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20-05 Rochester being shot
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4560d 1h 3m 9s ago by Smul
Comments: 52
Views: 21,657
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.4
Involved families: Loriga, Rochester
Rochester being shot by Loriga
War started on: 19:04:01 20-05-2012 War ended on: 15:28:01 21-05-2012
Bullet difference: -29,793,556 War duration: 20h 24m
Money difference: -$2,206,169,456 Players died: 271

Dead Families:
[Rochester] Family down on 15:22 21-05
Deaths per family:
Sw As LC Ch Br CD GF Points
Loriga | swin: 4 | assa: 1 | lc: 2 | chief: 4 | brug: 2 | cd: 0 | gf: 0 | points: 79
Rochester | swin: 1 | assa: 1 | lc: 3 | chief: 6 | brug: 7 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 195
Total | swin: 5 | assa: 2 | lc: 5 | chief: 10 | brug: 9 | cd: 0 | gf: 1 | points: 274

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onimusha Luxembourg (02:22:20 - 21-05)
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Static at 02:12:38 on 21/05:
lol oni you guys were never on we heled sama in multple wars and yes we did blood blacksea we had common bloods unfortunatly it cost calente and when i found out i did apoligize to them but morruzzi didnt come about until end of version and even u did say lets help sama it was us who shot my members becuase u were never here only top from loriga tha was there was ratuh

"yes we did blood blacksea we had common bloods unfortunatly it cost calente and when i found out i did apoligize to them"

ohhhh so we apologize from killing nessi, i didnt know that she was top. I can always find a excuse too.


Static (02:14:04 - 21-05)
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And ratuh is retired or else this wouldnt happen because he knows what we did for you guys even if you want to deny it
Static (02:12:38 - 21-05)
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lol oni you guys were never on we heled sama in multple wars and yes we did blood blacksea we had common bloods unfortunatly it cost calente and when i found out i did apoligize to them but morruzzi didnt come about until end of version and even u did say lets help sama it was us who shot my members becuase u were never here only top from loriga tha was there was ratuh
onimusha Luxembourg (02:07:28 - 21-05)
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Static at 01:47:04 on 21/05:
Also even if it were true doesnt it seem like the bloods we had all version were our first priority then ones we gained after hijack even though we shot with sama and xzone the most who were our bloods after the hijack

Where are caliente in the midlle of this???? u made blood with blacksea 2 days before caliente go down (by blacksea), u even talk with other top if we (Loriga/Rochester) accept to be blood with blacksea, so u came here talk about honour and respect, shame on u.
Remeber very well when u ask to me if we help xzone or sama... happy that i was on in that day and i(Loriga) said lets help sama, in another way u never did help anyone from our side.

PS: This happen before Loriga get hijacked..... after that it was Moruzzi/Rochester not Loriga/Rochester

Sad but true!
Static (01:47:04 - 21-05)
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Also even if it were true doesnt it seem like the bloods we had all version were our first priority then ones we gained after hijack even though we shot with sama and xzone the most who were our bloods after the hijack
Static (01:40:26 - 21-05)
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onimusha at 01:38:14 on 21/05:
Static at 19:27:45 on 20/05:
yeh we were lol we helped them after they got hijacked in 3.2 but respect and honour only go so far n this game :D

Are u sure that u wanna talk at the past and honour??????????????????

So tell me why when we shoot in 3.2, we helped only bloods from your side???

Strange but true!

oni from my memory we shot more with sama and xzone then anyone.....and xzone became bloods after your hijack and sama were your bloods first am i wrong?
Static (01:38:35 - 21-05)
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lol so wont loriga :D
onimusha Luxembourg (01:38:14 - 21-05)
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Static at 19:27:45 on 20/05:
yeh we were lol we helped them after they got hijacked in 3.2 but respect and honour only go so far n this game :D

Are u sure that u wanna talk at the past and honour??????????????????

So tell me why when we shoot in 3.2, we helped only bloods from your side???

Strange but true!
onimusha Luxembourg (00:37:09 - 21-05)
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Hardskill at 23:31:51 on 20/05:
Anonymous at 20:33:55 on 20/05:
Static at 19:27:45 on 20/05:
yeh we were lol we helped them after they got hijacked in 3.2 but respect and honour only go so far n this game :D

Yeap, they were hijacked for the same reason...they didn't pay the BM when one of their members suicided :)

No respect for Loriga. I hope it's the last time I see them around :D

3.2 did not hijack, just freed some members who had this family
The family was returned to the real TOP (Alessandro). He knows what we all feel for him.
Rocheester will have the ending it deserves!
Worthless top.
Respect Loriga <3

LOL or not LOL?

