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Comments: 57,765 - Views: 14,540,643 - Votes: 81
Endless Struggle !
Comments: 414 - Views: 12,898 - Votes: 0
23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
Comments: 64 - Views: 7,984 - Votes: 0
30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
Comments: 2 - Views: 1,697 - Votes: 0
19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
Comments: 0 - Views: 1,584 - Votes: 0
01-09 Not Penny's boat..
Comments: 72 - Views: 14,785 - Votes: 0
21-08 First Family!
Comments: 6 - Views: 2,198 - Votes: 0
12-08 Welcome to Round #39
Comments: 5 - Views: 2,164 - Votes: 0
03-08 Reset → 12 August 2022, Friday → 10:00 OT
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27-07 Congratulations Vengeance!
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» Comments of Merton
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:34:52 - 01-11
Anonymous at 19:32:52 on 01/11:
Toby The Gold Fish at 19:30:22 on 01/11:
oh great Merton is here, god help the krays
Who da fuq is that guy?

says anonymous oh the ironing is good today, do my shirt biatch
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:29:14 - 01-11
Anonymous at 19:21:51 on 01/11:
Anonymous at 19:13:14 on 01/11:
Anonymous at 19:09:08 on 01/11:
Anonymous at 18:58:47 on 01/11:
Anonymous at 18:34:00 on 01/11:
kankas kanka at 17:34:05 on 01/11:
Krays gonna die tonite timeless and matrix hiring onelasttime also bein shoots

kanka why u crying? ;( Remove Kebabs :w

Weirdos hiring on Krays!
Timeless waiting as backup!

Krays is shooting, not getting shot.
And timeless is noone's backup.
Boesmans alreday crying asking for help and backup

Never fear The Merton is here \o/
31-10 Getting Drowned With Force
17:14:59 - 01-11
Anonymous at 15:29:14 on 01/11:
Darkwatchingonthewall at 15:10:45 on 01/11:
Merton mkII at 10:50:34 on 01/11:
mmm at 20:43:42 on 31/10:
Merton at 20:35:02 on 31/10:
Anonymous at 20:23:12 on 31/10:
Whut ? who ? Krays ???? lamest family in omertahistory ... haha

Maybe they were, but I joined them, so that doesn't apply anymore mofo...

Just when you thought they couldn't go any lower... :p

Ouch :) but there is a way to get lower . Sending invite now mmm, boom!

We will need u Merton if we ever go up again. Without u i am not gonna play anymore !!!!
That would be nice if you never played anymore.

Now that isn't nice, play nicely or i'll take your toys away/

Why thank you dark , a pleasure as always
31-10 Getting Drowned With Force
20:35:02 - 31-10
Anonymous at 20:23:12 on 31/10:
Whut ? who ? Krays ???? lamest family in omertahistory ... haha

Maybe they were, but I joined them, so that doesn't apply anymore mofo...
17-10 No change of plans
20:10:32 - 19-10

Didn't read it lolz
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:50:24 - 17-10
Anonymous at 18:43:19 on 17/10:
Are there no honest rankers and dons anymore? xD

Colossal, Ashen, Albireo, Horde, all had top players as Dons, have they no shame?

whooo hooo o/

General Comments & Major Rumors
17:46:00 - 17-10
Kris at 17:38:43 on 17/10:
Merton at 17:28:02 on 17/10:
Kris at 16:57:21 on 17/10:
Uncle at 16:46:39 on 17/10:
(A) Fingolfin Chief Albireo Don and

How possible fam still up?

Not sure. But something is fucked up in Philly, bunch of spots went missing

if you are looking for the rulet spot & the dedective agency try spelling them correctly and you'll find them :D

Unless it's been fixed already, the city map of Philly showed zero families there and on Interficio fam page, it shows up as zero spots owned. Nothing to do with spelling, mate.

Check Albireo fam page...oh wait you can;t :D
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:28:02 - 17-10
Kris at 16:57:21 on 17/10:
Uncle at 16:46:39 on 17/10:
(A) Fingolfin Chief Albireo Don and

How possible fam still up?

Not sure. But something is fucked up in Philly, bunch of spots went missing

if you are looking for the rulet spot & the dedective agency try spelling them correctly and you'll find them :D
01-09 Going for gold!
08:26:55 - 02-09
Anonymous at 06:43:12 on 02/09:
pffft, nice acct fair enough, but dun go making out Eliza was some great version to version killing machine/goddess, never heard of her b4 this, and the only reason she got so many 'great' kills is coz you guys always had 5-6 shooters empty the target's bf 1st, legit tactic, but lol :')

ah come on , you haven't heard of Eliza? next you'll be saying you never heard of me ffs!!!

