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07-02 Discord channel!
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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
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30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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21-08 First Family!
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» Comments of H`HMD
19-06 Plating war
19:06:43 - 20-06
Anonymous at 18:58:24 on 20/06:
Anonymous at 14:36:23 on 20/06:
I didn't care about what peeps say about Ocarina and McGee when they were alive and chatting always here but one of them brought up a good point about these large families, can't recall which one said it...
He said the Dark Web has its grip on barafranca and they are able to put these fake accounts here that can't be traced as dupes in this game. If people are willling to spend so much euro on an account what's to stop them from going to the latest and greatest on the dark net to summon these fake dupe armies to put here from elite hackers?
World goverments can't even crack the dark net, what the freak is Joy going to do?
So many registered account but only ten percent of them seem like real peeps!
Yes I died yesterday, these are my tears and I'm out of here o/

rian rijbroek detected

Nice one :’)
General Comments & Major Rumors
01:02:08 - 30-12
Anonymous at 00:54:32 on 30/12:

Pentagram changed to Colossal at 30-12 00:50:05

Anyone need an invitation?
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:14:21 - 29-12
Anonymous at 21:10:15 on 29/12:
Bruce at 21:09:15 on 29/12:
Bunch of lame fucks got what they deserve. Gj ladies, it didnt take any effort to humiliate you really. Disgrace shits.
Bruce could I join you next vers ?

#Colossal.recruit \o
13-12 Battle for the Iron Throne
20:46:46 - 13-12
ElMariachi at 19:56:42 on 13/12:
mmm at 19:20:46 on 13/12:
Siberia got attacked as well last version in the first chief war, ended up winning.

Let's see how Winterhill manages.

Siberia kind of fought against the odds and played it smart, Winterhill on the other hand just goes for the masses, kind of hard not to survive this one, let alone what's left on the map to challenge them ...

Yea well best we could do this version was try to put a dent into them before the inevitable 3:1 ratio war which was supposedly scheduled either today or tomorrow. I don't think it went THAT bad if you consider the initial numbers. Also whereas last version looked quite promising in terms of reranking, this one absolutely doesn't. Fun times though..
20-11 Reset!
18:46:45 - 20-11
ites at 18:45:08 on 20/11:
colossal gets akilled and "wins" :')
keep on dreaming
18-08 Coup d'état!
13:25:21 - 20-08
Anonymous at 13:09:35 on 20/08:
Anonymous at 10:30:29 on 20/08:
Big fams fail they attack asap to win the version good move old versions bad move new version

You have 4/5 bloods

Let the small fams attack your enemy cold war tackticks if they dis obey than kill them
Can someone decipher this black speech of mordor? xD

I think he means you should sacrifice your bloods by forcing them to attack your enemies. Then if they don't, you kill them off [/sauron]

Awful tactic though.
18-08 Coup d'état!
18:46:00 - 19-08
Anonymous at 16:17:52 on 19/08:
Kapow at 10:33:02 on 19/08:
Why dont you add your fam to report? You were shooting too, weren't you?
Because usually reporters don't write/edit articles in which their own family is involved. Since they have indeed been shooting, i've added them.
18-08 Coup d'état!
23:56:42 - 18-08
Anonymous at 23:54:55 on 18/08:
addd montenegros and gambinos shooting side

Have you got any proof though? Since i haven't been following the version that much, it'd be nice if you could provide some. Find me in #Colossal - Thanks.
14-08 Richestfamily down!
23:37:58 - 14-08
Thou shall be remembered.
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:30:15 - 30-03
Despot at 20:47:40 on 30/03:
brinkitz at 20:02:14 on 30/03:
Anonymous at 19:40:12 on 30/03:
Making the HOF family now. Owh how sweet it would be if admins just did not let anyone win this round cuz of all the cheating :P

Be funny if winterhill just shot anarchist family now.

Be funny if everyone sees your stupidity :D

Since it's the end of the version i'm just going to throw my two cents in here.

Regarding the current state of the game I think it's unfair to blame the crew for it, eventhough they have have been severely lacking when it comes to:
1. Actively trying to counter cheaters, mostly when it comes to dupes using teamviewer and running a nearly 100% online time within the first 72 hours of the version.
2. Following up on reports of potential cheaters.

This is mostly a result of the crew being under staffed, as certain people are more focused on Brando's new employment app (https://twitter.com/canyudo - which hasn't shown any development since October 2016, but that's another story) and generally careless behavior from the crew members that aren't involved in that project. I don't believe the few players that are actively sharing their accounts have too much of an impact on the game, but it enables certain families to get the best spots in the game. Everyone lingering in detroit these days and the detroit spots being OP as a result of that, is another thing the crew can be blamed for, since they don't bother to implement changes to alter that development.

