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General Comments & Major Rumors section.
Everyone knows where this section is for, keep it clean from flaming and only posts in english are allowed.
Everyone knows where this section is for, keep it clean from flaming and only posts in english are allowed.
Anonymous (11:58:24 - 11-11)
ReboRn is just a noob that moves from 1 family to another. When a fam is at war, he will just pay 5mil with his few frens and go famless for few weeks and end up in another family.. so whos the 1 tat ruin the game?
Anonymous (07:17:40 - 11-11)
ReBorN at 22:42:21 on 10/11:
Are you pulling a joke on me? Is there some sort of hidden camera around here? Cause you must be kidding. Either that or out of your mind.
You just reinforced why I believe people like you ruin this game. Just "surviving and training people"? Training them to do what exactly? It only takes 30 seconds to "train" them how to OC. It takes even less to "train" them how to heist.
So, by your theory, this small family that hugged all version long has now had MONTHS to "train" their people will now be one of the biggest, strongest families in the game next version and will shoo then because they had all version to "train"?
There is only one problem ... you "trained" them to HUG! So your only perpetuating the system by making small families of huggers!
How about we try this one of for size, if your family is too small to actually contribute to the politics and wars of the game then maybe your family is a failure, and your top by extension, and you should dissolve it and move to a more competitive family where you may actually have a chance of contributing to the actual gameplay instead of destroying it because you had a life long desire to be SottoCapo of a family but never made it past the rank of Soldier.
Who are you fooling when you say a family with 1-2 Brugs has a snowballs chance in hell of playing mindgames with top families in the game and "turning your enemies against each other". No one cares about the small shitty family that does nothing and eventually grows up to be a top 10 family after 8 months of doing nothing,
Im so disgusted by the idea that never shooting in this game is a viable option for victory. And it appalls me that someone who sounds somewhat educated would actually admit that publicly, anonymous poster or not. The only reason a family decides not to shoot is because they are scared, plain and simple. Not because they found a better alternative to winning. Someone who runs around scared all version can never and will never be considered a "winner" in my book or in any oldskool players book.
You may fool n00bs and you may have successfully transformed this game into an acceptable dishonorable game but you will never get me to agree that this the new way to "win" this game. Ive had the honor of playing alongside many amazing players that helped shape this game into what it is today and it disgusts me that people like you have almost successfully destroyed that. The only people who agree that this is an acceptable way to "win" this game are those who constantly got owned by those very same amazing players,
Are you pulling a joke on me? Is there some sort of hidden camera around here? Cause you must be kidding. Either that or out of your mind.
You just reinforced why I believe people like you ruin this game. Just "surviving and training people"? Training them to do what exactly? It only takes 30 seconds to "train" them how to OC. It takes even less to "train" them how to heist.
So, by your theory, this small family that hugged all version long has now had MONTHS to "train" their people will now be one of the biggest, strongest families in the game next version and will shoo then because they had all version to "train"?
There is only one problem ... you "trained" them to HUG! So your only perpetuating the system by making small families of huggers!
How about we try this one of for size, if your family is too small to actually contribute to the politics and wars of the game then maybe your family is a failure, and your top by extension, and you should dissolve it and move to a more competitive family where you may actually have a chance of contributing to the actual gameplay instead of destroying it because you had a life long desire to be SottoCapo of a family but never made it past the rank of Soldier.
Who are you fooling when you say a family with 1-2 Brugs has a snowballs chance in hell of playing mindgames with top families in the game and "turning your enemies against each other". No one cares about the small shitty family that does nothing and eventually grows up to be a top 10 family after 8 months of doing nothing,
Im so disgusted by the idea that never shooting in this game is a viable option for victory. And it appalls me that someone who sounds somewhat educated would actually admit that publicly, anonymous poster or not. The only reason a family decides not to shoot is because they are scared, plain and simple. Not because they found a better alternative to winning. Someone who runs around scared all version can never and will never be considered a "winner" in my book or in any oldskool players book.
You may fool n00bs and you may have successfully transformed this game into an acceptable dishonorable game but you will never get me to agree that this the new way to "win" this game. Ive had the honor of playing alongside many amazing players that helped shape this game into what it is today and it disgusts me that people like you have almost successfully destroyed that. The only people who agree that this is an acceptable way to "win" this game are those who constantly got owned by those very same amazing players,
What a stubborn answer. Ok, lets say you have a small family of 2-5 brugs and a bunch of lowranks that may possibly become brugs later. Of course they know how to heist oc bla bla. But you cannot train bunch of soldiers to shoot without practice.
