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07-02 Discord channel!
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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
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30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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21-08 First Family!
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Registered: 23:11:55 on 25-03-2014 (4016d 2h 19m 11s ago)
Last activity: 17:02:35 on 11-01-2022 (1167d 8h 28m 31s ago)
Country: Portugal Portugal
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12-09 Reset announced & new meta changes
20:04:28 - 12-09
passzka at 18:31:12 on 12/09:
Very nice concept. Now those who had 2mill + bullets will have over 8mill. bullets. This will be the only affect and difference.
how did you came up with these numbers?
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:46:51 - 28-06
Anonymous at 21:27:38 on 28/06:
Anonymous at 15:29:19 on 28/06:
Anonymous at 14:14:52 on 28/06:
Anonymous at 16:04:50 on 27/06:
Anonymous at 14:40:48 on 27/06:
Anonymous at 14:03:49 on 27/06:
Anonymous at 14:01:54 on 27/06:
penta ld alatriste unexpected will make a easy cleaning after this

Not if Gambino has anything to say

it was pretty bad wave for attackers so any counter will be end of this pact

Lusa is actually a family that can turn thing around in a situation like this.. and not many can.
thats why they always get gangbanged. 4 vs 1, 5 vs 1 etc. thats the only way to down them.

Couldn't of said it better
Because they always sell their bloods so plenty of fams that want to shoot them lol
you really live in another planet dont you?
02-02 Plating ends again!
14:03:24 - 05-02
Diamante at 04:53:47 on 05/02:
Athos at 20:31:10 on 04/02:
tao at 20:01:18 on 03/02:
Delidivane at 18:41:02 on 03/02:
Anonymous at 11:37:18 on 03/02:
lol, marazzino 25 suiciders? where are they? people thought they could actually do something useful
Lusa knows what we did, It doesn't matter if you know or not
Yes we know that u failed hard...

Didnt you lose 2 dons, 1 Capo (all top 20) at lc?
Didnt we kill Diamante 2 times (yeah his Acc's were shit)
Didnt we shoot all ur top acc's with our rerank sui acc's (all of you went sh and couldnt shoot)
Am i wrong Tao?
I think thats not bad since we were not even playing
And do not worry we ll rape u when we ll be back

i m sorry buy i must tell you werent even relevant enough for us to worry about you. but lets go back to last version s ending, you promised that you would play to kill us every time we play. your threat was "dont even think about playing next 10 years because we will be there to kill you". and here we stand. so i m asking where were you? what did you accomplish except killing my empty account?

02-02 Plating ends again!
20:49:20 - 04-02
"We did what we have to do entire time, have no regret."

"Losing is also part of this game and we ain't losing for the first time, wish you good luck."

18-12 Pow pow pow
20:32:48 - 22-12
Grigoriy at 20:15:53 on 22/12:
Nier|AFK at 19:51:27 on 22/12:
KGfather at 19:23:57 on 20/12:
Anonymous at 12:32:14 on 20/12:
Lusa peeps too eager to deny the cheating.. come on, you guys can't without cheats. Doesn't matter, you aren't the only one. But after 15(or more) versions nonstop akills for mass dupes with 1-5% ontime, no irc, no profile or all same profile. I can imagine the hard work it takes to make it look like an actual person, but you never cared to even try and hide it. Funny to complain again and again. Oh, and 5 powerhouses with massive amounts of bullets and money on the other side.. funny how it's suddenly all legit, right! I know you are having lines with crew, it has been admitted by a main Lusa top in a moment of blind rage (after receiving a bunch of akills, again). Anyway, doesn't matter seen the current boring state of the game, anyone can win these versions without having to face a proper challenge!

you know nothing Jon Snow

Jon Snow might not know nothing, but I am not Jon Snow, so here's the thing. As you can read, this counts also for mister KCode/Righello aswell who pop up in this awesome forum too. During this version the crew was on a depth of manpower with only a handful of people consulting these cases. Interesting to see that someone snitched to Lusa about a report but just enough to not tell details. Anyway, you had to fish with fake information, blaming the one who was the most noob concerned these pc-matters within Aet top. And don't forget the being the most lazy part. At the same time we already figured out we had to be careful, you openly admitted active lines to crew. Something we absolutely weren't aware of. Thanks. The connection does explain why you never received proper akills, at least half of the names reported were akilled and often not (all) the top accounts.