However, more importantly the current state of the game is that there are 2,5 powerhouses. One of them is Siberia+ (sure, you can consider me a part of that side), Anarchy+ and to a lesser extent Merciless since they tend to implode, get akilled and generally aren't big enough to have an impact on versions where either Anarchy or Siberia is playing.

Now, those powerhouses can't be blamed for being huge; they mostly have a very large player base and whenever they put word on the streets that they're going to play people will show up and play with them as they normally do.

I strongly believe the families that are to blame for recent shitty versions are the ones that either:
1. Merge into them, or
2. Decide to blood them instead of playing their own game
(minus the ones that historically play with these families, like Gravano etc.)

The current state of the game is what it is, and it has been like that for a while now. While v2.x for example had 10-20K active players, we now have about 1K and since very few people are attempting to put effort into bringing old families back, we need to adapt to that state. In my humble opinion, that means that smaller families without much history (i.e. Horde, Fortress and a bunch of smaller ones) should decide to play for themselves rather than joining the biggest side only to have a shot at survival. If we can manage to create an environment where large families are willing to play their own game rather than joining an already large side, maybe we'll be able to relive old times despite the declining playerbase.

And while i'm fully aware that what i'm talking about will only work in a so-called utopia, this is what needs to change to get omerta back on the track. Rather than just pointing fingers and talking smack on here without showing your name (which is the what most people do and is the easy way out), maybe have a look in the mirror.

As an example of proving that this might work: me and a bunch of friends have spent 2 versions on recruiting people that have been retired for 5-10 years and we managed to put Catania back up with roughly 80 active players, but we got shut down because families like Horde, Fortress, Fucilare etc. decided to join the bigger side (which backfired on them, as you can read in the war reports). If it wasn't for that I believe even a version like this could have been interesting.

Anyway congratulations to those who won, you folks put in the effort of putting your families back up as well. It's just a shame that you accepted bloodships from weak families that can't fend for themselves, which made it rather one-sided.
04-02 On the Throat of Liberty
22:51:55 - 04-02
Anonymous at 22:48:14 on 04/02:
H`HMD at 22:43:19 on 04/02:
Since this article is a massive clusterfuck, here's a timeline of today's events
(information according to the article)


Updated @ 22.42 OT
Liberta İmperium with ?:)

No idea i just scrolled through the article and tried to summarize it
04-02 On the Throat of Liberty
22:43:19 - 04-02
Since this article is a massive clusterfuck, here's a timeline of today's events
(information according to the article)


Updated @ 22.42 OT
27-01 Wreacking Havoc
22:25:01 - 28-01
Anonymous at 21:30:09 on 28/01:
Shield joins the defending families.
Guardians aids the defenders by shooting several of the attacking families's top rankers

Blacksea and Lionsgate now also join the shooting vs Destination.

nothing agains siberia they really deserve respect

but this guardians shield blacksea and lionsgate :D

what if siberia was on the losing side? that means you would shoot them instant of helping them?

Well I'd start off saying this wasn't a very neatly planned war, which isn't strange considering the other side took at hit with the downing of Merciless. Yet they took the best chance they were going to get by shooting last night, before Siberia had their brug advantage.

All the families mentioned above were going to be in the war regardless, they were just waiting for the right time to strike. Granted, they may have not joined if Siberia took a bigger hit but that's not their fault is it? If the other side didn't have as much leaks as an old trawler, this war could have gone either way.

And despite my family having to sit offline all night taking hits from Garduna and Oblivions, I'd say this was a fair war and eventhough this is probably going to be a one-sided version from now on, it's been more fun than the previous rounds where the game was already decided before the first war kicked off.
27-01 Wreacking Havoc
22:17:10 - 28-01
Fenrir at 18:28:04 on 28/01:
Rip all you beautiful Abattoir people!

wanna play some arams?
27-01 Wreacking Havoc
23:14:55 - 27-01
LINK you da best #88
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:16:43 - 22-12
suppressor at 18:07:44 on 22/12:
Nelsomnia at 20:21:22 on 20/12:
Anonymous at 16:01:05 on 20/12:
Anonymous at 15:20:42 on 20/12:
If anybody has the number for the transfusion board, please forward it on to horde tops, as they
Are running out of families to blood...

