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16-02 The Pact is Broken
Author: mmm
Last updated: 3307d 13h 23m 35s ago by MrWhite
Comments: 269
Views: 90,755
Votes: 1 (1 average)
Version: 4.9.4
Involved families: Gambino, Marazzino, Siyahsancak, Corvus, Guardians, Rivera
With the ROM's ending in sight in a couple of hours, war once again enrages the streets of omerta!
Something many have thought to be impossible, the big Pact that was on everybody's lips since the massive strike versus Vincitori is now being shattered apart.
What could have caused this to happen? What would probably be the best description is today's unfolding of the #1 and #2 family swapping places, thus awarding another family in the much desired Hall Of Fame.

Siyahsancak and Gambino launch a strike versus Guardians, while about an hour later Marazzino is hitting Corvus and Rivera.

What's noticable is that this afternoon a top from the Siyahsancak family made a statement and I quote "Don't worry, there will be no war between us. We are a Packt and the competition will be go between us." How will this affect their very foundation of trust? Only time will tell.
info? #news

Birader (Siyahsancak): Yes, this war has begun BECAUSE, at the beginning of the version we did an agreement that position #1 family will bu supported and vouchers will be shared. At the end of the version, position #1 family was WE and until that moment we have saved Rivera, Guardians and Republic. We did backups. We prevented lots of war etc.

Lots of plans have been made for the last war, but for every plan there were someone who rejects it. Anyway, the last war has formed and the version is finished. Then, as we were #1, we have to be supported but Guardians did equivocations and they said that they wanna join the competition.

As pact, we agreed that every fam would take their asone’s members and the version will over whoever will #1. If someone doesn’t comply the agreement, there will be a war against them. The guarantor of it was Marazzino.

Guardians took the members of their asones, but they still couldn’t pass us. Then they did some “games” to be #1 like “he was our ex-member” , “she is my girlfriend”, “He prefer to come to our fam”… We warned Guardians again. But their attempt to taking members from Rivera, Republic and Corvus was not something tolerateable.

Nevertheless, I didn’t think war is a good idea because I wanted to win the version, not to lose. But I realized that Guardians has never obey any rule or agreement, on the contrary they took lots of members from outside. We tried to talk with Laving but he said he don’t deal with those issues anymore. Mafiaturk said same. Then when I talked with Pupale, all I had see was “lie” and “hate”. We couldn’t find a solution because we couldn’t even discuss the problem.

And the last day caliente’s shot to Ohana made things harder. Because Caliente was a fam that under control of Guardians. And today Lionsgate’s down by Guardians cannot be accepted too.
This war’s reasons are lie, betrayal, insubordination and non-complied agreements by Guardians and their attempt to make us in a sucker situation.
All families’ bosses and our friends are witness of all of those issues.
Good Luck Everyone.

Kapow (Guardians): Birader said it so it must be true.

Pupale (Guardians): We started this version without any ambition to win any hof we just gathered fams who were tired of dying or getting played by siberia or anarchy side - Guardians, Republic, Corvus, Rivera, Ferocia and we all agreed to stick together don’t take bloods outside our circle and play against those 2 sides, Corvus and Rivera already had made some bloods outside of the circle so they said they just want to blood us and not be a pact which we agreed on and so it all started.
Ferocia asked us Guardians to don’t shoot Gambino this version and we gave our word to Ferocia that we wont shoot them .
I want to note that Siyansancak family was a sidekick family of Ferocia and Ferocia asked for insurance that we wont shoot them so we gave our word to them (Even Ferocia came to Guardians asking to make channel together with us just so Siyahsancak feels safe ).
We achieved our goal the moment all our enemy’s went down and we are very proud of it .
After the last war with last standing enemy’s (Colossal Bosphorus) instead of constructive talks about closing version only offers, treats and pressure came from all sides to step back and in other many well packaged words to leave easy hof to Siyahsancak but we knew they made pussy play which means didn’t deserve it and we didn’t step back .
I want to give a final thank to all our members( Including Liberta, GCT, Akincilar ) and outside friends (; for job well done this version we did a terrific job we are proud of you all for making this big effort _o_
Last but not least BIG respect to Republic, Corvus and Rivera tops and members for not leaving us alone even when we die and prove everyone what a real bloods means. They know they can expect same for us anytime. And thanks to Ohana for cooperation even though our ways crossed at some point.
Ps: All are expected to report at Reset and you know where to find us o/
Ps1: If bitches lie, cry, deny any of this i got logs screenshots whatsapp chats to prove it :P

lavi\zZz (guardians):First of all, i might write a long statement because i will answer whatever is written and will add up more.

