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General Comments & Major Rumors section.
Everyone knows where this section is for, keep it clean from flaming and only posts in english are allowed.
Everyone knows where this section is for, keep it clean from flaming and only posts in english are allowed.
Anonymous (19:06:50 - 11-03)
Owner: Controversy
MaxBet: $10,000,000
Profit: $-30,262,797
and he's still richer then god lol...
bust have had 45 mil + in his pocket :')
Owner: Controversy
MaxBet: $10,000,000
Profit: $-30,262,797
and he's still richer then god lol...
bust have had 45 mil + in his pocket :')
Mcgee at 00:19:08 on 09/03:
Big booty blondes!
Redspeert at 22:02:57 on 08/03:
Barca ____o/
Barca ____o/
Big booty blondes!
Frederikus (23:10:27 - 10-03)
PPA, were you trying to proof you're duping/sharing. In that case, you did pretty well :')
Saddest thing is, eventho it's pretty obvious, you're still trying to proof you're not cheating. :p
Saddest thing is, eventho it's pretty obvious, you're still trying to proof you're not cheating. :p
@Pierluigi (01:25:51 - 09-03)
Hyobanshi at 20:25:08 on 07/03:
PPA u just made a fool out of urself.. the way u talk its so clear u are duping/sharing
gj misshysteria on this 1
Puankje at 11:41:08 on 06/03:
Cheating ain't allowed, and its quite obvious you're bending the rules.
+ calling a crew-member a nazi is incredibly pathetic. Admin did the right thing, and it just shows that the ones playing this game are the true donkeys, who think they know how to run a succesful MMORPG.
PeterPanAirLines at 00:04:57 on 06/03:
It is possible to play from the same ip-adress with your brother/sister friends etc., but you have a higher risk of being recognized as a cheater!
It doesn’t help to mention on your profile that you play from multiple locations because it is impossible for crew to remember all brothers, sisters and friends.
To prevent this from happening it is very important to follow these guidelines:
* Never transfer money to each other, while on the same IP/location.
* Never send each other honour points, while on the same IP/location.
* Never participate in a race, spot raid, poker game, OC, Mega OC or heist together, while on the same IP/location.
* Never put the other in your testament.
* Never kill each other.
* Never share passwords
* Never Log in at computers/IP's of people that are known scripters.
(00:40:53) <@Misshysteria> !next
(00:40:57) <&Helpster> LDP: Please state your question(s).
(00:40:57) * Helpster sets mode: +v LDP
(00:41:05) <+LDP> hi Misshysteria
(00:41:14) <+LDP> why got frozen now
(00:41:25) <@Misshysteria> cause i don't think you were telling the truth
(00:41:32) <+LDP> tell me whats wrong
(00:41:38) <+LDP> i followed the rules
(00:41:48) <+LDP> look at gamewiki and tell me whats wrong
(00:41:50) <@Misshysteria> can you get your gf in here as well please
(00:41:59) <+LDP> she dont have an irc account
(00:42:05) * Joins: Johnie (Mibbit@Marchegiani.users.omerta)
(00:42:12) <+LDP> btw the emails are differents
(00:42:28) <+LDP> we never did anything togheter sending hps or crime or money
(00:42:39) <+LDP> we just play from same house
(00:42:49) <@Misshysteria> and on each others accounts
(00:42:49) <+LDP> and ofc the ip is the same
(00:42:53) <+LDP> nope
(00:42:59) <+LDP> how u can say that ?
(00:43:10) <@Misshysteria> don't lie to me LDP
(00:43:12) <+LDP> we loogin togheter and we log out togheter
(00:43:23) <+LDP> tell me how can i lie to u ?
(00:43:39) <+LDP> look at gamewiki rules about same ip
(00:43:44) <+LDP> something wrong ?
(00:43:51) <@Misshysteria> why isn't she in here then?
(00:43:52) <+LDP> dont think so we are following the rules
(00:44:01) <@Misshysteria> and it is bs that she can't come, she can also use mibbit
(00:44:01) <+LDP> cuz she dont talk a letter of english
(00:44:06) <@Misshysteria> right
(00:44:09) <+LDP> well
(00:44:13) <+LDP> she can come and talk italian
(00:44:13) <@Misshysteria> that's not what i saw
(00:44:19) <+LDP> can u understand her then
(00:44:21) <+LDP> ?
(00:44:55) <+LDP> btw show me the gamewiki page about dupes
(00:45:02) <+LDP> and we can look togheter where we are worng
(00:45:13) <+LDP> and if something is wrong u are right
(00:45:28) <+LDP> but how u can tell me we share passw ?
