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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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Endless Struggle !
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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» Comments of lavi\zZz
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:52:22 - 16-01
cove at 14:25:28 on 11/01:
Remember when that kapow cunt got his logs leaked? Good times

He cant win a version but if you give him a version which seems like win, he can easily lose it in a few hours.

p.s:i was just passing by but i saw this and couldnt stop myself to react.
13-06 Winter has come! - UPDATE #2
17:01:35 - 14-06
Anonymous at 04:12:51 on 14/06:
Anonymous at 03:33:13 on 14/06:
Anonymous at 20:16:16 on 13/06:
Very nice to see Tempes back at it! Too bad a once great fam like Leviticus joined on the defending side. Regardless of their history with Motisi. Very disappointed in Levi...
thats what happens when they put worthless players like Tristan and Black in top positions
wake da fuck up Levi before all respect for ur fam name is lost because of these two

#Leviticus to the fucking bone!

on Black/Dep's profile... Isn't that just a ripoff from KTTFB?
better show ur value before you steal slogan's, friend

thats an old motto , my friend.
ppl used to write
#famname to the bone
or #famname to the fucking bone on their profiles. was something like 1337. so now if i write 1337 on fam profile, it doesnt belong to me.
Just because krays has added in their motto, doesnt mean it belongs to them btw :p
General Comments & Major Rumors
05:29:56 - 21-05
dark at 19:18:05 on 20/05:
a long post

Oh hello
First of all, i dont even know why i am dragged in to this convo by stating out loudly that im not liked. yeah i know that, welcome to dislikers of lavi club, no im not being arrogant, we all have people who like us and who dislike us.
For the second dont worry, i know you all, i wont get in to discussions like , i dont even know who you are.
And i appreciate the honesty tho for stating that u dont like me eventhough its on beyond.I know the reason you dont like me but its only a 1-side story.Our feelings are mutual, i dont like you either but the thing is who cares about the love in the air? if i liked you, would it make your world a better place?no. if you liked me, would it make mine?no, not at all.

The thing is as we both know i am not anarchy, you arent kerberos. Kerberos had been here long time ago and we all retired. When we were up, there was no anarchy. Everyone was spreaded in different fams. and Sago is one of the people i met first in the game and if he played .com by tthen, he would surely be in the main kerberos squad back then also but unfortunately he didnt use to play .com. My point is, as i know, Anarchy started with 50 ppl as suicide squad on a fam ( as i heard by the stories from a friend) and by time, you reached the number of 300-400 in years. How did you get the numbers? when families started to retire, you started to collect their members, and increased your member amount. There is no shame in it, its how the game works. Did it make you leftovers of X fam?you also got bigger by collecting leftovers of other fams but no, i dont think so since every fam has its own gamestyle and culture. Its not the members who rules the family anyway, they adapt the fam they go to.And as far as i know, you took down a huge family with 50 people( as i heard by the stories again). So you should also know, quantity isnt the important thing, quality is. So never underestimate the number of 20(eventhough its not 20)

The current meta in the game, there are only 1k players left(maximum). You wanna make a new fam? %60 of the playerbase, played in anarchy or siberia in the past. So whoever you recruit, does it make you leftovers of anarchy or siberia? I dont think so. This is the sucky point in the game atm. You shoot siberia? you must be anarchy. You shoot anarchy? You must be siberia, hell no, i dont belong to any of them, none of the main kerberos squad do. Do we have anarchy people in kerberos? yes, do we have gravano? yes, which is pretty normal since its the fam which is my "root". do we have other families? yes. so what? this is called recruiting, thats how the game works. We dont have our 150-200 memberbase as we used to in the past.these players, i mean the ones you called " leftovers", the ones i call "friends" , around 30 ppl (%20 of kerberos), they played in other fams in the past as well, did it make them victorious? no.

I hope you got my point.

Me,You,Jackalaa, we are all adults. This piss contest has gone too far. You arent humiliating each other, you are all humiliating only yourselves and ourselves by discussing these in such a place. Ok you didnt follow cnwr, he was your friend and you left when they fucked you over and put you in a bad position. But everyone knew cnwr was the boss. But so what? Everyone knew Cyp was the boss, maybe jackalaa was also with him just because they were friends? Noone knows what happens behind the curtains, none of us do.

This is a game which ppl are supposed to have fun and get "social" but instead ppl are all having ego problems and trying to boost our ego over a game.U know what, i miss the old game where i could have chat with my enemies. like enco,reborn. we kill each other but yet we still can talk. Thats why i admire old tops more than newb ones.

