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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
Comments: 64 - Views: 7,984 - Votes: 0
30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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21-08 First Family!
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12-08 Welcome to Round #39
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03-08 Reset → 12 August 2022, Friday → 10:00 OT
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» Comments of Smul
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:02:06 - 09-08
Kris at 20:59:13 on 09/08:
borro at 17:55:59 on 09/08:
It's amazing and also sad how small this game has become. Look at the brug counts on most of these fams. Really, this late in the game and this is all there is? This version really was a suckfest. A dying game.......

Well it might be partly that in the last week, over 250 brugs have died... :-P

440+ even in the last 7 days. :P
02-08 OBN Contract Killer Cup?!
14:32:29 - 04-08
Anonymous at 14:29:13 on 04/08:
So the pact is dead and they use their dogs in beyond to make chaos in the game? What brug would shoot another brug for a dc? How midly retarded are you people.. You will probably add targets from enemy families and make them targets just to amuse your selves?

Beyond showing true colors gj mates o//

Paranoid much.
26-07 En Vogue - Don't Let Go
20:44:47 - 26-07
Spy at 20:44:21 on 26/07:

where's your signature? :(
25-07 It's a Massacre!
18:09:47 - 26-07
Audiowaste at 17:10:31 on 26/07:
Anonymous at 15:48:58 on 26/07:
Audiowaste at 15:27:43 on 26/07:
Damn you're right, I feel so bad now...

I think you must be a teenager with an emotional imbalance immediately angry, it makes sense for you to always be against the rest of society and you can not distinguish good from evil, I think you should have many negative consequences on your life ... but it should be your only way of affirmation in society :(
No actually I'm way older and very intelligent and social. Apparently I'm one of the few who understands the part "role playing" in MMORPG. Next to that, I'm not the one who is angry, but the people who are against scripts and posting anonymous in a topic about that. You all (including Smul) have a very large grey area between a game and your real life.

Excuse me? You were the one that started with Castrating people because they were playing a game without cheating (yeah you really deserve to get castrated for that...). So I think YOU brought the real life into this, so who has the big fat grey area between games and real life here?
Only thing I did was just turning your argument around and making the cheaters look bad instead of the manual players. :)
25-07 It's a Massacre!
10:48:22 - 26-07
Audiowaste at 09:57:06 on 26/07:
Anonymous at 18:25:44 on 25/07:
Well most of them were Lucchese members, the majority were lucchese players... Cheating fam xD

Plus look who ended up with a a-kill
Balotelli :')

After running from family to family the admins took you down what a joke
What's wrong with cheating? In my opinion people who play fair and rank by hand from ES to Brug should be castrated so they can't get children. Imagine they get a child who is as stupid as his dad, you don't want that for your children.
Maybe you should stop flaming at cheaters, think again and start flaming people who play fair.
You are one of the few who still walks behind a plough instead of using a tractor?

On the other hand, that child would be born with a feeling of honour justice and dignity. Something your children will obviously lack. His children will serve in the army, loose their body parts to protect the cheating life you love for you, while your children cheat through life.

Maybe your balls should be chopped off too. Cuz damn if you'd get any kids they'd be pathetic.
25-07 It's a Massacre!
18:02:37 - 25-07
Anonymous at 18:00:52 on 25/07:
Smul at 17:52:51 on 25/07:
Italien- at 17:47:40 on 25/07:
Rumour has it? how about going threw their profiles and checking their pics? IMO its VERY lame you brand one family name as the "supposed" rankers, yet you do not show the proof.

Even the Reged Don was akilled, you're trying to say he was Lucchese to?

I went over the dead ones on statspage right now. 19 people.

1 had lucchese pic/text.
1 had Elegante pic/text.
1 had destination pic/text.
1 was Reged DON
Rest was picless.

Smul, you complain about some of the people writing for this site, only looks one way.. How about looking in the mirror?

maybe you should read further? Than just rumour has it.

Cuz this is the sentence: "Rumour has it that most of the targeted players"

Read the word MOST there? Oki. :)

Edit: Besides that, you don't ONLY have to check pics and such, you have family history nowadays which tracks people pretty accurately.

If you are talking bout reranking than it can't be lucchese players since lucchese was shot, so they are either people from other fam ranking in lucchese or you are just spreading false rumors, which according to the stats Italien gave you are.