-This war happened because some people just wanted that way.We didnt make any agreement about star in the beginning of version.When I was talking to siyah about playing together, only thing that was said to me was : "we cant shoot anarchy but we can shoot their bloods with you if needed". I said okay then. Np we will arrange something. Nothing less nothing more. No aggrement about star. Plus even if they mentioned star, i would just say, hey its too early to talk about it yet, lets just see what will happen first.

-Lots of plans were made for the last war and most of them were cancelled because of siyah. Because after they said they cant shoot anarchy in beginning, they also said" we have nonshooting with colossal and bosphorus" in the middle and through the end of the game.(Basicly They had 3 nonshooting agreement with 3 big fams out of 5 big fams except our side.) . "So we cant shoot them eithe"r. Everyone was like wtf. After phoenix war, they said they have nonshootings with them . But 2 days before colossal/bosphorus war, they said we have been blooods with colossal for 2 weeks already.So suddeny all nonshooting agreemnts turned in to a bloodship all of a sudden without our knowledge. 2 weeks and they hided it, and even after phoenix war when i asked them especially and personally if they were bloods with colossal, they said no we have nonshooting but we will shoot colossal if it will end the version.(Dont say lie, got logs.)Then we started to plan on colossal bosphorus and they started to whine like oh we cant shoot colossal because we are bloods with colossal for 2 weeks already.( 2 different speech in 3 days.) So all the plans were cancelled and ferocia offered to add gambino to shoot colossal together if we give them guarantee for not killing them. So by trusting ferocia/marazzino,we promised them not to shoot them for ferocia's relations.

-When siyahsancak contacted me about the HoF for the first time after colossal war, i was "ordered" to give them 2-3 brugs because as they said ferocia was being asshole and gonna recruit lionsgate. I said "no, not giving my brugs to anyone. I personally dont care about hof but need to talk to others." 15 mins after that birader called me and said noone will recruit from others except as1s. I said ok i will talk. and 30 mins after birader's call, siyahsancak asked ohana to give them brugs. And also asked osmanli the same. They might deny everything. But there is only 1 truth :) When they are denied by both of fams, they understood they cant recruit from others so they also pushed for not recruiting from others since they cant do it . But then they started to steal fero ppl in lionsgate and some (4) gambino people. And stll they were claiiming them as their members. They claimed anarchy members as their members out of desperation:') Also got proofs for that. So when they do it all , i was kinda tired with listening them and i said i wont deal with such a thing. everyone does whatever he wants. so lets open the gates for eveeryone. Then when some people offered us to help since they thought we deserve, we didnt turn them down.
-When i talked to their tops, all i saw were lies also about colossal blood thing etc. But i didnt use them to make excuses to shoot them. Yeah i could but as i told to other people, we didnt wanna be the backstabber one for a hof. They can do it, they can shoot us, its possible, so let them do it. They can live with that. We cant. And meanwhile we also denied the offers for shooting gambino as well because of the word we gave to ferocia.

-And about Caliente thing. They are just paranoiac to create such a reason. If i wanted caliente to harm siyah, i would tell them to shoot siyah. Did i ? (why would they even listen to me even if i asked them that)Ask any of them. All i said to caliente, noone will shoot you as long as you dont shoot anyone. But if u decide to shoot someone, i cant protect you either. They were ok, didnt expect anything and they are big family enough to decide things on their own. Caliente wasnt under control of guardians. Guardians gave their word for caliente .and when they shot on ohana, Guardians didnt even protect them. I was peronally the first one to jump in to Vindicta 's pm :') And also meanwhile ohana's blood siyah was going offline to keep their #1 and avoid any lose while some of guardians ppl were dying eventhough we werent bloods with ohana.so stop being paranoiac.
And same terms for caliente was also with gambino- ferocia. In normal conditions, when maraz wanted us to keep gambino alive, and when gambino shot some of us, maraz should have shot gambino due to our aggrement. But instead they made plans with gambino and became the bridge between siyah and gambino.

