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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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» Comments of `Donalo`Sixx
25-10 Payback is a bitch?
20:59:00 - 25-10
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING!!!! :OOOOOO :@@@@@@@ I CANT BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
General Comments & Major Rumors
14:45:30 - 24-10
Johnny at 14:37:52 on 24/10:
`Donalo`Sixx at 14:30:11 on 24/10:
Johnny at 14:28:13 on 24/10:
`Donalo`Sixx at 14:24:33 on 24/10:
Johnny at 14:14:02 on 24/10:
`Donalo`Sixx at 14:05:43 on 24/10:
Wow Johnny multiple posts over consecutive days....Time for a comeback? What elo are you btw since I read somewhere you play lol?

Nah no coming back just have some free time and still following what's going on in game on OB news. I wrote in that wall of text Vinci is retired for good, and so am I unless something really crazy happens and I pick up Omerta again.

Yeah I play LoL now with some other Vinci people, game is quite fun, even watching pro matches is cool. I didn't really start playing ranked much, but plan on doing so in season 3! Wanted to get 1st nice pool of champions and runes/rune pages :P
You play as well?

Ye I played for over a year now but I think we will be on differn't servers unless you are on Euw. I agree about getting champs and runes first xD I played a bit ranked at the end of season 1 when I was total n00b and it wasn't so cool :')

Yeah I am on EUW xD

Haha nice lets get a game sometime maybe for jokes :))

Ing Sixxxy :')

Sent you request :P

I just looked and saw I got elo decay cos I didnt play ranked for a month or so FFS! Dunno when il be on but im sure will see you on at some point haha
General Comments & Major Rumors
14:30:11 - 24-10
Johnny at 14:28:13 on 24/10:
`Donalo`Sixx at 14:24:33 on 24/10:
Johnny at 14:14:02 on 24/10:
`Donalo`Sixx at 14:05:43 on 24/10:
Wow Johnny multiple posts over consecutive days....Time for a comeback? What elo are you btw since I read somewhere you play lol?

Nah no coming back just have some free time and still following what's going on in game on OB news. I wrote in that wall of text Vinci is retired for good, and so am I unless something really crazy happens and I pick up Omerta again.

Yeah I play LoL now with some other Vinci people, game is quite fun, even watching pro matches is cool. I didn't really start playing ranked much, but plan on doing so in season 3! Wanted to get 1st nice pool of champions and runes/rune pages :P
You play as well?

Ye I played for over a year now but I think we will be on differn't servers unless you are on Euw. I agree about getting champs and runes first xD I played a bit ranked at the end of season 1 when I was total n00b and it wasn't so cool :')

Yeah I am on EUW xD

Haha nice lets get a game sometime maybe for jokes :))

Ing Sixxxy :')
General Comments & Major Rumors
14:24:33 - 24-10
Johnny at 14:14:02 on 24/10:
`Donalo`Sixx at 14:05:43 on 24/10:
Wow Johnny multiple posts over consecutive days....Time for a comeback? What elo are you btw since I read somewhere you play lol?

Nah no coming back just have some free time and still following what's going on in game on OB news. I wrote in that wall of text Vinci is retired for good, and so am I unless something really crazy happens and I pick up Omerta again.

Yeah I play LoL now with some other Vinci people, game is quite fun, even watching pro matches is cool. I didn't really start playing ranked much, but plan on doing so in season 3! Wanted to get 1st nice pool of champions and runes/rune pages :P
You play as well?

Ye I played for over a year now but I think we will be on differn't servers unless you are on Euw. I agree about getting champs and runes first xD I played a bit ranked at the end of season 1 when I was total n00b and it wasn't so cool :')
General Comments & Major Rumors
14:05:43 - 24-10
Wow Johnny multiple posts over consecutive days....Time for a comeback? What elo are you btw since I read somewhere you play lol?
23-10 Let me see your warface!
13:22:00 - 24-10
Battalgazi at 13:01:51 on 24/10:
Ballantines at 10:14:40 on 24/10:
Funny to see fams. which wanted to shoot the so called "pact", are now blamming Leviticus, or Donalo, who they came to for help and to organise this shit. But when it came to shooting, they all chickened out. I can see also that there are many posts about Levi threatening some fams to shoot. That just makes me laugh...We just expected some fams who were are long time blood to actually shoot for us, but in reality fams that werent even our bloods helped us more then our own bloods :)

Atleast Leviticus shoots ( and doesnt pussy out) or we try to make a difference in this game, and most importantly doesnt bend down to other fams. We show respect to our bloods,friends and even enemies, which i cant say for all the fams. But when someone fucks you over like this, they deserve to get their shit put out in the open...