So far for good journalism...

That's true, I should have put (re)ranking, as it was both.
25-07 It's a Massacre!
18:01:34 - 25-07
Italien- at 17:58:31 on 25/07:
Smul at 17:52:51 on 25/07:
Italien- at 17:47:40 on 25/07:
Rumour has it? how about going threw their profiles and checking their pics? IMO its VERY lame you brand one family name as the "supposed" rankers, yet you do not show the proof.

Even the Reged Don was akilled, you're trying to say he was Lucchese to?

I went over the dead ones on statspage right now. 19 people.

1 had lucchese pic/text.
1 had Elegante pic/text.
1 had destination pic/text.
1 was Reged DON
Rest was picless.

Smul, you complain about some of the people writing for this site, only looks one way.. How about looking in the mirror?

maybe you should read further? Than just rumour has it.

Cuz this is the sentence: "Rumour has it that most of the targeted players"

Read the word MOST there? Oki. :)

Edit: Besides that, you don't ONLY have to check pics and such, you have family history nowadays which tracks people pretty accurately.

Are you stupid, or just expecting the readers here to be?

I checked the family history of current 19 akills on stats. 1/19 had been in Lucchese..

Please explain how that is MOST?

Seriously 1 out of 19? You skipped some very obvious ones then. :')
25-07 It's a Massacre!
17:52:51 - 25-07
Italien- at 17:47:40 on 25/07:
Rumour has it? how about going threw their profiles and checking their pics? IMO its VERY lame you brand one family name as the "supposed" rankers, yet you do not show the proof.

Even the Reged Don was akilled, you're trying to say he was Lucchese to?

I went over the dead ones on statspage right now. 19 people.

1 had lucchese pic/text.
1 had Elegante pic/text.
1 had destination pic/text.
1 was Reged DON
Rest was picless.

Smul, you complain about some of the people writing for this site, only looks one way.. How about looking in the mirror?

maybe you should read further? Than just rumour has it.

Cuz this is the sentence: "Rumour has it that most of the targeted players"

Read the word MOST there? Oki. :)

Edit: Besides that, you don't ONLY have to check pics and such, you have family history nowadays which tracks people pretty accurately.
22-07 Elegante
23:18:49 - 23-07
kalliente at 23:15:12 on 23/07:
Anonymous at 23:03:08 on 23/07:
and kalliente, join irc ffs!

I m detoxing :')

Dude, come quick, Daffie is crying is drunken sorry ass off because you are never here. I can't handle him anymore. :/
22-07 Elegante
21:42:15 - 22-07
Turco at 21:36:07 on 22/07:
ElMariachi at 20:22:25 on 22/07:
And the winner of the trophy for the most worthless fam this version is ....

ahahahaha funiest comment trophy of the version goes to you then xD

this is a fuckin open version , when your lame pact is fucked than it became worthless huh? your pussy pact is eliminated by various NON blood fams which is a reaction of previous versions...

I do believe he's just saying that, in his opinion, Elegante was the most useless fam of this version, as they didn't shoot at all and now are getting picked apart quite harshly.

Dunno wtf you think he's saying. :')
15-07 Regcleaner?
16:13:25 - 19-07
Anonymous at 08:06:13 on 19/07:
Sbanks lol

"attacker will be able to finish their job"

yea yea

I actually wrote that.
16-07 Club Bizarre
13:49:34 - 17-07
Anonymous at 13:24:06 on 17/07:
Smul at 09:14:37 on 17/07:
Ofc, it's interesting to see what will happen now. I'm afraid there will be a period of relative calmness now, as nearly every fam needs to recover from this insane amount of warring in the last week. There might be a couple of small wars (maybe 1 bigger war executed by fams who haven't shot a lot/anything yet) in the coming week or 2. After that, it'll either become mayhem again, or people will form a pact and the version will be dead.

Lets hope for everyone's sake the first thing happens rather than the latter. If the latter happens then by all means this can be called a pact.

And besides that, this has been my only comment about any sides or pacts or w/e on OB, so I highly doubt that I've been uber protective over those fams.


