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» Comments of localgimpi
12-09 Reset announced & new meta changes
15:03:27 - 18-09
Yes it`s broken, see you in 5 years all o/
16-02 The Pact is Broken
23:34:26 - 16-02
The "pact" that killed you is broken, now let's all take a minute to call it stabbing etc! Oh wait, I see you're already going at full speed 8)
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:54:59 - 22-08
Murderic you ran to my fellow tops how you were bulliied. They can't help you, what you wrote was dumb, and you just need to go to sleep with that. Goodnight!
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:37:25 - 22-08
Anonymous at 23:34:27 on 22/08:
"For their tops that is ok" LoL really? hahahah what should they say!? you sold us fuck you?
localgimpi at 23:24:14 on 22/08:
If you are refferingto the persico war, then we couldn't help, as we were in another war. For their tops that is ok, so I hope it is for the random bystander aswell.
H'HMD at 23:21:40 on 22/08:
Persico, Colossal. I stopped paying attention after that. You were "unable" to help Persico when they were getting shot because you felt like you needed to help families that were on the shooting side. Also maybe you should tone it down a bit on here with your starlike airs, but who am i to talk right? We always get shot down first off because we blood families like yours.
localgimpi at 23:17:28 on 22/08:
If you have any blood we sold then bring it :)
H'HMD at 23:14:18 on 22/08:
"We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in"
That's one way to say you sold your bloods i guess..
localgimpi at 21:46:29 on 22/08:
Congrats to all Gambinos for version win. We had 7 top account-deaths. Still we kept going and jumped in any war that came up. I am so proud of you. We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in, we stood strong and held the fortress.
Just the effort your putting now, after reset, putting every other familiy to sleep, shows how dedicated and skilled you are.
I am proud of you.
Congrats to all Gambinos for version win. We had 7 top account-deaths. Still we kept going and jumped in any war that came up. I am so proud of you. We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in, we stood strong and held the fortress.
Just the effort your putting now, after reset, putting every other familiy to sleep, shows how dedicated and skilled you are.
I am proud of you.
"We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in"
That's one way to say you sold your bloods i guess..
If you have any blood we sold then bring it :)
Persico, Colossal. I stopped paying attention after that. You were "unable" to help Persico when they were getting shot because you felt like you needed to help families that were on the shooting side. Also maybe you should tone it down a bit on here with your starlike airs, but who am i to talk right? We always get shot down first off because we blood families like yours.
"For their tops that is ok" LoL really? hahahah what should they say!? you sold us fuck you?
21-08 The end is near
23:26:29 - 22-08
AntiCaesar at 16:01:01 on 22/08:
You are utterly shit Caesar, you're one of the most retarted persons i've ever seen on bara and that says a lot.
Caesar at 16:10:06 on 21/08:
6 weeks: the versions keep going faster and faster. Admins should do some real game promotion to get back to the state of versions lasting at least a year like the 2.x days. With 3k daily players, not to mention the idle players. RIP omerta you've been great.
6 weeks: the versions keep going faster and faster. Admins should do some real game promotion to get back to the state of versions lasting at least a year like the 2.x days. With 3k daily players, not to mention the idle players. RIP omerta you've been great.
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:24:14 - 22-08
H'HMD at 23:21:40 on 22/08:
Persico, Colossal. I stopped paying attention after that. You were "unable" to help Persico when they were getting shot because you felt like you needed to help families that were on the shooting side. Also maybe you should tone it down a bit on here with your starlike airs, but who am i to talk right? We always get shot down first off because we blood families like yours.
localgimpi at 23:17:28 on 22/08:
If you have any blood we sold then bring it :)
H'HMD at 23:14:18 on 22/08:
"We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in"
That's one way to say you sold your bloods i guess..
localgimpi at 21:46:29 on 22/08:
Congrats to all Gambinos for version win. We had 7 top account-deaths. Still we kept going and jumped in any war that came up. I am so proud of you. We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in, we stood strong and held the fortress.
Just the effort your putting now, after reset, putting every other familiy to sleep, shows how dedicated and skilled you are.
I am proud of you.
Congrats to all Gambinos for version win. We had 7 top account-deaths. Still we kept going and jumped in any war that came up. I am so proud of you. We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in, we stood strong and held the fortress.
Just the effort your putting now, after reset, putting every other familiy to sleep, shows how dedicated and skilled you are.