@ Battal

Dude, before you call Donalo a sneaky bastard, take a look at your own backyard, and what your tops did last version to their own blood. Yeah, they got them shot by starting rumors :) And why fams like Krays, Desti, Prove and Levi dont want to blood you anymore...

Dear Ballantines , about previous version bullshits , i asked you guys severel times , to bring me some exact proofs and then i didnt received any shit.
And after the mission completed we quitted and you guys believed in the lies about us without listening us.
About this version ; if you guys dont want to be bloods with us and dont like us , then could you please explain me , why do you call us in every war plan? coz we dont work with the fams that we dont like.
And about sneaky basterd ; there were 7-8 fams' tops in that channel, and donalo named only 3. and whats more insteresting , both Troy and Nazd shot till the end and he blames those 2 fams :)
not logical.

Exact proofs? Why dont you check your phone records? I mean....if your phone ever got out it would probably be the next wiki leaks :')
23-10 Let me see your warface!
09:14:17 - 24-10
Anonymous at 08:23:50 on 24/10:
Ivopausje at 07:42:04 on 24/10:
Anonymous at 07:20:32 on 24/10:
Anonymous at 06:09:04 on 24/10:
this things are absolutely true about donalo
when krays shoot for monte he started to blame them and now he trying to fuck other fams
it doesn't matter that this fams enter a shit like you into this war ,u shouldn't post things between them everywhere moron
this is what u get from trusting levi and desti.its the way they lost the support from their own bloods
and idd i agree about they do it now for more wars to happen and then they can set up their own fam again and claiming all other fams did shit and we are perfect ones!!!1-2 more war and then they easily can come up
i lost all respects in you donalo
u only mention troy and nazd ..even post something here like plz some1 shoot nazd/troy!!!while nazd was in first shooters of last war and had very hard time 2 days ago
troy also did shooting and that 3-4 other fams who backed out this war and didn't joined l8er also
u never mention their names cause they are your bloods/friends
fams like VOGUE/turkuz

because u wanna use them after u come up
fucking moron
u are the one who should blamed most with your shitty actions

its natural no one wanna follow your plans
f...king rat
while vogue+ wanna kill eleg+ and also they see krays in trouble now ,they tried to fuck nazd/troy cause pact can shoot max 1 more time.if they shoot nazd/troy then krays will be safe , pact will be empty and then killing them can be a piece of cake for the fams hugging from start
and i agree the real pact was desti levi provo pact which already died,so some fams need be careful...they already being used
they should stop that bullshit war vs pact.this fams was blooded to each other for years and only vertigo is a new one in them.with this actions they just prepare the comeback way of levi+

Your retardedness offends me.

1: Destination isn't planning a comeback. 2: Destination never "tricked" any fam into a war. 3: Your english hurts my eyes.

Before accusing someone, you better make sure you have some decent facts to support your idiotic flaming.
But, then again, I guess thats what you get when you got a gay as gossip site like this.... (no offence Sbanks/Smul/Redspeert)

why in statements there is donalo words?
where is his fam?
its clear u guys seeking your own benefits in this war
else there is shit load of backing outs each version,worse than this
have u ever seen a post like this?
and from 8 fams supposed to be in this war he only mentioned names of 2 fams which even shot l8er and also shot 2 days ago...even one of them totally get fucked on that war
so sure he did it for his own benefits or as u said its about how this site is organizing!!!

Well @ all the people criticising me I think its kinda funny....
Firstly "you only mentioned two fams...." - Clearly not true as I mentioned Gambino who were actually my bloods for a long time so not like i'm cherry picking...

"This is the reason we lost support of our bloods" - Simply not true. Infact this war and the last few wars actually showed me who is actually worth something in this game and who is not. Families like Destination, Xzone, Notte, krays, Ataraxia & Blacksea (maybe I missed some) showed great courage & teamwork and the real tragedy here is that it is families like these that lost out while the lame ones managed to weasel out.

Yes it is true I have criticised Krays before this war about some of their choices but they showed their class again in this "war" & I hate to watch people trying to fuck others over like this.