To get someone shoot for you, you not only have to train heists and oc's, but also train loyalty. If you go guns blazing, and lose the war, your member can simply decide to join another fam in the future.
So you have options to either wait until your soldiers get to brugs, and then you still are smaller so you have to shoot with some friends or at some smaller fam to give your new members a first time experience. What happens then - your family gets bashed in the forum for something anyway.
Another option to train shooting theoretically. This takes longer, because due to lackeys your members are hard to get, there are language barriers, and theoretical teaching is pretty hard with newcommers.
Maybe you, Reborn, would like to try creating a new family from the start, without using your any connections? There are people who have good top qualities, strategic thinking, and are good in training members. But no connections. As i understand, you simply deny they could exist? You only believe that the large core groups have the right to play? Well you believe what you want, but that's just an opinion. I am giving facts and reasons to consider, and you just repeat the same emotional "this is a shooting game, if you dont have a big core group join another fam, not shooting is not nice bla bla".
You do not achieve continuity by shooting and dying in the beginning of the version. Simple as that.
There are many small fams with potential who shot, and they felt right about it, and every1 admired them on this site. For 2 days.
Their survivors up to assa joined another fams and became good players there, ant their core group stayed the same 3 brugs as they had in the start. Great strategy wouldn't it be?
I am not against shooting. I just believe it is one of the means to achieve your purposes. This is not a quake 3. You don't want to dive into it just so ppl like Reborn would't call you huggers.
P.S. I never seen Mero saying they claim to win the version or even declare they achieved something heroic. Maybe let the fam do their business, and do your fam's business instead? Oh wait. Your fam is not here.
So first, you hold with your few brugs and wait till your lowranks rank up. Second, as none of them have shooting experience, you probably want to shoot something small, or not alone, for your first time.
Anonymous (05:22:44 - 11-11)
Rix at 01:44:58 on 11/11:
Actually I'm slaying dragons at the moment, so the kittens are save... for now.
Anonymous at 23:29:54 on 10/11:
Everytime you massquote Rix kills a kitten.
Everytime you massquote Rix kills a kitten.
Anonymous (03:39:43 - 11-11)
Anonymous at 22:58:51 on 10/11:
damn, i hate it when ppl compare ReBorN to god, i mean he' s cool and all but he is not ReBorN
ReBorN at 22:42:21 on 10/11:
Are you pulling a joke on me? Is there some sort of hidden camera around here? Cause you must be kidding. Either that or out of your mind.
You just reinforced why I believe people like you ruin this game. Just "surviving and training people"? Training them to do what exactly? It only takes 30 seconds to "train" them how to OC. It takes even less to "train" them how to heist.
So, by your theory, this small family that hugged all version long has now had MONTHS to "train" their people will now be one of the biggest, strongest families in the game next version and will shoo then because they had all version to "train"?
There is only one problem ... you "trained" them to HUG! So your only perpetuating the system by making small families of huggers!
How about we try this one of for size, if your family is too small to actually contribute to the politics and wars of the game then maybe your family is a failure, and your top by extension, and you should dissolve it and move to a more competitive family where you may actually have a chance of contributing to the actual gameplay instead of destroying it because you had a life long desire to be SottoCapo of a family but never made it past the rank of Soldier.
Who are you fooling when you say a family with 1-2 Brugs has a snowballs chance in hell of playing mindgames with top families in the game and "turning your enemies against each other". No one cares about the small shitty family that does nothing and eventually grows up to be a top 10 family after 8 months of doing nothing,
Im so disgusted by the idea that never shooting in this game is a viable option for victory. And it appalls me that someone who sounds somewhat educated would actually admit that publicly, anonymous poster or not. The only reason a family decides not to shoot is because they are scared, plain and simple. Not because they found a better alternative to winning. Someone who runs around scared all version can never and will never be considered a "winner" in my book or in any oldskool players book.
You may fool n00bs and you may have successfully transformed this game into an acceptable dishonorable game but you will never get me to agree that this the new way to "win" this game. Ive had the honor of playing alongside many amazing players that helped shape this game into what it is today and it disgusts me that people like you have almost successfully destroyed that. The only people who agree that this is an acceptable way to "win" this game are those who constantly got owned by those very same amazing players,
Anonymous at 21:13:22 on 10/11:
And who exactly told you this is an aggresive game? Shooting is one of the options. Another option is mindgame, turning your enemies against each other, finally if you are small and not too popular - sit silent and train new people. What the hell is wrong in dedicating a version to just surviving and training ppl for your family?
