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» Comments of Kohfi_Konnekt
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:50:10 - 29-07
Slow at 19:55:13 on 29/07:
its summer, some people have lives.
Anonymous at 19:27:17 on 29/07:
gravano are loosing members due to there lack of tops being online, and treating new members like shit, typical gravano, when i was in gravano, was tops spoke to high rankers, looks like half of them have went to monte carlo...do i blame them?.... no...... tops in gravano have there favourite's and thats not new news
gravano are loosing members due to there lack of tops being online, and treating new members like shit, typical gravano, when i was in gravano, was tops spoke to high rankers, looks like half of them have went to monte carlo...do i blame them?.... no...... tops in gravano have there favourite's and thats not new news
its summer, some people have lives.
Yeah nigger, drop by sometimes.
Got cold beer and a bbq here ^^
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:14:46 - 05-07
Stanto at 12:44:26 on 05/07:
Tell me this ? Your top ranker dosnt use script ? Or at least 2 people on one account playing in shifts ? So dont try to avoid script ?
And second one , my acc have 13% online time so i am not talking about me, i am talking about those kills which happen yesterday .
Tell me this ? Your top ranker dosnt use script ? Or at least 2 people on one account playing in shifts ? So dont try to avoid script ?
And second one , my acc have 13% online time so i am not talking about me, i am talking about those kills which happen yesterday .
Aye, we have no scripters nor sharers. Take a good look before asking stuff like that :')
So what happens if all low ontime people killed eachother? Who will be left to kill the ones with 90% ontime?
General Comments & Major Rumors
12:37:37 - 05-07
Stanto at 10:06:52 on 05/07:
There is no chance to found you on IRC for some nice suggestion.
1. Its really sad when player with 1% online time kill one of the best rankers and any other player who have 20 30 40 50% online time . Player with so little online time is 99% dupe but you cant check and catch him if they use teamviewer . So where is justice for players who play this game , live by the game die by the game ?? So if i lose my eyes on typing code to be faster and online as much as i can , i dont wanna die from account who is 1% online .
So , what about to put easy option , IF ELSE(programing code you know what i am talking about) that account with 1-5% online time cant shoot account over 20% , account 1-10% online time cant shoot account over 40% and account with 1-15% online time cant shoot account over 50% online time . So lackey account still have it chance to shoot lackey account but not player who die on keyboard and lose his eyes on codes . This is justice for everyone and that is one way to stop one man army with dupes .
2. You change whole economy in game , bring us more money , easy money , more bullets and faster ranking , right ? So its very easy to have a pretty nice amount of bullets on Assasin Local Chief . So why you dont put some max limit on bullet shoot per rank ? Now you get situation same if Bruglion can shoot 120k for secure suiciding ? And Bruglione have limit on 60k , so put limit example ...swindler can shoot max 14k , assasin max 20k , LC max 40k(if sure that he can suriviev shoot of 40k) Chief max 60k .
Second suggestion is hard to setup , maybe not , but first suggestion you can setup in 1 hour , and you will bring justice to player who play this game .
There is no chance to found you on IRC for some nice suggestion.
1. Its really sad when player with 1% online time kill one of the best rankers and any other player who have 20 30 40 50% online time . Player with so little online time is 99% dupe but you cant check and catch him if they use teamviewer . So where is justice for players who play this game , live by the game die by the game ?? So if i lose my eyes on typing code to be faster and online as much as i can , i dont wanna die from account who is 1% online .
So , what about to put easy option , IF ELSE(programing code you know what i am talking about) that account with 1-5% online time cant shoot account over 20% , account 1-10% online time cant shoot account over 40% and account with 1-15% online time cant shoot account over 50% online time . So lackey account still have it chance to shoot lackey account but not player who die on keyboard and lose his eyes on codes . This is justice for everyone and that is one way to stop one man army with dupes .
2. You change whole economy in game , bring us more money , easy money , more bullets and faster ranking , right ? So its very easy to have a pretty nice amount of bullets on Assasin Local Chief . So why you dont put some max limit on bullet shoot per rank ? Now you get situation same if Bruglion can shoot 120k for secure suiciding ? And Bruglione have limit on 60k , so put limit example ...swindler can shoot max 14k , assasin max 20k , LC max 40k(if sure that he can suriviev shoot of 40k) Chief max 60k .