(00:45:29) <@Misshysteria> ok if she doesn't speak italian how come she writes english messages then?
(00:45:34) <@Misshysteria> or are you doing that for her also
(00:45:34) <+LDP> u dont live with us or u do
(00:45:42) <@Misshysteria> i mean doesn't speak english
(00:45:52) <+LDP> cuz its me who tell her what to write
(00:45:55) <+LDP> btw
(00:45:56) <+LDP> Misshysteria
(00:46:04) <@Misshysteria> right right
(00:46:05) <+LDP> u are making a problem where the problem dont have
(00:46:30) <+LDP> whats wrong ? i mean we broken some rules about dupes?
(00:46:44) <+LDP> she sent money to me or the opposite
(00:46:45) <@Misshysteria> i think i just told you
(00:46:47) <+LDP> ?
(00:47:00) <+LDP> i sent hp's to her or opposite ?
(00:47:24) <@Misshysteria> sharing is not allowed LDP
(00:47:30) <@Misshysteria> so i will kill both accounts
(00:47:35) <+LDP> sharing
(00:47:38) <+LDP> what ?
(00:47:51) <+LDP> we live under the same roof
(00:48:08) <+LDP> u wanna me to go to play in my neighbours house ?
(00:48:18) <+LDP> show me the rules about dupes
(00:48:27) <@Misshysteria> i want you to stop playing on each others accounts
(00:48:32) <+LDP> omg
(00:48:48) <+LDP> who tell u we are playn in each others accounts ?
(00:49:05) <+LDP> if we log in togheter and log out togheter
(00:49:10) <+LDP> tell me how we can do that
(00:49:22) <+LDP> she have an email i have my email
(00:49:30) <+LDP> ofc the ip is the same
(00:49:40) <+LDP> but following the dupes rules we are doing nothing wrong
(00:49:49) <+LDP> btw got brando as friend in facebook
(00:49:56) <+LDP> and ill go to report your acting
(00:50:04) <+LDP> cuz im really upset now
(00:50:05) <@Misshysteria> you do that
(00:50:07) <@Misshysteria> :)
(00:50:15) <+LDP> u kjnow who the real scripters are and u never do noting
(00:50:27) <+LDP> and for nothing u wanna ,ket me stop to play ?
(00:50:32) <+LDP> listen
(00:50:33) <+LDP> pls
(00:50:38) * Joins: NFSA- (POCT@NFSA-.users.omerta)
(00:50:39) <+LDP> defroze my account
(00:50:43) <+LDP> i did nothing wrong
(00:50:56) <+LDP> look at dupes rules and tell me whats wrong
(00:51:17) <+LDP> if u dont know the page i can show u where is write about playng from the same account
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> Account Share
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> If you play with more people on one account, your account will be killed immediately for account sharing. No matter the rank of your account.
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> Logging in to the account of someone else will result in a kill for both accounts! Do not take the risk cause you will lose more than you can win.
(00:52:50) <+LDP> If you play with more people on one account, <<------- Lucia me Coldhand her ... so ?
(00:53:13) <+LDP> and i told u got my passw and i dont know my gf passw
(00:53:16) <+LDP> and the opposite
(00:53:34) <+LDP> look at 48hrs online
(00:53:39) <+LDP> something wrong ?
(00:53:46) <+LDP> got 20.3 me and 20.6 her
(00:53:59) <@Misshysteria> if you disagree you can mail to feedback@barafranca.comn
(00:54:03) <+LDP> lmao
(00:54:05) <+LDP> no chances
(00:54:06) <@Misshysteria> feedback@barafranca.com
(00:54:11) <+LDP> u defroze my account now pls
(00:54:15) <+LDP> there is nothing wrong
(00:54:25) <+LDP> ill write a very cool inbox to brando
(00:54:31) <@Misshysteria> well you do that
(00:54:31) <+LDP> cuz u are doing shit right now
(00:54:35) <@Misshysteria> give him my regards
(00:54:42) <+LDP> u are frozen my account for nothing
(00:54:55) <+LDP> lmao
(00:55:00) <+LDP> pls defroze my account
(00:55:20) <+LDP> u wanna me to insult u but im not that stupid as u believe honey ;)
(00:55:30) <+LDP> go defroze my account pls
(00:55:32) <@Misshysteria> no i think it is dead already now
(00:55:38) <+LDP> is dead?
(00:55:45) <+LDP> ur a nazist
(00:55:47) <+LDP> that u are
(00:55:58) <@Misshysteria> !done LDP
(00:55:58) * Helpster sets mode: +b *!*POCT@PeterPanAirLines.users.omerta
(00:55:58) * You were kicked by Helpster (Thanks for visiting, we hope we were able to answer your question.)
