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07-02 Discord channel!
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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
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30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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21-08 First Family!
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12-08 Welcome to Round #39
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25-06 Nothing New
19:39:40 - 26-06
Redspeert at 18:07:28 on 26/06:

Registered: 01:10:40 on 09-02-2011 (1598d 16h 56m 35s ago)

not so bad red - just 2 days after vbm...

had to find my passs just to post this shit....

Registered: 11:25:00 on 26-02-2011 (1581d 7h 40m 28s ago) fingon is dead, ppl can't post those dates "since 2.0" bs....
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:28:00 - 25-09
Anonymous at 23:06:31 on 25/09:
infra goes?
seems like to some1 the legend still lives..and haters still hate...f them.
I almost got back but...;) maybe 1 day Infra ;)
General Comments & Major Rumors
16:54:05 - 19-06
Aart at 16:06:22 on 19/06:
ceZar at 14:09:57 on 19/06:
Jordyrp at 10:28:55 on 19/06:
sbanks at 10:24:45 on 19/06:
so far 3 DC's are won by gambling / betting.. are u guys even trying??


yeah me too, so seems that everybody lost last night.

Poor Spain :')
Sbanks you're such a troll
From: sbanks
Subject: You lost a bet

fuck I care....have no use for the DC anyway
07-06 Bookmaker office! Free DC's
09:56:35 - 08-06
what's my email? :D
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:35:40 - 10-05
PPAL at 16:26:51 on 10/05:
PPAL at 16:24:40 on 10/05:
Anonymous at 13:20:00 on 10/05:
Anonymous at 13:01:37 on 10/05:
Peakys and Templari blooded.

Templari have blooded Pwnage, Samyo, Nazdrovia, Templars and Peakys. They also have a non-shoot deal with Righelli.

What an absolute farce. Reset the version before these families can disgrace themselves further. Any family with the potential to challenge for the win have blooded themselves into a corner. Any family who hasn't taken a whole load of top 10 bloods has no chance to move.

Time to start over, and hopefully these hugging families can be cleaned up early next time.

Well, this is really what destroys this game. Fams like Templari who dont seem to understand its a mafia game, incompetent tops if you ask me. Not bashing or anything but why do you need this amount of bloods? i really can not understand... Next to that you would expect a fam with their size and who have so much support (~bloods) to be or become the agressor at some point, but here we are... its just pathetic and i hope Templari's members either stand up to this regime or find their loyalty elsewhere its a disgrace :(

Just some hater o/

Its from 2.9 im telling this game need somethings to be revived, like:
1- maximum 2 or 3 bloods for fams and with the bond to write it in the fam page.
2- maximum of 45 fams, or, for maximum of 100/150 spaces members for fam, not like Sinaloa did, they managed to have 300 spaces closing Philly (dont remember if they were in Philly but doesnt matter)
3- maximum of 25/30 spaces for ranks in fam (example: maximum 5/6 CD, 25/30 brugs, 25/30 chiefs and so on.
4- To set up a fam need minimum 3 peaoples (example: player a want to start a fam, the system ask other 2 names to do it, is like when u wanna get marry, u need a witness).
5- auto successors for GF, Sotto and Consig. no matters wich rank is the successor(exampe: when a don start a fam the system ask wich is the successor and the don have to fill the name, is like when u set your testament) then sotto have to fill the successor for the sotto place, consig have to fill the successor for consig place and so on, if these players are offline during the war, this can be done automatically. That just to stop to see peoples running away when a war start ( i have it :D ). In this way, a fam can stay alive a bit longer also, the fam will be alive until last member is alive ( i hate to see brug deaths as famless :D ).
6- Object are automatically share with fam members during the war, same as don sotto consig places, until last owner die, also, the object goes to the killers of the object.
7- for point 4 , 5 , 6. need a donation code, (example: the successor for the 3 tops and object cant be done automatically if this guy is not a donation code owner, also, the system will set as successor first donation code owners, lets make brando happy in some ways :D