Why are "noobs" on this site trusting me? Let me see....Maybe because everyone is sick and tired of these bullshit actions from some families - Lets be honest....not like the community needed much convincing...it seemed pretty clear they already had their own preconceived ideas about some families.

All this crap about how I was pedelling my own agenda to families who didn't want anything to do with this is just ridiculous. Everyone to do with these families knows exactly why I was involved & the reality is that all of you were all talk about how you wanted to see these families down etc & had plenty to gain themselves. + Quite a few families actually asked for something to be organised or asked me to get certain families in to their plans because of my relations with them.

The funny part is that you only fucked yourself's over and its a real tragedy -If the families involved had just shot their targets instead of being paranoid idiots people on here would have been talking about how these families made a smart move and about how the version had the potential to open up...

I never tricked anyone or scared people talking about "pacts" etc. Everyone can see that there is a group of families that are working together this version and that in order to beat team work you need team work of your own... If not its obvious that those families will come to dominate the game (they deserve to, showing the ability to organise and work together on a large scale) Sad to see that "our" side has very little of that.
23-10 Let me see your warface!
23:19:05 - 23-10
B|Jack at 23:14:05 on 23/10:
Donalo (Rainbow Farter):

For anyone who is interested in this story this is what happened.....

Gambino krays Troy Nazdrovia were in a plan to shoot Cristeria & 1 other family tonight. All families had agreed and targets were split. Dets were finally hired and once everyone had confirmed most of their targets had been found everyone agreed to get this show on the road. Krays kicked off the "action" killing 5 brugs or so from their targets....what happened next? The channel then fell silent with Nazdrovia & Troy totally ignoring pms and hl's. 10-15 minutes then passed with nothing being said by any of the fams! By this time krays was quite rightly pissed! Nazdrovia, Troy & Gambino then entered into a somewhat hilarious spectacle that I will summarize briefly...

"We wont shoot until Gambino shoots"

Gambino's response to this?

"No way, you shoot first"

The conversation then continued in this vane for another hour or so with no one willing to make the first move (pathetic cowards)

This is pretty much the crux of it.....

I don't usually post here but the world deserves to know the shame of these families.....

Like 2 day ago... We had 10 targets when war started 5 mins after we had just 2.. We killed 8 targets and just 14 targets died that time lol.. I want congratulate pact fams they really deserve it cuz they never try fucking who shoot them with them.. But other side same fams fucked other shooter 2 days ago who are they? who did not die that war everyone can see them.. And also Kurosawa, everyone agreed for shoot messina+gravano 2 days ago and started they just killed 1 or 2 targets and shooting another fam :')..

Well put B|jack - other side of the game is more interested in fucking each other over than the so called "pact" As for Kurosawa - I guess they can add a new chapter in the glorious history of the samurai on their website :)))))
23-10 Let me see your warface!
23:09:39 - 23-10
Asabi at 23:07:44 on 23/10:
Anonymous at 23:01:10 on 23/10:
sbanks at 22:55:24 on 23/10:
`Donalo`Sixx at 22:53:09 on 23/10:
For anyone who is interested in this story this is what happened.....

Gambino krays Troy Nazdrovia were in a plan to shoot Cristeria & 1 other family tonight. All families had agreed and targets were split. Dets were finally hired and once everyone had confirmed most of their targets had been found everyone agreed to get this show on the road. Krays kicked off the "action" killing 5 brugs or so from their targets....what happened next? The channel then fell silent with Nazdrovia & Troy totally ignoring pms and hl's. 10-15 minutes then passed with nothing being said by any of the fams! By this time krays was quite rightly pissed! Nazdrovia, Troy & Gambino then entered into a somewhat hilarious spectacle that I will summarize briefly...

"We wont shoot until Gambino shoots"

Gambino's response to this?

"No way, you shoot first"

The conversation then continued in this vane for another hour or so with no one willing to make the first move (pathetic cowards)

This is pretty much the crux of it.....

I don't usually post here but the world deserves to know the shame of these families.....

the other family was gravano right? :]

What matters is that a 5:1 war that would already have ended, turned into a fiasco and a laughing stock for fams like Naz, Troy, Turkuz, Gambino... Especially for the ones crying and whining around about the pact... Pathetic... Chance given to you once in a lifetime to turn the tide of a version...

still laughin that xd but can you explain me donalo why you were in middle of the story :')
just pathetic.