(00:55:58) * Attempting to rejoin channel #help.dm
(00:55:59) * Unable to join channel (address is banned)
Omerta is controlled by donkeys that dont know nothing about the game that they are controlling ...
It is possible to play from the same ip-adress with your brother/sister friends etc., but you have a higher risk of being recognized as a cheater!
It doesn’t help to mention on your profile that you play from multiple locations because it is impossible for crew to remember all brothers, sisters and friends.
To prevent this from happening it is very important to follow these guidelines:
* Never transfer money to each other, while on the same IP/location.
* Never send each other honour points, while on the same IP/location.
* Never participate in a race, spot raid, poker game, OC, Mega OC or heist together, while on the same IP/location.
* Never put the other in your testament.
* Never kill each other.
* Never share passwords
* Never Log in at computers/IP's of people that are known scripters.
(00:40:53) <@Misshysteria> !next
(00:40:57) <&Helpster> LDP: Please state your question(s).
(00:40:57) * Helpster sets mode: +v LDP
(00:41:05) <+LDP> hi Misshysteria
(00:41:14) <+LDP> why got frozen now
(00:41:25) <@Misshysteria> cause i don't think you were telling the truth
(00:41:32) <+LDP> tell me whats wrong
(00:41:38) <+LDP> i followed the rules
(00:41:48) <+LDP> look at gamewiki and tell me whats wrong
(00:41:50) <@Misshysteria> can you get your gf in here as well please
(00:41:59) <+LDP> she dont have an irc account
(00:42:05) * Joins: Johnie (Mibbit@Marchegiani.users.omerta)
(00:42:12) <+LDP> btw the emails are differents
(00:42:28) <+LDP> we never did anything togheter sending hps or crime or money
(00:42:39) <+LDP> we just play from same house
(00:42:49) <@Misshysteria> and on each others accounts
(00:42:49) <+LDP> and ofc the ip is the same
(00:42:53) <+LDP> nope
(00:42:59) <+LDP> how u can say that ?
(00:43:10) <@Misshysteria> don't lie to me LDP
(00:43:12) <+LDP> we loogin togheter and we log out togheter
(00:43:23) <+LDP> tell me how can i lie to u ?
(00:43:39) <+LDP> look at gamewiki rules about same ip
(00:43:44) <+LDP> something wrong ?
(00:43:51) <@Misshysteria> why isn't she in here then?
(00:43:52) <+LDP> dont think so we are following the rules
(00:44:01) <@Misshysteria> and it is bs that she can't come, she can also use mibbit
(00:44:01) <+LDP> cuz she dont talk a letter of english
(00:44:06) <@Misshysteria> right
(00:44:09) <+LDP> well
(00:44:13) <+LDP> she can come and talk italian
(00:44:13) <@Misshysteria> that's not what i saw
(00:44:19) <+LDP> can u understand her then
(00:44:21) <+LDP> ?
(00:44:55) <+LDP> btw show me the gamewiki page about dupes
(00:45:02) <+LDP> and we can look togheter where we are worng
(00:45:13) <+LDP> and if something is wrong u are right
(00:45:28) <+LDP> but how u can tell me we share passw ?
(00:45:29) <@Misshysteria> ok if she doesn't speak italian how come she writes english messages then?
(00:45:34) <@Misshysteria> or are you doing that for her also
(00:45:34) <+LDP> u dont live with us or u do
(00:45:42) <@Misshysteria> i mean doesn't speak english
(00:45:52) <+LDP> cuz its me who tell her what to write
(00:45:55) <+LDP> btw
(00:45:56) <+LDP> Misshysteria
(00:46:04) <@Misshysteria> right right
(00:46:05) <+LDP> u are making a problem where the problem dont have
(00:46:30) <+LDP> whats wrong ? i mean we broken some rules about dupes?
(00:46:44) <+LDP> she sent money to me or the opposite
(00:46:45) <@Misshysteria> i think i just told you
(00:46:47) <+LDP> ?
(00:47:00) <+LDP> i sent hp's to her or opposite ?
(00:47:24) <@Misshysteria> sharing is not allowed LDP
(00:47:30) <@Misshysteria> so i will kill both accounts
(00:47:35) <+LDP> sharing
(00:47:38) <+LDP> what ?
(00:47:51) <+LDP> we live under the same roof
(00:48:08) <+LDP> u wanna me to go to play in my neighbours house ?
(00:48:18) <+LDP> show me the rules about dupes
(00:48:27) <@Misshysteria> i want you to stop playing on each others accounts
(00:48:32) <+LDP> omg
(00:48:48) <+LDP> who tell u we are playn in each others accounts ?