One must be very stubborn to think shooting a lot is the only way to play the game.
ReBorN at 19:00:51 on 10/11:
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
Anonymous at 08:48:01 on 10/11:
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
lol at 23:06:41 on 09/11:
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
Anonymous at 18:09:12 on 09/11:
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
Anonymous at 10:52:53 on 08/11:
Based on?
Anonymous at 09:03:11 on 08/11:
Merovingians will win this version :)
Merovingians will win this version :)
Based on?
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
And who exactly told you this is an aggresive game? Shooting is one of the options. Another option is mindgame, turning your enemies against each other, finally if you are small and not too popular - sit silent and train new people. What the hell is wrong in dedicating a version to just surviving and training ppl for your family?
One must be very stubborn to think shooting a lot is the only way to play the game.
Are you pulling a joke on me? Is there some sort of hidden camera around here? Cause you must be kidding. Either that or out of your mind.
You just reinforced why I believe people like you ruin this game. Just "surviving and training people"? Training them to do what exactly? It only takes 30 seconds to "train" them how to OC. It takes even less to "train" them how to heist.
So, by your theory, this small family that hugged all version long has now had MONTHS to "train" their people will now be one of the biggest, strongest families in the game next version and will shoo then because they had all version to "train"?
There is only one problem ... you "trained" them to HUG! So your only perpetuating the system by making small families of huggers!
How about we try this one of for size, if your family is too small to actually contribute to the politics and wars of the game then maybe your family is a failure, and your top by extension, and you should dissolve it and move to a more competitive family where you may actually have a chance of contributing to the actual gameplay instead of destroying it because you had a life long desire to be SottoCapo of a family but never made it past the rank of Soldier.
Who are you fooling when you say a family with 1-2 Brugs has a snowballs chance in hell of playing mindgames with top families in the game and "turning your enemies against each other". No one cares about the small shitty family that does nothing and eventually grows up to be a top 10 family after 8 months of doing nothing,
Im so disgusted by the idea that never shooting in this game is a viable option for victory. And it appalls me that someone who sounds somewhat educated would actually admit that publicly, anonymous poster or not. The only reason a family decides not to shoot is because they are scared, plain and simple. Not because they found a better alternative to winning. Someone who runs around scared all version can never and will never be considered a "winner" in my book or in any oldskool players book.
You may fool n00bs and you may have successfully transformed this game into an acceptable dishonorable game but you will never get me to agree that this the new way to "win" this game. Ive had the honor of playing alongside many amazing players that helped shape this game into what it is today and it disgusts me that people like you have almost successfully destroyed that. The only people who agree that this is an acceptable way to "win" this game are those who constantly got owned by those very same amazing players,
damn, i hate it when ppl compare ReBorN to god, i mean he' s cool and all but he is not ReBorN
lol Reborn ... you ruined this game :p
Rix at 01:44:58 on 11/11:
Actually I'm slaying dragons at the moment, so the kittens are save... for now.
Anonymous at 23:29:54 on 10/11:
Everytime you massquote Rix kills a kitten.
Everytime you massquote Rix kills a kitten.
Anonymous at 23:29:54 on 10/11:
Everytime you massquote Rix kills a kitten.
Everytime you massquote Rix kills a kitten.
asswipe (00:10:51 - 11-11)
Anonymous at 23:29:54 on 10/11:
Everytime you massquote Rix kills a kitten.
Everytime you massquote Rix kills a kitten.
Anonymous (22:58:51 - 10-11)
ReBorN at 22:42:21 on 10/11:
Are you pulling a joke on me? Is there some sort of hidden camera around here? Cause you must be kidding. Either that or out of your mind.
You just reinforced why I believe people like you ruin this game. Just "surviving and training people"? Training them to do what exactly? It only takes 30 seconds to "train" them how to OC. It takes even less to "train" them how to heist.
So, by your theory, this small family that hugged all version long has now had MONTHS to "train" their people will now be one of the biggest, strongest families in the game next version and will shoo then because they had all version to "train"?
There is only one problem ... you "trained" them to HUG! So your only perpetuating the system by making small families of huggers!