Afraid for a time of peace c'mon give the people a little break some have been shooting from thursday on non-stop, was nice though to see so many wars in such at short time but now let me buy bullets for next wars \o/

It's a figure of speech.
16-07 Club Bizarre
09:14:37 - 17-07
FlowzZ at 08:51:03 on 17/07:
Smul at 08:43:54 on 17/07:
FlowzZ at 08:35:27 on 17/07:
Smul at 19:29:17 on 16/07:
Anonymous at 19:25:55 on 16/07:
This one seems a bigger pact:

Balagula, Notte, Purgatory, Vaevictis, Vogue, Destination, Anonymous, Austerity, Chivas, Krays, Nazdrovia, Regedit, Stigmata, Venutti, Vertigo

You are listing all fams that shot "semi" together in the last 4 (or 5) wars.

so you can also list the other side of families which is:

Lucchese, Cristeria, Righelli, Balagula (funny, they are on both sides!), Battaglia, Trafficante, Venutti (both sides too), Bruinsma, Catania, Apocrythia, Interficio, Marangello, Casappa, Insanyus, Tempestuoso

Seems to even out don't you think?

Well pact or no pact in each side , its still not changin the fact that those fams didnt play together .
Don't you think you are being a little overprotective ?

Haven't seen all of the fams you are referring to work together either. Quite a couple of them haven't warred with eachother.
That's exactly what you are trying to say in previous versions and what you are trying to say with your reaction here about the other side.

So if one is pulling an entire group of fams together who seemingly have warred "together" in their eyes in the past 5 days (just take a closer look and you'll see that a lot of fams from the turkish side haven't shot together, just like what the people of 3.4 are trying to say) then it's justified to counter that statement by counting all fams of the other "side".

People are pointing at the other side for things they are doing themselves too. That's all I'm saying with my previous comment. ;)

I said that based on some comments of yours and theirs i read in few articles , tho i didn't call anyone a pact , unless those dead fams dont rank back (which i hope they do cuz this vers has the potential to be one of the greatest) and we end this version with the remaining fams so then i can either presume they blooded with each other (which can be a big list) or they are playing as a pact ( dont mind me saying this word but you see it got used so much in previous versions even when it wasn't needed so it kind of stuck)

Ofc, it's interesting to see what will happen now. I'm afraid there will be a period of relative calmness now, as nearly every fam needs to recover from this insane amount of warring in the last week. There might be a couple of small wars (maybe 1 bigger war executed by fams who haven't shot a lot/anything yet) in the coming week or 2. After that, it'll either become mayhem again, or people will form a pact and the version will be dead.

Lets hope for everyone's sake the first thing happens rather than the latter. If the latter happens then by all means this can be called a pact.

And besides that, this has been my only comment about any sides or pacts or w/e on OB, so I highly doubt that I've been uber protective over those fams.
16-07 Club Bizarre
08:43:54 - 17-07
FlowzZ at 08:35:27 on 17/07:
Smul at 19:29:17 on 16/07:
Anonymous at 19:25:55 on 16/07:
This one seems a bigger pact:

Balagula, Notte, Purgatory, Vaevictis, Vogue, Destination, Anonymous, Austerity, Chivas, Krays, Nazdrovia, Regedit, Stigmata, Venutti, Vertigo

You are listing all fams that shot "semi" together in the last 4 (or 5) wars.

so you can also list the other side of families which is:

Lucchese, Cristeria, Righelli, Balagula (funny, they are on both sides!), Battaglia, Trafficante, Venutti (both sides too), Bruinsma, Catania, Apocrythia, Interficio, Marangello, Casappa, Insanyus, Tempestuoso

Seems to even out don't you think?

Well pact or no pact in each side , its still not changin the fact that those fams didnt play together .
Don't you think you are being a little overprotective ?

Haven't seen all of the fams you are referring to work together either. Quite a couple of them haven't warred with eachother.
That's exactly what you are trying to say in previous versions and what you are trying to say with your reaction here about the other side.

So if one is pulling an entire group of fams together who seemingly have warred "together" in their eyes in the past 5 days (just take a closer look and you'll see that a lot of fams from the turkish side haven't shot together, just like what the people of 3.4 are trying to say) then it's justified to counter that statement by counting all fams of the other "side".