(00:49:05) <+LDP> if we log in togheter and log out togheter
(00:49:10) <+LDP> tell me how we can do that
(00:49:22) <+LDP> she have an email i have my email
(00:49:30) <+LDP> ofc the ip is the same
(00:49:40) <+LDP> but following the dupes rules we are doing nothing wrong
(00:49:49) <+LDP> btw got brando as friend in facebook
(00:49:56) <+LDP> and ill go to report your acting
(00:50:04) <+LDP> cuz im really upset now
(00:50:05) <@Misshysteria> you do that
(00:50:07) <@Misshysteria> :)
(00:50:15) <+LDP> u kjnow who the real scripters are and u never do noting
(00:50:27) <+LDP> and for nothing u wanna ,ket me stop to play ?
(00:50:32) <+LDP> listen
(00:50:33) <+LDP> pls
(00:50:38) * Joins: NFSA- (POCT@NFSA-.users.omerta)
(00:50:39) <+LDP> defroze my account
(00:50:43) <+LDP> i did nothing wrong
(00:50:56) <+LDP> look at dupes rules and tell me whats wrong
(00:51:17) <+LDP> if u dont know the page i can show u where is write about playng from the same account
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> Account Share
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> If you play with more people on one account, your account will be killed immediately for account sharing. No matter the rank of your account.
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> Logging in to the account of someone else will result in a kill for both accounts! Do not take the risk cause you will lose more than you can win.
(00:52:50) <+LDP> If you play with more people on one account, <<------- Lucia me Coldhand her ... so ?
(00:53:13) <+LDP> and i told u got my passw and i dont know my gf passw
(00:53:16) <+LDP> and the opposite
(00:53:34) <+LDP> look at 48hrs online
(00:53:39) <+LDP> something wrong ?
(00:53:46) <+LDP> got 20.3 me and 20.6 her
(00:53:59) <@Misshysteria> if you disagree you can mail to feedback@barafranca.comn
(00:54:03) <+LDP> lmao
(00:54:05) <+LDP> no chances
(00:54:06) <@Misshysteria> feedback@barafranca.com
(00:54:11) <+LDP> u defroze my account now pls
(00:54:15) <+LDP> there is nothing wrong
(00:54:25) <+LDP> ill write a very cool inbox to brando
(00:54:31) <@Misshysteria> well you do that
(00:54:31) <+LDP> cuz u are doing shit right now
(00:54:35) <@Misshysteria> give him my regards
(00:54:42) <+LDP> u are frozen my account for nothing
(00:54:55) <+LDP> lmao
(00:55:00) <+LDP> pls defroze my account
(00:55:20) <+LDP> u wanna me to insult u but im not that stupid as u believe honey ;)
(00:55:30) <+LDP> go defroze my account pls
(00:55:32) <@Misshysteria> no i think it is dead already now
(00:55:38) <+LDP> is dead?
(00:55:45) <+LDP> ur a nazist
(00:55:47) <+LDP> that u are
(00:55:58) <@Misshysteria> !done LDP
(00:55:58) * Helpster sets mode: +b *!*POCT@PeterPanAirLines.users.omerta
(00:55:58) * You were kicked by Helpster (Thanks for visiting, we hope we were able to answer your question.)
(00:55:58) * Attempting to rejoin channel #help.dm
(00:55:59) * Unable to join channel (address is banned)
Omerta is controlled by donkeys that dont know nothing about the game that they are controlling ...
+ calling a crew-member a nazi is incredibly pathetic. Admin did the right thing, and it just shows that the ones playing this game are the true donkeys, who think they know how to run a succesful MMORPG.
gj misshysteria on this 1
@Pierluigi at 17:00:04 on 07/03:
I'm back!XD
I'm back!XD
i wish you guys had the "like button" here similar to facebook.
I'd definitly hit it for this post.....
Redspeert at 18:48:28 on 07/03:
Are you a employee of Omerta ltd? If not, you should look at it as a game. And a onnline mafia game is best when it got a big player group, else it will be the same wars and fights over and over. And I do highly doubt Omerta LTD have a higher income now compared to when the playergroupe was 3-4 times as big. No milk and cookies for you today, my little tiny friend.
Are you a employee of Omerta ltd? If not, you should look at it as a game. And a onnline mafia game is best when it got a big player group, else it will be the same wars and fights over and over. And I do highly doubt Omerta LTD have a higher income now compared to when the playergroupe was 3-4 times as big. No milk and cookies for you today, my little tiny friend.
Puankje at 11:41:08 on 06/03:
Cheating ain't allowed, and its quite obvious you're bending the rules.