and yes only maraz and siyah are witnessses of these things, noone else. But its not suprising that they would confirm each other since they made this plan together.Wwe have a saying in Turkish " siracinin sahidi bozacidir." which means the blind leading the blind .

we had chances and enough power to shoot gambino or siyahsancak in last 1 week.But we didnt because of the words we gave to ferocia and didnt wanna backstab someone who we played with us for a version and shot alongside, just for a fucking star.

p.s: They can also make excuse like you killed our 6chief+ in that day so we returned the fire. I already told them, if someone from guardians shooting siyahsancak without any permission, kill those shooters. "Witnesses? I have many of them."

Excuses are for the ones who seek it. I dont need any excuse. We might die. Personally i feel in peace even when i died, for not backstabbing anyone. Now people know what they would do for a hof, and what we wouldnt do even for a hof
And still thanks to everyone who played with us whole version.and also thanks to everyone who shot us [ sorry for not making nonshooting with ya guys and being a target :( ] or we shot.

and the people who know me, also know that i am not lying about any of these.As they said, i have witnesses but not from 1 fam only. From every fam. :')
As the last word thanks again and have fun
And also Merton For President.
Sorry for long post. Should give a potato? :')
War started on: 16:37:03 16-02-2016 War ended on: 22:56:04 18-02-2016
Bullet difference: -32,239,771 War duration: 2d 6h 19m
Money difference: -$3,010,407,377 Players died: 234

Dead Families:
[Rivera] Family down on 19:30 18-02
[Guardians] Family down on 17:58 18-02
[Corvus] Family down on 22:41 16-02
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Corvus | swin: 1 | assa: 0 | lc: 1 | chief: 5 | brug: 5 | cd: 1 | gf: 1 | points: 167
Gambino | swin: 0 | assa: 1 | lc: 0 | chief: 2 | brug: 11 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 162
Guardians | swin: 14 | assa: 3 | lc: 9 | chief: 13 | brug: 47 | cd: 5 | gf: 3 | points: 1,007
Marazzino | swin: 2 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 0 | brug: 0 | cd: 1 | gf: 0 | points: 25
Rivera | swin: 1 | assa: 3 | lc: 3 | chief: 5 | brug: 24 | cd: 0 | gf: 3 | points: 481
Siyahsancak | swin: 0 | assa: 0 | lc: 0 | chief: 4 | brug: 11 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 178
Total | swin: 18 | assa: 7 | lc: 13 | chief: 29 | brug: 98 | cd: 7 | gf: 7 | points: 2,020

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Anonymous (07:31:43 - 17-02)
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BTW all. don't call Schopenhauer safenhour anymore. Whole highranks off guardians are in sh for more than a day almost. now they cry about no reset. they had 60 brugs/cdc/gf and didnt do anything. Rivera/repu/corvus did what they had too do. shoot for there blood. If Guardians were not in sh they could make a nice show.

and Ohana: Its a shame you play this version. Gambino helped you with killing Caliente and now you shoot at them. Lamest action ever.
Anonymous (07:30:47 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 07:19:09 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 07:07:29 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 07:05:09 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 06:43:42 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 05:03:07 on 17/02:
SowLow at 04:26:15 on 17/02:
admins broke the rules and guardians deserve to win this version even if they mass invited random people... but still they were suposed to win this version and no1 can say no about it !
STUPID admins ruining the game day after day... i feel sorry for guardians and i advice every1 to vote no on this rom and dont play this game anymore

Cry me a river... The admins didn't force guardians to mass random hire in an attempt to steal the version from their "pact pals". The admins didn't force the pact to shoot each other.... If Guardians deserved to be #1 they would of been #1 without having to mass random invite everyone...

How's that different from what siyah did? They pretty much did the same just guardians were faster.. The sad part is that during this version they shot more, they had more deaths and frankly deserved it more than siyah.. Kuddos to them for trying tho, sad to see them lose on a technicality which for some weird reason only applied on this version..