As the big mouth Kapow said, this is a game. people come people go. we were big, we went. you got big and one day you will also go, someone else will get big. This is the nature of the game. Only thing that will remain in the game will be hatred and ego wars. Lets not forget, we all had some great friendships by this game and i'm personally thankful for that. If u have people who you dont like, dont let it turn in to hatred .

Another long post by me
I should have seen these earlier, i like long posts.OB should have a potato emotic for long posts like this.
12-05 Stab denied
23:14:36 - 12-05
Anonymous at 23:08:20 on 12/05:
Notorious sellers (Soty, to anyone that isn't gravano) versus definitely expected sellers (Anarchy remains using an old time family name after one or two original tops returned and lavi recruited them some folks that merged into them over time). Nothing to see here, just another obvious war after both families and their extensive bloodlists already ruined a somewhat promising version.

fyi, all of our old tops/subtops which played last in 3.1 returned except 3.
not one or two, buddy.

03-05 Shit hits the fan
12:35:11 - 04-05
Merton mkII at 12:22:50 on 04/05:
lavi\zZz at 12:05:14 on 04/05:
Anonymous at 22:44:35 on 03/05:
I remember first time i met lavi and he was in Guardians trying to force a 3rd side to break up the game a bit and make things interesting. kapow sold his soul that version and Lavi strategically did a few nice things that almost got them a win, they got shot last second and lost the version. Ever since, Lavi has been so far stuck up turks ass to build an alliance with the leftovers from the anarchy side through Winterhill and now kerberos that im sure Lavi has a brown tongue from ass licking. Congrats buddy you got another star for mum. In the process you killed the game. How many folks do you think are gonna honestly rerank or come back again to keep getting this kind of shit thrown at them?

Hello Sps I didnt play active except this round in last 1 year afaik. How was your as1 with pentagram?
I'm fine btw since the last time we talked, are you also doing ok?
Ahhh i remember that version. A right weird turkish named family got pissed off when a few high rankers from Dragonara (me and a couple of others) joined Guardians to push them ahead to win the version. Was a fun version to be fair. ๐Ÿ˜

Merton for President amk :D
03-05 Shit hits the fan
12:05:14 - 04-05
Anonymous at 22:44:35 on 03/05:
I remember first time i met lavi and he was in Guardians trying to force a 3rd side to break up the game a bit and make things interesting. kapow sold his soul that version and Lavi strategically did a few nice things that almost got them a win, they got shot last second and lost the version. Ever since, Lavi has been so far stuck up turks ass to build an alliance with the leftovers from the anarchy side through Winterhill and now kerberos that im sure Lavi has a brown tongue from ass licking. Congrats buddy you got another star for mum. In the process you killed the game. How many folks do you think are gonna honestly rerank or come back again to keep getting this kind of shit thrown at them?

Hello Sps I didnt play active except this round in last 1 year afaik. How was your as1 with pentagram?
I'm fine btw since the last time we talked, are you also doing ok?
General Comments & Major Rumors
20:59:28 - 13-04
Anonymous at 20:43:54 on 13/04:
lavi\zZz at 20:32:21 on 13/04:
Anonymous at 19:37:22 on 13/04:
Anonymous at 16:46:57 on 13/04:
lavi\zZz at 16:34:35 on 13/04:
And also i want to say a few things about this version, not this version tho, about Liberta & AFfinitas as being one of the Affinitas, as being one of the people who was born and raised in Affinitas.
Check out all the version Affinitas has played, we always fought against the scripters, we always stood against the cheaters. we always stood our own ground.
Liberta was one of the main fams in Affinitas, It was one of the main forces in the game.
MafiaTurk Phenkhenky Sin, old libertans are still my brothers, noone can ever change that. I know it sounds bullshit now but imagine a friendship, imagine a bound in an alliance which isnt gone for 13 years.
But now, with this gamestyle, Liberta has no right to use Affinitas name, as i said we fought against the scripters with no lackeys hand made accounts. If you are using affinitas name, you dont take side with a scripter fam ( since one of their tops " gsbaba" admit heere - dunno if he was honest or trolling tho- we cheated and scripted real hard, they should even give a rollback) If you are using the affinitas name, you should be the main force against scripters in the game, not their right hand.
Maybe you do it with good intentions, for the sake of old days, but playing like this doesnt give you right to use that name. You are trying to remind people about affi or teach people about affi but you totally do it wrong.
eventhough we- some of old affi tops- told mt to change the name few weeks ago because it isnt what affi is, some people didnt change the name so i felt like giving my worthless speech here.
just my fifty cents.
For the sake of old days.
Dont get me wrong, i still love pika pikaaa