Second suggestion is hard to setup , maybe not , but first suggestion you can setup in 1 hour , and you will bring justice to player who play this game .
I lol'd.
More rankscript and less lackeys for a higher ontime. Also, someone can't be killed just because he is online a lot?
Both of your ideas are ridiculous. How in any way would this be fair for players that aren't online as much as you?
26-06 Want to start a family? read!!!
12:37:46 - 29-06
Aawaq at 19:56:24 on 28/06:
to all the bitches
Belongs to frontera
to all the bitches
Belongs to frontera
Claiming shit with showing it is for bitches.
rip ugly
General Comments & Major Rumors
13:57:27 - 18-06
microbi at 18:04:15 on 15/06:
Damn you are stupid.
Do you really think that THAT will make them to reset this game?
Next time you lose a tooth (as I think you still have milk tooths) - put it under your pillow so tooth fairy can find it and bring you a coin for it.
Anonymous at 17:58:11 on 15/06:
if the fams left really want a reset then the only thing they have to do is show a statement in their fam profile, if 7 of the 10 fams will put something like: "reset yes" in their fam profile, then admins can't ignore the fact that the version is over, but if not well then just rank and play and make some wars and rank and play :)
if the fams left really want a reset then the only thing they have to do is show a statement in their fam profile, if 7 of the 10 fams will put something like: "reset yes" in their fam profile, then admins can't ignore the fact that the version is over, but if not well then just rank and play and make some wars and rank and play :)
Damn you are stupid.
Do you really think that THAT will make them to reset this game?
Next time you lose a tooth (as I think you still have milk tooths) - put it under your pillow so tooth fairy can find it and bring you a coin for it.
Very related to the anon post ^^
09-06 Sunday, bloody sunday!
20:28:50 - 09-06
Anonymous at 20:24:52 on 09/06:
Yeah, but I am lazy and I am quite sure it's not mentioned by that name in the books itself. And yes, I read them all. But not many weddings left, could only be Joffrey or Ramsay. And Ramsay's wedding was the one the went realtively smooth. Though, I assume there's also a nickname for his. Maybe the three pie wedding or something.
Moesasji at 20:21:43 on 09/06:
You can google.
Anonymous at 20:19:25 on 09/06:
Purple Wedding? I assume it's either Joffrey's.
But since I have never heard the expression before, did you mean Joff's?
Moesasji at 20:06:43 on 09/06:
More like the purple wedding then.
Do not google.
`Donalo`Sixx at 19:51:58 on 09/06:
Ye its like the red wedding but all the Lannisters die :))))
Anonymous at 19:50:46 on 09/06:
Fucking hell its like seeing the Red Wedding all over again. Tho u dont get as much sympathy towards asce+ than with starks & co :D
Fucking hell its like seeing the Red Wedding all over again. Tho u dont get as much sympathy towards asce+ than with starks & co :D
Ye its like the red wedding but all the Lannisters die :))))
Do not google.
Purple Wedding? I assume it's either Joffrey's.
But since I have never heard the expression before, did you mean Joff's?
Yeah, but I am lazy and I am quite sure it's not mentioned by that name in the books itself. And yes, I read them all. But not many weddings left, could only be Joffrey or Ramsay. And Ramsay's wedding was the one the went realtively smooth. Though, I assume there's also a nickname for his. Maybe the three pie wedding or something.
Three pie wedding? Don't you mean the Rat Cook's one. Purple wedding is kind of obvious imo.
There is also Dany her wedding ^^
06-06 Coca Cola vs Pepsi
19:37:05 - 08-06
Johnx at 23:42:11 on 06/06:
This is not the real Rijst
[01:01:03] <&Rijst> !nn
The real rijst has been sleeping for 40 min.
Rijst at 23:39:56 on 06/06:
It saddens me that there are still people who think that brothers can't have an education.
Very well, so it will be. I call racism. Yes indeed.
Criminal at 23:16:48 on 06/06:
bitch please , a nigga wouldnt talk like that. wangsta
Rijst at 23:11:24 on 06/06:
A brother wouldn't need to ask, since you don't know, this information is obviously irrelevant for you.