I am proud of you.
"We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in"
That's one way to say you sold your bloods i guess..
If you have any blood we sold then bring it :)
Persico, Colossal. I stopped paying attention after that. You were "unable" to help Persico when they were getting shot because you felt like you needed to help families that were on the shooting side. Also maybe you should tone it down a bit on here with your starlike airs, but who am i to talk right? We always get shot down first off because we blood families like yours.
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:17:28 - 22-08
H'HMD at 23:14:18 on 22/08:
"We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in"
That's one way to say you sold your bloods i guess..
localgimpi at 21:46:29 on 22/08:
Congrats to all Gambinos for version win. We had 7 top account-deaths. Still we kept going and jumped in any war that came up. I am so proud of you. We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in, we stood strong and held the fortress.
Just the effort your putting now, after reset, putting every other familiy to sleep, shows how dedicated and skilled you are.
I am proud of you.
Congrats to all Gambinos for version win. We had 7 top account-deaths. Still we kept going and jumped in any war that came up. I am so proud of you. We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in, we stood strong and held the fortress.
Just the effort your putting now, after reset, putting every other familiy to sleep, shows how dedicated and skilled you are.
I am proud of you.
"We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in"
That's one way to say you sold your bloods i guess..
If you have any blood we sold then bring it :)
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:16:50 - 22-08
H'HMD at 23:14:18 on 22/08:
"We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in"
That's one way to say you sold your bloods i guess..
localgimpi at 21:46:29 on 22/08:
Congrats to all Gambinos for version win. We had 7 top account-deaths. Still we kept going and jumped in any war that came up. I am so proud of you. We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in, we stood strong and held the fortress.
Just the effort your putting now, after reset, putting every other familiy to sleep, shows how dedicated and skilled you are.
I am proud of you.
Congrats to all Gambinos for version win. We had 7 top account-deaths. Still we kept going and jumped in any war that came up. I am so proud of you. We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in, we stood strong and held the fortress.
Just the effort your putting now, after reset, putting every other familiy to sleep, shows how dedicated and skilled you are.
I am proud of you.
"We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in"
That's one way to say you sold your bloods i guess..
Was refering to people trying to get us to kill mau, which we didn't out of respect for our blood (siberia)
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:55:02 - 22-08
You were wide enough already so it wasn't needed wesley
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:46:29 - 22-08
Congrats to all Gambinos for version win. We had 7 top account-deaths. Still we kept going and jumped in any war that came up. I am so proud of you. We had several families we were blooded to trying to twist us into wars we didn't belong in, we stood strong and held the fortress.
Just the effort your putting now, after reset, putting every other familiy to sleep, shows how dedicated and skilled you are.
I am proud of you.
Just the effort your putting now, after reset, putting every other familiy to sleep, shows how dedicated and skilled you are.
I am proud of you.
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:00:51 - 22-08
MurderInc at 17:56:38 on 22/08:
That's one way to wiggle around the question, I guess. If all you wanted to do is point out it should be done, it would have made more sense to mention the author of the reset article, since that's where the winner is usually mentioned. Could've also contacted a reporter directly instead of starting some useless discussion caused by your obvious need for praise. The least you can do when asking volunteers to do something is be polite. But we both know that wasn't your real intention.
Anyway, losing too many brain cells in this conversation. Hf.
localgimpi at 17:51:13 on 22/08:
Because you could've done it, it's within your workload on obn(yes it's volounteer-work) I didn't know you would get all furious about it, asking me to stop crying for mentioning there was no win article on the site you help administrate. Nothing more.
MurderInc at 17:47:51 on 22/08:
Why mention my name specifically then?
localgimpi at 17:46:27 on 22/08:
I didn't imply that you had to do it.. So many people bully you that you think all people are after you. I will go back to my corner now, my corner is doing pretty good. o/
MurderInc at 17:43:04 on 22/08:
You implied I'm the one who has to do it, and that I didn't do it because I am somehow unhappy about the winner and only write articles that are good for my family. I pointed out that I didn't write the reset announcement and had no influence on the wording, and that in a version we won ourselves, there was neither a reset announcement, nor any flashy "Siberia won" article.
