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15-11 League of Nations
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4500d 14h 25m 59s ago by Smul
Comments: 168
Views: 72,843
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.51
Involved families: Anafarta, Faffie, Homeless, Incubus, Oblivions, Santuario, Vedici, Venutti, Aequitas, Anadolu, Hammerfall, Ocean, Vengeance, Vogue
On the 15th of november in 1920 the first assembly of the League of Nations is held in Geneva, Switzerland. It was the first international organization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace. It seems they failed! Because on this same day 'only' 92 years later, the Anadolu+ alliance is under attack by several families, namely: Oblivions+ (Anafarta, Oblivions & Homeless), Faffie, Vedici, Santuario, Venutti & Famless Messina members

The Anadolu+ alliance are the following families united: Vengeance, Aequitas, Vogue, Anadolu, Ocean, Hammerfall & Samyo

Why only Vogue, Anadolu & Aequitas are the only targets so far is big question mark to me.

After about 23 hours the war is over. 6 of the 7 fams in the Anadolu alliance have died, only Samyo remains up and is unscathed. On the attacker side after not taking too much damage Santuario went down.
KIZILKAN (Founder Anadolu): Gratz Faffie, Homeless, Incubus, Oblivions, Santuario, Vedici, Venutti, nice move and thx Anafarta _o_

Forewern (Top Vogue): First of all rip to our brave soldiers who died for us. The plan was leaked 2 hours ago before the actual shooting time.
When i ask Godownz and juventuslu they simply deny that until the last 3 min and then they ask me to stay out of that war and we won`t get shoot
They will be remembered...

Cinci (Top Aequitas): We were bloods and they betrayed us, so i killed the tops of Anafarta, they are assosicates now.

Juventuslu (Top Anafarta): Do you think there is no reason for war between pals...It is hard to gain friends , easy to find enemyLets create strategy not gossipLets make the game spoken by bullets not swearingLets come together for more classy and quality BARAFRANCAOBLIVIONS / ANAFARTA / HOMELESS

To give info about the war or a top statement "/q sbanks hi" on irc or use the mail button on the site → http://news.omertabeyond.com/inbox.php?user=sbanks
War started on: 19:54:02 15-11-2012 War ended on: 20:53:01 16-11-2012
Bullet difference: -26,594,800 War duration: 1d 0h 58m
Money difference: -$1,682,572,757 Players died: 277

Dead Families:
[Anadolu] Family down on 18:59 16-11
[Vogue] Family down on 14:42 16-11
[Aequitas] Family down on 07:57 16-11
[Vengeance] Family down on 07:20 16-11
[Santuario] Family down on 03:03 16-11
[Ocean] Family down on 02:26 16-11
[Hammerfall] Family down on 23:56 15-11
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
| swin: 3 | assa: 1 | lc: 2 | chief: 1 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 68
Aequitas | swin: 1 | assa: 3 | lc: 3 | chief: 9 | brug: 16 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 409
Anadolu | swin: 1 | assa: 2 | lc: 3 | chief: 4 | brug: 29 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 501
Anafarta | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 3 | chief: 1 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 139
Faffie | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 60
Hammerfall | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 44
Homeless | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 65
Incubus | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Oblivions | swin: 2 | assa: 2 | lc: 1 | chief: 1 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 143
Ocean | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 52
Santuario | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 159
Vedici | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 2
Vengeance | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 1 | chief: 2 | brug: 5 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 110
Venutti | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 5
Vogue | swin: 1 | assa: 3 | lc: 4 | chief: 7 | brug: 37 | cd: 1 | gf: 2 | points: 659
Total | swin: 12 | assa: 12 | lc: 20 | chief: 27 | brug: 125 | cd: 2 | gf: 11 | points: 2,429

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Anoymous (14:23:58 - 16-11)
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What sucks is, this was the version for Anadolu to win.. They had all the opportunity and the muscle to close the version and then they could retire for good or with the name of Anadolu, since many fams that are way stronger then them, won't let them play anymore..

too bad :/
Fillip Serbia (14:17:54 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 14:05:22 on 16/11:
Fillip at 13:25:00 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 08:07:24 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 22:23:34 on 15/11:
Phenky at 22:20:43 on 15/11:
Kurosowa stop shooting on oblivions !!!
Are you okay? xD
Noobsawa didnt shoot. They removed bloods (anadolu) from fampage
And after all bad things in this version Kurosawa is your main subject...

