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General Comments & Major Rumors
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4510d 23h 38m 1s ago by MrWhite
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General Comments & Major Rumors section.

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Lovendetta San Marino (21:39:18 - 24-08)
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Redspeert at 20:50:51 on 24/08:
buriaL at 23:08:22 on 23/08:
Redspeert at 22:55:03 on 23/08:
Bashing turks ain't racism anyways. Are the turks a own race? No, they aren't. But they will throw the racism card whenever they get the chanse to do so. QQ

dude there is a discipline called 'history' which obviously you havent heard before. try to learn some of it and then you'll realize how pathetic your comments are. additionally just read your own comment and tell me that aint racist rofl

*But they will throw the racism card whenever they get the chanse to do so. QQ*

I do belive I know more history than you, my good man from turkey. And I know from history when a entire race (Black people, asian people etc ) have been treated badly its racism, but again, turks aren't a own race.

Following your idea, you would be a proper racist if you said somthing foul to me, as I'm Norwegian. Y u no like Norwegians??

And the fine gentleman who started this argument by saying "crap I wrote like a turk" or somthing just pointed out that some of your countrymen can't write English to well. Is that racism? Or is it their own fault that never learned the language?
black race :') really my friend from trolland you know a lot indeed
buriaL Turkey (21:29:00 - 24-08)
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Redspeert at 20:50:51 on 24/08:
buriaL at 23:08:22 on 23/08:
Redspeert at 22:55:03 on 23/08:
Bashing turks ain't racism anyways. Are the turks a own race? No, they aren't. But they will throw the racism card whenever they get the chanse to do so. QQ

dude there is a discipline called 'history' which obviously you havent heard before. try to learn some of it and then you'll realize how pathetic your comments are. additionally just read your own comment and tell me that aint racist rofl

*But they will throw the racism card whenever they get the chanse to do so. QQ*

I do belive I know more history than you, my good man from turkey. And I know from history when a entire race (Black people, asian people etc ) have been treated badly its racism, but again, turks aren't a own race.

Following your idea, you would be a proper racist if you said somthing foul to me, as I'm Norwegian. Y u no like Norwegians??

And the fine gentleman who started this argument by saying "crap I wrote like a turk" or somthing just pointed out that some of your countrymen can't write English to well. Is that racism? Or is it their own fault that never learned the language?

lol I believe you know crap about history. Turks are a race, but again you problably got no idea about how it developed since centuries from Asia and I really doubt you have the cabability to understand it even I explained the information here so I'll pass on from this. What you are saying can be taken as jews arent a race too? So why do we call it 'racism' when Germans killed millions of them?

My point was if a person does not know English language, you should not include a nation making all members of that nation look fouled. Discrimination is a better term as Rix stated, but it is the same shit to me as racism, which something should be avoided between the humans which belong to all the same race in the end. But again you clearly lack the ability to understand my point as you keep repeating the same things trying to prove something.

'Following your idea, you would be a proper racist if you said somthing foul to me, as I'm Norwegian. Y u no like Norwegians??'

Did I say you are being racist because someone told something to me personally? You clearly lack some IQ to understand those convos that way. I said racism when the guy tried to state all Turks cant type or doesnt know proper English.

This really was my final response to the guy called redspeert as he is clearly too ignorant to have a proper discussion and a waste of effort. good day to everyone.
Rix Netherlands (21:10:50 - 24-08)
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Redspeert at 20:50:51 on 24/08:
buriaL at 23:08:22 on 23/08:
Redspeert at 22:55:03 on 23/08:
Bashing turks ain't racism anyways. Are the turks a own race? No, they aren't. But they will throw the racism card whenever they get the chanse to do so. QQ

dude there is a discipline called 'history' which obviously you havent heard before. try to learn some of it and then you'll realize how pathetic your comments are. additionally just read your own comment and tell me that aint racist rofl
when a entire race (Black people, asian people etc ) have been treated badly its racism, but again, turks aren't a own race.
Blacks or Asians also aren't races. We're all from the same kingdom/family/order/class/species, the only differences we have is either from the outside (e.g., born in a climate with a lot of sun which turns us black-skinned), or cultural differences.