+ calling a crew-member a nazi is incredibly pathetic. Admin did the right thing, and it just shows that the ones playing this game are the true donkeys, who think they know how to run a succesful MMORPG.
PeterPanAirLines at 00:04:57 on 06/03:
It is possible to play from the same ip-adress with your brother/sister friends etc., but you have a higher risk of being recognized as a cheater!
It doesn’t help to mention on your profile that you play from multiple locations because it is impossible for crew to remember all brothers, sisters and friends.
To prevent this from happening it is very important to follow these guidelines:
* Never transfer money to each other, while on the same IP/location.
* Never send each other honour points, while on the same IP/location.
* Never participate in a race, spot raid, poker game, OC, Mega OC or heist together, while on the same IP/location.
* Never put the other in your testament.
* Never kill each other.
* Never share passwords
* Never Log in at computers/IP's of people that are known scripters.
(00:40:53) <@Misshysteria> !next
(00:40:57) <&Helpster> LDP: Please state your question(s).
(00:40:57) * Helpster sets mode: +v LDP
(00:41:05) <+LDP> hi Misshysteria
(00:41:14) <+LDP> why got frozen now
(00:41:25) <@Misshysteria> cause i don't think you were telling the truth
(00:41:32) <+LDP> tell me whats wrong
(00:41:38) <+LDP> i followed the rules
(00:41:48) <+LDP> look at gamewiki and tell me whats wrong
(00:41:50) <@Misshysteria> can you get your gf in here as well please
(00:41:59) <+LDP> she dont have an irc account
(00:42:05) * Joins: Johnie (Mibbit@Marchegiani.users.omerta)
(00:42:12) <+LDP> btw the emails are differents
(00:42:28) <+LDP> we never did anything togheter sending hps or crime or money
(00:42:39) <+LDP> we just play from same house
(00:42:49) <@Misshysteria> and on each others accounts
(00:42:49) <+LDP> and ofc the ip is the same
(00:42:53) <+LDP> nope
(00:42:59) <+LDP> how u can say that ?
(00:43:10) <@Misshysteria> don't lie to me LDP
(00:43:12) <+LDP> we loogin togheter and we log out togheter
(00:43:23) <+LDP> tell me how can i lie to u ?
(00:43:39) <+LDP> look at gamewiki rules about same ip
(00:43:44) <+LDP> something wrong ?
(00:43:51) <@Misshysteria> why isn't she in here then?
(00:43:52) <+LDP> dont think so we are following the rules
(00:44:01) <@Misshysteria> and it is bs that she can't come, she can also use mibbit
(00:44:01) <+LDP> cuz she dont talk a letter of english
(00:44:06) <@Misshysteria> right
(00:44:09) <+LDP> well
(00:44:13) <+LDP> she can come and talk italian
(00:44:13) <@Misshysteria> that's not what i saw
(00:44:19) <+LDP> can u understand her then
(00:44:21) <+LDP> ?
(00:44:55) <+LDP> btw show me the gamewiki page about dupes
(00:45:02) <+LDP> and we can look togheter where we are worng
(00:45:13) <+LDP> and if something is wrong u are right
(00:45:28) <+LDP> but how u can tell me we share passw ?
(00:45:29) <@Misshysteria> ok if she doesn't speak italian how come she writes english messages then?
(00:45:34) <@Misshysteria> or are you doing that for her also
(00:45:34) <+LDP> u dont live with us or u do
(00:45:42) <@Misshysteria> i mean doesn't speak english
(00:45:52) <+LDP> cuz its me who tell her what to write
(00:45:55) <+LDP> btw
(00:45:56) <+LDP> Misshysteria
(00:46:04) <@Misshysteria> right right
(00:46:05) <+LDP> u are making a problem where the problem dont have
(00:46:30) <+LDP> whats wrong ? i mean we broken some rules about dupes?
(00:46:44) <+LDP> she sent money to me or the opposite
(00:46:45) <@Misshysteria> i think i just told you
(00:46:47) <+LDP> ?
(00:47:00) <+LDP> i sent hp's to her or opposite ?
(00:47:24) <@Misshysteria> sharing is not allowed LDP
(00:47:30) <@Misshysteria> so i will kill both accounts
(00:47:35) <+LDP> sharing
(00:47:38) <+LDP> what ?
(00:47:51) <+LDP> we live under the same roof
(00:48:08) <+LDP> u wanna me to go to play in my neighbours house ?
(00:48:18) <+LDP> show me the rules about dupes
(00:48:27) <@Misshysteria> i want you to stop playing on each others accounts
(00:48:32) <+LDP> omg
(00:48:48) <+LDP> who tell u we are playn in each others accounts ?
