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General Comments & Major Rumors
Comments: 58,039 - Views: 16,852,523 - Votes: 81
07-02 Discord channel!
Comments: 34 - Views: 943 - Votes: 0
23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
Comments: 12 - Views: 390 - Votes: 1
Article is Locked!
Endless Struggle !
Comments: 514 - Views: 19,702 - Votes: 0
23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
Comments: 72 - Views: 9,326 - Votes: 0
30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
Comments: 2 - Views: 2,469 - Votes: 0
19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
Comments: 0 - Views: 2,207 - Votes: 0
01-09 Not Penny's boat..
Comments: 72 - Views: 20,612 - Votes: 0
21-08 First Family!
Comments: 6 - Views: 2,812 - Votes: 0
12-08 Welcome to Round #39
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» Comments of Polycarpus
14-11 To mine, or not to mine.
15:47:07 - 14-11
Mining lvls? Hit me up in falador guys
02-08 A Day To Remember!
16:13:35 - 03-08
Hello this is the cook speaking.
I just want to inform you guys that Theo is no longer added value.

31-01 No time to waste
08:19:17 - 01-02
To the pact-mobile
13-08 Do svidanya!
06:51:12 - 14-08
Murphyboy shooting Nazdrovia, not Gambino.
03-08 Early week war
07:39:48 - 06-08
Finally something where you might be good at it

Gratzz T
General Comments & Major Rumors
11:49:45 - 17-07
MurderInc at 00:11:00 on 17/07:
Anonymous at 00:00:18 on 17/07:
MurderInc at 22:43:16 on 16/07:
Anonymous at 22:27:15 on 16/07:
so Siberia have Sangreal, Mauryan as1 (Mauryan secret as1)
they have dog Gambino. 4 family

blood 5-6 more and close another version after 1 war
nice to have that much puppets
Neither of those families are our as1.

And we expect to believe you... just because you say so. What's makes your words and more valuable than other person here.
True, any anon on this site can speak for my family.

Obviously, we're not gonna try to pull the same stunt we did some versions ago and actually expect people to fall for it. But hey, you're just some random anon who's not relevant at all, so why even bother trying to explain that to you?

Feel free to believe whatever you want to believe. And for the love of god, find a new hobby, your obsession with me is getting boring.

01-07 Down before the end
13:10:01 - 01-07
Anonymous at 12:55:24 on 01/07:
Anonymous at 12:43:02 on 01/07:
Anonymous at 12:38:03 on 01/07:
Anonymous at 12:33:25 on 01/07:
Anonymous at 12:24:41 on 01/07:
Anonymous at 12:08:14 on 01/07:
Anonymous at 12:05:00 on 01/07:
marazzians at 11:46:11 on 01/07:
<********> I have no words to tell you
<********> we do not want to play this game anymore
<Bramble`busy> ok
<Bramble`busy> cya
<Bramble`busy> !done ********
* Helpster sets mode: +b *!****@*******.users.omerta
* You were kicked by Helpster (Thanks for visiting, we hope we were able to answer your question.)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #help
* Unable to join channel (address is banned)

Thats all, they dont care players.

#help is not for joining and complaning you don't want to play anymore. It's for asking questions and helping people and offering suggegstions to improve the game. What do you want Bramble to say to you actually? "Please don't quit the game i beg you". I understand you don't feel respected by Bramble, but they akilled cheaters, ofcourse it is bad timing, i know that, but yeah better akill cheaters then let them alive.

You obviously complained in #help your fam has received an a-kill. There is actually quite a simple solution to avoid all this


Don't blame the admins, blame your own tops that cheated.
i am sure you are one the fucking admins :)

i'm sure you think it's though to cheat, but when you get caught you become a cry baby, it's not that hard to play without cheating, you should try it. Cheating = not allowed, how hard can it be to understand that. Don't cheat, play fair.
how can you be that sure that i cheat ? i cheat once abusing bug and that was years ago and i am clean since then. i ve never had dupe accounts and shared so stop saying me cheater you motherfucker.

Why saying " i am sure you are one the fucking admins :)" then, i only said if you don't want akill then don't cheat. Simple as that. I'm not defending admins in their attitude towars players, but cheating is not fair. So don't blame the admins in this case blame the cheaters they did it themselves.
can you blame admins about their behaviours as much as i blame cheaters? i dont defend cheating i just want admins to be fair with their decisions. also they must not act like owner of the galaxy.