Play long enough, you can always make yourself be the victim

Play long enough, you get to say random things.
See what i did there?

not really, cause it wasn't random it was a response to my anon post :)
see what i did there?

yeah i do, u made an arguement without a valid point. twice. you must be fun at parties.
Pupale Holy See (Vatican City State) (07:28:26 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 07:19:25 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 06:43:42 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 05:03:07 on 17/02:
SowLow at 04:26:15 on 17/02:
admins broke the rules and guardians deserve to win this version even if they mass invited random people... but still they were suposed to win this version and no1 can say no about it !
STUPID admins ruining the game day after day... i feel sorry for guardians and i advice every1 to vote no on this rom and dont play this game anymore

Cry me a river... The admins didn't force guardians to mass random hire in an attempt to steal the version from their "pact pals". The admins didn't force the pact to shoot each other.... If Guardians deserved to be #1 they would of been #1 without having to mass random invite everyone...

How's that different from what siyah did? They pretty much did the same just guardians were faster.. The sad part is that during this version they shot more, they had more deaths and frankly deserved it more than siyah.. Kuddos to them for trying tho, sad to see them lose on a technicality which for some weird reason only applied on this version..

nope, siyah didnt recruit from the bloods, they only recruitted 4 or 5 brugs from lionsgate and thats it.
guardians recruitted from corvus(5brugs), republic(5-6chief++) and from rivera-calinte (7-9chief++)
guardians put the rules about recruitting from only asones, then they broke it by recrutting from bloods.
do not blame siyah for it.

That rule was put by maraz just so siyan stays #1
While siyan got to be #1 only by making nonshooting agreements with colosal and bosphorus
They were a dog family whole version and wasnt part of any deals just maraz sidekick fam :)
i remember maraz saying at the start lets join channel with siyan they want to feel safe trololol :P
Anonymous (07:20:59 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 05:26:54 on 17/02:
Kapow claims he will not play next version but I sense another Hijack coming.

I just sense bullshit :)
Anonymous (07:19:25 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 06:43:42 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 05:03:07 on 17/02:
SowLow at 04:26:15 on 17/02:
admins broke the rules and guardians deserve to win this version even if they mass invited random people... but still they were suposed to win this version and no1 can say no about it !
STUPID admins ruining the game day after day... i feel sorry for guardians and i advice every1 to vote no on this rom and dont play this game anymore

Cry me a river... The admins didn't force guardians to mass random hire in an attempt to steal the version from their "pact pals". The admins didn't force the pact to shoot each other.... If Guardians deserved to be #1 they would of been #1 without having to mass random invite everyone...

How's that different from what siyah did? They pretty much did the same just guardians were faster.. The sad part is that during this version they shot more, they had more deaths and frankly deserved it more than siyah.. Kuddos to them for trying tho, sad to see them lose on a technicality which for some weird reason only applied on this version..

nope, siyah didnt recruit from the bloods, they only recruitted 4 or 5 brugs from lionsgate and thats it.
guardians recruitted from corvus(5brugs), republic(5-6chief++) and from rivera-calinte (7-9chief++)
guardians put the rules about recruitting from only asones, then they broke it by recrutting from bloods.
do not blame siyah for it.
Anonymous (07:19:09 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 07:07:29 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 07:05:09 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 06:43:42 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 05:03:07 on 17/02:
SowLow at 04:26:15 on 17/02:
admins broke the rules and guardians deserve to win this version even if they mass invited random people... but still they were suposed to win this version and no1 can say no about it !
STUPID admins ruining the game day after day... i feel sorry for guardians and i advice every1 to vote no on this rom and dont play this game anymore

Cry me a river... The admins didn't force guardians to mass random hire in an attempt to steal the version from their "pact pals". The admins didn't force the pact to shoot each other.... If Guardians deserved to be #1 they would of been #1 without having to mass random invite everyone...

How's that different from what siyah did? They pretty much did the same just guardians were faster.. The sad part is that during this version they shot more, they had more deaths and frankly deserved it more than siyah.. Kuddos to them for trying tho, sad to see them lose on a technicality which for some weird reason only applied on this version..

Play long enough, you can always make yourself be the victim

Play long enough, you get to say random things.
See what i did there?

not really, cause it wasn't random it was a response to my anon post :)
see what i did there?
Anonymous (07:17:33 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 06:43:42 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 05:03:07 on 17/02:
SowLow at 04:26:15 on 17/02:
admins broke the rules and guardians deserve to win this version even if they mass invited random people... but still they were suposed to win this version and no1 can say no about it !
STUPID admins ruining the game day after day... i feel sorry for guardians and i advice every1 to vote no on this rom and dont play this game anymore

Cry me a river... The admins didn't force guardians to mass random hire in an attempt to steal the version from their "pact pals". The admins didn't force the pact to shoot each other.... If Guardians deserved to be #1 they would of been #1 without having to mass random invite everyone...