Now please go back in your corner and continue being irrelevant.
localgimpi at 17:37:41 on 22/08:
And if you wanna act smart about it, I implied you didn't make an article of winning fam, which is by the look of it the actual truth.
localgimpi at 17:36:23 on 22/08:
You try so hard. Yet it's neither smart or amusing :( now sit.
MurderInc at 17:34:22 on 22/08:
You imply things that are provably wrong and then claim you "just thought it was funny". Yeah, you're funny, but probably not in the way you intend to.
localgimpi at 17:32:13 on 22/08:
I just thought it was funny. If you untied your thong once in a while you might see lighter on things..
MurderInc at 17:30:53 on 22/08:
Yeah, yes, you were. Like quite literally, even including my name.
localgimpi at 17:30:04 on 22/08:
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
MurderInc at 17:28:26 on 22/08:
You're welcome. For the record: I didn't write the reset announcement article, and last version, when we won, there wasn't even one.
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
localgimpi at 17:24:16 on 22/08:
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
I just thought it was funny. If you untied your thong once in a while you might see lighter on things..
You try so hard. Yet it's neither smart or amusing :( now sit.
And if you wanna act smart about it, I implied you didn't make an article of winning fam, which is by the look of it the actual truth.
Now please go back in your corner and continue being irrelevant.
I didn't imply that you had to do it.. So many people bully you that you think all people are after you. I will go back to my corner now, my corner is doing pretty good. o/
Because you could've done it, it's within your workload on obn(yes it's volounteer-work) I didn't know you would get all furious about it, asking me to stop crying for mentioning there was no win article on the site you help administrate. Nothing more.
Anyway, losing too many brain cells in this conversation. Hf.
It was a light joke, "thanks for the flashing win-article murderinc" - since you are an admin on this site.
It's funny to read how you think you are above other people where it comes to intelligence. So many times I read this, I lose too much brain cells etc. Some battles you can't win son ;)
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:51:13 - 22-08
MurderInc at 17:47:51 on 22/08:
Why mention my name specifically then?
localgimpi at 17:46:27 on 22/08:
I didn't imply that you had to do it.. So many people bully you that you think all people are after you. I will go back to my corner now, my corner is doing pretty good. o/
MurderInc at 17:43:04 on 22/08:
You implied I'm the one who has to do it, and that I didn't do it because I am somehow unhappy about the winner and only write articles that are good for my family. I pointed out that I didn't write the reset announcement and had no influence on the wording, and that in a version we won ourselves, there was neither a reset announcement, nor any flashy "Siberia won" article.
Now please go back in your corner and continue being irrelevant.
localgimpi at 17:37:41 on 22/08:
And if you wanna act smart about it, I implied you didn't make an article of winning fam, which is by the look of it the actual truth.
localgimpi at 17:36:23 on 22/08:
You try so hard. Yet it's neither smart or amusing :( now sit.
MurderInc at 17:34:22 on 22/08:
You imply things that are provably wrong and then claim you "just thought it was funny". Yeah, you're funny, but probably not in the way you intend to.
localgimpi at 17:32:13 on 22/08:
I just thought it was funny. If you untied your thong once in a while you might see lighter on things..
MurderInc at 17:30:53 on 22/08:
Yeah, yes, you were. Like quite literally, even including my name.
localgimpi at 17:30:04 on 22/08:
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
MurderInc at 17:28:26 on 22/08:
You're welcome. For the record: I didn't write the reset announcement article, and last version, when we won, there wasn't even one.
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
localgimpi at 17:24:16 on 22/08:
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
I just thought it was funny. If you untied your thong once in a while you might see lighter on things..
You try so hard. Yet it's neither smart or amusing :( now sit.
And if you wanna act smart about it, I implied you didn't make an article of winning fam, which is by the look of it the actual truth.
Now please go back in your corner and continue being irrelevant.
I didn't imply that you had to do it.. So many people bully you that you think all people are after you. I will go back to my corner now, my corner is doing pretty good. o/
Because you could've done it, it's within your workload on obn(yes it's volounteer-work) I didn't know you would get all furious about it, asking me to stop crying for mentioning there was no win article on the site you help administrate. Nothing more.
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:46:27 - 22-08
MurderInc at 17:43:04 on 22/08:
You implied I'm the one who has to do it, and that I didn't do it because I am somehow unhappy about the winner and only write articles that are good for my family. I pointed out that I didn't write the reset announcement and had no influence on the wording, and that in a version we won ourselves, there was neither a reset announcement, nor any flashy "Siberia won" article.
