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General Comments & Major Rumors section.
Everyone knows where this section is for, keep it clean from flaming and only posts in english are allowed.
Everyone knows where this section is for, keep it clean from flaming and only posts in english are allowed.
scratzin (10:38:39 - 28-03)
Anonymous (10:37:23 - 28-03)
ElMariachi at 10:23:53 on 28/03:
Well I'm not familiar with .com standards but if a fam that is considered blood abandones its targets halfway thru the very first war you ever shoot with em and starts shooting on the other side you're simply being betrayed and to our standards there's only one solution to deal with that and no that is not tell em you did a bad bad move, now lets deblood and we're all cool again ...
lol @ showing us how a gang bang is done. You fake ass ninja wannabees could not even get a single fam down in your war vs the pact, you expect next version to do any better :')
Oh and fyi I voted Yes ;w
Well I'm not familiar with .com standards but if a fam that is considered blood abandones its targets halfway thru the very first war you ever shoot with em and starts shooting on the other side you're simply being betrayed and to our standards there's only one solution to deal with that and no that is not tell em you did a bad bad move, now lets deblood and we're all cool again ...
lol @ showing us how a gang bang is done. You fake ass ninja wannabees could not even get a single fam down in your war vs the pact, you expect next version to do any better :')
Oh and fyi I voted Yes ;w
Only deblood :s
I think that action is one biggest backstab actions to be made. But I guess .com rules have been changed to much along the years.
Whatlazytologin at 02:55:14 on 28/03:
Yeah you showed what kind of a family you are by shooting at your own fu*king BLOOD..
What do you think every fam which is not in your fag pact think of you? What do you think is going to happen next version if you are stupid enough to come back with the same name?
oh and enjoy the moment and keep voting no at ROM because next version 25 families are all ready gathered to show YOU and your FAG PACT how a gang bang is done..
ElMariachi at 23:52:46 on 27/03:
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Yeah you showed what kind of a family you are by shooting at your own fu*king BLOOD..
What do you think every fam which is not in your fag pact think of you? What do you think is going to happen next version if you are stupid enough to come back with the same name?
oh and enjoy the moment and keep voting no at ROM because next version 25 families are all ready gathered to show YOU and your FAG PACT how a gang bang is done..
Well I'm not familiar with .com standards but if a fam that is considered blood abandones its targets halfway thru the very first war you ever shoot with em and starts shooting on the other side you're simply being betrayed and to our standards there's only one solution to deal with that and no that is not tell em you did a bad bad move, now lets deblood and we're all cool again ...
lol @ showing us how a gang bang is done. You fake ass ninja wannabees could not even get a single fam down in your war vs the pact, you expect next version to do any better :')
Oh and fyi I voted Yes ;w
Anony (09:25:22 - 28-03)
Anonymous at 06:09:42 on 28/03:
turkuz lato gamb winner of 3.2?!?
I lolled.
Amenta at 03:16:46 on 28/03:
Would have to say I agree with you both here. There was some well played moves during this version by our side i guess you could call it, n yes numbers always help, but numbers without leadership is useless. Remeber Honor & Glory a few versions back? Big fam, did nothing died without much shouting either. The way wars have gone this version it has indeed benefited our blood circle, Purga & Vertigo pulling out of wars halfway in, fams shooting at another member of the "pact" when some were already very weak. In my opinion, Conflict, Marangello & Vincitori should all have died this version with a bit more planning & action on the other side. Its hard to explain, but i guess the Conf-Vinci-Quiri-Maran bloodship was the powerplay of the version before it started, n ye its a big task but no fam is undefeatable. Everyone just lined up to die in an orderly fashion, best example is Lato n then Gamb & Temp. If you are gonna counterattack the next day, brilliant i applaud that move. But dont suicide ur whole fam, n then let another fam do it 1hr later, its such a waste. I'm sure you worked with Turkuz last version, why could you not this version too? Sometimes u just have to choose ur battlefield, ofc Gamb/Temp knew they were next, but its still such a shame the fams which shot us down last version jsut walked into our guns this time. N ye people rage about it but when you look at it, every fam has done their part, shot when needed n not been afraid to shoot.
As for what Mickay said, the version winners are always highest on the target list next version too, it always happens. Vinci/Grav/DIGIT etc from 3.0 were all dead in 3.1. Nazdrovia have been a target ever since 3.1. Turkuz, Lato, Gamb were the branded targets this time after 3.2. So next version its our turn again, and we are gonna have to be damn smart about how we play to come through it again. I'm quite looking forward to the challenge. N i think Whatlazytologin is basically trying to say the same thing about next version in essence. 25 fams? Sounds like good fun, we will b ready.
As for Conf-Vinci-Maran-Grav ready to dominate a version, Vinci & Conf tried the bloodship last version, n we all ended up dead after some really long wars which were very messy, so without Quiri we probs would of been close to the same fate. Lato, Levi, Gamb & Temp probs would of all been together in the 1st war at us, whether they shot first or were shot upon. Sure, numbers had a big part on this version, but as I remember, Lato were top 10 too, Maraz even reached #1, SLC had 2 inside the top 10 for a long time, Blacksea & Yigidos werent small either, its just through the leadership it was designed such that in any single war numbers were in our favour, however throughout the whole version its probably the opposite.
I remember dark posting here something about how there is no diplomacy in real mafia, n the only ones that exist are made to be broken later. Perhaps this is a time when you could of done some of that, form together, bring down the pact, n then the version is yours to sort out. Or perhaps you could of done what Venge did, they didnt really outnumber Gravano, but their timing was smart & execution pretty good. Result, dead Gravano. There are ways, u jsut have to play it smart.
