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07-02 Discord channel!
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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
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30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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21-08 First Family!
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» Comments of Lazial
02-06 It's getting Intense!
00:33:22 - 03-06
Srsly ... The quality of this site has been fading slowly hand to hand with omerta. But today you took a massive step torwards edning it for good. Sadly enough it wasnt the new recruits that fucked up, but the alltime favourites, that fed false information to the masses ;]

Anyway it was a good war. Some leaked, some doublecrossed, some were plain stupid, some didnt keep their word, some violated non-shooting agreements and others sat back and laughed. Luckily i was able to be one of the former even if my fam and friends died. Love you homos :*
26-02 London Bridge is falling down
00:48:51 - 27-02
Anonymooses at 00:39:44 on 27/02:

no if you read what I fucking wrote, it didnt work out at all.. Correptio Lab Synd an Yalta pussied out

True story. Yalta actually blooded pact ...
22-02 Yigidossed!
03:02:16 - 23-02
Zzzz at 02:53:16 on 23/02:
my guess is that if maraz didnt joined this war VS turks... some fams would prolly back out of this war just to stay safe...

if maraz thought as that than tacticaly good thinking

making familly u want dead thinking they will stay safe and let them waste some bullets/accounts in attack , than counter on them while they still cant shoot and have to hire on new targets,aswell get new BG's

way to get what u want done and staying safe from most fams ( which doesnt mean noting will happen later )

same as yalta and kuro using thier chance to minimalize thier loses

and speaking about turks that are gettin gangbanged now , always better to go down shooting on someone , than wait to get shot .. but im afraid i can say that only about THIS war :)

anyway ... noting changed omerta is still boring :D

hf in war people

You still suck at reading this game homo ;]
10-12 Winner 3.2?
23:45:41 - 12-12
Guess I should talk to admins to change the KA again, so we can cope with the Allmighty :(

Hope 800 euros do the deal like last time \o/
10-12 Winner 3.2?
00:58:52 - 12-12
Johnny at 00:40:27 on 12/12:

I can't help but wonder one thing tbh.

Spamzor ;]
22-11 AsFu ↔ Bulgaria
01:11:08 - 24-11
Anonymous at 01:03:14 on 24/11:
and Lazial, i shot since 2.1.
So what point u wanna make with shooting ever since 2.3?


Pm me and i will explain my point, anonymous Kick-assshooter xD
22-11 AsFu ↔ Bulgaria
00:38:42 - 24-11
[offtopic]Its sad rly ... Anonymous "people" trying to make a point and actually getting involved in an "Anonymoush bash-battle" ... Not that much of a surprise actually, knowing that most of those comments came from lowlife turkish wankers that have been bullied for the most part of their lives ( which for most of them counts as 40+ years}. And dont get me wrong lol ... I am Bulgarian, whcih, for al lof you that may not know, has a border with turkey and i have a lot of turkish friends and even relatives. I dont dislike turkish ppl in general, but i do honestly dislike most of the turkish that play omerta ;] Sure i have friends from there, but the majority of them ... well ... You know what i mean ;]

Anyway. The purpose of this war was purely personal and it contained hatred. They got us this time, no harm done its a game after all ;]

So ... As a matter of fact i was not planning to play next version or probably any version whatsoever. But my brief 5 day spell ended by that slaughter made me reconsider ;] And well ... This goes to asfu, turkuz and every other turkish fam ive shot ever since 2.3 (and Gosh there are quite a few ;]) : I will hurt you. Probably wont take you down, not all of you, but ill make you suffer and rebuild, and rebuild, and rebuild ... Watch ur backs, kankas ;]
General Comments & Major Rumors
01:04:26 - 08-10
Gosh ... Yama is bitching again ...
Guess its reset time ;]
10-09 Dead Rabbits under fire!
12:27:16 - 11-09
Damn ... You guys keep on gettin gangbanged when im not around to babysit ya xD

Rip homos ;]
21-07 Aspava ↔ Bastards
22:16:54 - 21-07
Anonymous at 19:25:07 on 21/07:

Bulgaria didnt shot for free
if u noticed they got slot
if u are not informed then u shouldnt comment x)

What ? Who ? What ? Wtf ?

P.s. Paple?
30-06 DIG under attack
19:26:03 - 30-06
10-06 Bulgaria + UT ↔ Turkuz
09:19:54 - 13-06
So mafia ... Our weak chief account killed ur super strong brug and survived the backfire ... Sad isnt it? ;]

There is more to this KA than what meets the eye, and us noobs seem to have found it out ... You being the "super omerta player", dont seem to get it, do you? ;]

So shut the fuck up now and go stacking up bullets that you wont be able to shoot.
10-06 Bulgaria + UT ↔ Turkuz
22:43:10 - 12-06
"Admins chanced KA" My bad sry :(

P.s. Multyposting I am (a)
10-06 Bulgaria + UT ↔ Turkuz
22:42:25 - 12-06
MaFia at 22:39:47 on 12/06:
I know what did you say fLowzz dont worry, my probLem is '' when someone shoot on us or we shoot on someone you come here and write ' pathetic ,yes they must be die .......', you use those words everytime everytime pLs give up anymore cuz we are not pathetic for you want , I guess you dont know Fair in this game and hate who killed you ... When can I see in your words '' Yes they are pathetic but they did good jobs '' cuz we can do mistake who dont do ? But we cant be % 100 wrong ok mate ...I hope you understand me ...