lavi\zZz at 16:34:35 on 13/04:
And also i want to say a few things about this version, not this version tho, about Liberta & AFfinitas as being one of the Affinitas, as being one of the people who was born and raised in Affinitas.
Check out all the version Affinitas has played, we always fought against the scripters, we always stood against the cheaters. we always stood our own ground.
Liberta was one of the main fams in Affinitas, It was one of the main forces in the game.
MafiaTurk Phenkhenky Sin, old libertans are still my brothers, noone can ever change that. I know it sounds bullshit now but imagine a friendship, imagine a bound in an alliance which isnt gone for 13 years.
But now, with this gamestyle, Liberta has no right to use Affinitas name, as i said we fought against the scripters with no lackeys hand made accounts. If you are using affinitas name, you dont take side with a scripter fam ( since one of their tops " gsbaba" admit heere - dunno if he was honest or trolling tho- we cheated and scripted real hard, they should even give a rollback) If you are using the affinitas name, you should be the main force against scripters in the game, not their right hand.
Maybe you do it with good intentions, for the sake of old days, but playing like this doesnt give you right to use that name. You are trying to remind people about affi or teach people about affi but you totally do it wrong.
eventhough we- some of old affi tops- told mt to change the name few weeks ago because it isnt what affi is, some people didnt change the name so i felt like giving my worthless speech here.
just my fifty cents.
For the sake of old days.
Dont get me wrong, i still love pika pikaaa

siktir lan yarrak sen ne bilirsin affinitasi bide agzina aliyon anarchi yalakasi seni

sen hangi yeni yetmesin acaba :')

ben yeni basladim ama senin affinitasin hicbir yerinde olmadigini ve anarchy yalakasi oldugunu bilecek kadar da tecrübeliyim ;)

hm canim benim ya seni nasi kandirdilarsa artik 2.2 de buyume olusumuna girip sonrasinda kuruldugundan beri amkclan la gravanoya girip sonraki versiyonda orda top olup 2.8e kadar kaldigimi sana kimse anlatmamis demek, vay benim cahil yavrum, yerim senin tecrubeni :)
General Comments & Major Rumors
20:32:21 - 13-04
Anonymous at 19:37:22 on 13/04:
Anonymous at 16:46:57 on 13/04:
lavi\zZz at 16:34:35 on 13/04:
And also i want to say a few things about this version, not this version tho, about Liberta & AFfinitas as being one of the Affinitas, as being one of the people who was born and raised in Affinitas.
Check out all the version Affinitas has played, we always fought against the scripters, we always stood against the cheaters. we always stood our own ground.
Liberta was one of the main fams in Affinitas, It was one of the main forces in the game.
MafiaTurk Phenkhenky Sin, old libertans are still my brothers, noone can ever change that. I know it sounds bullshit now but imagine a friendship, imagine a bound in an alliance which isnt gone for 13 years.
But now, with this gamestyle, Liberta has no right to use Affinitas name, as i said we fought against the scripters with no lackeys hand made accounts. If you are using affinitas name, you dont take side with a scripter fam ( since one of their tops " gsbaba" admit heere - dunno if he was honest or trolling tho- we cheated and scripted real hard, they should even give a rollback) If you are using the affinitas name, you should be the main force against scripters in the game, not their right hand.
Maybe you do it with good intentions, for the sake of old days, but playing like this doesnt give you right to use that name. You are trying to remind people about affi or teach people about affi but you totally do it wrong.
eventhough we- some of old affi tops- told mt to change the name few weeks ago because it isnt what affi is, some people didnt change the name so i felt like giving my worthless speech here.
just my fifty cents.
For the sake of old days.
Dont get me wrong, i still love pika pikaaa