Mickay at 01:56:49 on 28/03:
Don't get me wrong you guys played well and I give you guys mad props for coming to a foreign server, but you also came for the first version I've witness where it was designed in such a way that massive families are already set up with an insane advantage with competent leadership. It wasn't about the core strength of families, it was about numbers. You guys came over with good numbers, competent leaders, some server vets, and started off well connected. You could be running a family of 5 year olds this version, but if your numbers are high, you were set to dominate. The Conflict Vinci Marangello Gravano etc crew was already set to thoroughly crush the version, you guys helped sure, but this is a bad version to gauge .com. Stick around for next version man, I think you can expect more of a challenge.
ElMariachi at 23:52:46 on 27/03:
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Don't get me wrong you guys played well and I give you guys mad props for coming to a foreign server, but you also came for the first version I've witness where it was designed in such a way that massive families are already set up with an insane advantage with competent leadership. It wasn't about the core strength of families, it was about numbers. You guys came over with good numbers, competent leaders, some server vets, and started off well connected. You could be running a family of 5 year olds this version, but if your numbers are high, you were set to dominate. The Conflict Vinci Marangello Gravano etc crew was already set to thoroughly crush the version, you guys helped sure, but this is a bad version to gauge .com. Stick around for next version man, I think you can expect more of a challenge.
Would have to say I agree with you both here. There was some well played moves during this version by our side i guess you could call it, n yes numbers always help, but numbers without leadership is useless. Remeber Honor & Glory a few versions back? Big fam, did nothing died without much shouting either. The way wars have gone this version it has indeed benefited our blood circle, Purga & Vertigo pulling out of wars halfway in, fams shooting at another member of the "pact" when some were already very weak. In my opinion, Conflict, Marangello & Vincitori should all have died this version with a bit more planning & action on the other side. Its hard to explain, but i guess the Conf-Vinci-Quiri-Maran bloodship was the powerplay of the version before it started, n ye its a big task but no fam is undefeatable. Everyone just lined up to die in an orderly fashion, best example is Lato n then Gamb & Temp. If you are gonna counterattack the next day, brilliant i applaud that move. But dont suicide ur whole fam, n then let another fam do it 1hr later, its such a waste. I'm sure you worked with Turkuz last version, why could you not this version too? Sometimes u just have to choose ur battlefield, ofc Gamb/Temp knew they were next, but its still such a shame the fams which shot us down last version jsut walked into our guns this time. N ye people rage about it but when you look at it, every fam has done their part, shot when needed n not been afraid to shoot.
As for what Mickay said, the version winners are always highest on the target list next version too, it always happens. Vinci/Grav/DIGIT etc from 3.0 were all dead in 3.1. Nazdrovia have been a target ever since 3.1. Turkuz, Lato, Gamb were the branded targets this time after 3.2. So next version its our turn again, and we are gonna have to be damn smart about how we play to come through it again. I'm quite looking forward to the challenge. N i think Whatlazytologin is basically trying to say the same thing about next version in essence. 25 fams? Sounds like good fun, we will b ready.
As for Conf-Vinci-Maran-Grav ready to dominate a version, Vinci & Conf tried the bloodship last version, n we all ended up dead after some really long wars which were very messy, so without Quiri we probs would of been close to the same fate. Lato, Levi, Gamb & Temp probs would of all been together in the 1st war at us, whether they shot first or were shot upon. Sure, numbers had a big part on this version, but as I remember, Lato were top 10 too, Maraz even reached #1, SLC had 2 inside the top 10 for a long time, Blacksea & Yigidos werent small either, its just through the leadership it was designed such that in any single war numbers were in our favour, however throughout the whole version its probably the opposite.
I remember dark posting here something about how there is no diplomacy in real mafia, n the only ones that exist are made to be broken later. Perhaps this is a time when you could of done some of that, form together, bring down the pact, n then the version is yours to sort out. Or perhaps you could of done what Venge did, they didnt really outnumber Gravano, but their timing was smart & execution pretty good. Result, dead Gravano. There are ways, u jsut have to play it smart.
turkuz lato gamb winner of 3.2?!?
I lolled.
Amenta's post is so true. And I also think that if Vinci & co. set up as they did this version then they will be involved in the first serious war for sure.
@ Deston, 15 mins mate :p just flows lol
@ Anonymous, I stopped 3.2 once Vinci died at the hands of Gamb/Turkuz etc. So i really have no idea who won that version but i mentioned those cause i hear their names alot.
@ Anonymous, I stopped 3.2 once Vinci died at the hands of Gamb/Turkuz etc. So i really have no idea who won that version but i mentioned those cause i hear their names alot.
Tri (06:35:53 - 28-03)
Nice long posts, enjoyed reading them, way better Then THE random flaming and picking on eachother.
And for entity trying to be a smartass.. Its "too much"
And for entity trying to be a smartass.. Its "too much"
Anonymous (06:09:42 - 28-03)
Amenta at 03:16:46 on 28/03:
Would have to say I agree with you both here. There was some well played moves during this version by our side i guess you could call it, n yes numbers always help, but numbers without leadership is useless. Remeber Honor & Glory a few versions back? Big fam, did nothing died without much shouting either. The way wars have gone this version it has indeed benefited our blood circle, Purga & Vertigo pulling out of wars halfway in, fams shooting at another member of the "pact" when some were already very weak. In my opinion, Conflict, Marangello & Vincitori should all have died this version with a bit more planning & action on the other side. Its hard to explain, but i guess the Conf-Vinci-Quiri-Maran bloodship was the powerplay of the version before it started, n ye its a big task but no fam is undefeatable. Everyone just lined up to die in an orderly fashion, best example is Lato n then Gamb & Temp. If you are gonna counterattack the next day, brilliant i applaud that move. But dont suicide ur whole fam, n then let another fam do it 1hr later, its such a waste. I'm sure you worked with Turkuz last version, why could you not this version too? Sometimes u just have to choose ur battlefield, ofc Gamb/Temp knew they were next, but its still such a shame the fams which shot us down last version jsut walked into our guns this time. N ye people rage about it but when you look at it, every fam has done their part, shot when needed n not been afraid to shoot.