How about we try this one of for size, if your family is too small to actually contribute to the politics and wars of the game then maybe your family is a failure, and your top by extension, and you should dissolve it and move to a more competitive family where you may actually have a chance of contributing to the actual gameplay instead of destroying it because you had a life long desire to be SottoCapo of a family but never made it past the rank of Soldier.
Who are you fooling when you say a family with 1-2 Brugs has a snowballs chance in hell of playing mindgames with top families in the game and "turning your enemies against each other". No one cares about the small shitty family that does nothing and eventually grows up to be a top 10 family after 8 months of doing nothing,
Im so disgusted by the idea that never shooting in this game is a viable option for victory. And it appalls me that someone who sounds somewhat educated would actually admit that publicly, anonymous poster or not. The only reason a family decides not to shoot is because they are scared, plain and simple. Not because they found a better alternative to winning. Someone who runs around scared all version can never and will never be considered a "winner" in my book or in any oldskool players book.
You may fool n00bs and you may have successfully transformed this game into an acceptable dishonorable game but you will never get me to agree that this the new way to "win" this game. Ive had the honor of playing alongside many amazing players that helped shape this game into what it is today and it disgusts me that people like you have almost successfully destroyed that. The only people who agree that this is an acceptable way to "win" this game are those who constantly got owned by those very same amazing players,
Anonymous at 21:13:22 on 10/11:
And who exactly told you this is an aggresive game? Shooting is one of the options. Another option is mindgame, turning your enemies against each other, finally if you are small and not too popular - sit silent and train new people. What the hell is wrong in dedicating a version to just surviving and training ppl for your family?
One must be very stubborn to think shooting a lot is the only way to play the game.
ReBorN at 19:00:51 on 10/11:
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
Anonymous at 08:48:01 on 10/11:
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
lol at 23:06:41 on 09/11:
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
Anonymous at 18:09:12 on 09/11:
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
Anonymous at 10:52:53 on 08/11:
Based on?
Anonymous at 09:03:11 on 08/11:
Merovingians will win this version :)
Merovingians will win this version :)
Based on?
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
And who exactly told you this is an aggresive game? Shooting is one of the options. Another option is mindgame, turning your enemies against each other, finally if you are small and not too popular - sit silent and train new people. What the hell is wrong in dedicating a version to just surviving and training ppl for your family?
One must be very stubborn to think shooting a lot is the only way to play the game.
Are you pulling a joke on me? Is there some sort of hidden camera around here? Cause you must be kidding. Either that or out of your mind.
You just reinforced why I believe people like you ruin this game. Just "surviving and training people"? Training them to do what exactly? It only takes 30 seconds to "train" them how to OC. It takes even less to "train" them how to heist.
So, by your theory, this small family that hugged all version long has now had MONTHS to "train" their people will now be one of the biggest, strongest families in the game next version and will shoo then because they had all version to "train"?
There is only one problem ... you "trained" them to HUG! So your only perpetuating the system by making small families of huggers!
How about we try this one of for size, if your family is too small to actually contribute to the politics and wars of the game then maybe your family is a failure, and your top by extension, and you should dissolve it and move to a more competitive family where you may actually have a chance of contributing to the actual gameplay instead of destroying it because you had a life long desire to be SottoCapo of a family but never made it past the rank of Soldier.
Who are you fooling when you say a family with 1-2 Brugs has a snowballs chance in hell of playing mindgames with top families in the game and "turning your enemies against each other". No one cares about the small shitty family that does nothing and eventually grows up to be a top 10 family after 8 months of doing nothing,
Im so disgusted by the idea that never shooting in this game is a viable option for victory. And it appalls me that someone who sounds somewhat educated would actually admit that publicly, anonymous poster or not. The only reason a family decides not to shoot is because they are scared, plain and simple. Not because they found a better alternative to winning. Someone who runs around scared all version can never and will never be considered a "winner" in my book or in any oldskool players book.
You may fool n00bs and you may have successfully transformed this game into an acceptable dishonorable game but you will never get me to agree that this the new way to "win" this game. Ive had the honor of playing alongside many amazing players that helped shape this game into what it is today and it disgusts me that people like you have almost successfully destroyed that. The only people who agree that this is an acceptable way to "win" this game are those who constantly got owned by those very same amazing players,
damn, i hate it when ppl compare ReBorN to god, i mean he' s cool and all but he is not ReBorN
Anonymous at 21:13:22 on 10/11:
And who exactly told you this is an aggresive game? Shooting is one of the options. Another option is mindgame, turning your enemies against each other, finally if you are small and not too popular - sit silent and train new people. What the hell is wrong in dedicating a version to just surviving and training ppl for your family?