But yeah, looking at it from an etymological (not sure if that's the proper term in English) point of view, the technical correct term is "discrimination".
Redspeert Syrian Arab Republic (20:50:51 - 24-08)
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buriaL at 23:08:22 on 23/08:
Redspeert at 22:55:03 on 23/08:
Bashing turks ain't racism anyways. Are the turks a own race? No, they aren't. But they will throw the racism card whenever they get the chanse to do so. QQ

dude there is a discipline called 'history' which obviously you havent heard before. try to learn some of it and then you'll realize how pathetic your comments are. additionally just read your own comment and tell me that aint racist rofl

*But they will throw the racism card whenever they get the chanse to do so. QQ*

I do belive I know more history than you, my good man from turkey. And I know from history when a entire race (Black people, asian people etc ) have been treated badly its racism, but again, turks aren't a own race.

Following your idea, you would be a proper racist if you said somthing foul to me, as I'm Norwegian. Y u no like Norwegians??

And the fine gentleman who started this argument by saying "crap I wrote like a turk" or somthing just pointed out that some of your countrymen can't write English to well. Is that racism? Or is it their own fault that never learned the language?
Anonymous (19:19:40 - 24-08)
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Mang its getting sucky boring now
LL Aruba Patron (18:52:09 - 24-08)
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Anonymous at 00:56:32 on 24/08:
LL at 21:20:10 on 23/08:
I personally think that the Dutch suck just as much ass at English than the Turks.

Fail :')

Joking about the lack of English skill of other people only works if you don't mess up your very first sentence.

The "than" is just wrong. "Than" is a subjunction and does not fit into that sentence.

I assume you wanted to say the Dutch suck as much at English as the Turks do.

Like in your English is as bad as Icelandic football.

I hope you learnt something, My next tutorial will be about than, and when to use it.

See you then.

Brrr! It was late, okay. I had done some editing before I posted and I didn't spot it (too arrogant to check my own writing sort of stuff). But you're right about it, and I know I should have used "as". Irony it happens right when I'm nazi-ing someone about their English.
I'm not sure whether "Than" is a 'subjunction' though. Or if anything is a subjunction. I can't ever learning such a term in school. Subjunction is even underlined in red (which means it's misspelled!). The same goes for "learnt" by the way, but I suppose that was just some weak sarcasm from your side.
Spy Netherlands (18:40:00 - 24-08)
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LL at 18:38:03 on 24/08:
I am sorry, but freedom of speech has a limit. It really does, it's not really freedom. It's just a right to say what you want until a certain point. And I'm sure that line has been crossed.

Get it in your head, all of you. If I would say 'fucking stupid Turk', the Turk in particular is not fucking stupid *because* he is a Turk, but because he is fucking stupid. And happens to be Turkish.

You'd still be a stupid motherfucker, even if you were from Canada. But then you'd be a fucking stupid Canadian.

Gonna delete pretty much every post from the last 24 hours, whining about why YOUR post was deleted, or trying to re-post it will result in a ban.

Pretty straight forward, shouldn't be too hard to understand for ANY of you stupid American, Canadian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese and Turkish motherfuckers.

And we love you 2.
LL Aruba Patron (18:38:03 - 24-08)
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I am sorry, but freedom of speech has a limit. It really does, it's not really freedom. It's just a right to say what you want until a certain point. And I'm sure that line has been crossed.

Get it in your head, all of you. If I would say 'fucking stupid Turk', the Turk in particular is not fucking stupid *because* he is a Turk, but because he is fucking stupid. And happens to be Turkish.

You'd still be a stupid motherfucker, even if you were from Canada. But then you'd be a fucking stupid Canadian.

Gonna delete pretty much every post from the last 24 hours, whining about why YOUR post was deleted, or trying to re-post it will result in a ban.