(00:49:05) <+LDP> if we log in togheter and log out togheter
(00:49:10) <+LDP> tell me how we can do that
(00:49:22) <+LDP> she have an email i have my email
(00:49:30) <+LDP> ofc the ip is the same
(00:49:40) <+LDP> but following the dupes rules we are doing nothing wrong
(00:49:49) <+LDP> btw got brando as friend in facebook
(00:49:56) <+LDP> and ill go to report your acting
(00:50:04) <+LDP> cuz im really upset now
(00:50:05) <@Misshysteria> you do that
(00:50:07) <@Misshysteria> :)
(00:50:15) <+LDP> u kjnow who the real scripters are and u never do noting
(00:50:27) <+LDP> and for nothing u wanna ,ket me stop to play ?
(00:50:32) <+LDP> listen
(00:50:33) <+LDP> pls
(00:50:38) * Joins: NFSA- (POCT@NFSA-.users.omerta)
(00:50:39) <+LDP> defroze my account
(00:50:43) <+LDP> i did nothing wrong
(00:50:56) <+LDP> look at dupes rules and tell me whats wrong
(00:51:17) <+LDP> if u dont know the page i can show u where is write about playng from the same account
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> Account Share
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> If you play with more people on one account, your account will be killed immediately for account sharing. No matter the rank of your account.
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> Logging in to the account of someone else will result in a kill for both accounts! Do not take the risk cause you will lose more than you can win.
(00:52:50) <+LDP> If you play with more people on one account, <<------- Lucia me Coldhand her ... so ?
(00:53:13) <+LDP> and i told u got my passw and i dont know my gf passw
(00:53:16) <+LDP> and the opposite
(00:53:34) <+LDP> look at 48hrs online
(00:53:39) <+LDP> something wrong ?
(00:53:46) <+LDP> got 20.3 me and 20.6 her
(00:53:59) <@Misshysteria> if you disagree you can mail to feedback@barafranca.comn
(00:54:03) <+LDP> lmao
(00:54:05) <+LDP> no chances
(00:54:06) <@Misshysteria> feedback@barafranca.com
(00:54:11) <+LDP> u defroze my account now pls
(00:54:15) <+LDP> there is nothing wrong
(00:54:25) <+LDP> ill write a very cool inbox to brando
(00:54:31) <@Misshysteria> well you do that
(00:54:31) <+LDP> cuz u are doing shit right now
(00:54:35) <@Misshysteria> give him my regards
(00:54:42) <+LDP> u are frozen my account for nothing
(00:54:55) <+LDP> lmao
(00:55:00) <+LDP> pls defroze my account
(00:55:20) <+LDP> u wanna me to insult u but im not that stupid as u believe honey ;)
(00:55:30) <+LDP> go defroze my account pls
(00:55:32) <@Misshysteria> no i think it is dead already now
(00:55:38) <+LDP> is dead?
(00:55:45) <+LDP> ur a nazist
(00:55:47) <+LDP> that u are
(00:55:58) <@Misshysteria> !done LDP
(00:55:58) * Helpster sets mode: +b *!*POCT@PeterPanAirLines.users.omerta
(00:55:58) * You were kicked by Helpster (Thanks for visiting, we hope we were able to answer your question.)
(00:55:58) * Attempting to rejoin channel #help.dm
(00:55:59) * Unable to join channel (address is banned)
Omerta is controlled by donkeys that dont know nothing about the game that they are controlling ...
It is possible to play from the same ip-adress with your brother/sister friends etc., but you have a higher risk of being recognized as a cheater!
It doesn’t help to mention on your profile that you play from multiple locations because it is impossible for crew to remember all brothers, sisters and friends.
To prevent this from happening it is very important to follow these guidelines:
* Never transfer money to each other, while on the same IP/location.
* Never send each other honour points, while on the same IP/location.
* Never participate in a race, spot raid, poker game, OC, Mega OC or heist together, while on the same IP/location.
* Never put the other in your testament.
* Never kill each other.
* Never share passwords
* Never Log in at computers/IP's of people that are known scripters.
(00:40:53) <@Misshysteria> !next
(00:40:57) <&Helpster> LDP: Please state your question(s).
