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17-07 The last samurai?!
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4980d 14h 30m 10s ago by Rix
Comments: 321
Views: 134,675
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.2
Involved families: Adventure, Alcatras, Anadolu, Anafarta, Andalusia, Atentatori, Bastards, Carneglia, Chivas, Correptio, Fecriati, Firenze, Florentia, Fluffy bunny, Goldenarmy, Hooligans, Ilteber, Infragilis, Kurosawa, Marazzino, Maviates, Prestige, Regal, Republica, Signoria, Trotters, Turkuz, Yigidos
Samurai alliance being shot at the moment by #1 fam Andalusia, main target is the Kurosawa family.

War goes pretty slow, as the plans leaked and the defenders are "hiding" offline in their hometown. The attackers only try to shoot the online targets to minimize damage loss.

In the mean time Turkuz+ (Turkuz/Alcatras/Adventure/Maviates/Prestige/Yigidos) shooting at Firenze & Florentia

Carneglia shooting at Andalusia

Infragilis shooting Andalusia

Marazzino joined in for their bloods Kurosawa and shooting at Andalusia

Anadolu+ (Anadolu/Hooligans/Signoria) joined in, and is also shooting at Andalusia

Republica+ (Republica/Atentatori) shooting at Samurai alliance, main target the Kurosawa family

Ilteber+ (Ilteber/Correptio) shooting at Firenze+

Bastards shooting at Republica+ (Republica/Atentatori)

Fluffy bunny shooting at Turkuz

Goldenarmy shooting at Firenze+

Firenze+ sold/gave the spot of Florentia to Leviticus.
As last act of war, Firenze+ hitlisted several members from Turkuz and 1 from Yigidos for $50m a person.

Donadba Turkuz $50,000,000 View Details
Delikanli Turkuz $50,000,000 View Details
Frankestain Turkuz $50,000,000 View Details
Sezo Turkuz $50,000,000 View Details
Saraj Turkuz $50,000,000 View Details
Jilette Turkuz $50,000,000 View Details
Tugvesancak Turkuz $50,000,000 View Details
Iiigor Yigidos $46,000,000 View Details

More will folow!
Follow the war live! #beyond.info
/q sbanks
War started on: 20:20:08 17-07-2011 War ended on: 21:54:01 18-07-2011
Bullet difference: -21,679,129 War duration: 1d 1h 33m
Money difference: -$1,376,816,245 Players died: 172

Dead Families:
[Firenze] Family down on 20:48 18-07
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Anadolu | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 44
Andalusia | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 32 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 462
Atentatori | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Bastards | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 6 | cd: 1 | gf: 1 | points: 133
Carneglia | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 1 | brug: 11 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 153
Chivas | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 65
Firenze | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 23 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 367
Florentia | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 6 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 112
Fluffy bunny | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 21
Ilteber | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 4 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 52
Infragilis | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 26
Kurosawa | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 131
Marazzino | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 3 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 39
Maviates | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Republica | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 8 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 140
Trotters | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 1 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 13
Turkuz | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 0 | brug: 5 | cd: 0 | gf: 2 | points: 138
Total | swin: 2 | assa: 1 | lc: 3 | chief: 2 | brug: 119 | cd: 2 | gf: 9 | points: 1,935

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FlowzZ Albania (19:09:44 - 18-07)
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Frederikus at 18:25:21 on 18/07:
sbanks at 17:31:16 on 18/07:
i wonder why people talk about krays..

if im correct, they aren't bloods with firenze or andalusia.. so why would they parcitipate?

of the involved families, they are only blooded with marazzino, and they only joined because THEIR blood KUROSAWA was being shot.

so please fill me in, if i miss things here.

Ive got nothing to add..

Cmon ur #1 now :')
its a tradition :p
lmao (19:05:29 - 18-07)
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anda gave 2nd warning to kuro with 4 shooter lmao.. i wonder 3rd warning.. someone teach em shooting please
Frederikus (18:25:21 - 18-07)
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sbanks at 17:31:16 on 18/07:
i wonder why people talk about krays..

if im correct, they aren't bloods with firenze or andalusia.. so why would they parcitipate?

of the involved families, they are only blooded with marazzino, and they only joined because THEIR blood KUROSAWA was being shot.

so please fill me in, if i miss things here.