As for what Mickay said, the version winners are always highest on the target list next version too, it always happens. Vinci/Grav/DIGIT etc from 3.0 were all dead in 3.1. Nazdrovia have been a target ever since 3.1. Turkuz, Lato, Gamb were the branded targets this time after 3.2. So next version its our turn again, and we are gonna have to be damn smart about how we play to come through it again. I'm quite looking forward to the challenge. N i think Whatlazytologin is basically trying to say the same thing about next version in essence. 25 fams? Sounds like good fun, we will b ready.
As for Conf-Vinci-Maran-Grav ready to dominate a version, Vinci & Conf tried the bloodship last version, n we all ended up dead after some really long wars which were very messy, so without Quiri we probs would of been close to the same fate. Lato, Levi, Gamb & Temp probs would of all been together in the 1st war at us, whether they shot first or were shot upon. Sure, numbers had a big part on this version, but as I remember, Lato were top 10 too, Maraz even reached #1, SLC had 2 inside the top 10 for a long time, Blacksea & Yigidos werent small either, its just through the leadership it was designed such that in any single war numbers were in our favour, however throughout the whole version its probably the opposite.
I remember dark posting here something about how there is no diplomacy in real mafia, n the only ones that exist are made to be broken later. Perhaps this is a time when you could of done some of that, form together, bring down the pact, n then the version is yours to sort out. Or perhaps you could of done what Venge did, they didnt really outnumber Gravano, but their timing was smart & execution pretty good. Result, dead Gravano. There are ways, u jsut have to play it smart.
Mickay at 01:56:49 on 28/03:
Don't get me wrong you guys played well and I give you guys mad props for coming to a foreign server, but you also came for the first version I've witness where it was designed in such a way that massive families are already set up with an insane advantage with competent leadership. It wasn't about the core strength of families, it was about numbers. You guys came over with good numbers, competent leaders, some server vets, and started off well connected. You could be running a family of 5 year olds this version, but if your numbers are high, you were set to dominate. The Conflict Vinci Marangello Gravano etc crew was already set to thoroughly crush the version, you guys helped sure, but this is a bad version to gauge .com. Stick around for next version man, I think you can expect more of a challenge.
ElMariachi at 23:52:46 on 27/03:
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Don't get me wrong you guys played well and I give you guys mad props for coming to a foreign server, but you also came for the first version I've witness where it was designed in such a way that massive families are already set up with an insane advantage with competent leadership. It wasn't about the core strength of families, it was about numbers. You guys came over with good numbers, competent leaders, some server vets, and started off well connected. You could be running a family of 5 year olds this version, but if your numbers are high, you were set to dominate. The Conflict Vinci Marangello Gravano etc crew was already set to thoroughly crush the version, you guys helped sure, but this is a bad version to gauge .com. Stick around for next version man, I think you can expect more of a challenge.
Would have to say I agree with you both here. There was some well played moves during this version by our side i guess you could call it, n yes numbers always help, but numbers without leadership is useless. Remeber Honor & Glory a few versions back? Big fam, did nothing died without much shouting either. The way wars have gone this version it has indeed benefited our blood circle, Purga & Vertigo pulling out of wars halfway in, fams shooting at another member of the "pact" when some were already very weak. In my opinion, Conflict, Marangello & Vincitori should all have died this version with a bit more planning & action on the other side. Its hard to explain, but i guess the Conf-Vinci-Quiri-Maran bloodship was the powerplay of the version before it started, n ye its a big task but no fam is undefeatable. Everyone just lined up to die in an orderly fashion, best example is Lato n then Gamb & Temp. If you are gonna counterattack the next day, brilliant i applaud that move. But dont suicide ur whole fam, n then let another fam do it 1hr later, its such a waste. I'm sure you worked with Turkuz last version, why could you not this version too? Sometimes u just have to choose ur battlefield, ofc Gamb/Temp knew they were next, but its still such a shame the fams which shot us down last version jsut walked into our guns this time. N ye people rage about it but when you look at it, every fam has done their part, shot when needed n not been afraid to shoot.
As for what Mickay said, the version winners are always highest on the target list next version too, it always happens. Vinci/Grav/DIGIT etc from 3.0 were all dead in 3.1. Nazdrovia have been a target ever since 3.1. Turkuz, Lato, Gamb were the branded targets this time after 3.2. So next version its our turn again, and we are gonna have to be damn smart about how we play to come through it again. I'm quite looking forward to the challenge. N i think Whatlazytologin is basically trying to say the same thing about next version in essence. 25 fams? Sounds like good fun, we will b ready.
As for Conf-Vinci-Maran-Grav ready to dominate a version, Vinci & Conf tried the bloodship last version, n we all ended up dead after some really long wars which were very messy, so without Quiri we probs would of been close to the same fate. Lato, Levi, Gamb & Temp probs would of all been together in the 1st war at us, whether they shot first or were shot upon. Sure, numbers had a big part on this version, but as I remember, Lato were top 10 too, Maraz even reached #1, SLC had 2 inside the top 10 for a long time, Blacksea & Yigidos werent small either, its just through the leadership it was designed such that in any single war numbers were in our favour, however throughout the whole version its probably the opposite.
I remember dark posting here something about how there is no diplomacy in real mafia, n the only ones that exist are made to be broken later. Perhaps this is a time when you could of done some of that, form together, bring down the pact, n then the version is yours to sort out. Or perhaps you could of done what Venge did, they didnt really outnumber Gravano, but their timing was smart & execution pretty good. Result, dead Gravano. There are ways, u jsut have to play it smart.
turkuz lato gamb winner of 3.2?!?
I lolled.