lavi\zZz at 16:34:35 on 13/04:
And also i want to say a few things about this version, not this version tho, about Liberta & AFfinitas as being one of the Affinitas, as being one of the people who was born and raised in Affinitas.
Check out all the version Affinitas has played, we always fought against the scripters, we always stood against the cheaters. we always stood our own ground.
Liberta was one of the main fams in Affinitas, It was one of the main forces in the game.
MafiaTurk Phenkhenky Sin, old libertans are still my brothers, noone can ever change that. I know it sounds bullshit now but imagine a friendship, imagine a bound in an alliance which isnt gone for 13 years.
But now, with this gamestyle, Liberta has no right to use Affinitas name, as i said we fought against the scripters with no lackeys hand made accounts. If you are using affinitas name, you dont take side with a scripter fam ( since one of their tops " gsbaba" admit heere - dunno if he was honest or trolling tho- we cheated and scripted real hard, they should even give a rollback) If you are using the affinitas name, you should be the main force against scripters in the game, not their right hand.
Maybe you do it with good intentions, for the sake of old days, but playing like this doesnt give you right to use that name. You are trying to remind people about affi or teach people about affi but you totally do it wrong.
eventhough we- some of old affi tops- told mt to change the name few weeks ago because it isnt what affi is, some people didnt change the name so i felt like giving my worthless speech here.
just my fifty cents.
For the sake of old days.
Dont get me wrong, i still love pika pikaaa

siktir lan yarrak sen ne bilirsin affinitasi bide agzina aliyon anarchi yalakasi seni

sen hangi yeni yetmesin acaba :')
General Comments & Major Rumors
16:34:35 - 13-04
And also i want to say a few things about this version, not this version tho, about Liberta & AFfinitas as being one of the Affinitas, as being one of the people who was born and raised in Affinitas.
Check out all the version Affinitas has played, we always fought against the scripters, we always stood against the cheaters. we always stood our own ground.
Liberta was one of the main fams in Affinitas, It was one of the main forces in the game.
MafiaTurk Phenkhenky Sin, old libertans are still my brothers, noone can ever change that. I know it sounds bullshit now but imagine a friendship, imagine a bound in an alliance which isnt gone for 13 years.
But now, with this gamestyle, Liberta has no right to use Affinitas name, as i said we fought against the scripters with no lackeys hand made accounts. If you are using affinitas name, you dont take side with a scripter fam ( since one of their tops " gsbaba" admit heere - dunno if he was honest or trolling tho- we cheated and scripted real hard, they should even give a rollback) If you are using the affinitas name, you should be the main force against scripters in the game, not their right hand.
Maybe you do it with good intentions, for the sake of old days, but playing like this doesnt give you right to use that name. You are trying to remind people about affi or teach people about affi but you totally do it wrong.
eventhough we- some of old affi tops- told mt to change the name few weeks ago because it isnt what affi is, some people didnt change the name so i felt like giving my worthless speech here.
just my fifty cents.
For the sake of old days.
Dont get me wrong, i still love pika pikaaa
General Comments & Major Rumors
16:16:31 - 13-04
Anonymous at 13:48:00 on 13/04:
Ahhh great. Winter is coming back. Means we have to deal with Lavi thinking he is a big badass. Bunch of douchebags, tell me what it's like to have a star and I'll tell y'all what pussy feels like.
idd you are right im just a schizophrene but chill lads, winter is NOT coming yet. first gotta heat up.
But there was another right thing in what you said beside your mention about me, unfortunately, i will be around :/
btw what is pussy?
29-12 New year's resolutions
12:27:09 - 09-02
Anonymous at 00:23:24 on 17/01:
lavi\zZz at 09:47:50 on 16/01:
Anonymous at 09:04:59 on 12/01:
lavi\zZz at 06:02:45 on 12/01:
Tony-E at 13:41:05 on 06/01:
lavi\zZz at 12:10:54 on 06/01:
Tony-E at 03:01:51 on 02/01:
Onaga at 14:47:19 on 30/12:
How did our hijack of pentagram go unnoticed, oh well Merciless got more surprises incoming for pentagram ;)
You can’t blame the reporters....
If they would’ve reported every hijack of Merciless on Pentagram or just Pentagram getting hijacked, ob would’ve have more hijack articles then they took part on a war.
Pentagram might be hijacked 10 times in every version.It means they make family every time without giving up, it means they have balls and ambition to make fam everytime they go down.
I havent seen Merciless name except suicides and hijacks recently.
Not even recently, for more than months.
Dont tell the bullshit about being retired.
a retired man doesnt come here or try to hijack some fams.
Whenever you came, you got raped or you had inner fights in your own family. and you only won once when we werent around and you won by the big help of pentagram which was their win actually and stabbing them which was unexpected by them but expected by everyone else.
And after all you still dare to come here and still dare to talk.
You are like trump, everyone makes fun of you when u seem around. Dont feel proud tho, you aint president of something big like him.
If i were you, i would change my nick and try to start over and hope that noone will never realise its the Tony-E, the fun fact .