He never said pathetic ... I did ... And you ignoring that, cuz even "admins changing KA" wont dignify you, makes me say it again ... Pathetic stuff ...
10-06 Bulgaria + UT ↔ Turkuz
22:40:34 - 12-06
Rix at 22:38:20 on 12/06:
@ MaFia please try to pay attention to your usage of capital letters or we will start to remove your posts.

I believe he has a fetish with them capital letters ... You cant supress that :x
10-06 Bulgaria + UT ↔ Turkuz
21:56:43 - 12-06
MaFia at 21:36:09 on 12/06:

I dont beLieve Lier words ...


Well i never lied as a matter of fact ...

(02:34:54) <14Lazial3> 23 ;]
(02:35:07) <14Lazial3> Sry
(02:35:09) <14Lazial3> 32

That was 32 seconds ...

(02:44:33) <07MaFia^out> you gone sh
(02:46:18) <14Lazial3> Had no other option ;]
(02:47:19) <07MaFia^out> rip

Thats 50 mins after you asked me if i was in SH lulz ... Can you count?

And yep i have to give it up to you ... Sending 2 GFs and 2 brugs to shoot me is really brave. While you were in SH at first, and then when you were out you opted for some1 else to shoot me, but not you ... Guess God was not around to protect you ;]

!next blooding fam
!next "as one"
!next war you will not participate in ...?

Pathetic stuff rly ...
10-06 Bulgaria + UT ↔ Turkuz
21:28:14 - 12-06
Anonymous at 21:20:27 on 12/06:
Omerta has a Lot of noobs I wont say anything to you about my words,Cuz if you know this game then you go and search Those Accounts and say what you think about my words but I know noobs dont use this way :)

Anyway , They were in strongest accounts in this game ,had a good kiLL and had more buLLets

ReptiLes / Sadomazo / Meat / SouL / Tafe

ReptiLes ( % 300 x 2 rp ) and SouL ( % 300 rp ) are Strong Gf's ,had strong kiLL and had 400 k + buLLets but they cant kiLL an onLine gf and died bf...

Meat ( % 300 x 2 rp ),Sadomazo ( % 300 x 2 rp ) and Tafe ( % 300 x 2 rp ) too they are strong brugs, famiLy capo's , have strong kiLL and have enough bullets but they died with first shoot when they were offLine and they were in their viLLages ...

I cant kill empty brugs ( they Dont have bullets ,they dont have enough bg's ) when they were off and in their viLLage but those strong accounts died ...

If someone can expLain to me , how did those 5 TurKuZ accounts die with first shoot then I wiLL deLete my aLL words...

/cLose ...

I can ... Since i killed most of them ;]

But i think ill have to start with explaining how to log in first ... That might take a few days ;]
10-06 Bulgaria + UT ↔ Turkuz
05:05:38 - 12-06
frieda at 22:43:58 on 11/06:
Anonymous at 12:37:58 on 11/06:
UT / Bulgaria & Manson are in some way the winners of this war. Look how many highranks they shot, crazy stuff.
I have no clue but what were the total odds in this war? 1 vs 4 in favor of the defenders? :P:P

makes you wonder if KA has been changed to give attackers a bit advantage. wishful thinking perhaps.....


Deston at 23:00:19 on 11/06:
Attackers had stronger accounts.

Well ... If you smart ppl wanna dig into it ... I shot twice, once with 5 and once with 3 bgs ... Got 2 clean kills and lost uned 80% health in both attempts.
Got shot 4 times, most of the time having 3 or less BGs and no other protection ... I got 4 bf kills( 2 of them were GFs) and the only reason i died is that i couldnt rebuy blood be4 my 4th attacker shot me. Else i would`ve survived that one too ;]

So ... NO ... Attackers dont have an advantage, nor do defenders ... You either know how to build up ur account or you dont. I rest my case! ;]
10-06 Bulgaria + UT ↔ Turkuz
09:17:58 - 11-06
Ah well it was fun ;]

As stupid as it may seem i believe we put up a good fight. Could`ve been a bit better rly, but nvmd ... Im very proud with UT, Manson and my guys in Bulgaria - gg mofos _o_ .

Its just a shame that i couldnt live long enough to take another gf down ...

P.s. Nice kill Ranger :D
10-06 Bulgaria + UT ↔ Turkuz
23:01:48 - 10-06
Anonymous at 23:00:47 on 10/06:

We don't believe your words then...

Makes sense saying that anonymously ;]