Ive got nothing to add..
Trubino Slovenia (17:52:45 - 18-07)
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You have witnessed Makass kill Bohica.

I guess Turkuz++++ ran out of bullets. :o
Anonymous (17:46:53 - 18-07)
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Difference is, Krays has not blooded 10 other families. They are not the bitches, the bitches are the fams that need 10+ fams to shoot with insane ratios
`Donalo`Sixx United Kingdom (17:44:22 - 18-07)
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dark at 17:31:16 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 17:24:18 on 18/07:
dark at 17:09:09 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 16:53:48 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:27:55 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:18:28 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:14:39 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 15:49:06 on 18/07:
How long until the krays vultures arrive at this carcass I wonder?

Harsh words for old bloods ;)

and shooting old bloods isnt harsh? :)

Not when they shoot 2 bloods of yours :p

What about the fams killing two of your bloods in last two days? looks like its time to add a few more bloods. Its quite noble keeping your blood count down but not when you replace em after they're dead

I see some cry baby :D hey Donalo o///// ''and shooting old bloods isnt harsh?'' well u shot ur old blood more then 1 time. You even shot anadolu when u were blood... ! Well lets say who speaks about this first need to clean their own garden... And it would be harsh if a man speaks who keeps his words. I never see that u kept ur word.

P.S. You sold also correptio.... this version and some others. So what are we speakin about? erhm u have no right to speak about krays bloodship.

Dark... The anonymous comments arent me for a start. Im not crying about anything to do with leviticus and im just passing comment on krays failure to live up the claims they always make about bloods and their relative passivity this version. P.s Sorry I 'lied' to you once.....Did you not get the flowers and chocolate I sent? :)

well xd i dont like flowers and chocolate!! send me whiskey. And i did not speak about anonymous comments. Also i never make anonymous comments. I dont need to hide anything. And its not krays failure... Actually krays didnt do anything wrong. Well maybe they kept u alive while i said em if they wont shoot on you. But well they choise that way but they defended maraz as they promise. They didnt let manson die. They tried to keep em alive. And actually camorra war was suicide. Camorra made their own decision. Krays helped em as much as they can. And Firenze. Well firenze and krays deblooded while ago if u dont know. And also if firenze was honest they wouldnt go turkuz with this '' cmon krays will shoot u tomorrow back of and shoot them instead of killin us for your blood''. So if u sell ur blood out while they deblooded with u. They have nothin to do with it. You get shoot or not. It doesnt matter. So firenze dig their own graveyard with this move. If they were right vaffan wouldnt leave em aint it ?

Well im not on irc more than a few times in the last weeks so il give you the firenze thing :p
But my point remains.... Krays are only watching wars and killing a few brugs here and there after others start wars when they have the potential and size to do more and influence the game.

Thats lame/boring way to play imo
Smokey Netherlands (17:39:39 - 18-07)
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dark at 17:31:16 on 18/07:
And also if firenze was honest they wouldnt go turkuz with this '' cmon krays will shoot u tomorrow back of and shoot them instead of killin us for your blood''. So if u sell ur blood out while they deblooded with u. They have nothin to do with it. You get shoot or not. It doesnt matter. So firenze dig their own graveyard with this move. If they were right vaffan wouldnt leave em aint it ?

Firenze did not do such a thing. Kurosawa asked Firenze to stop shooting, I said we won't. Turkuz began shooting at us, and EVERYONE in this game knows that krays and turkuz are enemies, so what happens if Turkuz shoots at anyone except krays? Indeed krays will take the opportunity while turkuz is weakened.

TBH all these stories about Firenze asking Turkuz to stop shooting, I told Turkuz to continue the shooting at us.

