, i am bruinsma LMFAO

The comment from Knife says WE WE WE TRY TRY TRY so u are "knife" "anonymous" lol make your mind up!!!
to yoru statement about arrangeing wars blah blah blah anarcy dident do shit all and the fact you try to clame u did is rediculas you shot a sister fam of mara woopdie woo and they was prity inactive if i rember correctly ontimes all other then capos was 1% and then you shot naz and u bitch taht we shot you just die wid dignaty like all the rest and stop crying we shot in 6 wars u shot in 2 and you try say blah blah fukery blah have some self respect and rather then tryin to dis us think abour what you atully done thsi version not wat we done we shot for our bloods and shoot alot fact! YOU let your bloods die FACT! and shot 2 times made non shoot deals and blooded half the dam game get a GRIP have some self respect and talk abouit yourlseves rather then us!

ahahah thats fucking drama, i understand when you see im talking the truth you couldnt accept that, i know when you were scared like hell because maraz told you anarchy looking around to shoot you.maraz told that to you because we shooted them also, so we didnt just shoot their sister fam and they were already 20 brugs+ (like you) what makes you silly is, anarchy doesnt have to ask around to kill you if we want we can kill in our own. about killing bloods; the families you/nazdrovia/maraz etc. shooted was friendly families of ours and we clearly said about that but when we joined a channel with you guys we saw a crying babies telling OMG :( they hadnt writed anything in their fam page thats why we shooted for some ks forgive us etc. etc. so its a bit weird you guys talking like that when we died and thats make all of you clearly hypocritical. you can check the wars we've been included in 5 big wars not small wars like you, so go play with your toys, a clearly message to you also if you guys really man, if you guys seriously have balls please play next version also, so we can see what you guys gonna do. have a nice night
lavish (00:29:15 - 14-11)
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moondark at 12:55:21 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 11:57:50 on 12/11:
S2p60im at 11:13:21 on 12/11:
moondark at 10:56:02 on 12/11:
Agree that nice to be with U guys...

Moondark 3rd version in a row, u enter my chan threaten my family then leave, now your family paid the consequences, u need to learn to shhh at times :p MrPersie

lolz mrpersie i have spoken everything and well like i sayed at the start this version you guys backstabbed your teachers xD so hehe i love to pay the deathpenalty for that aslong as we shot half of your fam i am statisfied ^^ ;)
moondark stfu teachers u are no teaher all you can teach is how to die and get killed by fellow tops dnt talk this shit u moron half my fam lmao balli killed more trgets then you hahahaha get your facts before u speek u dident tech me fuck all you was my bitch when there was rochester so plz stfu!
lavish (00:19:26 - 14-11)
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Anonymous at 22:26:10 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:20:04 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:10:58 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:09:56 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:01:22 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

hehehee its a game, how can some 1 ever backstab in a GAME lol

except gfs, and i am not sure if all of them, any other player would have died in backfire of Rancor, Nxnp, Iou of Anarchy or in their direct attack. You talk shit Persico...

i wasnt persico but wahaha fair enough , still your dead they not lolol ROFL

and i am not anarchy, i am bruinsma LMFAO

The comment from Knife says WE WE WE TRY TRY TRY so u are "knife" "anonymous" lol make your mind up!!!
to yoru statement about arrangeing wars blah blah blah anarcy dident do shit all and the fact you try to clame u did is rediculas you shot a sister fam of mara woopdie woo and they was prity inactive if i rember correctly ontimes all other then capos was 1% and then you shot naz and u bitch taht we shot you just die wid dignaty like all the rest and stop crying we shot in 6 wars u shot in 2 and you try say blah blah fukery blah have some self respect and rather then tryin to dis us think abour what you atully done thsi version not wat we done we shot for our bloods and shoot alot fact! YOU let your bloods die FACT! and shot 2 times made non shoot deals and blooded half the dam game get a GRIP have some self respect and talk abouit yourlseves rather then us!
art Germany (23:36:04 - 12-11)
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Malady'off at 23:34:47 on 12/11:
art at 23:31:38 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 23:29:31 on 12/11:
Balles going in for anadolu

camorra too
hey bro

hey :)
Malady'off (23:34:47 - 12-11)
Link Quote
art at 23:31:38 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 23:29:31 on 12/11:
Balles going in for anadolu

camorra too
hey bro
art Germany (23:31:38 - 12-11)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 23:29:31 on 12/11:
Balles going in for anadolu

camorra too
Anonymous (23:29:31 - 12-11)
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Balles going in for anadolu
Anonymous (22:27:43 - 12-11)
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Dark go suck some more goats knackers
Anonymous (22:26:10 - 12-11)
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Anonymous at 22:20:04 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:10:58 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:09:56 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:01:22 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

hehehee its a game, how can some 1 ever backstab in a GAME lol

except gfs, and i am not sure if all of them, any other player would have died in backfire of Rancor, Nxnp, Iou of Anarchy or in their direct attack. You talk shit Persico...

i wasnt persico but wahaha fair enough , still your dead they not lolol ROFL

and i am not anarchy, i am bruinsma LMFAO

The comment from Knife says WE WE WE TRY TRY TRY so u are "knife" "anonymous" lol make your mind up!!!
Anonymous (22:20:04 - 12-11)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 22:10:58 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:09:56 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:01:22 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

hehehee its a game, how can some 1 ever backstab in a GAME lol

except gfs, and i am not sure if all of them, any other player would have died in backfire of Rancor, Nxnp, Iou of Anarchy or in their direct attack. You talk shit Persico...

i wasnt persico but wahaha fair enough , still your dead they not lolol ROFL

and i am not anarchy, i am bruinsma LMFAO
Anonymous (22:10:58 - 12-11)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 22:09:56 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 22:01:22 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

hehehee its a game, how can some 1 ever backstab in a GAME lol

except gfs, and i am not sure if all of them, any other player would have died in backfire of Rancor, Nxnp, Iou of Anarchy or in their direct attack. You talk shit Persico...

i wasnt persico but wahaha fair enough , still your dead they not lolol ROFL
Anonymous (22:09:56 - 12-11)
Link Quote
Anonymous at 22:01:22 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:58:47 on 12/11:
Anonymous at 21:55:49 on 12/11:
knifelazytologin at 21:49:52 on 12/11:
to persicolo guy who keep talking here ;

if that was a 1vs1 war like you guys started with goodfellas you was died now for sure, you can check past version also families like you suicided on us and died with help of our bloods and we were more weaker than now. what we trying to point is, we shooted indelicato then nazdrovia next day you guys started to shoot us but when you got reply you all went safehouse of course safe house is part of this game but you werent getting shoot you were shooting. we had to join safehouse not you but we didnt joined and shooted you back. then you guys scared imo because you wanted to finish version with justice alliance and if we were keep shooting like that you know you were died easily. so what you did? dont know excatly maybe you cried to anadolu and justice alliance (which was offically blooded to us) and they started to shooting us either when you guys were in safehouse, so you dont have balls and you didnt do anything yesterday maybe you killed a few inactive brugliones? gratz to you but this doesnt make you hero. you were in 6 small war? you can check in which wars anarchy organised/shooted afaik we shooted in 4 big wars(red wars called here) so i think you couldnt killed in that 6 wars what we killed in 1 big war, have a nice night

Your dead :)

yeah with backstabbing :')

hehehee its a game, how can some 1 ever backstab in a GAME lol

except gfs, and i am not sure if all of them, any other player would have died in backfire of Rancor, Nxnp, Iou of Anarchy or in their direct attack. You talk shit Persico...