Sad to see that some players are so much pathetic ...

I find it more patheric that you didnt dare to shoot for the fam/allaince which kept you safe untill now. But instead you deleted them from your fampage.
We deleted all our bloods from fampage,not only Anadolu.

And I know,it is not your fault It's mine,because i have discussion with some random guy who even doesn't have balls to put his real nick on this site.

Sorry once again I will not respond anymore on this topic.

PS.Rip to all dead players on both sides
Anonymous (14:10:46 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 14:05:22 on 16/11:
Fillip at 13:25:00 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 08:07:24 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 22:23:34 on 15/11:
Phenky at 22:20:43 on 15/11:
Kurosowa stop shooting on oblivions !!!
Are you okay? xD
Noobsawa didnt shoot. They removed bloods (anadolu) from fampage
And after all bad things in this version Kurosawa is your main subject...

Sad to see that some players are so much pathetic ...

I find it more patheric that you didnt dare to shoot for the fam/allaince which kept you safe untill now. But instead you deleted them from your fampage.
they write first santuario (rip) maybe have some problems with bloods.. if you dont know please dont speak :)
Anonymous (14:09:57 - 16-11)
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Cinci (Top Aequitas): We were bloods and they betrayed us, so i killed the tops of Anafarta, they are assosicates now.

next retard who fuck bloods few times and then cry that he is victim now , be a man and deal with that u were raped in ass like u did before so at leat u have feeling how its to be on second side now . I bet its priceless , isnt it ?

Enjoy this moment and next versy prepare for gangbang on begin and take this war just us begin of ur suffer :)
Anonymous (14:05:22 - 16-11)
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Fillip at 13:25:00 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 08:07:24 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 22:23:34 on 15/11:
Phenky at 22:20:43 on 15/11:
Kurosowa stop shooting on oblivions !!!
Are you okay? xD
Noobsawa didnt shoot. They removed bloods (anadolu) from fampage
And after all bad things in this version Kurosawa is your main subject...

Sad to see that some players are so much pathetic ...

I find it more patheric that you didnt dare to shoot for the fam/allaince which kept you safe untill now. But instead you deleted them from your fampage.
Fillip Serbia (13:25:00 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 08:07:24 on 16/11:
Anonymous at 22:23:34 on 15/11:
Phenky at 22:20:43 on 15/11:
Kurosowa stop shooting on oblivions !!!
Are you okay? xD
Noobsawa didnt shoot. They removed bloods (anadolu) from fampage
And after all bad things in this version Kurosawa is your main subject...

Sad to see that some players are so much pathetic ...
sbanks Guatemala (11:18:56 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 10:27:39 on 16/11:
Amazingly how many brugs are still alive in those dead fams. Hide-and-jump tactic, not so bad but is it any fun?
(and do not tell "I ran out of bullets" bs").

i also only see 23 chiefs died total. there were allot more in the anadolu+ alliance if im right? in a few days all of them will be brugs??
Anonymous (10:41:31 - 16-11)
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Audiowaste at 09:47:24 on 16/11:
Such a nice war doesn't deserve a topic on this site, unless comments are turned off.

Part of the game. without this website omerta would be even more inactive.. just like mirc already is.
good war tho, anadolu tried to win the version. you do have to be able to win a war for that tho ;)
Anonymous (10:27:39 - 16-11)
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Amazingly how many brugs are still alive in those dead fams. Hide-and-jump tactic, not so bad but is it any fun?
(and do not tell "I ran out of bullets" bs").
Audiowaste Netherlands (09:47:24 - 16-11)
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Such a nice war doesn't deserve a topic on this site, unless comments are turned off.
Phenky (09:42:44 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 09:35:51 on 16/11:
Phenky at 09:28:38 on 16/11:
hugo at 07:07:37 on 16/11:
Anoymous at 02:29:49 on 16/11:
hugo at 21:01:48 on 15/11:
Gratz shooters.
Rip KIZILKAN, u played not bad o/

For hugo style of course they played good..

shooting bloods, backstabbing, breaking promises, being hyenas Anadolu did it all and they played not bad eh?