Now please go back in your corner and continue being irrelevant.
localgimpi at 17:37:41 on 22/08:
And if you wanna act smart about it, I implied you didn't make an article of winning fam, which is by the look of it the actual truth.
localgimpi at 17:36:23 on 22/08:
You try so hard. Yet it's neither smart or amusing :( now sit.
MurderInc at 17:34:22 on 22/08:
You imply things that are provably wrong and then claim you "just thought it was funny". Yeah, you're funny, but probably not in the way you intend to.
localgimpi at 17:32:13 on 22/08:
I just thought it was funny. If you untied your thong once in a while you might see lighter on things..
MurderInc at 17:30:53 on 22/08:
Yeah, yes, you were. Like quite literally, even including my name.
localgimpi at 17:30:04 on 22/08:
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
MurderInc at 17:28:26 on 22/08:
You're welcome. For the record: I didn't write the reset announcement article, and last version, when we won, there wasn't even one.
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
localgimpi at 17:24:16 on 22/08:
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
I just thought it was funny. If you untied your thong once in a while you might see lighter on things..
You try so hard. Yet it's neither smart or amusing :( now sit.
And if you wanna act smart about it, I implied you didn't make an article of winning fam, which is by the look of it the actual truth.
Now please go back in your corner and continue being irrelevant.
I didn't imply that you had to do it.. So many people bully you that you think all people are after you. I will go back to my corner now, my corner is doing pretty good. o/
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:37:41 - 22-08
localgimpi at 17:36:23 on 22/08:
You try so hard. Yet it's neither smart or amusing :( now sit.
MurderInc at 17:34:22 on 22/08:
You imply things that are provably wrong and then claim you "just thought it was funny". Yeah, you're funny, but probably not in the way you intend to.
localgimpi at 17:32:13 on 22/08:
I just thought it was funny. If you untied your thong once in a while you might see lighter on things..
MurderInc at 17:30:53 on 22/08:
Yeah, yes, you were. Like quite literally, even including my name.
localgimpi at 17:30:04 on 22/08:
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
MurderInc at 17:28:26 on 22/08:
You're welcome. For the record: I didn't write the reset announcement article, and last version, when we won, there wasn't even one.
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
localgimpi at 17:24:16 on 22/08:
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
I just thought it was funny. If you untied your thong once in a while you might see lighter on things..
You try so hard. Yet it's neither smart or amusing :( now sit.
And if you wanna act smart about it, I implied you didn't make an article of winning fam, which is by the look of it the actual truth.
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:36:23 - 22-08
MurderInc at 17:34:22 on 22/08:
You imply things that are provably wrong and then claim you "just thought it was funny". Yeah, you're funny, but probably not in the way you intend to.
localgimpi at 17:32:13 on 22/08:
I just thought it was funny. If you untied your thong once in a while you might see lighter on things..
MurderInc at 17:30:53 on 22/08:
Yeah, yes, you were. Like quite literally, even including my name.
localgimpi at 17:30:04 on 22/08:
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
MurderInc at 17:28:26 on 22/08:
You're welcome. For the record: I didn't write the reset announcement article, and last version, when we won, there wasn't even one.
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
localgimpi at 17:24:16 on 22/08:
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
I just thought it was funny. If you untied your thong once in a while you might see lighter on things..
You try so hard. Yet it's neither smart or amusing :( now sit.
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:32:13 - 22-08
MurderInc at 17:30:53 on 22/08:
Yeah, yes, you were. Like quite literally, even including my name.
localgimpi at 17:30:04 on 22/08:
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
MurderInc at 17:28:26 on 22/08:
You're welcome. For the record: I didn't write the reset announcement article, and last version, when we won, there wasn't even one.
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
localgimpi at 17:24:16 on 22/08:
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
I just thought it was funny. If you untied your thong once in a while you might see lighter on things..
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:30:04 - 22-08
MurderInc at 17:28:26 on 22/08:
You're welcome. For the record: I didn't write the reset announcement article, and last version, when we won, there wasn't even one.
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
localgimpi at 17:24:16 on 22/08:
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/
Done for the day with accusations? Little crybaby.
relax son, no one is accusing you, now sit down and be the little dog you are.
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:24:16 - 22-08
Thank you for the flashy article concering winners this version murderinc o/