Amenta at 03:16:46 on 28/03:
Would have to say I agree with you both here. There was some well played moves during this version by our side i guess you could call it, n yes numbers always help, but numbers without leadership is useless. Remeber Honor & Glory a few versions back? Big fam, did nothing died without much shouting either. The way wars have gone this version it has indeed benefited our blood circle, Purga & Vertigo pulling out of wars halfway in, fams shooting at another member of the "pact" when some were already very weak. In my opinion, Conflict, Marangello & Vincitori should all have died this version with a bit more planning & action on the other side. Its hard to explain, but i guess the Conf-Vinci-Quiri-Maran bloodship was the powerplay of the version before it started, n ye its a big task but no fam is undefeatable. Everyone just lined up to die in an orderly fashion, best example is Lato n then Gamb & Temp. If you are gonna counterattack the next day, brilliant i applaud that move. But dont suicide ur whole fam, n then let another fam do it 1hr later, its such a waste. I'm sure you worked with Turkuz last version, why could you not this version too? Sometimes u just have to choose ur battlefield, ofc Gamb/Temp knew they were next, but its still such a shame the fams which shot us down last version jsut walked into our guns this time. N ye people rage about it but when you look at it, every fam has done their part, shot when needed n not been afraid to shoot.
As for what Mickay said, the version winners are always highest on the target list next version too, it always happens. Vinci/Grav/DIGIT etc from 3.0 were all dead in 3.1. Nazdrovia have been a target ever since 3.1. Turkuz, Lato, Gamb were the branded targets this time after 3.2. So next version its our turn again, and we are gonna have to be damn smart about how we play to come through it again. I'm quite looking forward to the challenge. N i think Whatlazytologin is basically trying to say the same thing about next version in essence. 25 fams? Sounds like good fun, we will b ready.
As for Conf-Vinci-Maran-Grav ready to dominate a version, Vinci & Conf tried the bloodship last version, n we all ended up dead after some really long wars which were very messy, so without Quiri we probs would of been close to the same fate. Lato, Levi, Gamb & Temp probs would of all been together in the 1st war at us, whether they shot first or were shot upon. Sure, numbers had a big part on this version, but as I remember, Lato were top 10 too, Maraz even reached #1, SLC had 2 inside the top 10 for a long time, Blacksea & Yigidos werent small either, its just through the leadership it was designed such that in any single war numbers were in our favour, however throughout the whole version its probably the opposite.
I remember dark posting here something about how there is no diplomacy in real mafia, n the only ones that exist are made to be broken later. Perhaps this is a time when you could of done some of that, form together, bring down the pact, n then the version is yours to sort out. Or perhaps you could of done what Venge did, they didnt really outnumber Gravano, but their timing was smart & execution pretty good. Result, dead Gravano. There are ways, u jsut have to play it smart.
Mickay at 01:56:49 on 28/03:
Don't get me wrong you guys played well and I give you guys mad props for coming to a foreign server, but you also came for the first version I've witness where it was designed in such a way that massive families are already set up with an insane advantage with competent leadership. It wasn't about the core strength of families, it was about numbers. You guys came over with good numbers, competent leaders, some server vets, and started off well connected. You could be running a family of 5 year olds this version, but if your numbers are high, you were set to dominate. The Conflict Vinci Marangello Gravano etc crew was already set to thoroughly crush the version, you guys helped sure, but this is a bad version to gauge .com. Stick around for next version man, I think you can expect more of a challenge.
ElMariachi at 23:52:46 on 27/03:
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Don't get me wrong you guys played well and I give you guys mad props for coming to a foreign server, but you also came for the first version I've witness where it was designed in such a way that massive families are already set up with an insane advantage with competent leadership. It wasn't about the core strength of families, it was about numbers. You guys came over with good numbers, competent leaders, some server vets, and started off well connected. You could be running a family of 5 year olds this version, but if your numbers are high, you were set to dominate. The Conflict Vinci Marangello Gravano etc crew was already set to thoroughly crush the version, you guys helped sure, but this is a bad version to gauge .com. Stick around for next version man, I think you can expect more of a challenge.
Would have to say I agree with you both here. There was some well played moves during this version by our side i guess you could call it, n yes numbers always help, but numbers without leadership is useless. Remeber Honor & Glory a few versions back? Big fam, did nothing died without much shouting either. The way wars have gone this version it has indeed benefited our blood circle, Purga & Vertigo pulling out of wars halfway in, fams shooting at another member of the "pact" when some were already very weak. In my opinion, Conflict, Marangello & Vincitori should all have died this version with a bit more planning & action on the other side. Its hard to explain, but i guess the Conf-Vinci-Quiri-Maran bloodship was the powerplay of the version before it started, n ye its a big task but no fam is undefeatable. Everyone just lined up to die in an orderly fashion, best example is Lato n then Gamb & Temp. If you are gonna counterattack the next day, brilliant i applaud that move. But dont suicide ur whole fam, n then let another fam do it 1hr later, its such a waste. I'm sure you worked with Turkuz last version, why could you not this version too? Sometimes u just have to choose ur battlefield, ofc Gamb/Temp knew they were next, but its still such a shame the fams which shot us down last version jsut walked into our guns this time. N ye people rage about it but when you look at it, every fam has done their part, shot when needed n not been afraid to shoot.
As for what Mickay said, the version winners are always highest on the target list next version too, it always happens. Vinci/Grav/DIGIT etc from 3.0 were all dead in 3.1. Nazdrovia have been a target ever since 3.1. Turkuz, Lato, Gamb were the branded targets this time after 3.2. So next version its our turn again, and we are gonna have to be damn smart about how we play to come through it again. I'm quite looking forward to the challenge. N i think Whatlazytologin is basically trying to say the same thing about next version in essence. 25 fams? Sounds like good fun, we will b ready.
