Anonymous at 07:54:40 on 19/07:
And i wonder why people are still talking bout Liberta as they are not in the game this version.
U sure i see 3liberta fams :)
Liberta members started 3 different families. Thats correct. But if those fams were Liberta, they would already helped Gravano in wars. But what you saw ? They helped? So please cut the crap...
If you mean Invertebrate they would help, they hired same family for save Gravano when Gravano shooted Blackrose
loooll :) invertebrate havent hired a single detective yet. if u think so show me a proof or show me ur name :)
And i wonder why people are still talking bout Liberta as they are not in the game this version.
Liberta members started 3 different families. Thats correct. But if those fams were Liberta, they would already helped Gravano in wars. But what you saw ? They helped? So please cut the crap...
If you mean Invertebrate they would help, they hired same family for save Gravano when Gravano shooted Blackrose
loooll :) invertebrate havent hired a single detective yet. if u think so show me a proof or show me ur name :)