(00:40:57) * Helpster sets mode: +v LDP
(00:41:05) <+LDP> hi Misshysteria
(00:41:14) <+LDP> why got frozen now
(00:41:25) <@Misshysteria> cause i don't think you were telling the truth
(00:41:32) <+LDP> tell me whats wrong
(00:41:38) <+LDP> i followed the rules
(00:41:48) <+LDP> look at gamewiki and tell me whats wrong
(00:41:50) <@Misshysteria> can you get your gf in here as well please
(00:41:59) <+LDP> she dont have an irc account
(00:42:05) * Joins: Johnie (Mibbit@Marchegiani.users.omerta)
(00:42:12) <+LDP> btw the emails are differents
(00:42:28) <+LDP> we never did anything togheter sending hps or crime or money
(00:42:39) <+LDP> we just play from same house
(00:42:49) <@Misshysteria> and on each others accounts
(00:42:49) <+LDP> and ofc the ip is the same
(00:42:53) <+LDP> nope
(00:42:59) <+LDP> how u can say that ?
(00:43:10) <@Misshysteria> don't lie to me LDP
(00:43:12) <+LDP> we loogin togheter and we log out togheter
(00:43:23) <+LDP> tell me how can i lie to u ?
(00:43:39) <+LDP> look at gamewiki rules about same ip
(00:43:44) <+LDP> something wrong ?
(00:43:51) <@Misshysteria> why isn't she in here then?
(00:43:52) <+LDP> dont think so we are following the rules
(00:44:01) <@Misshysteria> and it is bs that she can't come, she can also use mibbit
(00:44:01) <+LDP> cuz she dont talk a letter of english
(00:44:06) <@Misshysteria> right
(00:44:09) <+LDP> well
(00:44:13) <+LDP> she can come and talk italian
(00:44:13) <@Misshysteria> that's not what i saw
(00:44:19) <+LDP> can u understand her then
(00:44:21) <+LDP> ?
(00:44:55) <+LDP> btw show me the gamewiki page about dupes
(00:45:02) <+LDP> and we can look togheter where we are worng
(00:45:13) <+LDP> and if something is wrong u are right
(00:45:28) <+LDP> but how u can tell me we share passw ?
(00:45:29) <@Misshysteria> ok if she doesn't speak italian how come she writes english messages then?
(00:45:34) <@Misshysteria> or are you doing that for her also
(00:45:34) <+LDP> u dont live with us or u do
(00:45:42) <@Misshysteria> i mean doesn't speak english
(00:45:52) <+LDP> cuz its me who tell her what to write
(00:45:55) <+LDP> btw
(00:45:56) <+LDP> Misshysteria
(00:46:04) <@Misshysteria> right right
(00:46:05) <+LDP> u are making a problem where the problem dont have
(00:46:30) <+LDP> whats wrong ? i mean we broken some rules about dupes?
(00:46:44) <+LDP> she sent money to me or the opposite
(00:46:45) <@Misshysteria> i think i just told you
(00:46:47) <+LDP> ?
(00:47:00) <+LDP> i sent hp's to her or opposite ?
(00:47:24) <@Misshysteria> sharing is not allowed LDP
(00:47:30) <@Misshysteria> so i will kill both accounts
(00:47:35) <+LDP> sharing
(00:47:38) <+LDP> what ?
(00:47:51) <+LDP> we live under the same roof
(00:48:08) <+LDP> u wanna me to go to play in my neighbours house ?
(00:48:18) <+LDP> show me the rules about dupes
(00:48:27) <@Misshysteria> i want you to stop playing on each others accounts
(00:48:32) <+LDP> omg
(00:48:48) <+LDP> who tell u we are playn in each others accounts ?
(00:49:05) <+LDP> if we log in togheter and log out togheter
(00:49:10) <+LDP> tell me how we can do that
(00:49:22) <+LDP> she have an email i have my email
(00:49:30) <+LDP> ofc the ip is the same
(00:49:40) <+LDP> but following the dupes rules we are doing nothing wrong
(00:49:49) <+LDP> btw got brando as friend in facebook
(00:49:56) <+LDP> and ill go to report your acting
(00:50:04) <+LDP> cuz im really upset now
(00:50:05) <@Misshysteria> you do that
(00:50:07) <@Misshysteria> :)
(00:50:15) <+LDP> u kjnow who the real scripters are and u never do noting
(00:50:27) <+LDP> and for nothing u wanna ,ket me stop to play ?
(00:50:32) <+LDP> listen
(00:50:33) <+LDP> pls
(00:50:38) * Joins: NFSA- (POCT@NFSA-.users.omerta)
(00:50:39) <+LDP> defroze my account
(00:50:43) <+LDP> i did nothing wrong
(00:50:56) <+LDP> look at dupes rules and tell me whats wrong
(00:51:17) <+LDP> if u dont know the page i can show u where is write about playng from the same account
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> Account Share
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> If you play with more people on one account, your account will be killed immediately for account sharing. No matter the rank of your account.
