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07-02 Discord channel!
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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
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30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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» Comments of hacker
General Comments & Major Rumors
11:39:27 - 15-11
i dont get why people speak about pacts !! the only way to win a version is to create a big pact of families !! but isnt so easy to be achieved , thats why we see so many back stabs !! so stop speaking for pacts and try to make ur own pact or join one !!

in case u dont want to win the version and u play for other reasons,,, old school .. friends ... fun etc u are the best cause u live in a real world :) but u cant win a version but i guess u dont care :)

13-11 Hit you with that bang shit
19:02:46 - 13-11
Anonymous at 17:48:39 on 13/11:
Smul at 17:45:23 on 13/11:
Anonymous at 17:40:29 on 13/11:
Smul at 17:34:26 on 13/11:
Anonymous at 17:31:43 on 13/11:
Smul at 17:24:56 on 13/11:
[18:03] <@NoobSurv> [Stats] Amount of deaths: +5 to 172,586
[18:03] <@NoobSurv> [Economy] Amount of bullets: -1,685,512 to 134,015,248

Flugkatze - User Rankings
Bullets: #63
Noone - User Rankings
Bullets: #10
Happyjack - User Rankings
Bullets: #25
Josue - User Rankings
Bullets: #32

What a waste of bullets. :|
Is this reporting with own benefits? Dont smul it doesnt suit you

What is own benefits about stating this?
I just noticed only 5 people dying and a shitload of bullets going down the drain, so I thought "lets see what their bulletcount is" and tbh, those could have been used instead of gone to waste. :)
So I ask again, what's my benefit when I state this?
i just asked, see THE ?? Bit imo Its not needed to report it. Everyone knowz Its à waste

Then I don't understand why you are asking such a question, and I countered that question with a question myself. So now try to answer my question.
imo it look likes flaming. Could have been you had à reason for it, for youre own benefits or youre fams. Thats all

4min waste to read ur dialogue :) hi smul :)
12-11 The battle for the Black Sea
23:30:45 - 12-11
to be honest i dont believe this senario in the topic !!! there are more believable senarios for the term of the war !! is something behind the scenes that i bet they dont want to tell for obvious reaasonss !!
05-11 Liberty for Liberta
21:47:54 - 05-11
they started a difficult war ... rip all who will die !!!
27-05 Bada bing bada boom
18:05:25 - 28-05
Spy at 16:25:46 on 28/05:
Pact here, Pact there...

There's never been a pact, just the difference between wanting to shoot and wanting to polish bullets.

If there was a pact, there would have been a lot more deaths in a shorter amount of time.
And I doubt one pact-fam would have shot another, or have all of you forgotten Righelli shooting at Affinitas already ? And the fact that Armada had to deal with Retro, Calogero and Bope on it's own with no help wouldnt have happened either if there was actually a pact.

Fact is, 99% of the people just find it easier to believe there is a pact, conspiracy theories seem to be very loved, people are just paranoid.

Infact some people believe in it so-much they actually made a pact to kill this (non-existent) so-called 'pact'. Ofcourse this only worked against them in the end because if you put a lot of fams together with a clear message (in this case: kill the families in the so-called 'pact'). Then ofcourse those fams wont let themselves be killed and do something about it.

If families would have just thought of taking out families they thought were in the so called (non-existant) 'pact' 1 by 1 where they could, they would have come a lot further.

It's funny to see, when people think there's a pact (while there's actually not), how they start pacting themselves... :')

I expect to get some flames for this, but then again, nomatter what you write on here... You'll always be flamed :')

Flame on o/


in previus version was a pact , not united by love but by intrest , thats why this pact collapsed in this version !!
but to be honest good friendships come from this fams-pact , so i wont be surprised to see a better and more honest pact next version !!

greedings spy \o
25-05 Venutti under fire!
10:32:10 - 27-05
Anonymous at 10:31:46 on 27/05:
Anonymous at 09:57:29 on 27/05:
Saros`away at 04:08:19 on 27/05:
Anonymous at 01:38:25 on 27/05:
Phenky at 01:37:39 on 27/05:
hacker at 21:42:22 on 26/05:
Anonymous at 18:42:43 on 26/05:
hacker at 18:17:30 on 26/05:
Anonymous at 18:12:53 on 26/05:
hacker at 18:07:54 on 26/05:
anonn at 17:19:48 on 26/05:
Really nice move righelli :)
Atleast someone with balls!
Respect nice war