O yes, there we have him, the man that lives in a dreamworld.
Hi Lavi, not that i’ve stabbed Pentragram(if you don’t act like a blood, your not one) but even if would’ve stabbed a family and won the version after shooting almost 70% of the version alone, it’s still better then blooding 70% of the whole version and shooting like 15-20% of the version and then screaming loud how awesome you guys are, lol. Don’t make me laugh.
But hey, you’re right. I should be the one that should be ashamed!(sarcasm)
Have a nice day in your dreamworld.

As a second answer for you dreamer boy,
I was lazy to do copy/paste all the shit but then i felt like doing it.
Lets see the version you shot %70 of the families "ALONE." as you said
1. 07-09 Turfwar
Involved families: Merciless, Blackhand, Godhand
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Blackhand | swin: 0 | assa: 3 | lc: 2 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 19
Total | swin: 0 | assa: 3 | lc: 2 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 19

2. 13-09 Kabang
Involved families: Motisi, Fortress

3.17-09 Saturday Night War!
Involved families: Avantgarde, Colossal, Darbe, Fearless, Godhand, Marazzino, Merciless, Modena, Motisi, Pentagram, Syracuse, vs Cardello, Enfoire, Guardians, Imperium, Messeria

As we see on this war,12 fams shot 6 fams
That means %66.6 vs %33.33

4. 21-09 Admins showing no Mercy

Statement of Tony-e : This won't end like this, i want justice.
So i'll fix a lawyer to this injustice, many players i saw getting a-killed for some shit reason or with no proof at all. Imo you don't need to accept that.
I will go till the end of this. And yes i am very mad about this, because i did alot for my account. People that know's me, knows better.

Yes this was the only thing you did alone in that version, cheating and getting akilled.

5. 24-09 Saturday blues
Gigaset, Merciless, Motisi, Pentagram, Psychonymous, vs Avantgarde, Fearless, Modena, Syracuse

Seems like you are shooting without pentagram and motisi and psycho again, all alone.

6.27-09 Colossal violence
Involved families: Merciless, Motisi, vs Colossal

You claim to shoot all version alone, but cant even shoot a single family alone?
war report : Merciless and Motisi started shooting Colossal. What seems to be a 2:1 ratio in fams, is a 5:1 ratio in brugs.

7.28-09 Forget football, time for war.
Involved families: Pentagram, Psychonymous
Penta shooting alone someone without motisi.

8.01-10 Stabs here, stabs there, stabs everywhere!
Involved families: Blacksea, Marazzino, Merciless, Valahia, vs Darbe, Pentagram
Last war, and you shot alone once again if we dont count blacksea marazzino and valahia

So once again tony-e , who is living in a dreamworld :')
This is why you are so fucking funny and ppl make fun of you everytime they see you :')

what he intended to say my friend, is that wars only have names. avantgarde, imperium etc all was pentagram's targets but when penta failed, they called merciless to help. almost every war was same. so these "statistics" you show means nothing. statistics are like mini skirts, it shows a lot but it hides the very thing you re looking for. most of those fams died by merciless hands while pentagram was failing against a target while they were shooting 5v1. and other part is not about yourself but your fam. your tops are continously scream about how awesome they are after the end of the version. and if you think those 70% you blooded trusts you, you are severly wrong.

I was speaking to tony, and what i intended to say, was said by me, myself. I think you are just underestimating his intelligence by speaking of his name at the moment.He could explain himself imo.
And that "statics are like skirts" made Ferguson more famous than his career at ManUtd.
You see the thing u want to see them. Statics are skirts when its about your family but its not a skirt when its about winterhill? If attacking as 4 fams isnt important but killing more ppl is, why do you blame winter or other fams when they go with the same odd? it is just hypocrisy.Good luck with it and next time dont speak in the name of your friends or masters since it means you underestimate their intelligence and you think they cant answer the same way you do.
truth hurts?
the truth which tony cant speak with his own mind, and someone has to speak in the name of him, hurts yes.
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:01:53 - 08-02
ites at 19:51:19 on 07/02:
Toby the Gold Fish at 19:41:13 on 07/02:
I fuckin hate you all
irish cunt
irish ppl are cool
except merton ofc
and except keez :'D
15:18:53 - 08-02
suppressor at 14:58:45 on 08/02:
Anonymous at 13:13:04 on 08/02:
Anonymous at 03:05:29 on 08/02:
So Ganja won the war by losing the least of people?

Are they gonna close or will Aeterna recover then stab Ganja with the help of other fams?

Or will Motisi as1 Krays and Kamikaze so they close together as the brotherhood of Down Syndrome?

Motisi gonna win. See how smart they have been playing, gonna pay of in the end.