As for Conf-Vinci-Maran-Grav ready to dominate a version, Vinci & Conf tried the bloodship last version, n we all ended up dead after some really long wars which were very messy, so without Quiri we probs would of been close to the same fate. Lato, Levi, Gamb & Temp probs would of all been together in the 1st war at us, whether they shot first or were shot upon. Sure, numbers had a big part on this version, but as I remember, Lato were top 10 too, Maraz even reached #1, SLC had 2 inside the top 10 for a long time, Blacksea & Yigidos werent small either, its just through the leadership it was designed such that in any single war numbers were in our favour, however throughout the whole version its probably the opposite.
I remember dark posting here something about how there is no diplomacy in real mafia, n the only ones that exist are made to be broken later. Perhaps this is a time when you could of done some of that, form together, bring down the pact, n then the version is yours to sort out. Or perhaps you could of done what Venge did, they didnt really outnumber Gravano, but their timing was smart & execution pretty good. Result, dead Gravano. There are ways, u jsut have to play it smart.
Mickay at 01:56:49 on 28/03:
Don't get me wrong you guys played well and I give you guys mad props for coming to a foreign server, but you also came for the first version I've witness where it was designed in such a way that massive families are already set up with an insane advantage with competent leadership. It wasn't about the core strength of families, it was about numbers. You guys came over with good numbers, competent leaders, some server vets, and started off well connected. You could be running a family of 5 year olds this version, but if your numbers are high, you were set to dominate. The Conflict Vinci Marangello Gravano etc crew was already set to thoroughly crush the version, you guys helped sure, but this is a bad version to gauge .com. Stick around for next version man, I think you can expect more of a challenge.
ElMariachi at 23:52:46 on 27/03:
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Don't get me wrong you guys played well and I give you guys mad props for coming to a foreign server, but you also came for the first version I've witness where it was designed in such a way that massive families are already set up with an insane advantage with competent leadership. It wasn't about the core strength of families, it was about numbers. You guys came over with good numbers, competent leaders, some server vets, and started off well connected. You could be running a family of 5 year olds this version, but if your numbers are high, you were set to dominate. The Conflict Vinci Marangello Gravano etc crew was already set to thoroughly crush the version, you guys helped sure, but this is a bad version to gauge .com. Stick around for next version man, I think you can expect more of a challenge.
Would have to say I agree with you both here. There was some well played moves during this version by our side i guess you could call it, n yes numbers always help, but numbers without leadership is useless. Remeber Honor & Glory a few versions back? Big fam, did nothing died without much shouting either. The way wars have gone this version it has indeed benefited our blood circle, Purga & Vertigo pulling out of wars halfway in, fams shooting at another member of the "pact" when some were already very weak. In my opinion, Conflict, Marangello & Vincitori should all have died this version with a bit more planning & action on the other side. Its hard to explain, but i guess the Conf-Vinci-Quiri-Maran bloodship was the powerplay of the version before it started, n ye its a big task but no fam is undefeatable. Everyone just lined up to die in an orderly fashion, best example is Lato n then Gamb & Temp. If you are gonna counterattack the next day, brilliant i applaud that move. But dont suicide ur whole fam, n then let another fam do it 1hr later, its such a waste. I'm sure you worked with Turkuz last version, why could you not this version too? Sometimes u just have to choose ur battlefield, ofc Gamb/Temp knew they were next, but its still such a shame the fams which shot us down last version jsut walked into our guns this time. N ye people rage about it but when you look at it, every fam has done their part, shot when needed n not been afraid to shoot.
As for what Mickay said, the version winners are always highest on the target list next version too, it always happens. Vinci/Grav/DIGIT etc from 3.0 were all dead in 3.1. Nazdrovia have been a target ever since 3.1. Turkuz, Lato, Gamb were the branded targets this time after 3.2. So next version its our turn again, and we are gonna have to be damn smart about how we play to come through it again. I'm quite looking forward to the challenge. N i think Whatlazytologin is basically trying to say the same thing about next version in essence. 25 fams? Sounds like good fun, we will b ready.
As for Conf-Vinci-Maran-Grav ready to dominate a version, Vinci & Conf tried the bloodship last version, n we all ended up dead after some really long wars which were very messy, so without Quiri we probs would of been close to the same fate. Lato, Levi, Gamb & Temp probs would of all been together in the 1st war at us, whether they shot first or were shot upon. Sure, numbers had a big part on this version, but as I remember, Lato were top 10 too, Maraz even reached #1, SLC had 2 inside the top 10 for a long time, Blacksea & Yigidos werent small either, its just through the leadership it was designed such that in any single war numbers were in our favour, however throughout the whole version its probably the opposite.
I remember dark posting here something about how there is no diplomacy in real mafia, n the only ones that exist are made to be broken later. Perhaps this is a time when you could of done some of that, form together, bring down the pact, n then the version is yours to sort out. Or perhaps you could of done what Venge did, they didnt really outnumber Gravano, but their timing was smart & execution pretty good. Result, dead Gravano. There are ways, u jsut have to play it smart.
Anonymous (03:00:05 - 28-03)
Whatlazytologin at 02:55:14 on 28/03:
Yeah you showed what kind of a family you are by shooting at your own fu*king BLOOD..
What do you think every fam which is not in your fag pact think of you? What do you think is going to happen next version if you are stupid enough to come back with the same name?
oh and enjoy the moment and keep voting no at ROM because next version 25 families are all ready gathered to show YOU and your FAG PACT how a gang bang is done..
ElMariachi at 23:52:46 on 27/03:
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Yeah you showed what kind of a family you are by shooting at your own fu*king BLOOD..
What do you think every fam which is not in your fag pact think of you? What do you think is going to happen next version if you are stupid enough to come back with the same name?
oh and enjoy the moment and keep voting no at ROM because next version 25 families are all ready gathered to show YOU and your FAG PACT how a gang bang is done..
i think they must be trembling with fear of those 25 noobs...