<MaFia|a> ý dont care
<MaFia|a> only we shoot on you with 10 fams
<MaFia|a> turkuz
<MaFia|a> yigidos
<MaFia|a> prestige
<MaFia|a> maviates
<MaFia|a> adventure
<MaFia|a> blacksea
<MaFia|a> goldenarmy
<MaFia|a> rivincita
<MaFia|a> marazzino
<MaFia|a> and ilteber correptio
<MaFia|a> ý guess ý dont spend more bullets
<Smokey`afk> ý dont care
<Smokey`afk> try us :p

Goodluck with making up stories :w
dark Ireland (17:31:16 - 18-07)
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`Donalo`Sixx at 17:24:18 on 18/07:
dark at 17:09:09 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 16:53:48 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:27:55 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:18:28 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:14:39 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 15:49:06 on 18/07:
How long until the krays vultures arrive at this carcass I wonder?

Harsh words for old bloods ;)

and shooting old bloods isnt harsh? :)

Not when they shoot 2 bloods of yours :p

What about the fams killing two of your bloods in last two days? looks like its time to add a few more bloods. Its quite noble keeping your blood count down but not when you replace em after they're dead

I see some cry baby :D hey Donalo o///// ''and shooting old bloods isnt harsh?'' well u shot ur old blood more then 1 time. You even shot anadolu when u were blood... ! Well lets say who speaks about this first need to clean their own garden... And it would be harsh if a man speaks who keeps his words. I never see that u kept ur word.

P.S. You sold also correptio.... this version and some others. So what are we speakin about? erhm u have no right to speak about krays bloodship.

Dark... The anonymous comments arent me for a start. Im not crying about anything to do with leviticus and im just passing comment on krays failure to live up the claims they always make about bloods and their relative passivity this version. P.s Sorry I 'lied' to you once.....Did you not get the flowers and chocolate I sent? :)

well xd i dont like flowers and chocolate!! send me whiskey. And i did not speak about anonymous comments. Also i never make anonymous comments. I dont need to hide anything. And its not krays failure... Actually krays didnt do anything wrong. Well maybe they kept u alive while i said em if they wont shoot on you. But well they choise that way but they defended maraz as they promise. They didnt let manson die. They tried to keep em alive. And actually camorra war was suicide. Camorra made their own decision. Krays helped em as much as they can. And Firenze. Well firenze and krays deblooded while ago if u dont know. And also if firenze was honest they wouldnt go turkuz with this '' cmon krays will shoot u tomorrow back of and shoot them instead of killin us for your blood''. So if u sell ur blood out while they deblooded with u. They have nothin to do with it. You get shoot or not. It doesnt matter. So firenze dig their own graveyard with this move. If they were right vaffan wouldnt leave em aint it ?
sbanks Guatemala (17:31:16 - 18-07)
Link Quote
i wonder why people talk about krays..

if im correct, they aren't bloods with firenze or andalusia.. so why would they parcitipate?

of the involved families, they are only blooded with marazzino, and they only joined because THEIR blood KUROSAWA was being shot.

so please fill me in, if i miss things here.
`Donalo`Sixx United Kingdom (17:24:18 - 18-07)
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dark at 17:09:09 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 16:53:48 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:27:55 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:18:28 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:14:39 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 15:49:06 on 18/07:
How long until the krays vultures arrive at this carcass I wonder?

Harsh words for old bloods ;)

and shooting old bloods isnt harsh? :)

Not when they shoot 2 bloods of yours :p

What about the fams killing two of your bloods in last two days? looks like its time to add a few more bloods. Its quite noble keeping your blood count down but not when you replace em after they're dead

I see some cry baby :D hey Donalo o///// ''and shooting old bloods isnt harsh?'' well u shot ur old blood more then 1 time. You even shot anadolu when u were blood... ! Well lets say who speaks about this first need to clean their own garden... And it would be harsh if a man speaks who keeps his words. I never see that u kept ur word.

P.S. You sold also correptio.... this version and some others. So what are we speakin about? erhm u have no right to speak about krays bloodship.

Dark... The anonymous comments arent me for a start. Im not crying about anything to do with leviticus and im just passing comment on krays failure to live up the claims they always make about bloods and their relative passivity this version. P.s Sorry I 'lied' to you once.....Did you not get the flowers and chocolate I sent? :)

Anonymous (17:20:59 - 18-07)
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`Donalo`Sixx at 16:53:48 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:27:55 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:18:28 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:14:39 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 15:49:06 on 18/07:
How long until the krays vultures arrive at this carcass I wonder?