Criminal at 23:09:07 on 06/06:
and pepsi is for black people? since when?
Maid` at 23:07:33 on 06/06:
That's funny, cause Criminal is white eheheheh. :(
Rijst at 23:02:15 on 06/06:
Amen to that!
Coca cola is for white boi's
Maid` at 23:01:13 on 06/06:
It's ok...not everyone is cool enough for Pepsi :@:@:@:
It's ok...not everyone is cool enough for Pepsi :@:@:@:
Amen to that!
Coca cola is for white boi's
That's funny, cause Criminal is white eheheheh. :(
and pepsi is for black people? since when?
A brother wouldn't need to ask, since you don't know, this information is obviously irrelevant for you.
bitch please , a nigga wouldnt talk like that. wangsta
It saddens me that there are still people who think that brothers can't have an education.
Very well, so it will be. I call racism. Yes indeed.
This is not the real Rijst
[01:01:03] <&Rijst> !nn
The real rijst has been sleeping for 40 min.
Hacks by white people.
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:41:02 - 04-06
Bones at 17:24:37 on 04/06:
Cersie freaking annoys me...
"kalisi" is playing around with her dragins, not much fun
Arya will be bad ass when she finish her trainings
Bran will also kick ass when he learn everything about his powers... I asume he will pwn kalisi dragons if she ever manage to get over the sea.
Imo Jon is not dead... he might become whitewalker or something
I do hope Stannis survive till the end, he is kinda bad ass... but then again I made the same mistake with Ned when I started reading the books and at the and I almost thrwe book out of the window =P
Anonymous at 14:13:29 on 04/06:
I disagree. Bran became interesting with his warging.
Sansa is the most annoying character, I completely agree. Though she delivers us some insights into Littlefingers thoughts and motifs.
Jaime is a great POV character. And I am curious how he will escape the brotherhood. Afterall I still assume he is the younger brother, that's supposed to kill Cersei (to fulfill the prophecy). But she really needs to do something that gets Tomen killed to make Jaime mad enough. My guess is, the fighting instructor she chose from Dorne will poison Tomen or something like that. And in any case Jaime has grown since he told his (living back then) father, that he had no intention to leave the Kingsuard.
Jon is not that super exciting as a character, but the interesting stuff with Stannis happens in the north. And he has Wun Wun.
Cersei is kinda funny, how she just messes everything up as Queen regent for Tomen and all her brilliant plans backfire at her.
Davos is a great POV character. I really like that dude. My fav. moment is, when Wyman asks/demands of him to sail to Skagos to retrieve his Liege Lord (Rickon). And Davos is like, hum, that cell suddenly does not look that bad at all.
Any guesses if Penny will survive? And how Tyrion will play Brown Ben Plum?
PannaJunk at 12:41:33 on 04/06:
haha Ive read the books XD but so far brandon is boring as hell! :p And the lannisters are just amusing because of the things they do haha
Bones at 12:05:20 on 04/06:
Want me to spoiler you a bit from 5th book? =P
PannaJunk at 11:19:14 on 04/06:
hahaha XD well after Ned died only her and Jon are amusing to read so I dont mind the rest of the fam dies =D
Moesasji at 11:17:48 on 04/06:
hahaha Arya
hahaha Arya
hahaha XD well after Ned died only her and Jon are amusing to read so I dont mind the rest of the fam dies =D
Want me to spoiler you a bit from 5th book? =P
haha Ive read the books XD but so far brandon is boring as hell! :p And the lannisters are just amusing because of the things they do haha
I disagree. Bran became interesting with his warging.
Sansa is the most annoying character, I completely agree. Though she delivers us some insights into Littlefingers thoughts and motifs.
Jaime is a great POV character. And I am curious how he will escape the brotherhood. Afterall I still assume he is the younger brother, that's supposed to kill Cersei (to fulfill the prophecy). But she really needs to do something that gets Tomen killed to make Jaime mad enough. My guess is, the fighting instructor she chose from Dorne will poison Tomen or something like that. And in any case Jaime has grown since he told his (living back then) father, that he had no intention to leave the Kingsuard.
Jon is not that super exciting as a character, but the interesting stuff with Stannis happens in the north. And he has Wun Wun.