I agree. I think they may actually beat Galante (Shield) for top hugger family of the version. No balls and can't be trusted. Confusion will be their next asOne that they stab now that Garristas is down and None is slowly being killed off.

Word on the street is that T-bag has been asking the big families to merge into one super family.

You can say what you want about us in Galante, but the fact that you are calling us Shield is just telling me how much you know x'D Shield is dead. Galante is something different. WAY DIFFERENT.

How is Galante different from Shield? Still huggers who hide from war by stabbing their bloods and blooding their enemies when they think it is to their advantage. You have zero honor, and no one takes you seriously. Whether you call yourself Galante or you call yourselves Shield, you are still the same useless family. Only thing different about Galante is at least you have 2 decent tops in FredPerry and Steave. You and Wellant are useless.

The anonymous poster was spot on. +1

Before you decide to throw dirt at people, there is a thing or two you need to know.

First of all there is a difference between 'backstabbing' and 'selling' a family. You see, when you stab someone that indicates you put the knife in their back directly, and i don't think you (i assume you're with Garristas) got shot by Galante. If you had claimed they sold you out, you'd at least have somewhat of a base for your accusations. However, what they did isn't much different from what your family did. They blooded different sides and decided to help getting rid of a non blood (None?), which doesn't benefit you and which is why you're mad. You're overlooking the fact that you blooded their potential enemies and shot their bloods as well. So honestly, what's the difference?

Then you decide to make it a little bit more personal by naming people you like and people you dislike. Well, last time i was a top somewhere (you can have an opinion about that particular family) we made our decisions as a group. In case they didn't agree on this matter you're so upset about, they should have had the dignity to leave the family or take their responsibility and turn things around. But they didn't, nor did they try to stop their fellow tops doing the (in your opinion) wrong thing.

Despite having an account in their family, I'm not trying to defend Galante at all since i think they made some questionable moves (blooding Garristas for example). All i'm pointing out is that your statement is biased and makes you look like an idiot.
01-10 Stabs here, stabs there, stabs everywhere!
22:27:06 - 01-10
Soprano at 22:11:20 on 01/10:
H`HMD at 21:51:05 on 01/10:
Lol, just lol. We (Colossal) asked Pentagram to organise a war against Merciless with us a few days ago, and instead they leaked the logs to them. Look how your new best friends are treating you =D
With due respect HMD, the problem with you is that you still try to act like a top fam while you are actually Persico size fam

Shows how much you know. We just gave some friendly advice knowing this was going to happen eventually. And guess what, it did. Now, we may not be as big as say 6-12 months ago, but anyone could have seen this coming. I wonder what that says about the current 'top fams'..
01-10 Stabs here, stabs there, stabs everywhere!
21:51:05 - 01-10
Lol, just lol. We (Colossal) asked Pentagram to organise a war against Merciless with us a few days ago, and instead they leaked the logs to them. Look how your new best friends are treating you =D
27-09 Colossal violence
21:37:17 - 28-09
Redspeert at 20:08:03 on 28/09:
We might have gone down rather easily, but atleast we didn't go down faster than Motisi.

General Comments & Major Rumors
20:21:28 - 17-09
Anonymous at 19:31:18 on 17/09:
Anonymous at 19:30:08 on 17/09:
Anonymous at 19:16:52 on 17/09:
Anonymous at 19:12:15 on 17/09:
Anonymous at 19:02:53 on 17/09:
Anonymous at 19:02:23 on 17/09:
Anonymous at 18:50:36 on 17/09:
Merciless/Pentagram pacts shooting on Guardians/Imperium..

New era of gangbangs..

To be fair, it makes sense. It's obvious that Guardians/Imperium was trying to benefit from a clash between Merciless and Pentagram.

Fair to have whole omerta vs 2 fams? sure, ok. Fair.
And then you wonder why this game goes to hell..

He never said it was fair. He said it makes sence. A big difference.

And if this part "It's obvious that Guardians/Imperium was trying to benefit from a clash between Merciless and Pentagram" is true, then they have no one but themself to blame. They should have shot first to make their own destiny. Instead of waiting and hoping it goes their way.

Really? shoot first again who ? 2 hyper-pacts who occupy every spot/casino that brings big bucks on a money-oriented version ? Lower on bullets/money and people.
Sure, ok.. If i were them i'd do the same, wait and see what happens.. They had low chances from the start, but this.. this is too much.. It's the reason this game sucks compared to the past.

Lol. Guardians/Imperium/Cardello/Shield/Enfoire. I recognize a pact when a see one, so don't point any fingers mate.

Then you're probably blind.