General Comments & Major Rumors
18:39:17 - 15-08
time difference innit, plus I do have access via my phone due to the app, so move along now

Dark come on I wanna beat you at the same time :D
General Comments & Major Rumors
15:55:12 - 21-07
Anonymous at 10:32:45 on 21/07:
Anonymous at 09:02:35 on 21/07:
Haha! Game will lose its enterprise soon! Good bye Omerta.

Coz he says so :)
15-06 Let's pray for the best!
21:27:05 - 19-06
I am thinking about it, got a nice invite from another resident nutter to team up once more :) Depends on what changes happen and how rl is going as I'm working bloody hard at the moment, which I ain't used to!!!
15-06 Let's pray for the best!
19:12:37 - 19-06
suppressor at 15:19:14 on 19/06:
Anonymous at 04:57:15 on 19/06:
suppressor at 04:03:08 on 19/06:
Awe, someone has their feelings hurt. Maybe if you were to choose to post using your name, I would know whom to give a tissue to.

Not sure who replied to you but you are talking to 2 different people. Anywho, I don't need to post my name bc unlike you I don't need any extra attention. I just find it funny that you come here to talk like you have some credibility and what not. I'm not hurt. I'm actually on the same side as you and since I can't figure out what you've done personally this version id say I've probably assisted your cause more than you. You lie about your history, you have a fantasy present day. Exception would rape any fam you are a part of if 1v1 but fortunately Imperium is letting you ride their coattails. You are making all Americans seem like arrogant shit, please shut up.

Well, you ar right about one thing: I HAVEN'T done much this version. Probably because I didn't play much. Relaxing version, watching my family and their bloods crush the opposition.

That said, I don't use my name as a way to 'get attention'. I use it because, unlike you, I'm not afraid to post using my real name when I bash someone. Since you are such a coward, I'm done replying to your uneducated posts.

That said, bye Exception :)

Your real life name is suppressor!! wow,your parents must have been hippies!!1

General Comments & Major Rumors
22:32:46 - 01-05
tuuuurd at 15:26:09 on 01/05:
I for one have had enough. Gonna shoot someone.

well I tried and failed, and got shot for the effort :)
I'm gone unless things change

Merton Xxx
18-04 Conquer Or Wasted!
23:45:34 - 21-04
dark at 20:53:29 on 21/04:
Merton kanka make the list i ll arrange contract killerz..!

18-04 Conquer Or Wasted!
17:32:26 - 20-04
Also not Merton at 16:24:22 on 20/04:
Clearly not merton at 16:12:47 on 20/04:
Lets talk about Merton and just how awesome he is instead...

He is pretty awesome indeed. Although I am a little disappointed with him from last round.

:( but I managed to stay alive through one version, for the first time ever!
16-04 Buckle up, it's the return of Peakys!
18:47:28 - 16-04
Anonymous at 18:43:14 on 16/04:
Anonymous at 18:35:29 on 16/04:
Please add the Guardians - Exception war or make new article. Thanks authors!
Nothing to add - Guardians will fall down like flies.

You wanna check the bf kills Anonymous ?
General Comments & Major Rumors
16:59:07 - 16-04
Anonymous at 07:30:27 on 16/04:
Merton at 23:15:53 on 15/04:
Anonymous at 21:58:52 on 15/04:
suppressor at 20:40:07 on 15/04:
Anonymous at 19:57:04 on 15/04:
So Forsaken got adminkilled and nobody seems to care?

They got akilled for doing what all of the top fams do. It seems like more of a targeted akill, since I can guarantee you the admins won't do the same thing to Orchestra or their bloods.

buthurt rules!!

nah you retard, cheating seems to rule. butt has two t's as well dick head.

Correct spelling insult, so brutal...

Yep. bad ass mutha me
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:15:53 - 15-04
Anonymous at 21:58:52 on 15/04:
suppressor at 20:40:07 on 15/04:
Anonymous at 19:57:04 on 15/04:
So Forsaken got adminkilled and nobody seems to care?

They got akilled for doing what all of the top fams do. It seems like more of a targeted akill, since I can guarantee you the admins won't do the same thing to Orchestra or their bloods.

buthurt rules!!

nah you retard, cheating seems to rule. butt has two t's as well dick head.
General Comments & Major Rumors
08:10:55 - 15-04
Anonymous at 03:21:16 on 15/04:
Guardians will get gangbanged in the first war.

you don't worry your pretty little head, we got the vaseline this time around. Plus I've patented my cloak of invisability.