Cersei is kinda funny, how she just messes everything up as Queen regent for Tomen and all her brilliant plans backfire at her.
Davos is a great POV character. I really like that dude. My fav. moment is, when Wyman asks/demands of him to sail to Skagos to retrieve his Liege Lord (Rickon). And Davos is like, hum, that cell suddenly does not look that bad at all.
Any guesses if Penny will survive? And how Tyrion will play Brown Ben Plum?
Cersie freaking annoys me...
"kalisi" is playing around with her dragins, not much fun
Arya will be bad ass when she finish her trainings
Bran will also kick ass when he learn everything about his powers... I asume he will pwn kalisi dragons if she ever manage to get over the sea.
Imo Jon is not dead... he might become whitewalker or something
I do hope Stannis survive till the end, he is kinda bad ass... but then again I made the same mistake with Ned when I started reading the books and at the and I almost thrwe book out of the window =P
Jon will probably be revived by Melisandre, he just had to die to stop being LC of the NW. Afaik dragons are fire made flesh, thus not wargable.
I actually found Sansa become more interesting when LF revealed a part of his plan to marry her to Harry the Heir. I think what LF does for her is the first thing he did for someone else after he lost a duel to Brandon Stark.
I hope Ser Robert Strong/FrankenGregor will fuck shit up back in KL. Bran warging in his ass and start some major mayhem :D
General Comments & Major Rumors
07:05:31 - 04-06
PannaJunk at 06:42:21 on 04/06:
haha xD Yes but wasnt the Red wedding the second half of book 3 ?
Kohfi_Konnekt at 06:40:38 on 04/06:
Technically it is the first half book 3 they did in 10 episodes. But yeah, read them.
Xaro Xhoan Daxos isn't a brother and erm...
Why was she there? Why did she die? :'''(
PannaJunk at 06:25:57 on 04/06:
hahaha asshole :') but idd you should read the books it contains sooooo much more story then on the tv. When you read the book you almost cry for the bs you see on tv, book 3 in 10 episodes you gotta be shitting me!
Anonymous at 04:20:34 on 04/06:
Fuck yourself for not reading a series of books, which has been around far longer than the tv series.
The first book came out in 1996, something it has in common with Panna. xd
The last one was published thus far was published in 2011.
The book about this and next season is 13 years old (published in 2000).
A man must point and laugh at you.
Anonymous at 01:28:08 on 04/06:
fuck you all who gives spoiler from GOT
fuck you all who gives spoiler from GOT
Fuck yourself for not reading a series of books, which has been around far longer than the tv series.
The first book came out in 1996, something it has in common with Panna. xd
The last one was published thus far was published in 2011.
The book about this and next season is 13 years old (published in 2000).
A man must point and laugh at you.
hahaha asshole :') but idd you should read the books it contains sooooo much more story then on the tv. When you read the book you almost cry for the bs you see on tv, book 3 in 10 episodes you gotta be shitting me!
Technically it is the first half book 3 they did in 10 episodes. But yeah, read them.
Xaro Xhoan Daxos isn't a brother and erm...
Why was she there? Why did she die? :'''(
haha xD Yes but wasnt the Red wedding the second half of book 3 ?
Yeah, you're right. The 2nd half has more important moments though :)
General Comments & Major Rumors
06:40:38 - 04-06
PannaJunk at 06:25:57 on 04/06:
hahaha asshole :') but idd you should read the books it contains sooooo much more story then on the tv. When you read the book you almost cry for the bs you see on tv, book 3 in 10 episodes you gotta be shitting me!
Anonymous at 04:20:34 on 04/06:
Fuck yourself for not reading a series of books, which has been around far longer than the tv series.
The first book came out in 1996, something it has in common with Panna. xd
The last one was published thus far was published in 2011.
The book about this and next season is 13 years old (published in 2000).
A man must point and laugh at you.
Anonymous at 01:28:08 on 04/06:
fuck you all who gives spoiler from GOT
fuck you all who gives spoiler from GOT
Fuck yourself for not reading a series of books, which has been around far longer than the tv series.
The first book came out in 1996, something it has in common with Panna. xd
The last one was published thus far was published in 2011.
The book about this and next season is 13 years old (published in 2000).