Whatlazytologin (02:55:14 - 28-03)
ElMariachi at 23:52:46 on 27/03:
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Yeah you showed what kind of a family you are by shooting at your own fu*king BLOOD..
What do you think every fam which is not in your fag pact think of you? What do you think is going to happen next version if you are stupid enough to come back with the same name?
oh and enjoy the moment and keep voting no at ROM because next version 25 families are all ready gathered to show YOU and your FAG PACT how a gang bang is done..
ElMariachi at 23:52:46 on 27/03:
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Anonymous at 23:06:11 on 27/03:
Good for him, at least wasnt his fam used and them shooted was the other way :)
im not angry, i just think the way the version was played wasnt the better, and i guess a fam like quirites didnt even had real competion but if they are happy to have a version like this one, good for him again. Same way to Liberta atm looks like a mix from Liberta+Violenza, didnt even was a main target of anyway war, if they are happy to , good for them also, just carefull last time tops from Liberta mix with Violenza i heard MT and some others screaming like hell.
Anyway its the version ppl chose to play :) gratzzz winners Conflict +Vincitori +LibertMIXvio +marrangello +Quirites
we still have the last act, its gonna be like 3.0.
Reset will be anounced and some will be pissed cos they wanna kill Bruinsma and Righelli others will cry cos they wanna kill Hangover, Caliente and Presi.
Proly that can fuck the relations fams have atm ot not, allways the same history... PPl will blame Admins but in my opinion its Players Fault
Redspeert at 22:52:22 on 27/03:
I know you are angry, but don't insult ElMariachi claiming he is a top of Purga, as he is a top of Quirites.
Anonymous at 22:43:23 on 27/03:
i got killed by the Reset Pact on the 1º war of this version, after that i put my lackey account ranking only with nick cars ranked to Lc and kill a Brug with +/- 350 rank points and bullet position from vincitori @ 05-03 war, atm ranking full speed to brug and ready to help any hijack!
Now tell me, wasnt you a Top from Purga?? what did you do besides having some gangbangs with the reset pact and got killed by the same guys??
ElMariachi at 21:50:56 on 27/03:
and what exactly did you do this version with your precious lackey acc :')
Anonymous at 19:00:39 on 27/03:
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
and what exactly did you do this version with your precious lackey acc :')
Now tell me, wasnt you a Top from Purga?? what did you do besides having some gangbangs with the reset pact and got killed by the same guys??
I know you are angry, but don't insult ElMariachi claiming he is a top of Purga, as he is a top of Quirites.
im not angry, i just think the way the version was played wasnt the better, and i guess a fam like quirites didnt even had real competion but if they are happy to have a version like this one, good for him again. Same way to Liberta atm looks like a mix from Liberta+Violenza, didnt even was a main target of anyway war, if they are happy to , good for them also, just carefull last time tops from Liberta mix with Violenza i heard MT and some others screaming like hell.
Anyway its the version ppl chose to play :) gratzzz winners Conflict +Vincitori +LibertMIXvio +marrangello +Quirites
we still have the last act, its gonna be like 3.0.
Reset will be anounced and some will be pissed cos they wanna kill Bruinsma and Righelli others will cry cos they wanna kill Hangover, Caliente and Presi.
Proly that can fuck the relations fams have atm ot not, allways the same history... PPl will blame Admins but in my opinion its Players Fault
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Don't get me wrong you guys played well and I give you guys mad props for coming to a foreign server, but you also came for the first version I've witness where it was designed in such a way that massive families are already set up with an insane advantage with competent leadership. It wasn't about the core strength of families, it was about numbers. You guys came over with good numbers, competent leaders, some server vets, and started off well connected. You could be running a family of 5 year olds this version, but if your numbers are high, you were set to dominate. The Conflict Vinci Marangello Gravano etc crew was already set to thoroughly crush the version, you guys helped sure, but this is a bad version to gauge .com. Stick around for next version man, I think you can expect more of a challenge.
Anonymous at 23:06:11 on 27/03:
Good for him, at least wasnt his fam used and them shooted was the other way :)
im not angry, i just think the way the version was played wasnt the better, and i guess a fam like quirites didnt even had real competion but if they are happy to have a version like this one, good for him again. Same way to Liberta atm looks like a mix from Liberta+Violenza, didnt even was a main target of anyway war, if they are happy to , good for them also, just carefull last time tops from Liberta mix with Violenza i heard MT and some others screaming like hell.
Anyway its the version ppl chose to play :) gratzzz winners Conflict +Vincitori +LibertMIXvio +marrangello +Quirites
we still have the last act, its gonna be like 3.0.
Reset will be anounced and some will be pissed cos they wanna kill Bruinsma and Righelli others will cry cos they wanna kill Hangover, Caliente and Presi.
Proly that can fuck the relations fams have atm ot not, allways the same history... PPl will blame Admins but in my opinion its Players Fault
Redspeert at 22:52:22 on 27/03:
I know you are angry, but don't insult ElMariachi claiming he is a top of Purga, as he is a top of Quirites.
Anonymous at 22:43:23 on 27/03:
i got killed by the Reset Pact on the 1º war of this version, after that i put my lackey account ranking only with nick cars ranked to Lc and kill a Brug with +/- 350 rank points and bullet position from vincitori @ 05-03 war, atm ranking full speed to brug and ready to help any hijack!
Now tell me, wasnt you a Top from Purga?? what did you do besides having some gangbangs with the reset pact and got killed by the same guys??
ElMariachi at 21:50:56 on 27/03:
and what exactly did you do this version with your precious lackey acc :')
Anonymous at 19:00:39 on 27/03:
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
and what exactly did you do this version with your precious lackey acc :')
Now tell me, wasnt you a Top from Purga?? what did you do besides having some gangbangs with the reset pact and got killed by the same guys??