Well there is ofcourse the issue that admins refuse to give evidece of the cheating. But that's like with doping in sport. i think they don't want to tell us where they check on exaclty (because people may use that in their favour next versions and don't get caught), it's like telling athlets we only test on testerone and not epo. What do you think will happen every sporter will use epo. I know this gives the admins a very powerfull situation (which in a democracy is controlled by a neutral judge, with we ofc don't have in omerta), but i think the majority of the akills given are justified. There will be made mistakes that happens also in normal society with the justice system.

But the problem there is that the cheaters always scream i didn't do anything (like for example Daniel, Polycarpus and many others on OB), i think they do it to influence their members, that its not their fault blame the admins. This gives the feeling that the admins are the bad guys, well in reality their own tops cheated and gambled and took the risk of akill that affect the whole family (when their don cheated ofc)

Im not going to say whether i was guilty or not. But here we live in some kind of dictatorship. It's our word against the crew, and you just can't defend yourself like in court or smth. They just AK you based on logon times or doing gc's with the same person everytime. Those are rumours on sharing, not facts. There are no proofs on sharing with TV like murder and i said.
01-07 Down before the end
10:24:57 - 01-07
Anonymous at 10:16:52 on 01/07:
MurderInc at 10:10:41 on 01/07:
Anonymous at 10:01:05 on 01/07:
Anonymous at 09:43:04 on 01/07:
Anonymous at 09:36:36 on 01/07:
Anonymous at 09:34:07 on 01/07:
Anonymous at 09:32:22 on 01/07:
account sharing. lenny is in america, panda and barbaros are in turkey and different cities.
fucking lol :)

for sharing you don't need to be in the same city.

just login info is enough :)
haha you kidding ?
you can see ip numbers and its differen in each cities :)

Therefor people use Teamview bro :) Therefor no IP needed, dumbass
hey idiot. if you cant prove that players use tw how the fuck can you punish them ?
its simple. if you have proof you punish. if you dont you cant. i think you re like 6 7 years otherwise you would know that how law system works :)
That's not how it works with Omerta akills, though. They even tell you they won't show you proof because it would tell you what to change next time. Imagine a judge saying that.

Nowadays you have to go out of your way to not do anything suspicious, especially as a top/with a top account.

I imagine just doing almost all group crimes with the same person, or having similar login times is reason enough for them (no idea if that's the case here at all). There's definitely no technical way a website like Omerta can get actual proof on TV usage. At least not in the legal realm.
i dont think so, if they really can find TW usage, there would be only a few players are really ranking. i dont believe that they had proof. they just have rumors and authorization to a-kill players. thats all

So sad actually. Putting a lot of effort and money in it. And they can't even give proof on what grounds you get AKed. Been there twice now already. It's just a bullshit policy they're handling. Like they just want us to stop playing. Especially when V5 comes out on .com/.nl versions :')
01-07 Down before the end
09:50:13 - 01-07
You can't proof TV as crew. Except if ppl sends screenshots or smth. Which you cant use as evidence imo.
01-07 Down before the end
09:35:13 - 01-07
19-05 Rumble in the jungle
07:11:34 - 20-05
Not sure if CDC+ deaths of the attackers had balls to shoot, or just stupid and impatient.
19-05 Rumble in the jungle
20:59:28 - 19-05
17-05 The Breakup
09:07:44 - 18-05
Anonymous at 09:05:50 on 18/05:
Kanto and siberia didn't lose anyone above as+.

Easy war

Those swindlers ment a lot to us. Don't think we can get over this.
17-05 The Breakup
21:27:14 - 17-05
Funny to see how ppl see it as 3v1 while the third family doesnt have more than 2 brugs. Plus both brugs arent even shooting :(

Murderinc get your facts straight
11-05 Not all about sunshine and rainbows
11:41:39 - 12-05
mmm at 11:16:31 on 12/05:
Polycarpus at 10:33:16 on 12/05:
You have proof/ws of Ponies shooting against Trafficante?

I got a few MB's of data from the war channel?

You never saw me hiring or hunting there :(
11-05 Not all about sunshine and rainbows
10:33:16 - 12-05
You have proof/ws of Ponies shooting against Trafficante?
11-05 English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?!
13:50:25 - 11-05
12/1 ratio. It's ok.
General Comments & Major Rumors
10:23:53 - 11-05
07-05 War again!
19:31:05 - 07-05
Anonymous at 19:28:44 on 07/05:
Polycarpus at 19:26:19 on 07/05:
Why is Ponies involved in this topic. WE ARE NOT SHOOTING. Know your facts please.
shh, you earn FREE war points. enjoy with it.

I agree. Ponies are in.
07-05 War again!
19:26:19 - 07-05
Why is Ponies involved in this topic. WE ARE NOT SHOOTING. Know your facts please.