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07-02 Discord channel!
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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
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30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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23-01 Your thoughts...
17:29:19 - 24-01
Next version I'll pwn you all!
Mainly because no1 else left and then even my "click-per-day" ranking speed is enough!
Less player - higher I'll be in # *\o/*
23-01 Reset announced
17:11:57 - 23-01
Amproof at 17:03:01 on 23/01:
Look at the bug abusers crying. There is no legitimate reason not to reset the version. The wars have been abused, there is billions in bug money sitting in accounts getting interest, there are people buying bullets with bug money.

I know we all whine but Ill see you all in a weeks time ;)
23-01 Reset announced
16:30:19 - 23-01
sbanks at 16:26:43 on 23/01:
Grannqe at 16:21:34 on 23/01:
You have witnessed Inna kill Starwest. To auction this witness statement use the following id

Kuro pwnin Brug -> assa!

who gives a shit, its reset time, maybe there was a personal vendetta.. rly again.. who gives a shit

I love ws posted here, some1 made a fam "rip omerta" !? news for you - omerta died versions ago. There was SO high hopes how 3.0 will be SO much different than 2.x were..and when 3.0 was released - fuck it (again). It still was more or less same shit. Lot of talk, little action = Omerta.
23-01 Reset announced
16:12:17 - 23-01
Few words LMFAO :D

DC? Real money? WTF? No thx, not since 2.x.

And to those that have used real money....Omerta Ltd prolly would say "Thx 4 your support" might say something else.

General Comments & Major Rumors
10:44:26 - 19-01
ROM...and there you see the stupidity in action...atm most don't want to reset.
Too many DC's, bugs etc. still need be used?
19-01 Time to clean?
09:07:49 - 19-01
59.18%, 29 votes
Fix all the bugs and reset the version after! (Fair play for all!)

I'm still (always) a pessimistic - this way you can't lose (and most of the time you are right, at least here)
18-01 Doping in Omerta?!
08:59:41 - 19-01
Big blaa blaa...and what has happen? About nothing, few akills, lucchese is back, 1,2,3,4, fam is still running, most of the high ranks still alive, all who died are still death (during the wars).

This is still like Lance Amstrong interview with Oprah - he admit but didn't actually said anything (who paid all, how many ppl behind all it and so on). Now people know these (new) bugs - waiting for the next once. Same in bicycling.

BIG blaa, blaa...

ps. I want to learn how to make those youtube tumbnails here?
18-01 Doping in Omerta?!
17:07:28 - 18-01
Seen a lot and now this. Good bug - easy to use - doesn't work anymore (not at least gambling...damn it).
If I would play and knew about this, would I use it - of course! These are the one of reasons why I don't play anymore.... This game is so rotten, even the admins quit fighting against scripts so I see no problem to use all kind of illegal tricks and stuff in this game. Just part of the game, has been and always will be. Who has the best bugs, dupes and scripts will win - gl all.

ps. I saw Lance Amstrong in Paris 2002, last leg of Tour de France...damn he was fast and yellow (the jersey). He is still my hero - like Marco Pantini! Both used "stuff" other won (and got cought) and other got himself killed. You can even ask Jan Ullrich - he only used he only had 2 wins....
11-01 There was a FIREFIGHT!
10:15:20 - 12-01
Nice wars during these last days.
Now what is left?
The winning side of this war will kill leftovers one by one and that's it? Unless some miracle will happend and "rest" will fight together? So new lackeys are running again?

[sidenote_whining]I loved the time when scripts did the ranking - illegal yes but now everyone can "script" - back in days it was more or less "always the same people" that used scripts = less than current lackey users. Omerta lost the battle againsts scripts -so they started to do the same and earning while doing it.[/sidenote_whining]
General Comments & Major Rumors
15:07:53 - 06-01
Family: Imobilare (Corleone)


Really? Imobilare instead of Immobiliare ?

Next time use Google before making a fam with mafia name (every1 who has seen Godfather III should know the name right)



Founded in 1998, Imobilare is bboy crew and an ASA-recognized student group at MIT that promotes bboying, providing opportunities for students to learn how breakdance and improve their bboying skills.

Imobilare hosts regular breakdance practices at MIT, and the group performs at events on campus and all over the Boston area. We have been featured in the Boston Globe numerous times and continue to establish a growing footprint within the local bboy community.


International Immobiliare was a European real estate company. Its properties were worth over $6 billion, making it the largest landowner in the world. The Vatican owned a 25 percent interest.

Michael Corleone bought a large block of stock during the 1970s, eventually becoming the company's largest single shareholder. In 1979, he expressed interest in buying the Vatican's stake for $600 million in the form of a deposit in the Vatican Bank, which would have given him controlling interest. He had plans to turn it into an international conglomerate. Despite fierce opposition to the Corleone family's aquisition of this company, the company's American directors voted to accept Michael's tender offer.