I know you are angry, but don't insult ElMariachi claiming he is a top of Purga, as he is a top of Quirites.
im not angry, i just think the way the version was played wasnt the better, and i guess a fam like quirites didnt even had real competion but if they are happy to have a version like this one, good for him again. Same way to Liberta atm looks like a mix from Liberta+Violenza, didnt even was a main target of anyway war, if they are happy to , good for them also, just carefull last time tops from Liberta mix with Violenza i heard MT and some others screaming like hell.
Anyway its the version ppl chose to play :) gratzzz winners Conflict +Vincitori +LibertMIXvio +marrangello +Quirites
we still have the last act, its gonna be like 3.0.
Reset will be anounced and some will be pissed cos they wanna kill Bruinsma and Righelli others will cry cos they wanna kill Hangover, Caliente and Presi.
Proly that can fuck the relations fams have atm ot not, allways the same history... PPl will blame Admins but in my opinion its Players Fault
Well I kinda have to agree on some parts: we came from .nl to see what we could do on .com, started the version before any fam was even up yet with a bloodcircle of fams my fellow tops played with in 3.1 as Invocandi and a smaller part of Balashikha. The lack of competition was a bit disappointing on the other hand some strategic planned moves like the war on Krays to lure Marazzino into a trap and the help from SLC on Turkuz/Yigidos worked out well for us, also the fact that some other fams attacked the cicle individual instead of a mass co-op to do as much damage as possible. We can look back at a version where the bloods circle Quirites is part of dictated the version from start to end which is not a bad accomplishment on .com imo. Looking back at the fam stats 1 month after 1st fams where up I would not have predicted it would be this "easy" to get where we are now. So personally for us the version as Quirites project was a succes, but overall this version was pretty disappointing and we expected a bit more...
Well, I am not planning any hijack because fams are simply not recruiting as easy as before. Especially some turkish fams that are worth hijacking.
But if you got a LC account you can help me shoot:D . If you got a Brug account even better..then we will kill a GF. Just need 1 Brug or 1 LC.
Pm me on irc sometime!
But if you got a LC account you can help me shoot:D . If you got a Brug account even better..then we will kill a GF. Just need 1 Brug or 1 LC.
Pm me on irc sometime!
Anonymous (23:06:11 - 27-03)
Redspeert at 22:52:22 on 27/03:
I know you are angry, but don't insult ElMariachi claiming he is a top of Purga, as he is a top of Quirites.
Anonymous at 22:43:23 on 27/03:
i got killed by the Reset Pact on the 1º war of this version, after that i put my lackey account ranking only with nick cars ranked to Lc and kill a Brug with +/- 350 rank points and bullet position from vincitori @ 05-03 war, atm ranking full speed to brug and ready to help any hijack!
Now tell me, wasnt you a Top from Purga?? what did you do besides having some gangbangs with the reset pact and got killed by the same guys??
ElMariachi at 21:50:56 on 27/03:
and what exactly did you do this version with your precious lackey acc :')
Anonymous at 19:00:39 on 27/03:
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
and what exactly did you do this version with your precious lackey acc :')
Now tell me, wasnt you a Top from Purga?? what did you do besides having some gangbangs with the reset pact and got killed by the same guys??
I know you are angry, but don't insult ElMariachi claiming he is a top of Purga, as he is a top of Quirites.
im not angry, i just think the way the version was played wasnt the better, and i guess a fam like quirites didnt even had real competion but if they are happy to have a version like this one, good for him again. Same way to Liberta atm looks like a mix from Liberta+Violenza, didnt even was a main target of anyway war, if they are happy to , good for them also, just carefull last time tops from Liberta mix with Violenza i heard MT and some others screaming like hell.
Anyway its the version ppl chose to play :) gratzzz winners Conflict +Vincitori +LibertMIXvio +marrangello +Quirites
we still have the last act, its gonna be like 3.0.
Reset will be anounced and some will be pissed cos they wanna kill Bruinsma and Righelli others will cry cos they wanna kill Hangover, Caliente and Presi.
Proly that can fuck the relations fams have atm ot not, allways the same history... PPl will blame Admins but in my opinion its Players Fault
Anonymous at 22:43:23 on 27/03:
i got killed by the Reset Pact on the 1º war of this version, after that i put my lackey account ranking only with nick cars ranked to Lc and kill a Brug with +/- 350 rank points and bullet position from vincitori @ 05-03 war, atm ranking full speed to brug and ready to help any hijack!
Now tell me, wasnt you a Top from Purga?? what did you do besides having some gangbangs with the reset pact and got killed by the same guys??
ElMariachi at 21:50:56 on 27/03:
and what exactly did you do this version with your precious lackey acc :')
Anonymous at 19:00:39 on 27/03:
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
and what exactly did you do this version with your precious lackey acc :')
Now tell me, wasnt you a Top from Purga?? what did you do besides having some gangbangs with the reset pact and got killed by the same guys??
I know you are angry, but don't insult ElMariachi claiming he is a top of Purga, as he is a top of Quirites.
Anonymous (22:43:23 - 27-03)
ElMariachi at 21:50:56 on 27/03:
and what exactly did you do this version with your precious lackey acc :')
Anonymous at 19:00:39 on 27/03:
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
and what exactly did you do this version with your precious lackey acc :')
Now tell me, wasnt you a Top from Purga?? what did you do besides having some gangbangs with the reset pact and got killed by the same guys??
Anonymous at 19:00:39 on 27/03:
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
3.3 worst version ever, not even 1 hijack, ppl dont even wanna lose a lackey brug account trying, fags :W
and what exactly did you do this version with your precious lackey acc :')
Anonymous (21:43:27 - 27-03)
Anonymous at 21:30:41 on 27/03:
Someone's fam died. :')
Ivopausje at 14:28:23 on 27/03:
Rip Omerta. Please don't forget to sign the rip forum.