A man must point and laugh at you.
hahaha asshole :') but idd you should read the books it contains sooooo much more story then on the tv. When you read the book you almost cry for the bs you see on tv, book 3 in 10 episodes you gotta be shitting me!
Technically it is the first half book 3 they did in 10 episodes. But yeah, read them.
Xaro Xhoan Daxos isn't a brother and erm...
Why was she there? Why did she die? :'''(
02-06 It's getting Intense!
09:58:42 - 03-06
PannaJunk at 09:55:10 on 03/06:
"Jannisary and Intensity are getting shot by Vaffanculo+ and Chimaera."
Boobs were shot by differ fam not directly by vaffan and mess....
"Jannisary and Intensity are getting shot by Vaffanculo+ and Chimaera."
Boobs were shot by differ fam not directly by vaffan and mess....
You are full of shit panna
You have witnessed Mescouilles kill Victarion. To auction this witness statement use the following id:
o hi zeveroare
02-06 It's getting Intense!
09:50:30 - 03-06
Demetri at 09:39:57 on 03/06:
Ouuch, vaffan are you guys gay? Shooting at boobs :-(
Ouuch, vaffan are you guys gay? Shooting at boobs :-(
Our quote says it all doesn't it?
"You must be gay to shoot Boobs"
So I shall take that as a yes ^^
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:24:55 - 31-05
Asabi at 21:15:21 on 31/05:
I entirely agree with you.Yet, in addition to these, they should bring back oldie hq and capo systems.
zenga at 20:33:15 on 31/05:
If brando and co would have made sure they were reliable in the past when they said no reset was coming, more people would actually re-rank. But so many times they said they did not want to reset, to only reset weeks later. No way I'm gonna put any effort into trying to level up again, when there is always the risk of a reset.
Really if they would say: we guarantee, no matter what happens, that we wont reset com until dec 2013 (for the sake of the example), many people would rerank up again, which is made trivial with the lackeys. And the game would benefit a lot of it.
If brando and co would have made sure they were reliable in the past when they said no reset was coming, more people would actually re-rank. But so many times they said they did not want to reset, to only reset weeks later. No way I'm gonna put any effort into trying to level up again, when there is always the risk of a reset.
Really if they would say: we guarantee, no matter what happens, that we wont reset com until dec 2013 (for the sake of the example), many people would rerank up again, which is made trivial with the lackeys. And the game would benefit a lot of it.
I entirely agree with you.Yet, in addition to these, they should bring back oldie hq and capo systems.
This is what de game needs. Now it is possible to have a reset every 6 fucking weeks. It destroys the game.
Aren't they working on those systems? With city-based famspots and whatnot?
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:18:14 - 31-05
AnoOfcWhatelse at 17:57:39 on 31/05:
True , but stil its something what is asked for by the players , we voted for this 2 or 3 versions back, so all they do is keeping their word.
Anonymous at 17:47:41 on 31/05:
ROM after only six weeks is somekind of self-fullfilling prophecy. From asso (lot of rebirth accounts) to brug can be done in three weeks. Rerank fuckin pussies, from brug anything can happen.
ROM after only six weeks is somekind of self-fullfilling prophecy. From asso (lot of rebirth accounts) to brug can be done in three weeks. Rerank fuckin pussies, from brug anything can happen.
ROM is ridiculous after 6 weeks imo. Rebirths wont rerank in case there will be a reset so there numbers will only grow. Without a ROM they could rerank without being afraid of a version being resetted at the moment they become brug.
General Comments & Major Rumors
15:18:58 - 29-05
sikkok at 11:45:07 on 29/05:
fuck you
internet gangster
Kohfi_Konnekt at 11:33:07 on 29/05:
Why don't you crawl into a corner and die? Your english is terrible and you do not make any sense AT ALL! It's neither funny nor informative so please stop posting this ridiculous bullshit :w
sikkok at 07:07:24 on 29/05:
All posts written by sikkok
All posts written by sikkok
Why don't you crawl into a corner and die? Your english is terrible and you do not make any sense AT ALL! It's neither funny nor informative so please stop posting this ridiculous bullshit :w
fuck you
internet gangster
Makes sense, I don't flame but you do. Yet I am the internet gangster.
I pity you tbh, you must've got the mental capabilities of a vegetable.