hugo annesi sikilesi insansin xD (k)
its totaly your problem amkun cocuu ;)

Phenky o/ back on OB after hiding for some weeks now, i didnt see you posting in here when you where in trouble. i gues you only a loudmouth in good times haha
Anonymous at 09:35:51 on 16/11:
Phenky at 09:28:38 on 16/11:
hugo at 07:07:37 on 16/11:
Anoymous at 02:29:49 on 16/11:
hugo at 21:01:48 on 15/11:
Gratz shooters.
Rip KIZILKAN, u played not bad o/

For hugo style of course they played good..

shooting bloods, backstabbing, breaking promises, being hyenas Anadolu did it all and they played not bad eh?

hugo annesi sikilesi insansin xD (k)
its totaly your problem amkun cocuu ;)

Phenky o/ back on OB after hiding for some weeks now, i didnt see you posting in here when you where in trouble. i gues you only a loudmouth in good times haha
Yeah in orgasm now ;)
Phenky (09:38:55 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 07:16:21 on 16/11:
Anafarta, Faffie, Homeless, Incubus, Oblivions, Santuario, Vedici, Venutti are puppets of phenky, he orderd and they killed anadolu ++ woww phenky _o_ !god of omerta o/
I didnt talk order sex with any 1 last 1 week :) ı am puppet of them and i like to be their puppet...
Big big Respect to all shooters _o_
Anonymous (09:35:51 - 16-11)
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Phenky at 09:28:38 on 16/11:
hugo at 07:07:37 on 16/11:
Anoymous at 02:29:49 on 16/11:
hugo at 21:01:48 on 15/11:
Gratz shooters.
Rip KIZILKAN, u played not bad o/

For hugo style of course they played good..

shooting bloods, backstabbing, breaking promises, being hyenas Anadolu did it all and they played not bad eh?

hugo annesi sikilesi insansin xD (k)
its totaly your problem amkun cocuu ;)

Phenky o/ back on OB after hiding for some weeks now, i didnt see you posting in here when you where in trouble. i gues you only a loudmouth in good times haha
Phenky (09:28:38 - 16-11)
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hugo at 07:07:37 on 16/11:
Anoymous at 02:29:49 on 16/11:
hugo at 21:01:48 on 15/11:
Gratz shooters.
Rip KIZILKAN, u played not bad o/

For hugo style of course they played good..

shooting bloods, backstabbing, breaking promises, being hyenas Anadolu did it all and they played not bad eh?

hugo annesi sikilesi insansin xD (k)
its totaly your problem amkun cocuu ;)
:) (09:05:37 - 16-11)
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Samyo ?? are the huggers ?
Anonymous (08:55:21 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 08:52:58 on 16/11:
Goguryeo + Incubus + Kurosawa + Faffie + Santuario + Vedici vs. Pentagram


Pentagram will be next, there is more fams involved that mentioned up here
Anonymous (08:55:15 - 16-11)
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Anonymous at 20:35:25 on 15/11:
Anonymous at 20:32:24 on 15/11:
Anonymous at 20:28:32 on 15/11:
ANAFARTA shooting his bloods

noob action

anadolu shooted traffi also and traffi was as1 of catania and anadolu blood catania

so stfu pls
i expected catania to help their bloods( anadolu right now(NOT)
catania is for me the winner of the version

Anonymous (08:52:58 - 16-11)
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Goguryeo + Incubus + Kurosawa + Faffie + Santuario + Vedici vs. Pentagram

Anonymous (08:50:59 - 16-11)
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Analonymous at 02:01:08 on 16/11:
well I hope that all the wanna-be-tops dying these days, finally understand that having a blood is much more than goin once in a fam chan, doing a MOC and send 20 hp's weekly, bunch of narrow-minded fucks.

Then I read those lame coments about the game is fucked up couse of the lackeys and "bring v2.1 back..."
Bring the fucking 2.1 great players back!
Totally agree, its not the game changes but the mentality of the players that ruins a good game.
Lita (08:49:22 - 16-11)
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Thanks for the fun for this time in .com :D
Had actually a lot of it this version :D

Thanks to the great members who wanted to take Hammerfall up.
*We are the Lazy Asses yeah* \o/

C u all around for more phew phew phew :D

Cuddliehugsie :D