Harsh words for old bloods ;)

and shooting old bloods isnt harsh? :)

Not when they shoot 2 bloods of yours :p

What about the fams killing two of your bloods in last two days? looks like its time to add a few more bloods. Its quite noble keeping your blood count down but not when you replace em after they're dead

Weren't you one of 1st fams this version to have 8+ bloods?
Didn't you watch Correptio die doing shit?

You're judging Krays for things you did yourself. You provoked Krays to shoot you, they stood for bloods, stop crying about it and move on. Your partly "sarctastic" comments are sad.
Anonymous (17:09:33 - 18-07)
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Coke at 16:59:32 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:42:02 on 18/07:
And the noobs who believe republica offered bj to make them stop are also mofo's :D

kuro came to ask them to stop on basterd casue they were getting pwned by republica.

as republica is low on cash they said ok. they wuld have died anyways if they went on now they can get some power back :)

And that's facts, thanks! Finally :)

But I dont get, why Republica gives the BJ then? :s

Seems Claym ddin't give a fuck about that bj, and some bloods of republica asked to take the deal kuro offered.
dark Ireland (17:09:09 - 18-07)
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`Donalo`Sixx at 16:53:48 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:27:55 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:18:28 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:14:39 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 15:49:06 on 18/07:
How long until the krays vultures arrive at this carcass I wonder?

Harsh words for old bloods ;)

and shooting old bloods isnt harsh? :)

Not when they shoot 2 bloods of yours :p

What about the fams killing two of your bloods in last two days? looks like its time to add a few more bloods. Its quite noble keeping your blood count down but not when you replace em after they're dead

I see some cry baby :D hey Donalo o///// ''and shooting old bloods isnt harsh?'' well u shot ur old blood more then 1 time. You even shot anadolu when u were blood... ! Well lets say who speaks about this first need to clean their own garden... And it would be harsh if a man speaks who keeps his words. I never see that u kept ur word.

P.S. You sold also correptio.... this version and some others. So what are we speakin about? erhm u have no right to speak about krays bloodship.
Coke (16:59:32 - 18-07)
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Anonymous at 16:42:02 on 18/07:
And the noobs who believe republica offered bj to make them stop are also mofo's :D

kuro came to ask them to stop on basterd casue they were getting pwned by republica.

as republica is low on cash they said ok. they wuld have died anyways if they went on now they can get some power back :)

And that's facts, thanks! Finally :)

But I dont get, why Republica gives the BJ then? :s
`Donalo`Sixx United Kingdom (16:53:48 - 18-07)
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Anonymous at 16:27:55 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:18:28 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:14:39 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 15:49:06 on 18/07:
How long until the krays vultures arrive at this carcass I wonder?

Harsh words for old bloods ;)

and shooting old bloods isnt harsh? :)

Not when they shoot 2 bloods of yours :p

What about the fams killing two of your bloods in last two days? looks like its time to add a few more bloods. Its quite noble keeping your blood count down but not when you replace em after they're dead
Anonymous (16:49:33 - 18-07)
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republica give the bj so they dont die :D muahahah
Anonymous (16:42:02 - 18-07)
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And the noobs who believe republica offered bj to make them stop are also mofo's :D

kuro came to ask them to stop on basterd casue they were getting pwned by republica.

as republica is low on cash they said ok. they wuld have died anyways if they went on now they can get some power back :)
Anonymous (16:27:55 - 18-07)
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Anonymous at 16:18:28 on 18/07:
Anonymous at 16:14:39 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 15:49:06 on 18/07:
How long until the krays vultures arrive at this carcass I wonder?

Harsh words for old bloods ;)

and shooting old bloods isnt harsh? :)

Not when they shoot 2 bloods of yours :p
Anonymous (16:18:28 - 18-07)
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Anonymous at 16:14:39 on 18/07:
`Donalo`Sixx at 15:49:06 on 18/07:
How long until the krays vultures arrive at this carcass I wonder?

Harsh words for old bloods ;)

and shooting old bloods isnt harsh? :)
Anonymous (16:14:39 - 18-07)
Link Quote
`Donalo`Sixx at 15:49:06 on 18/07:
How long until the krays vultures arrive at this carcass I wonder?

Harsh words for old bloods ;)