How's that different from what siyah did? They pretty much did the same just guardians were faster.. The sad part is that during this version they shot more, they had more deaths and frankly deserved it more than siyah.. Kuddos to them for trying tho, sad to see them lose on a technicality which for some weird reason only applied on this version..

If you want to be a stickler for the rules, the ROM normally needed 75%. We are under that still so No reset let the guardians die. If Guardians can hold on for 1 more day then yes they deserve to be #1.

If you have an issue with how the families are ganging up on guardians, please write a note and hand it to your Pact representative so he can take the appropriate action...
Anonymous (07:07:29 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 07:05:09 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 06:43:42 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 05:03:07 on 17/02:
SowLow at 04:26:15 on 17/02:
admins broke the rules and guardians deserve to win this version even if they mass invited random people... but still they were suposed to win this version and no1 can say no about it !
STUPID admins ruining the game day after day... i feel sorry for guardians and i advice every1 to vote no on this rom and dont play this game anymore

Cry me a river... The admins didn't force guardians to mass random hire in an attempt to steal the version from their "pact pals". The admins didn't force the pact to shoot each other.... If Guardians deserved to be #1 they would of been #1 without having to mass random invite everyone...

How's that different from what siyah did? They pretty much did the same just guardians were faster.. The sad part is that during this version they shot more, they had more deaths and frankly deserved it more than siyah.. Kuddos to them for trying tho, sad to see them lose on a technicality which for some weird reason only applied on this version..

Play long enough, you can always make yourself be the victim

Play long enough, you get to say random things.
See what i did there?
Anonymous (07:05:09 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 06:43:42 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 05:03:07 on 17/02:
SowLow at 04:26:15 on 17/02:
admins broke the rules and guardians deserve to win this version even if they mass invited random people... but still they were suposed to win this version and no1 can say no about it !
STUPID admins ruining the game day after day... i feel sorry for guardians and i advice every1 to vote no on this rom and dont play this game anymore

Cry me a river... The admins didn't force guardians to mass random hire in an attempt to steal the version from their "pact pals". The admins didn't force the pact to shoot each other.... If Guardians deserved to be #1 they would of been #1 without having to mass random invite everyone...

How's that different from what siyah did? They pretty much did the same just guardians were faster.. The sad part is that during this version they shot more, they had more deaths and frankly deserved it more than siyah.. Kuddos to them for trying tho, sad to see them lose on a technicality which for some weird reason only applied on this version..

Play long enough, you can always make yourself be the victim
Anonymous (06:43:42 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 05:03:07 on 17/02:
SowLow at 04:26:15 on 17/02:
admins broke the rules and guardians deserve to win this version even if they mass invited random people... but still they were suposed to win this version and no1 can say no about it !
STUPID admins ruining the game day after day... i feel sorry for guardians and i advice every1 to vote no on this rom and dont play this game anymore

Cry me a river... The admins didn't force guardians to mass random hire in an attempt to steal the version from their "pact pals". The admins didn't force the pact to shoot each other.... If Guardians deserved to be #1 they would of been #1 without having to mass random invite everyone...

How's that different from what siyah did? They pretty much did the same just guardians were faster.. The sad part is that during this version they shot more, they had more deaths and frankly deserved it more than siyah.. Kuddos to them for trying tho, sad to see them lose on a technicality which for some weird reason only applied on this version..
Anonymous (06:25:24 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 05:20:21 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 05:14:54 on 17/02:
Marazzino doesn' t shoot at Rivera, only a random shoot
Well they sold 2 of their bloods, but believe this is not first time. It is now you see the real spirit coming out. All for that HOF...