People are pointing at the other side for things they are doing themselves too. That's all I'm saying with my previous comment. ;)
16-07 Hattrick!
01:58:36 - 17-07
Terencio at 01:50:41 on 17/07:
Anonymous at 01:27:53 on 17/07:
Of the defence of regedit + vertigo(anonymous+vertigo) war:

Apocrythia (down)
Bruinsma (down)
Casappa (down)
Insanyus (down)
Interficio (down)
Marangello (down)
Nonfactors (down)
Sacracorona (down)
Tempestuoso (alive)

Defending families:

failed attack? :')

regedit down to 1 brug, and vertigo/anon basically done? :d and thats a fail, cool...

Ofc you nearly killed them. And that's pretty well done considering the size of the counter that was brought upon the attacking families in the first night already (besides maybe 2-3 fams who could remain shooting, and thus killing most of the 2 target fams).
But there's a big difference between a family going down and barely surviving, as that doesn't break the spirit of the members as badly, who will then still have the motivation to play, won't swap family and what not. So it's a key event to survive the war even if it's only with scraps.
16-07 Club Bizarre
00:06:59 - 17-07
Anonymous at 00:04:17 on 17/07:
cul at 22:48:46 on 16/07:
Whats provenzano doin? Shooting low ranks? LOL

searching for safehouse pussys

Don't confuse a valid tactic of defending/countering for being pussy. =__=
16-07 Club Bizarre
19:29:17 - 16-07
Anonymous at 19:25:55 on 16/07:
This one seems a bigger pact:

Balagula, Notte, Purgatory, Vaevictis, Vogue, Destination, Anonymous, Austerity, Chivas, Krays, Nazdrovia, Regedit, Stigmata, Venutti, Vertigo

You are listing all fams that shot "semi" together in the last 4 (or 5) wars.

so you can also list the other side of families which is:

Lucchese, Cristeria, Righelli, Balagula (funny, they are on both sides!), Battaglia, Trafficante, Venutti (both sides too), Bruinsma, Catania, Apocrythia, Interficio, Marangello, Casappa, Insanyus, Tempestuoso

Seems to even out don't you think?
12-07 First blood
18:13:23 - 13-07
Redspeert at 17:39:25 on 13/07:
Smul at 11:20:51 on 13/07:
Anonymous at 11:06:17 on 13/07:
Boleone at 10:50:22 on 13/07:
+1 for dark and English. And he is still not writing anonymously :)

P.S. Battaglia family ?

Yes indeed, what about Battaglia? They were practically Righelli and shot at krays while they weren't even strong and knew it was suicide.

It's a very onesided report :) Defenders are getting updated, but Attackers aren't. As Redspeert stated before. He was involved in this war, as attacker. So he'd rather not put up all the attackers in the list (yet he most likely knows all of them) because people seem to not like that nowadays, they want to remain "hidden".

What about Venutti, Balagula, etc. :)

I updated, I kinda think there were more on the attackers side, but we'll never know, unless other reporters update with all of the information they got ofc. ;)

I didn't add all the defenders either, so you can take your onesided report and stick it where you want to, or you could actually start doing your work here, instead of only coming and complaining when you see something you don't like. Thanks.

Ghehe, joker. As soon as a counter fam would jump it was updated straight away here, while attacking families who even had casualties and witness statements going around weren't getting updated at all.
The only reason why you didn't update Regedit (only defender fam you didn't update) was because you were already sleeping when they decided to jump.

Maybe think a little why I ain't doing my job here anymore? As other reporters aren't even trying to be objective. :)

In other words, I don't see myself as a reporter anymore. Be glad I actually updated this article to contain more of the truth than you captured. You're welcome.
12-07 First blood
16:46:32 - 13-07
stodderkonge at 16:39:13 on 13/07:

DeLPiero (Pentagram) We should shot them first but thinks not go well what we think. Anyway we died with our bloods without venture, They show their face's again :) Run away from war like a coward. Ty krays you guys have balls \o RIP who died from our side. Good bye omerta, Gl to me for army Hoscakalin o/

am i the only one who only understood half of it ?

You do understand that, by making such "cool" remarks about not being able to comprehend some poorly written English, you actually admit yourself that your English skills suck. As íf your English would be good, you would be able to interpretate such a small piece of badly written English into the proper context.
12-07 First blood
11:28:14 - 13-07
shell at 11:25:59 on 13/07:

they are equally ignoring both sides, not an onesided story.

i dont see regedit on defending side