Rip Omerta. Please don't forget to sign the rip forum.
lol not really, he was the first to go
Anonymous at 21:30:41 on 27/03:
Someone's fam died. :')
Ivopausje at 14:28:23 on 27/03:
Rip Omerta. Please don't forget to sign the rip forum.
Rip Omerta. Please don't forget to sign the rip forum.
not really, they died first of all fams
Would have to say I agree with you both here. There was some well played moves during this version by our side i guess you could call it, n yes numbers always help, but numbers without leadership is useless. Remeber Honor & Glory a few versions back? Big fam, did nothing died without much shouting either. The way wars have gone this version it has indeed benefited our blood circle, Purga & Vertigo pulling out of wars halfway in, fams shooting at another member of the "pact" when some were already very weak. In my opinion, Conflict, Marangello & Vincitori should all have died this version with a bit more planning & action on the other side. Its hard to explain, but i guess the Conf-Vinci-Quiri-Maran bloodship was the powerplay of the version before it started, n ye its a big task but no fam is undefeatable. Everyone just lined up to die in an orderly fashion, best example is Lato n then Gamb & Temp. If you are gonna counterattack the next day, brilliant i applaud that move. But dont suicide ur whole fam, n then let another fam do it 1hr later, its such a waste. I'm sure you worked with Turkuz last version, why could you not this version too? Sometimes u just have to choose ur battlefield, ofc Gamb/Temp knew they were next, but its still such a shame the fams which shot us down last version jsut walked into our guns this time. N ye people rage about it but when you look at it, every fam has done their part, shot when needed n not been afraid to shoot.
As for what Mickay said, the version winners are always highest on the target list next version too, it always happens. Vinci/Grav/DIGIT etc from 3.0 were all dead in 3.1. Nazdrovia have been a target ever since 3.1. Turkuz, Lato, Gamb were the branded targets this time after 3.2. So next version its our turn again, and we are gonna have to be damn smart about how we play to come through it again. I'm quite looking forward to the challenge. N i think Whatlazytologin is basically trying to say the same thing about next version in essence. 25 fams? Sounds like good fun, we will b ready.
As for Conf-Vinci-Maran-Grav ready to dominate a version, Vinci & Conf tried the bloodship last version, n we all ended up dead after some really long wars which were very messy, so without Quiri we probs would of been close to the same fate. Lato, Levi, Gamb & Temp probs would of all been together in the 1st war at us, whether they shot first or were shot upon. Sure, numbers had a big part on this version, but as I remember, Lato were top 10 too, Maraz even reached #1, SLC had 2 inside the top 10 for a long time, Blacksea & Yigidos werent small either, its just through the leadership it was designed such that in any single war numbers were in our favour, however throughout the whole version its probably the opposite.
I remember dark posting here something about how there is no diplomacy in real mafia, n the only ones that exist are made to be broken later. Perhaps this is a time when you could of done some of that, form together, bring down the pact, n then the version is yours to sort out. Or perhaps you could of done what Venge did, they didnt really outnumber Gravano, but their timing was smart & execution pretty good. Result, dead Gravano. There are ways, u jsut have to play it smart.
Amenta writing essays again, let me contribute Marang's POV.
The reason we won is clear and simple, we were pretty much the only side with a plan and the willingness to walk the talk. One of the few fams that also had a plan and realized we were a huge threat was Latobuio. And guess which fam was the first to go?
After we shot lato, Notte and Levi suicided in the middle of the night when they barely had shooters on, and gamb and temp suicided apart from eachother. Really now? If Notte/Levi/Gamb/Temp would have done a coordinated suicide on Quirites, maybe with some help from their old allies Turkuz+ (which they were oh so cosy with in 3.2, if you wanna talk about pacts), they could have downed them imo. And the thing with downing a fam from another server is that they usually just disappear (people dont have a lot of motivation to play). That would've prevented Qui from growing into the 150+ brug powerhouse that it was and is today.
After that, it just became so easy, we just had to get rid of the 3 major sides left: Maraz+, CLS, and Turkuz+. Well the turkuz part was easy, even tho they caught on to our plans. Maraz+ part was so easy too, after Krays shot themsealves to near death on Aztec. Shoot Krays late in the night (but not too late), so Maraz will blindly jump at a time they wont have that many shooters online. Plan worked perfectly, we shot Krays while keeping most of our shooters and bloods on standby to rape Maraz as soon as they shot us. We lost like 30-40 brugs in that war, to 120 Maraz and 30 krays brugs. Not a bad trade IMO.
The day after, CLS+ suicided on us and managed to do a fair bit of damage, but at this point, it was too little too late. Quite a few fams shot for us in that war, while they didn't have to, and could have just as easily let a few of us die. Fams like Hangover/Liberta/Caliente/Presidential. During that war you also had fams like Purga and Vertigo backing out (worth about 150 brugs total) and fams like Vengeance, Anadolu and Anonymous not participating. If they had, things would definitely have gone differently. Conf and us were near death, conf had about 7 brugs left and we <20 (dont recall the exact number). But again, they were just patiently waiting to die.
Thats fine, but then dont call us pussypact and say you never even had a chance. WE dominated this version from start to end, by shooting everyone who got in our way, and you just made it ridiculously easy for us.
We warred against 4 major sides this vers, CLS, Turkuz+, Maraz+ and Lato+. If just two of these sides had united against us, or if they would have just played a bit smarter (no uncoordinated suiciding and not backing out during a war for example), we wouldnt have taken this version. But you all seem more content with crying on OB then actually doing something. Now to be fair, CLS was in a difficult position, with LS being blooded to both us and Gravano. The way the version went pretty much had to end with a conflict between LS and vinci&conf, even tho we preferred they got along.
And as to our "inevitable rape" next version, maybe that will actually be a challenge for us, we look forward to it