Hardskill Brazil (23:31:51 - 20-05)
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Anonymous at 20:33:55 on 20/05:
Static at 19:27:45 on 20/05:
yeh we were lol we helped them after they got hijacked in 3.2 but respect and honour only go so far n this game :D

Yeap, they were hijacked for the same reason...they didn't pay the BM when one of their members suicided :)

No respect for Loriga. I hope it's the last time I see them around :D

3.2 did not hijack, just freed some members who had this family
The family was returned to the real TOP (Alessandro). He knows what we all feel for him.
Rocheester will have the ending it deserves!
Worthless top.
Respect Loriga <3
Static (22:18:32 - 20-05)
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Anonymous at 22:10:58 on 20/05:
Static at 19:42:02 on 20/05:
maddoxx cuz they shot our top and 1 week ago payed half the blood money and decided to shoot lol which is stupid from them was a waste of 50mill :D on their part

imo the only fam lammer in here is rochester who asked blood money for a top who was calling ppl to rochester from loriga and your top girl was just killed cause threath one of loriga top to put ass on SH and for sure if someone would threath me would do the same just hire and shoot simple as that ,and that was the really best action loriga did to get some honour on that cause i was on loriga channel when this happened and you static and lavish seems childs solving a problem on a public chan shame action.a real top make a priv channel and solve stuffs there not showing off (btw on a pathetic mode) on a public channel .

Ps: im Top of a fam and loriga friend not a pussy whos writting on anonymous way as alot do in here
cause if i showed my ingame for sure rochester is down a long time ago

Grats on decision Loriga respect

haha killamall asked art to marry her and he would come she said no just come lol and rta killed her lmao nunch of noobs you are posting anonymous
Anonymous (22:10:58 - 20-05)
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Static at 19:42:02 on 20/05:
maddoxx cuz they shot our top and 1 week ago payed half the blood money and decided to shoot lol which is stupid from them was a waste of 50mill :D on their part

imo the only fam lammer in here is rochester who asked blood money for a top who was calling ppl to rochester from loriga and your top girl was just killed cause threath one of loriga top to put ass on SH and for sure if someone would threath me would do the same just hire and shoot simple as that ,and that was the really best action loriga did to get some honour on that cause i was on loriga channel when this happened and you static and lavish seems childs solving a problem on a public chan shame action.a real top make a priv channel and solve stuffs there not showing off (btw on a pathetic mode) on a public channel .

Ps: im Top of a fam and loriga friend not a pussy whos writting on anonymous way as alot do in here
cause if i showed my ingame for sure rochester is down a long time ago

Grats on decision Loriga respect
Mcgee United States (21:05:58 - 20-05)
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Go Rochester....yeah that's where im from Rochester ny bitch. Gogogogogogogogo

lolcchese (20:34:02 - 20-05)
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sbanks wake up , tell the turks who is shooting them cmon :D
Anonymous (20:33:55 - 20-05)
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Static at 19:27:45 on 20/05:
yeh we were lol we helped them after they got hijacked in 3.2 but respect and honour only go so far n this game :D

Yeap, they were hijacked for the same reason...they didn't pay the BM when one of their members suicided :)

No respect for Loriga. I hope it's the last time I see them around :D
lolcchese (20:31:38 - 20-05)
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Reflexive at 20:11:10 on 20/05:
lolcchese at 19:55:47 on 20/05:
Gelibolu/Impero jumped in ? wich side ?

Nah we not involved in this

I think u are lmao , last famous words :DDD
Anonymous (20:19:17 - 20-05)
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Anonymous at 20:12:33 on 20/05:
pay attention

Anonymous at 20:09:28 on 20/05:
Anonymous at 20:08:43 on 20/05:
For 50 mil unpaid, you bet it's connected.
what the hell has 50 mil with gelibolu?
Static at 19:42:02 on 20/05:
maddoxx cuz they shot our top and 1 week ago payed half the blood money and decided to shoot lol which is stupid from them was a waste of 50mill :D on their part

rofl...you must be stoned...when I said it's not connected I was referring on gelibolu/impero jumping in part...pay attention
Anonymous (20:12:33 - 20-05)
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pay attention

Anonymous at 20:09:28 on 20/05:
Anonymous at 20:08:43 on 20/05:
For 50 mil unpaid, you bet it's connected.
what the hell has 50 mil with gelibolu?
Static at 19:42:02 on 20/05:
maddoxx cuz they shot our top and 1 week ago payed half the blood money and decided to shoot lol which is stupid from them was a waste of 50mill :D on their part
Reflexive Netherlands (20:11:10 - 20-05)
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lolcchese at 19:55:47 on 20/05:
Gelibolu/Impero jumped in ? wich side ?

Nah we not involved in this
Anonymous (20:10:28 - 20-05)
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Like the reason for (this) war matters, at least there is some shooting going on