Maybe I'm wrong and they like to be bboys.... Waiting a fam associated to fly girls....
General Comments & Major Rumors
20:13:55 - 28-12
sbanks at 14:45:20 on 28/12:
Olmert at 10:54:35 on 28/12:
Anonymous at 04:10:23 on 28/12:
Anonymous at 03:18:57 on 28/12:
How do Maraz rankers give their time to such shit tops each version?

most of maraz rankers are dupes dude

one, two, three....they are pretty good in counting :D I would try next time, all th names of a football team orso

we all know 90% of them don't own a gun or have set backfire.. nor they can't organize a war or shoot properly.

we have seen this every version so far. nothing new.
Kind of lack of imagination...there probably are not enough foodball teams in turkey. to name all the "players".
General Comments & Major Rumors
16:41:59 - 21-12
Cinci at 23:29:25 on 20/12:
Anonymous at 11:51:50 on 20/12:
Anonymous at 00:34:25 on 20/12:

Ken --> Mırc Nick Cinci

Ryu ---> Mırc Nıck Vzyn

Rankscripts Cinci and Vzyn :D

yeah good script accounts.. again admins dont see :)

go play mario....
i am cinci here admin sended ingames messages for joining..
any please make your comments with your nicks if u can ...
Luigi here \o/...or not
Just wanted to make a comment and using my own nick.
So what next? Should I be scared? I'm not.

Oh I found a funny song from Youtube...especially for tr.gen ppl.
General Comments & Major Rumors
20:53:16 - 05-12
Anonymous at 18:50:46 on 05/12:
reset o meter still off? admins dont give a fuck for this game anymore
reset-o-meter is a joke. those who give a fuck about that "meter" are joke. Reset comes when admins think the time is right - not when players "vote" reset.
02-12 Casappa down
12:46:00 - 02-12
Anonymous at 12:09:29 on 02/12:
You have witnessed Baseyev kill Joentje. To auction this witness statement use the following id: 4472
Anonymous at 12:00:56 on 02/12:
You killed Joentje. He/she had $ 77,694 in his/her pocket which is now yours!

Pentagram sker :D
Buhuu...still lack of balls as posted as anonymous? Must been kind of "shocking" news that some person got the ws and posted it here.

Going back to Civ V - 1st country I always shoot has some Sultan as their leader.
General Comments & Major Rumors
06:58:21 - 23-11
Anonymous at 23:49:24 on 22/11:
Johnny lazy to log in at 20:43:13 on 22/11:
I really wonder will Omerta still be making money for Brando for Christmas 2013...

Hopefully not. But we keep on wishing that every year, since? Well at least since lackeys were introduced.
Not so long time ago DC cost about 2.5 € and now 3 € - +20% does mean something.
Happy x-mas Brando...let the inflation rate to be totally different (also next year) in Omerta world than it's in normal world. As we know - this is just a game.
21-10 Wake you from your sunday blues
08:43:42 - 23-10
Anonymous at 08:15:52 on 23/10:
Anonymous at 03:26:54 on 23/10:
Hugo lol. Where is your fam now? You can now rerank with xzone. 2 turkish newbie families

fuc off kank xzone rulez !! we bought lot of donates from our power we will be back from rerank now again and bring you into the XzOnE ! but srsly stay calm dogs dont be angery buddy
Damn it's good that there are only 3 letters in the codes. Otherwise this guy couldn't rank.
21-10 Wake you from your sunday blues
17:17:38 - 22-10
Anonymous at 17:03:04 on 22/10:
all says pact pussy we see pussys respect pact
liberta ocean
memento co
and pentagram
all says:
- pact!
- pussy *\o/*
- we see pussys *\o/* *\o/*
- respect pact ???

I don't get it but I like part of it.
14-09 Reset
17:55:32 - 14-09
B|Jack at 13:00:20 on 14/09:
Lepke Carpedium $480,000,000 View Details

Still crying here?
02-09 Getting Censored
18:39:12 - 03-09
Lepke at 17:16:29 on 03/09:
dark at 15:30:21 on 03/09:
btw if ur really that brave ask ur lepke to go out sh. You were shootin krays blabla then explain me what the fuck ur don doing in sh for 12 hours.

Well tbh I was out of sh shooting for 9 hours looking for censored and krays members who were all Sh for them hours, atleast the ones who had the cash for it. After I killed krays Gf and 4 brugs, I needed rest cuz it was 230am US time and have 2 work :) so ofcourse I go SH. You prefer I stay out so I am open target? When I come out SH Aro found me, just ask him :) I just play the game bro, like everyone else. Try to keep fam alive as long as possible. Sure I will die, but I will try 2 stay alive.

Respect to all shooters on both sides, especially Krays for jumping in quick... +1


I wait some smart reply from dark
There are still some funny moments in this stupid game :)

btw, Good shooting m8 :^

General Comments & Major Rumors
09:48:31 - 02-09
Family: Kilers (Detroit)

lol...nice typo :D