Motisi will not win. They don't have a leadership that knows how to win. Their play style since Tony-E and most of Merciless left is 'not to get cleaned', hence why they crossblood so much.
people might surprise you mate, especially when its about winning in hard situations like this
06:49:15 - 06-02
so we shall remember the song which hyo reminded us about it
YouTube video
29-12 New year's resolutions
09:47:50 - 16-01
Anonymous at 09:04:59 on 12/01:
lavi\zZz at 06:02:45 on 12/01:
Tony-E at 13:41:05 on 06/01:
lavi\zZz at 12:10:54 on 06/01:
Tony-E at 03:01:51 on 02/01:
Onaga at 14:47:19 on 30/12:
How did our hijack of pentagram go unnoticed, oh well Merciless got more surprises incoming for pentagram ;)
You can’t blame the reporters....
If they would’ve reported every hijack of Merciless on Pentagram or just Pentagram getting hijacked, ob would’ve have more hijack articles then they took part on a war.
Pentagram might be hijacked 10 times in every version.It means they make family every time without giving up, it means they have balls and ambition to make fam everytime they go down.
I havent seen Merciless name except suicides and hijacks recently.
Not even recently, for more than months.
Dont tell the bullshit about being retired.
a retired man doesnt come here or try to hijack some fams.
Whenever you came, you got raped or you had inner fights in your own family. and you only won once when we werent around and you won by the big help of pentagram which was their win actually and stabbing them which was unexpected by them but expected by everyone else.
And after all you still dare to come here and still dare to talk.
You are like trump, everyone makes fun of you when u seem around. Dont feel proud tho, you aint president of something big like him.
If i were you, i would change my nick and try to start over and hope that noone will never realise its the Tony-E, the fun fact .

O yes, there we have him, the man that lives in a dreamworld.
Hi Lavi, not that i’ve stabbed Pentragram(if you don’t act like a blood, your not one) but even if would’ve stabbed a family and won the version after shooting almost 70% of the version alone, it’s still better then blooding 70% of the whole version and shooting like 15-20% of the version and then screaming loud how awesome you guys are, lol. Don’t make me laugh.
But hey, you’re right. I should be the one that should be ashamed!(sarcasm)
Have a nice day in your dreamworld.

As a second answer for you dreamer boy,
I was lazy to do copy/paste all the shit but then i felt like doing it.
Lets see the version you shot %70 of the families "ALONE." as you said
1. 07-09 Turfwar
Involved families: Merciless, Blackhand, Godhand
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Blackhand | swin: 0 | assa: 3 | lc: 2 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 19
Total | swin: 0 | assa: 3 | lc: 2 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 19

2. 13-09 Kabang
Involved families: Motisi, Fortress

3.17-09 Saturday Night War!
Involved families: Avantgarde, Colossal, Darbe, Fearless, Godhand, Marazzino, Merciless, Modena, Motisi, Pentagram, Syracuse, vs Cardello, Enfoire, Guardians, Imperium, Messeria

As we see on this war,12 fams shot 6 fams
That means %66.6 vs %33.33

4. 21-09 Admins showing no Mercy

Statement of Tony-e : This won't end like this, i want justice.
So i'll fix a lawyer to this injustice, many players i saw getting a-killed for some shit reason or with no proof at all. Imo you don't need to accept that.
I will go till the end of this. And yes i am very mad about this, because i did alot for my account. People that know's me, knows better.

Yes this was the only thing you did alone in that version, cheating and getting akilled.

5. 24-09 Saturday blues
Gigaset, Merciless, Motisi, Pentagram, Psychonymous, vs Avantgarde, Fearless, Modena, Syracuse

Seems like you are shooting without pentagram and motisi and psycho again, all alone.

6.27-09 Colossal violence
Involved families: Merciless, Motisi, vs Colossal

You claim to shoot all version alone, but cant even shoot a single family alone?
war report : Merciless and Motisi started shooting Colossal. What seems to be a 2:1 ratio in fams, is a 5:1 ratio in brugs.

7.28-09 Forget football, time for war.
Involved families: Pentagram, Psychonymous
Penta shooting alone someone without motisi.