Pretty straight forward, shouldn't be too hard to understand for ANY of you stupid American, Canadian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese and Turkish motherfuckers.
Anonymous (18:25:37 - 24-08)
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Trafficante reset fun ???
Anonymous (18:00:40 - 24-08)
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ishma at 17:52:06 on 24/08:


Trafficante found their guns :')
Will take..few hours/days with all the preshooting those offline accounts.
Now they can say "We had a war!" And no one will remember them.
ishma Cocos (Keeling) Islands (17:52:06 - 24-08)
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Trafficante found their guns :')
rkellylovespee United States (17:21:53 - 24-08)
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Lots of fams asking around about war today, should be fun if it pans out. IF.
bafrali (14:15:39 - 24-08)
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somebody , some families or who the fuck has the power , plz finish this damn version..ppffft
sincetwopointone Portugal (11:01:48 - 24-08)
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my dick is larger bigger and better than yours... my country also... my race to ... omg pleaz
the thing is: in internet everyone mocs everyone and i would laught in one nice joke about Portugal... you take it to seriosly

ps: We Portuguese are the best... we have conquer all the world and stuff :'| lol

ps2: War is coming before the world end's (21/12/2012)?
Octavello United States (02:40:08 - 24-08)
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and even now i screw up my grammer, but i shall not apologize for my drunkedness!
Octavello United States (02:38:51 - 24-08)
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Anonymous at 02:04:00 on 24/08:
Anonymous at 00:56:32 on 24/08:
LL at 21:20:10 on 23/08:
I personally think that the Dutch suck just as much ass at English than the Turks.

Fail :')

Joking about the lack of English skill of other people only works if you don't mess up your very first sentence.

The "than" is just wrong. "Than" is a subjunction and does not fit into that sentence.

I assume you wanted to say the Dutch suck as much at English as the Turks do.

Like in your English is as bad as Icelandic football.

I hope you learnt something, My next tutorial will be about than, and when to use it.

See you then.
And you lack the ability of seeing the "soul" of his comment, which was not mocking people with lower English skills. Maybe read the debate once (more).
I love the arrogancy here, riihgt.
this all scares me oh so much, as a native english speaker, the pressure is just too great...what if i dont choose the right grammatical conjugation? what price omertabeyond price shall i pay?! Nevertheless, english nazis can kiss it! But, sometimes turks can be humorous in their english, and thats not a bad thing! How can I complain when I know not a single proper sentence of turk! And I love Turkey, and the Turks, you guys hold the torch over there, be proud! (but umm, make your fam Cm's more coherent for us single language guys!
Deston Palestinian Territory, Occupied (02:18:25 - 24-08)
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What is this... news.spellingbee-yond.com?
Anonymous (02:04:00 - 24-08)
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Anonymous at 00:56:32 on 24/08:
LL at 21:20:10 on 23/08:
I personally think that the Dutch suck just as much ass at English than the Turks.

Fail :')

Joking about the lack of English skill of other people only works if you don't mess up your very first sentence.

The "than" is just wrong. "Than" is a subjunction and does not fit into that sentence.

I assume you wanted to say the Dutch suck as much at English as the Turks do.

Like in your English is as bad as Icelandic football.

I hope you learnt something, My next tutorial will be about than, and when to use it.

See you then.
And you lack the ability of seeing the "soul" of his comment, which was not mocking people with lower English skills. Maybe read the debate once (more).
I love the arrogancy here, riihgt.
Anonymous (00:56:32 - 24-08)
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LL at 21:20:10 on 23/08:
I personally think that the Dutch suck just as much ass at English than the Turks.

Fail :')

Joking about the lack of English skill of other people only works if you don't mess up your very first sentence.

The "than" is just wrong. "Than" is a subjunction and does not fit into that sentence.

I assume you wanted to say the Dutch suck as much at English as the Turks do.

Like in your English is as bad as Icelandic football.

I hope you learnt something, My next tutorial will be about than, and when to use it.

See you then.
Anonymous (00:08:09 - 24-08)
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War!!!!! Nah just messing around :)