One must be very stubborn to think shooting a lot is the only way to play the game.
ReBorN at 19:00:51 on 10/11:
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
Anonymous at 08:48:01 on 10/11:
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
lol at 23:06:41 on 09/11:
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
Anonymous at 18:09:12 on 09/11:
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
Anonymous at 10:52:53 on 08/11:
Based on?
Anonymous at 09:03:11 on 08/11:
Merovingians will win this version :)
Merovingians will win this version :)
Based on?
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
And who exactly told you this is an aggresive game? Shooting is one of the options. Another option is mindgame, turning your enemies against each other, finally if you are small and not too popular - sit silent and train new people. What the hell is wrong in dedicating a version to just surviving and training ppl for your family?
One must be very stubborn to think shooting a lot is the only way to play the game.
Are you pulling a joke on me? Is there some sort of hidden camera around here? Cause you must be kidding. Either that or out of your mind.
You just reinforced why I believe people like you ruin this game. Just "surviving and training people"? Training them to do what exactly? It only takes 30 seconds to "train" them how to OC. It takes even less to "train" them how to heist.
So, by your theory, this small family that hugged all version long has now had MONTHS to "train" their people will now be one of the biggest, strongest families in the game next version and will shoo then because they had all version to "train"?
There is only one problem ... you "trained" them to HUG! So your only perpetuating the system by making small families of huggers!
How about we try this one of for size, if your family is too small to actually contribute to the politics and wars of the game then maybe your family is a failure, and your top by extension, and you should dissolve it and move to a more competitive family where you may actually have a chance of contributing to the actual gameplay instead of destroying it because you had a life long desire to be SottoCapo of a family but never made it past the rank of Soldier.
Who are you fooling when you say a family with 1-2 Brugs has a snowballs chance in hell of playing mindgames with top families in the game and "turning your enemies against each other". No one cares about the small shitty family that does nothing and eventually grows up to be a top 10 family after 8 months of doing nothing,
Im so disgusted by the idea that never shooting in this game is a viable option for victory. And it appalls me that someone who sounds somewhat educated would actually admit that publicly, anonymous poster or not. The only reason a family decides not to shoot is because they are scared, plain and simple. Not because they found a better alternative to winning. Someone who runs around scared all version can never and will never be considered a "winner" in my book or in any oldskool players book.
You may fool n00bs and you may have successfully transformed this game into an acceptable dishonorable game but you will never get me to agree that this the new way to "win" this game. Ive had the honor of playing alongside many amazing players that helped shape this game into what it is today and it disgusts me that people like you have almost successfully destroyed that. The only people who agree that this is an acceptable way to "win" this game are those who constantly got owned by those very same amazing players,
ReBorN at 19:00:51 on 10/11:
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
ReborN my friend, you nailed it. o/
Anonymous (22:07:14 - 10-11)
.nl reset just got announced for next week.
So its a good guess the .com newspost will show up within the next 48hours.
So its a good guess the .com newspost will show up within the next 48hours.
Anonymous (21:39:50 - 10-11)
Anonymous at 21:13:22 on 10/11:
And who exactly told you this is an aggresive game? Shooting is one of the options. Another option is mindgame, turning your enemies against each other, finally if you are small and not too popular - sit silent and train new people. What the hell is wrong in dedicating a version to just surviving and training ppl for your family?
One must be very stubborn to think shooting a lot is the only way to play the game.
ReBorN at 19:00:51 on 10/11:
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
Anonymous at 08:48:01 on 10/11:
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
lol at 23:06:41 on 09/11:
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
Anonymous at 18:09:12 on 09/11:
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
Anonymous at 10:52:53 on 08/11:
Based on?
Anonymous at 09:03:11 on 08/11:
Merovingians will win this version :)
Merovingians will win this version :)
Based on?
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
And who exactly told you this is an aggresive game? Shooting is one of the options. Another option is mindgame, turning your enemies against each other, finally if you are small and not too popular - sit silent and train new people. What the hell is wrong in dedicating a version to just surviving and training ppl for your family?
One must be very stubborn to think shooting a lot is the only way to play the game.