And what story are you in the middle of Asabi? Mr not shot a bullet yet.... Think twice before talking about what is "pathetic"
23-10 Let me see your warface!
22:32:16 - 23-10
Someone please shoot Nazdrovia & Troy... This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in 6/7 years playing this game. Congratz guys...I didnt think it was possible but you managed to sink to all new low!
20-10 The ballot, or the bullet
19:15:15 - 20-10
Im not talking about levi proven. I am talking in general
20-10 The ballot, or the bullet
18:13:45 - 20-10
Krays are so cool. They always help their bloods no matter what! I wish more fams were like them!
19-10 The Gates of Hell have opened
17:55:15 - 20-10
Redspeert at 12:46:10 on 20/10:
Anonymous at 12:28:23 on 20/10:
As for the prov whiners about difference in attack vs def
See for yourself how brave prov was in 3.5 wars :P

Amnesia, Leviticus, Manicomio, Nazdrovia, Organizatsya, Provenzano, Ramcares, Tempestuoso vs Austerity, Regedited

Ottomans vs Anadolu, Clockwork, Destination, Krays, Leviticus, Manicomio, Provenzano, Ramcares

Amnesia, Anonymous, Purgatory, Stigmata, Turkuz, Vertigo vs Anadolu, Ataraxia, Barzini, Carpedium, Destination, Guccione, Krays, Leviticus, Manicomio, Marazzino, Provenzano, Ramcares, Tempestuoso

Chivas, Destination, Krays, Leviticus, Marazzino, Provenzano vs Presidents, Redvendetta

In some of these wars the ranks to shot together with provenzano was 5/6 vs 1 in terms of chief+. I don't get why some prov/levi tops are whining about gangbangs when they just got served the same style they played 100% of last version. Cant handle the same treatment as you give out?

We can handle it fine Redspeert and no one is whining about gangbangs - Attacking fams did their job fine....The rest? Thats another story.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Im not saying anyone is good or evil here :p but you get my point ^^
19-10 The Gates of Hell have opened
18:37:01 - 19-10
Anyone know someone who can DDOS? lol Well played attackers. We are smoked haha
14-09 And the winner is?
13:10:00 - 16-09
Redspeert at 22:21:14 on 15/09:
I voted for Leviticus. What do you say to that, Donald'Six.

I would say obvious troll is obvious :')
02-09 Getting Censored
01:32:15 - 03-09
Redspeert at 01:13:56 on 03/09:
`Donalo`Sixx at 00:01:11 on 03/09:
Redspeert at 23:21:39 on 02/09:
Burnn at 23:09:28 on 02/09:
Anonymous at 23:05:57 on 02/09:
Anonymous at 23:04:27 on 02/09:
Anonymous at 22:49:17 on 02/09:
Anonymous at 22:36:04 on 02/09:
marazzino is sitting on their ducks ?
ofc they are

Well they helped carpedium+ shooting valente, to make it easier for them to kill censored.
And now they are probably blaming Censored for this. Maraz style.

their style as everytime

I like ur noob style of commenting fams ;) ..
fucking anonymous .. every1 pussy .. write with name .. show yourself before say anything .. let omerta know who is the noob that don't have brain :)..

Hi, I agree with what the anon guy says about marazz, they are a utter shit fam.

yeh cos your fam is so awesome Redspeert? OH WAIT! YOU DONT HAVE ONE :OOOOO

And the clown popped out of his box as soon as I wrote anything. Don't you have anything better to do than lurk around here waiting to see if I write anything? I do have a fam, but they are dead. I'm not saying that we weren't beaten. But how does my fams death make Marazzino better? I guess to understand that, I would have to have the same amount of marazzino's ass taste on my tounge as you have.

I didnt pop out of my box as you say....It's more a matter of ever fucking single time I look at this site I see you running your mouth about how crappy some fam is. You are a like a football fan who complains about how bad a job the manager is doing... you dont have a clue lol.
02-09 Getting Censored
00:01:11 - 03-09
Redspeert at 23:21:39 on 02/09:
Burnn at 23:09:28 on 02/09:
Anonymous at 23:05:57 on 02/09:
Anonymous at 23:04:27 on 02/09:
Anonymous at 22:49:17 on 02/09:
Anonymous at 22:36:04 on 02/09:
marazzino is sitting on their ducks ?
ofc they are

Well they helped carpedium+ shooting valente, to make it easier for them to kill censored.
And now they are probably blaming Censored for this. Maraz style.

their style as everytime

I like ur noob style of commenting fams ;) ..
fucking anonymous .. every1 pussy .. write with name .. show yourself before say anything .. let omerta know who is the noob that don't have brain :)..