You want proof? You get proof:
(22:55:13) <09~Soras`away> 22:42:31) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) :(
(22:55:13) <09~Soras`away> (22:47:27) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) they told me you guys were reporting us
(22:55:13) <09~Soras`away> (22:47:47) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) i dont want to belive in it
(22:55:13) <09~Soras`away> (22:48:32) ( Soras`away ) you can believe whatever you want
(22:55:13) <09~Soras`away> (22:49:03) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) your atitude makes me think twice
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:49:09) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) with that "we will see"
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:49:20) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) my guys also have connections on the crew
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:49:25) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) as you might well know
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:49:38) ( Soras`away ) we dont
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:49:39) ( Soras`away ) so
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:50:01) ( Soras`away ) and I dont like your attitude ever since the fortress war
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:50:03) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) well, they told me it camed from your runner for tk
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:50:20) ( Soras`away ) lol
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:50:21) ( Soras`away ) bandido?
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:50:28) ( Soras`away ) like he would ever report anyone
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:50:37) ( Soras`away ) you usually get akills
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:50:41) ( Soras`away ) dont see what I have to do with it
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:50:43) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) you are the one mentionate names
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:50:45) ( Soras`away ) but I can see your trust
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:50:56) ( Soras`away ) I mentioned who?
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:51:01) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) bandido
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:51:07) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) idk who is running for tk there
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:51:08) ( Soras`away ) you said our runner for topkiller
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:51:11) ( Soras`away ) thats bandido
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:51:15) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) didnt knew
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:51:21) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) they only told me it was your runner
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:51:31) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) and yes, usually we get akills
(22:55:14) <09~Soras`away> (22:51:38) ( Grigoriy\OFF ) but before we die, and if we are lucky

I understand it is a calculated risk to cheat but you can do it for years without getting caught. That must sound like heaven to you guys!! You just need to hide it properly and know your limits. You never bothered to hide. You need to make a dupe look like an actual person and maybe even actually show up every now and then. I can imagine that is impossible with the amount of dupes Lusa normally has. You know, it's so easy to find out what accounts are dupes when people don't care to hide it. You, Lusa, were very amateur cheaters. Really, it was almost piteous to see how you wasted a chance to exploit a cheat for ages. You had dupes and bugs, but you made it a challenge to get caught as fast as possible. Every time I hoped to see that you finally learned from your naive way of cheating, but you guys never knew when to stop. You know, at some point we had no clue if we could rely on Lusa, it was possible you'd lose half of the family any moment of the day. Which would include losing a bunch of decent shooters, a liability.

Simply accusing your longest blood and friends for literally every mistake you make or made is just bullshit. We can't help it you are retarded enough to dupe that obvious and receive the classic Akill wave you receive every version. That's simply your own fault and has nothing to do with us arriving on the first place after you losing a decent amount of points because of crystal clear obvious cheating!! Which has nothing to do with us. Instead, you blame us for taking over #1, like we did it on purpose.. Dude, you dupe, not us. You die of akills, not us. So there was no reason for blaming us and there was definately no reason for shooting us except HOF. Yes, we had our share of nasty whoppers, stabs etc, but as far as I can remember we never shot a blood this worthy to us just for the HOF. There are always reasons for a war, and you simply didn't have any except the HOF.

As you also say, people are just joining you, so in this case you might have more active people available. Added the fact that there are about well.. 7 families left in total? All double triple quadruple merged families, making 21389492864 as1's, sisters and other bullshits. People selling themselves all to play as long as possible. This ain't Lusa only, you wouldn't have the firepower to shoot midnight in a heavy counter with Lusa only. You never were able to properly defend. It's quite difficult to manage multiple accounts while being fired at. Yes, I had it once and that's not good for the heart (filthy cheater, bah!!).

Lusa++++++ winning a version says enough about the overall quality of the current state this game is in. Still a bit sad to see, always enjoyed playing the game before it became fucking retarded, it went down really fast.

You all should check out the real life instead of this shit, it's awesome and you'll make some awesome new friends and have fun! Don't share it with your fake online friends, they might get butthurt much.. Imagine imaginary friends being mad at you for leaving the imaginary world and meet actual people. Tough chop pals..


(Epstein didn't kill himself!)

My brother, I can see you are still butthurt.

First of all, Malavitta isnt Lusa; some of us are ranking there; thats our fam, but it isnt Lusa.
Reducing Malavitta to Lusa is an insult to the real tops of Malavitta that have the playerbase and do most of the work (even if they are "new" on .com server).

Secondly, we never denied that we as Lusa sometimes cheated; we payed for it; we got akilled and our image was affected by it in a way that we got so many unfair akills.

Let me remind you that when we "were cheaters" we were because of you; yes, Saros was the one teaching me the bug (you know wich one i am talking about!).

With that said, if you rly think that a fam with 30 brugs would have dupes you are even crazy that you seem. Dont compare the actual versions with those versions when we had 100+ accs.

Fortunately, i dont need to dupe; neither i have time to do it with my rl;I simple buy dc's because I can!

Those who are mad, you can also spend some euros on this and build good accs. Omerta will appreciate it.

I am thinking how sad must your life be for you to come here, in a almost dead game and when you seem not be playing anymore, to show some logs with more than 5 years orso.

Brother, get a life.