It takes no talent to sit alone, not bother anyone, and not have objects. The only mind game you have pulled off is gaming your own mind into thinking what you did is strategically impressive. Small fans can have huge influences, but only if they actively engage in the politics of the game and shoot to improve their stature. You can't call it success if you rise to the top by just 'staying alive'... that just means you had less of a life/incentive to make the game enjoyable than other people did
Anonymous (21:13:22 - 10-11)
ReBorN at 19:00:51 on 10/11:
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
Anonymous at 08:48:01 on 10/11:
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
lol at 23:06:41 on 09/11:
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
Anonymous at 18:09:12 on 09/11:
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
Anonymous at 10:52:53 on 08/11:
Based on?
Anonymous at 09:03:11 on 08/11:
Merovingians will win this version :)
Merovingians will win this version :)
Based on?
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
And who exactly told you this is an aggresive game? Shooting is one of the options. Another option is mindgame, turning your enemies against each other, finally if you are small and not too popular - sit silent and train new people. What the hell is wrong in dedicating a version to just surviving and training ppl for your family?
One must be very stubborn to think shooting a lot is the only way to play the game.
octavell0 (20:12:47 - 10-11)
Anonymous at 19:50:07 on 10/11:
Anadolu - worst fam page in whole version...and that's a lot...or else...those guys are lost in wrong version....
Anadolu - worst fam page in whole version...and that's a lot...or else...those guys are lost in wrong version....
Anonymous (19:50:07 - 10-11)
Anadolu - worst fam page in whole version...and that's a lot...or else...those guys are lost in wrong version....
Anonymous at 08:48:01 on 10/11:
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
lol at 23:06:41 on 09/11:
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
Anonymous at 18:09:12 on 09/11:
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
Anonymous at 10:52:53 on 08/11:
Based on?
Anonymous at 09:03:11 on 08/11:
Merovingians will win this version :)
Merovingians will win this version :)
Based on?
No one will attack them
and they have the highest accounts so soon no one can't even kill them
wtg mero
and they didnt do shit this version nor in any previous.
wtg huggers
There are plenty who did shoot and do other shit. But where are they now?
Winning side is not the one that kills most, but the one that survives most.
You talk about shooting like there was something heroic in it. I do not see anything heroic in shooting and then dying because of "we did not expect bloods of their bloods could jump in", or, even more stupid - "we knew this will happen because we shot bla bla".
Mero was a fam with 1-2 brugs for half of the version - they simply did not have more. You are saying they had to shoot back then? What would be if they shot then? That's right, they would be dead and forgotten, and wouldn't be able to educate any members (which they obviously did).
Every family has different starting conditions, and ones can shoot earlier, others much later. Others cannot shoot at all. It is simple calculation your shooters vs. targets. If you don't see yourself surviving the war, you look for another ways to survive.
Another thing, you shoot usually when it is in your interest - when something is a possible treat to you or your bloods. If there is no real need for you and your bloods, why should you look for it and do someone's else job?
Some say shooting is heroic, and being smart to balance, grow strength and not spend it on someone's else war is not heroic.
But the hell, what heroism can you talk when it is a computer game? Game where survivors do count. And when you have most survivors? Exactly.
You know, there is alot I want to say to that post but Im to stunned to actually say it. Ill leave my comments to this: People like you are the reason the games sucks these days. Grow some balls and play the game it was meant to be played, aggressive.
kenyaAAA (16:23:45 - 10-11)
it is kinda sad how we have seen so many former successful family names from previous versions that are now being used as pathetic alliance fams with only a member or 2 in them. Isnt that an embarassment to the name? Even if you dont like the fam, its still sad to see. Asfu really should have just used new names for these. I cant even remember all they have used so far. Provenzano was used i think. memento, sindikat are still being used. Outfit just now goes down.The list goes on. Its a shame to see......
it is kinda sad how we have seen so many former successful family names from previous versions that are now being used as pathetic alliance fams with only a member or 2 in them. Isnt that an embarassment to the name? Even if you dont like the fam, its still sad to see. Asfu really should have just used new names for these. I cant even remember all they have used so far. Provenzano was used i think. memento, sindikat are still being used. Outfit just now goes down.The list goes on. Its a shame to see......
I can agree a bit in this. I mean i was a Memento member for example in their glory days, dunno what happened with their group, but thought most of the that group is retired totally.
Their name should get more respect than just an alliance fam with 2 members. Same goed for Provenzano.
I hope admins will change some core shit in famsystem.