Please go away with your bullshit written in what I think is meant to be English.
Internet wanker :D
General Comments & Major Rumors
11:33:07 - 29-05
sikkok at 07:07:24 on 29/05:
All posts written by sikkok
All posts written by sikkok
Why don't you crawl into a corner and die? Your english is terrible and you do not make any sense AT ALL! It's neither funny nor informative so please stop posting this ridiculous bullshit :w
22-05 Krays to the grave
00:43:19 - 23-05
Johnx at 00:35:15 on 23/05:
Your Golem is gonne be cracked by my Ratticate's hyper fang
Kohfi_Konnekt at 00:32:50 on 23/05:
Good luck fighting my golem with it.
Johnx at 00:27:22 on 23/05:
I'm kinda busy right now! But i will start training as soon as i have time! I tell ya, my Ratticate will kick all your pokemons, except for Gengar.
Kohfi_Konnekt at 00:24:21 on 23/05:
Aye, now start training your ratatta!
Johnx at 00:16:13 on 23/05:
I can honestly say i haven't made any plans, just got home from work, ate some McD, got a dratini from Kohfi and boom waaar
Anonymous at 00:13:23 on 23/05:
in other words you didnt plan anything tonight? :) next time go through with ur plans eh
Johnx at 00:08:39 on 23/05:
The reason defenders doesn't have a chance is because we are outnumbered and we've just shot a shitload last week.
Gratz to the shooters :)
Anonymous at 00:06:26 on 23/05:
horrible KA. defenders dont have a chance as usual.
horrible KA. defenders dont have a chance as usual.
Gratz to the shooters :)
in other words you didnt plan anything tonight? :) next time go through with ur plans eh
Aye, now start training your ratatta!
Good luck fighting my golem with it.
Come at me bro! Also Machamp in your face!
22-05 Krays to the grave
00:32:50 - 23-05
Johnx at 00:27:22 on 23/05:
I'm kinda busy right now! But i will start training as soon as i have time! I tell ya, my Ratticate will kick all your pokemons, except for Gengar.
Kohfi_Konnekt at 00:24:21 on 23/05:
Aye, now start training your ratatta!
Johnx at 00:16:13 on 23/05:
I can honestly say i haven't made any plans, just got home from work, ate some McD, got a dratini from Kohfi and boom waaar
Anonymous at 00:13:23 on 23/05:
in other words you didnt plan anything tonight? :) next time go through with ur plans eh
Johnx at 00:08:39 on 23/05:
The reason defenders doesn't have a chance is because we are outnumbered and we've just shot a shitload last week.
Gratz to the shooters :)
Anonymous at 00:06:26 on 23/05:
horrible KA. defenders dont have a chance as usual.
horrible KA. defenders dont have a chance as usual.
Gratz to the shooters :)
in other words you didnt plan anything tonight? :) next time go through with ur plans eh
Aye, now start training your ratatta!
Good luck fighting my golem with it.
22-05 Krays to the grave
00:24:21 - 23-05
Johnx at 00:16:13 on 23/05:
I can honestly say i haven't made any plans, just got home from work, ate some McD, got a dratini from Kohfi and boom waaar
Anonymous at 00:13:23 on 23/05:
in other words you didnt plan anything tonight? :) next time go through with ur plans eh
Johnx at 00:08:39 on 23/05:
The reason defenders doesn't have a chance is because we are outnumbered and we've just shot a shitload last week.
Gratz to the shooters :)
Anonymous at 00:06:26 on 23/05:
horrible KA. defenders dont have a chance as usual.
horrible KA. defenders dont have a chance as usual.
Gratz to the shooters :)
in other words you didnt plan anything tonight? :) next time go through with ur plans eh
Aye, now start training your ratatta!
''Ray got now 20 attack points instead of 10.
Ike got now 70 attack points instead of 50.
Joe got now 75 attack points instead of 30.''
Correct english spelling would be for example:
Ray has now got 20 attack points instead of 10
written by a dutch person?
No, that's also wrong, but you'll get it right some day.
Dutch person.
No its not wrong, but thanks for wasting everyone's time with your nonsense
has now got ain't right man.
'Ray now has 20 ATK points instead of 10'
would be best.