ehm, HOF still goes to siyah not maraz afaik. and all of mara siyah guard talked about merging the fams right after they shot colos-bosp but it was guard side who didnt accept it. both siyah and maraz accepted to merge in one fam.
Anonymous (05:26:54 - 17-02)
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Kapow claims he will not play next version but I sense another Hijack coming.
Anonymous (05:20:21 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 05:14:54 on 17/02:
Marazzino doesn' t shoot at Rivera, only a random shoot
Well they sold 2 of their bloods, but believe this is not first time. It is now you see the real spirit coming out. All for that HOF...
Anonymous (05:14:54 - 17-02)
Link Quote
Marazzino doesn' t shoot at Rivera, only a random shoot
Anonymous (05:03:07 - 17-02)
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SowLow at 04:26:15 on 17/02:
admins broke the rules and guardians deserve to win this version even if they mass invited random people... but still they were suposed to win this version and no1 can say no about it !
STUPID admins ruining the game day after day... i feel sorry for guardians and i advice every1 to vote no on this rom and dont play this game anymore

Cry me a river... The admins didn't force guardians to mass random hire in an attempt to steal the version from their "pact pals". The admins didn't force the pact to shoot each other.... If Guardians deserved to be #1 they would of been #1 without having to mass random invite everyone...
SowLow Lebanon (04:32:39 - 17-02)
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marla at 02:11:32 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 00:42:13 on 17/02:
marla at 00:37:45 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 00:13:24 on 17/02:
No hof for guardians :)

Poor laviszzz sh whole day ^^
Seriously? Fu

I bet you also think that admins did the right thing right?!

Poor you.

Poor you, u mean. Hugging and licking whole version for what a star hof pfft. U should had act first. U werent even bloods with all remaining fams.

No u waited in your sh. Telling your members to send money. Hide offline. And randomly merged to get slaughterd afterwards.

In the end u got what u deserved :w
Sigh..(I was fine not arguing with anonymous before but you guys are so unbelievable)

Im talking about the reset.. duh
what about '' ..if majority is for reset, reset will happen'' (Shame on you admins)

''Hugging and licking whole version for what a star hof''
''U should had act first.''
''No u waited in your sh. Telling your members to send money. Hide offline.'' - Its late..go sleep

But don't you dare talk about Lavi again. You have no idea. HE IS A GREAT LEADER!!



ignore any annon person marla .. dont annoy urself

u guys are right and admins are dickheads
im rly sorry for u
SowLow Lebanon (04:30:11 - 17-02)
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mmm at 22:48:31 on 16/02:
If we are to look at it from a basic point of view, the whole purpose of a ROM is to decide whether a reset is needed or not, NOT to determine who will win a spot in the hall of fame. The end result of the ROM is sufficient enough for admins to push the button as they have done so in the past. If they do decide to have another ROM going, the whole purpose of the ROM has become irrelevant. It's not just the existing families voting on a ROM, it's everybody. You can't just deny everybody's wishes to reset just because some families got pissed off about today's statistics update.

But that's my opinion.
SowLow Lebanon (04:26:15 - 17-02)
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admins broke the rules and guardians deserve to win this version even if they mass invited random people... but still they were suposed to win this version and no1 can say no about it !
STUPID admins ruining the game day after day... i feel sorry for guardians and i advice every1 to vote no on this rom and dont play this game anymore
Anonymous (03:28:12 - 17-02)
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Anonymous at 02:19:41 on 17/02:
marla at 02:11:32 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 00:42:13 on 17/02:
marla at 00:37:45 on 17/02:
Anonymous at 00:13:24 on 17/02:
No hof for guardians :)

Poor laviszzz sh whole day ^^
Seriously? Fu

I bet you also think that admins did the right thing right?!

Poor you.

Poor you, u mean. Hugging and licking whole version for what a star hof pfft. U should had act first. U werent even bloods with all remaining fams.

No u waited in your sh. Telling your members to send money. Hide offline. And randomly merged to get slaughterd afterwards.

In the end u got what u deserved :w
Sigh..(I was fine not arguing with anonymous before but you guys are so unbelievable)

Im talking about the reset.. duh
what about '' ..if majority is for reset, reset will happen'' (Shame on you admins)

''Hugging and licking whole version for what a star hof''
''U should had act first.''
''No u waited in your sh. Telling your members to send money. Hide offline.'' - Its late..go sleep

But don't you dare talk about Lavi again. You have no idea. HE IS A GREAT LEADER!!



No he's not



Jimbo United States (02:26:45 - 17-02)
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