5- auto successors for GF, Sotto and Consig. no matters wich rank is the successor(exampe: when a don start a fam the system ask wich is the successor and the don have to fill the name, is like when u set your testament) then sotto have to fill the successor for the sotto place, consig have to fill the successor for consig place and so on, if these players are offline during the war, this can be done automatically. That just to stop to see peoples running away when a war start ( i have it :D ) <<<--- edit: I HATE IT
1st you post something ..long shit that no1 wants read and then you even edit your own shit...
great...never never land guy...
Let's have 1 more!
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:50:46 - 05-04
05-04 19:36:54 (BF) Prozac Swindler Lusa

good to see that some copy cat took my old ingame that I used many years. at least he took the
stupid is as stupid does...

ps.was he turk? as they can only copy but do nothing original
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:48:03 - 28-03
Mcgee at 15:18:19 on 28/03:
Anonymous at 00:19:54 on 28/03:
Stanto at 20:06:58 on 27/03:
After 2 year of pause , still same shit on forums....Brando still did not turned off other versions ?
If you want good omerta , just turn off all other version expect .DM and .COM
You will get quality people from .pt .tr .nl on one strong server which is .COM , stop separate people on other servers and put it all in one strong and quality .COM

Brando this is last suggestion how you can bring back a big amount people on one place and with that very good round + longest in versions and on the end , a lot of shooting and way better chating on IRC ...

Online on .com atm = 700 ppl ....shame...instead of 3k-5k online ppl

Think about this!

couldnt agree more

I wouldn't mind seeing the day when it's just 100 users. Shouldn't cost to much to run the game in my opinion. I'll just be a proud psycho motherfucker with me and just 100 people left, cause to me it was never about the amount of people who played, but who actually played.
Nice to know people come in and out of our lives, even if it's through a virtual online game.
But to socially interact and fag it out with so many people on mIRC was not the reason I "googled" mafia game in the first place.
Less people meaning hopefully the quality will improve, and for those who do roleplay actively it might get "interesting even more so".
And one more thing, less people should increase your chances of becoming the next Don Barafranca.

* all rise

Father Mcgee

Idiot from USA has spoken....
Take a mirror and keep on wanking.
General Comments & Major Rumors
13:46:16 - 20-02
ah kids are playing...and that's why you get kids comments

//nice lag here btw
General Comments & Major Rumors
15:10:50 - 08-01
There are only 2 more or less funny things left in this "game" - read bs what ppl write here and infrequently play #werewolfgame..neither requires a account.
24-11 Mafia News
23:40:40 - 24-11
So old stories of some convicted mafia guys, rats and so on?
Golden age of mafia has gone already - in Italy it's still every day life (so I have been told by ppl that lives there). But news here? Nah...
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:44:31 - 17-11
KCode at 20:46:13 on 17/11:
Pretty sure, we are all aware who should get the best-killer star.

Killing Chief's won't give you an achievement star.
Some should have told that to Kujala - oh wait, let's not tell. Let him have his 15 mins.

And some said something about "rules" here? There are rules and there are common sense.
Combine those and you get the winner.

YouTube video
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:48:44 - 03-10
Anonymous at 13:25:43 on 03/10:
tonight, is the night.
YouTube video
General Comments & Major Rumors
08:38:02 - 31-08
Anonymous at 19:52:08 on 30/08:
microbi at 19:45:58 on 30/08:

I have always said that if ppl hate you - you have done something right.
Sure, but you're saying they did something right - when in fact they didn't do anything this version. :')
"doing something" = they did SOMETHING. Made you post, got you (and some others) angry, was involved "something" (shady part...), did "some" nice shooting and least "something".

Not a top so wont post anything "from the fam". I just like the fact SOMETHING is happening in this game. Not so shitty version after all - after KA was fixed. Short version, again - part that should be also get fixed.