Hi, I agree with what the anon guy says about marazz, they are a utter shit fam.

yeh cos your fam is so awesome Redspeert? OH WAIT! YOU DONT HAVE ONE :OOOOO
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:25:12 - 31-07
Redspeert at 15:50:44 on 31/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 15:27:18 on 31/07:
Anonymous at 15:05:49 on 31/07:
Redspeert at 14:51:57 on 31/07:
yamaguchi at 17:49:59 on 29/07:
Dear idiots retards and wannabees,

Nazdrovia never ever sold their bloods out, this stupid lies must be stopped asap. Or show your ass and we show you our respect anonymous cowards,

on 3.1 or before it show me we sold our bloods,

But i can show you many blood vs blood wars (i repeat blood vs blood war(not even talking about help))...

on 3.1 we added Caliente as Bloods, then in 1st war they shot our closest bloods(like as one) Letalis, they lost respect of ours but we didnt deblood or shot em, then they shot 1 more bloods of ours, and i told em this wont happen again, and then they shot 1 more bloods of ours (akronia),

And i told em we are deblooding em cuz they fuckd up our bloodlist, and gave em 2 days to shoot us... They didnt shoot so we killed em.. If a blood using your bloodship and shooting around you must do something there.. But you idiot have no idea about anything just bullshiting here.. This is just a small example from game, i can give ya billions of these.

Im not nazdrovia top this round but i dont see anything bad there. I dont care any of you here but sadly ppl believe your stupid lies

How in the name of God can you be able to write so much bullshit? :)

Never sold out bloods? Just this version you sold out two...or at least one. One of the fams who shot Interfico was Levi, and guess who the fair and honest nazdrovia family blooded? Yes, Leviticus. And you took 4 days to shoot at the fams who killed Elegante, if you had moved faster you could have saved your bloods.

I fail to see why people actually blood nazd, when they only think about themselves. They don't give a flying fuck if you die, as long as you take a bullet for them.


are you high Redspeert ? or just get your info's from someone even more retarded than yourself? xD

Nope, I didn't go to Leviticus for info.

Thats a shame you didnt, else you might actually get your facts straight for once before you come here flaming other fams from your armchair.
General Comments & Major Rumors
15:27:18 - 31-07
Anonymous at 15:05:49 on 31/07:
Redspeert at 14:51:57 on 31/07:
yamaguchi at 17:49:59 on 29/07:
Dear idiots retards and wannabees,

Nazdrovia never ever sold their bloods out, this stupid lies must be stopped asap. Or show your ass and we show you our respect anonymous cowards,

on 3.1 or before it show me we sold our bloods,

But i can show you many blood vs blood wars (i repeat blood vs blood war(not even talking about help))...

on 3.1 we added Caliente as Bloods, then in 1st war they shot our closest bloods(like as one) Letalis, they lost respect of ours but we didnt deblood or shot em, then they shot 1 more bloods of ours, and i told em this wont happen again, and then they shot 1 more bloods of ours (akronia),

And i told em we are deblooding em cuz they fuckd up our bloodlist, and gave em 2 days to shoot us... They didnt shoot so we killed em.. If a blood using your bloodship and shooting around you must do something there.. But you idiot have no idea about anything just bullshiting here.. This is just a small example from game, i can give ya billions of these.

Im not nazdrovia top this round but i dont see anything bad there. I dont care any of you here but sadly ppl believe your stupid lies

How in the name of God can you be able to write so much bullshit? :)

Never sold out bloods? Just this version you sold out two...or at least one. One of the fams who shot Interfico was Levi, and guess who the fair and honest nazdrovia family blooded? Yes, Leviticus. And you took 4 days to shoot at the fams who killed Elegante, if you had moved faster you could have saved your bloods.

I fail to see why people actually blood nazd, when they only think about themselves. They don't give a flying fuck if you die, as long as you take a bullet for them.


are you high Redspeert ? or just get your info's from someone even more retarded than yourself? xD
22-07 Elegante
23:15:31 - 22-07
This war is about as one sided as a gang rape lol