8.01-10 Stabs here, stabs there, stabs everywhere!
Involved families: Blacksea, Marazzino, Merciless, Valahia, vs Darbe, Pentagram
Last war, and you shot alone once again if we dont count blacksea marazzino and valahia

So once again tony-e , who is living in a dreamworld :')
This is why you are so fucking funny and ppl make fun of you everytime they see you :')

what he intended to say my friend, is that wars only have names. avantgarde, imperium etc all was pentagram's targets but when penta failed, they called merciless to help. almost every war was same. so these "statistics" you show means nothing. statistics are like mini skirts, it shows a lot but it hides the very thing you re looking for. most of those fams died by merciless hands while pentagram was failing against a target while they were shooting 5v1. and other part is not about yourself but your fam. your tops are continously scream about how awesome they are after the end of the version. and if you think those 70% you blooded trusts you, you are severly wrong.

I was speaking to tony, and what i intended to say, was said by me, myself. I think you are just underestimating his intelligence by speaking of his name at the moment.He could explain himself imo.
And that "statics are like skirts" made Ferguson more famous than his career at ManUtd.
You see the thing u want to see them. Statics are skirts when its about your family but its not a skirt when its about winterhill? If attacking as 4 fams isnt important but killing more ppl is, why do you blame winter or other fams when they go with the same odd? it is just hypocrisy.Good luck with it and next time dont speak in the name of your friends or masters since it means you underestimate their intelligence and you think they cant answer the same way you do.
General Comments & Major Rumors
09:42:09 - 16-01
Merton at 17:19:00 on 14/01:
ites at 14:21:34 on 14/01:
Merton at 12:34:51 on 14/01:
Anonymous at 06:29:15 on 14/01:


There we have it. OB's most constructive criticism award goes too...
shut up bitch

And the second...
shut up Merton :)
29-12 New year's resolutions
06:02:45 - 12-01
Tony-E at 13:41:05 on 06/01:
lavi\zZz at 12:10:54 on 06/01:
Tony-E at 03:01:51 on 02/01:
Onaga at 14:47:19 on 30/12:
How did our hijack of pentagram go unnoticed, oh well Merciless got more surprises incoming for pentagram ;)
You can’t blame the reporters....
If they would’ve reported every hijack of Merciless on Pentagram or just Pentagram getting hijacked, ob would’ve have more hijack articles then they took part on a war.
Pentagram might be hijacked 10 times in every version.It means they make family every time without giving up, it means they have balls and ambition to make fam everytime they go down.
I havent seen Merciless name except suicides and hijacks recently.
Not even recently, for more than months.
Dont tell the bullshit about being retired.
a retired man doesnt come here or try to hijack some fams.
Whenever you came, you got raped or you had inner fights in your own family. and you only won once when we werent around and you won by the big help of pentagram which was their win actually and stabbing them which was unexpected by them but expected by everyone else.
And after all you still dare to come here and still dare to talk.
You are like trump, everyone makes fun of you when u seem around. Dont feel proud tho, you aint president of something big like him.
If i were you, i would change my nick and try to start over and hope that noone will never realise its the Tony-E, the fun fact .

O yes, there we have him, the man that lives in a dreamworld.
Hi Lavi, not that i’ve stabbed Pentragram(if you don’t act like a blood, your not one) but even if would’ve stabbed a family and won the version after shooting almost 70% of the version alone, it’s still better then blooding 70% of the whole version and shooting like 15-20% of the version and then screaming loud how awesome you guys are, lol. Don’t make me laugh.
But hey, you’re right. I should be the one that should be ashamed!(sarcasm)
Have a nice day in your dreamworld.

As a second answer for you dreamer boy,
I was lazy to do copy/paste all the shit but then i felt like doing it.
Lets see the version you shot %70 of the families "ALONE." as you said
1. 07-09 Turfwar
Involved families: Merciless, Blackhand, Godhand
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Blackhand | swin: 0 | assa: 3 | lc: 2 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 19
Total | swin: 0 | assa: 3 | lc: 2 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 19

2. 13-09 Kabang
Involved families: Motisi, Fortress

3.17-09 Saturday Night War!
Involved families: Avantgarde, Colossal, Darbe, Fearless, Godhand, Marazzino, Merciless, Modena, Motisi, Pentagram, Syracuse, vs Cardello, Enfoire, Guardians, Imperium, Messeria

As we see on this war,12 fams shot 6 fams
That means %66.6 vs %33.33

4. 21-09 Admins showing no Mercy

Statement of Tony-e : This won't end like this, i want justice.
So i'll fix a lawyer to this injustice, many players i saw getting a-killed for some shit reason or with no proof at all. Imo you don't need to accept that.
I will go till the end of this. And yes i am very mad about this, because i did alot for my account. People that know's me, knows better.

Yes this was the only thing you did alone in that version, cheating and getting akilled.