Maybe the biggest thing they did was getting end of this version so that winner(s) is found now that the "big boys" are the small once...are waiting the final clean-up?
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:45:58 - 30-08

I have always said that if ppl hate you - you have done something right.
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:50:44 - 30-08
Anonymous at 18:45:40 on 30/08:
microbi at 18:35:25 on 30/08:
Anonymous at 18:14:53 on 30/08:
Anonymous at 17:20:56 on 30/08:
Anonymous at 17:10:08 on 30/08:
sbanks at 15:59:47 on 30/08:
reset won't come if there are more than 5+ fams up.
its all up to the current fams how fast they want a reset tbh

cool, capitalis will be removed tonight from the stats
now only 10 small fams to go

hahaha nobody has the balls to fight the almighty Capitalis!!!!

almighty lol nice joke, i bet u'r a capitalis member otherwise you would not said that >_<
and you are probably some1 that got fucked by capitalis otherwise you wouldn't be so bitter and eager to get them killed?
Lol Capitalis shot in exactly one war this version, and that was a gangbang on Krays.
So are from Krays then? As you didn't aswer to my question?
This is free game - so go ahead - do w/e you to reset this game. But do it in the game and You do it. can just keep on posting anonymous.
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:46:44 - 30-08
sbanks at 15:59:47 on 30/08:
reset won't come if there are more than 5+ fams up.
its all up to the current fams how fast they want a reset tbh
I feel like reading good old comic book "Judge Dredd".

There was this one crazy mofo Judge Cal who ruled the whole place and he appointed his pet goldfish as Deputy Chief Judge.

Fish said "Blupp" and the Judge Cal said "There you have a new Law!" - Link to original comic strip

So what's next? Any1 that can hack a username that has numbers will win the version MVP prize?
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:35:25 - 30-08
Anonymous at 18:14:53 on 30/08:
Anonymous at 17:20:56 on 30/08:
Anonymous at 17:10:08 on 30/08:
sbanks at 15:59:47 on 30/08:
reset won't come if there are more than 5+ fams up.
its all up to the current fams how fast they want a reset tbh

cool, capitalis will be removed tonight from the stats
now only 10 small fams to go

hahaha nobody has the balls to fight the almighty Capitalis!!!!

almighty lol nice joke, i bet u'r a capitalis member otherwise you would not said that >_<
and you are probably some1 that got fucked by capitalis otherwise you wouldn't be so bitter and eager to get them killed?
08-06 Star rating
20:42:04 - 21-07
I can see the stars *\o/*
15-07 Do you use Omerta Beyond?
08:59:57 - 16-07
? I thought I replied here already...

Anyway - didn't knew it was also on Opera - just the fact that current Omerta has so many bugs, I probably wont test this (and have even more bugs). Sorry.
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:52:31 - 18-06
Anonymous at 17:41:32 on 18/06:
anonymous at 17:36:50 on 18/06:
Kohfi_Konnekt at 13:57:27 on 18/06:

microbi at 18:04:15 on 15/06:
Anonymous at 17:58:11 on 15/06:
if the fams left really want a reset then the only thing they have to do is show a statement in their fam profile, if 7 of the 10 fams will put something like: "reset yes" in their fam profile, then admins can't ignore the fact that the version is over, but if not well then just rank and play and make some wars and rank and play :)
Damn you are stupid.

Do you really think that THAT will make them to reset this game?

Next time you lose a tooth (as I think you still have milk tooths) - put it under your pillow so tooth fairy can find it and bring you a coin for it.
teeth not tooths

Very related to the anon post ^^

Mr. SmartAss

He was indeed smart.
Tooth singular. Example: Your mum just has a single tooth left.
Teeth plural. Example: your mum has lost almost all of her teeth due to her long lasting crack abuse.
Or simpler put: one tooth, two teeth, three teeth.

The more you know...
Every day you learn something new....Scientia potentia est