(00:52:20) <@Misshysteria> Logging in to the account of someone else will result in a kill for both accounts! Do not take the risk cause you will lose more than you can win.
(00:52:50) <+LDP> If you play with more people on one account, <<------- Lucia me Coldhand her ... so ?
(00:53:13) <+LDP> and i told u got my passw and i dont know my gf passw
(00:53:16) <+LDP> and the opposite
(00:53:34) <+LDP> look at 48hrs online
(00:53:39) <+LDP> something wrong ?
(00:53:46) <+LDP> got 20.3 me and 20.6 her
(00:53:59) <@Misshysteria> if you disagree you can mail to feedback@barafranca.comn
(00:54:03) <+LDP> lmao
(00:54:05) <+LDP> no chances
(00:54:06) <@Misshysteria> feedback@barafranca.com
(00:54:11) <+LDP> u defroze my account now pls
(00:54:15) <+LDP> there is nothing wrong
(00:54:25) <+LDP> ill write a very cool inbox to brando
(00:54:31) <@Misshysteria> well you do that
(00:54:31) <+LDP> cuz u are doing shit right now
(00:54:35) <@Misshysteria> give him my regards
(00:54:42) <+LDP> u are frozen my account for nothing
(00:54:55) <+LDP> lmao
(00:55:00) <+LDP> pls defroze my account
(00:55:20) <+LDP> u wanna me to insult u but im not that stupid as u believe honey ;)
(00:55:30) <+LDP> go defroze my account pls
(00:55:32) <@Misshysteria> no i think it is dead already now
(00:55:38) <+LDP> is dead?
(00:55:45) <+LDP> ur a nazist
(00:55:47) <+LDP> that u are
(00:55:58) <@Misshysteria> !done LDP
(00:55:58) * Helpster sets mode: +b *!*POCT@PeterPanAirLines.users.omerta
(00:55:58) * You were kicked by Helpster (Thanks for visiting, we hope we were able to answer your question.)
(00:55:58) * Attempting to rejoin channel #help.dm
(00:55:59) * Unable to join channel (address is banned)
Omerta is controlled by donkeys that dont know nothing about the game that they are controlling ...
+ calling a crew-member a nazi is incredibly pathetic. Admin did the right thing, and it just shows that the ones playing this game are the true donkeys, who think they know how to run a succesful MMORPG.
gj misshysteria on this 1
Are you a employee of Omerta ltd? If not, you should look at it as a game. And a onnline mafia game is best when it got a big player group, else it will be the same wars and fights over and over. And I do highly doubt Omerta LTD have a higher income now compared to when the playergroupe was 3-4 times as big. No milk and cookies for you today, my little tiny friend.
Rix at 17:47:50 on 06/03:
He was just looking at it from Omerta Ltd.'s point of view.
Redspeert at 16:50:10 on 06/03:
So you think its good for the game that the DC income is higher but less players? So its less wars and less fams? GG br0.
Puankje at 14:52:12 on 06/03:
Succes ain't measured in growth, otherwise Africa would be a huge succes according to you.
Get real.
Succes ain't measured in growth, otherwise Africa would be a huge succes according to you.
Get real.
Your Lackey has now run out of Credits
While he was running he made 304 Crime attempts.
During that time he had to run away 150 times & he was also sent to jail 4 times. He was however successful 150 times
Luckily Keaton was around to save his ass from prison 1 out of 4 times, seriously reducing his jail costs
He made you a grand total of $523,403, but had to spend $101,250 of it on jail fees.
This leave you with a final profit of $422,153
While he was running he made 304 Crime attempts.
During that time he had to run away 150 times & he was also sent to jail 4 times. He was however successful 150 times
Luckily Keaton was around to save his ass from prison 1 out of 4 times, seriously reducing his jail costs
He made you a grand total of $523,403, but had to spend $101,250 of it on jail fees.
This leave you with a final profit of $422,153
The lackey's are so gimped after they "uppdated" them :')
From .DM
Your Lackey has now run out of Credits
While he was running he made 81 Car attempts.
During that time he had to run away 55 times & he was also sent to jail 5 times. He was however successful 21 times
He stole a grand total of 21 cars, but had to sell 20 of them to pay for jail fees.
This leave you with a total of 1 cars
From .DM
Your Lackey has now run out of Credits
While he was running he made 81 Car attempts.
During that time he had to run away 55 times & he was also sent to jail 5 times. He was however successful 21 times
He stole a grand total of 21 cars, but had to sell 20 of them to pay for jail fees.
This leave you with a total of 1 cars
Owner: Controversy
MaxBet: $10,000,000
Profit: $-30,262,797
and he's still richer then god lol...
bust have had 45 mil + in his pocket :')