5. 24-09 Saturday blues
Gigaset, Merciless, Motisi, Pentagram, Psychonymous, vs Avantgarde, Fearless, Modena, Syracuse

Seems like you are shooting without pentagram and motisi and psycho again, all alone.

6.27-09 Colossal violence
Involved families: Merciless, Motisi, vs Colossal

You claim to shoot all version alone, but cant even shoot a single family alone?
war report : Merciless and Motisi started shooting Colossal. What seems to be a 2:1 ratio in fams, is a 5:1 ratio in brugs.

7.28-09 Forget football, time for war.
Involved families: Pentagram, Psychonymous
Penta shooting alone someone without motisi.

8.01-10 Stabs here, stabs there, stabs everywhere!
Involved families: Blacksea, Marazzino, Merciless, Valahia, vs Darbe, Pentagram
Last war, and you shot alone once again if we dont count blacksea marazzino and valahia

So once again tony-e , who is living in a dreamworld :')
This is why you are so fucking funny and ppl make fun of you everytime they see you :')

29-12 New year's resolutions
05:49:54 - 12-01
Tony-E at 13:41:05 on 06/01:
lavi\zZz at 12:10:54 on 06/01:
Tony-E at 03:01:51 on 02/01:
Onaga at 14:47:19 on 30/12:
How did our hijack of pentagram go unnoticed, oh well Merciless got more surprises incoming for pentagram ;)
You can’t blame the reporters....
If they would’ve reported every hijack of Merciless on Pentagram or just Pentagram getting hijacked, ob would’ve have more hijack articles then they took part on a war.
Pentagram might be hijacked 10 times in every version.It means they make family every time without giving up, it means they have balls and ambition to make fam everytime they go down.
I havent seen Merciless name except suicides and hijacks recently.
Not even recently, for more than months.
Dont tell the bullshit about being retired.
a retired man doesnt come here or try to hijack some fams.
Whenever you came, you got raped or you had inner fights in your own family. and you only won once when we werent around and you won by the big help of pentagram which was their win actually and stabbing them which was unexpected by them but expected by everyone else.
And after all you still dare to come here and still dare to talk.
You are like trump, everyone makes fun of you when u seem around. Dont feel proud tho, you aint president of something big like him.
If i were you, i would change my nick and try to start over and hope that noone will never realise its the Tony-E, the fun fact .

O yes, there we have him, the man that lives in a dreamworld.
Hi Lavi, not that i’ve stabbed Pentragram(if you don’t act like a blood, your not one) but even if would’ve stabbed a family and won the version after shooting almost 70% of the version alone, it’s still better then blooding 70% of the whole version and shooting like 15-20% of the version and then screaming loud how awesome you guys are, lol. Don’t make me laugh.
But hey, you’re right. I should be the one that should be ashamed!(sarcasm)
Have a nice day in your dreamworld.
Show me a post or a log that i scream how awesome i am or we are. since you used the " scream " word it should be heard by you also.
Only thing you can laugh at is yourself since you point me being at dreamworld but making up stories yourself about me saying awesome. and trust me if people liked you or trusted you and didnt turn you down, you would have blooded %70 of the version.That doesnt mean , i blooded %70 of the version but explains why you cant blood.Not because u dont want, because ppl kept saying no to you lol
29-12 New year's resolutions
12:10:54 - 06-01
Tony-E at 03:01:51 on 02/01:
Onaga at 14:47:19 on 30/12:
How did our hijack of pentagram go unnoticed, oh well Merciless got more surprises incoming for pentagram ;)
You can’t blame the reporters....
If they would’ve reported every hijack of Merciless on Pentagram or just Pentagram getting hijacked, ob would’ve have more hijack articles then they took part on a war.
Pentagram might be hijacked 10 times in every version.It means they make family every time without giving up, it means they have balls and ambition to make fam everytime they go down.
I havent seen Merciless name except suicides and hijacks recently.
Not even recently, for more than months.
Dont tell the bullshit about being retired.
a retired man doesnt come here or try to hijack some fams.
Whenever you came, you got raped or you had inner fights in your own family. and you only won once when we werent around and you won by the big help of pentagram which was their win actually and stabbing them which was unexpected by them but expected by everyone else.
And after all you still dare to come here and still dare to talk.
You are like trump, everyone makes fun of you when u seem around. Dont feel proud tho, you aint president of something big like him.
If i were you, i would change my nick and try to start over and hope that noone will never realise its the Tony-E, the fun fact .

19-12 Aaaaaaand its cleanup time!
23:54:52 - 19-12
Soph at 23:25:53 on 19/12:
Aaaaaaand it's gone