Me likeeeeyyyy

what do u mean balls ?? to shoot a target that they knew they could kill ??

no for defend the bloods plus check numbers of boths sides ... dunno about u complain since war was pretty fair.

i am not complaining m8 , we knew righelli propably kill us !! i am just refering to the balls idea u spoke !!!! balls u have when u do something in a critical situation !!
as example ... we had the balls to shoot to revenge our bloods even we know that we will die !!

i disagree in that affi shooted cause phenky wanted show off also he threathed days ago venutti cause he was saying they was bloods and venutti never make bloods with affi . and he pmd venutti tops swearing stuff or they shoot krays or he kill them himself so this was this was a kind of trying revenge failed so you can say what you want but this wasnt to revenge bloods this was phenky actions if was to revenge bloods your shoots wouldnt be disorganized has it was and more fams would join on that.

there is a revenge part m8 but i see u see things diferent , and i would be happy to discuss u in mirc when u have time !! u can find me in #liberta later in the nights .. greedings
. . Yeah its Right that i told them kill me Or i ll kill U .. İ Again leaked my own war whats wrong with to always tell say the truths even face to face ?? We have our own style that to be direct And maybe U find it correct maybe wrong we respect all views but im wondering what U think about this kind of ppl And what U ll do to them?? First of all i help And start venutti fam as my blood Than i gave them object just for 12m Than in wars they didnt stand after me And Than ok but i want your help can U shooting with us ? They Again said No ok im askıng Than if U were in our position didnt U Feel that U were used ?? And wanna take from them what U gave?? Second think we acept to olay with righelli just cüz of conflict evli cüz we trust him And he never made mistake he is really ok but can any 1 tell me when U are in 1 channel with 7 fam And 6 of them wanna kill 2 fam And even U r on that channel U go And take blood them. ?? Ewerybody knows the truths but cant say here.. Be real not need to be fake .. When we learn that i knew that righelli Will shoot us also And i told this to evil i wanna see that in my self And i want ewerybody to see.. İ told caliente i told armada i told vigi to be on i ll continue what we start i Wont stop cüz of 1 seller.. And from now on we can do what we want righelli helped us :) cüz im süre no 1 can say that was our fault im süre evil Feel the bad now he Feel alittle shamed but Np we dont need to tell everything here .. Thanx who died with their honours for us here and also Thanx the killers cya later...


Yeh translate that please someone

i am sure his english isnt so good but if u want to understand u will !! phenky is a person hot tempered this is true but he is honest , not afraid to speak truths !!
but i repeat if u want conversation find us in #liberta ... there chatting is more meaningfull !!!! all tops would be happy to chat with people that have also diferent opinions !!!
thats for me in omertabeyond for now !!!
25-05 Venutti under fire!
21:51:24 - 26-05
shell at 20:08:19 on 26/05:
First and last time in this topic!
i read some comments that righelli broke the pact or implying that we kinda broke a done deal and shot affinitas. First of all, we have never had a deal with any family nor we were in a pact, if there is a pact which i doubt. Affinitas shot at our bloods, we reacted on it. That easy. This war would happen anyway because affi tops made it clear that they would shoot our bloods down, and were asking around to gather some families in to plans. We simply couldnt let any of our bloods get killed. It happened last version right after we got out of a war and we wee without bodyguards and bullets and they shot our beloved bloods bruinsma down which i still think that bruinsma had deserved to make it to end last version. We couldnt let it to repeat. This time targets were different though. Thus, this war would happen anyway one way or another. They have done what they thought they have to do. We have done what we have to do. And all of our bloods have done what a true bloods should do. So there is nothing to complain about in this war.

Rip who died.

i agree with shell in most of his talkings !! previus version and in the start of this many fams with oponent feelings shoot together to terminate theyr common (sometimes) threats ( that were many) ... after all enemies went down it was almost certain that this war would have happen sooner or later, didnt happen previus version happened now !!

also rip all that died !!

* shell if u ever have time pm me in #hellas , i feel guilty for our past if u remember !!!
25-05 Venutti under fire!
21:42:22 - 26-05
Anonymous at 18:42:43 on 26/05:
hacker at 18:17:30 on 26/05:
Anonymous at 18:12:53 on 26/05:
hacker at 18:07:54 on 26/05:
anonn at 17:19:48 on 26/05:
Really nice move righelli :)
Atleast someone with balls!
Respect nice war

Me likeeeeyyyy

what do u mean balls ?? to shoot a target that they knew they could kill ??

no for defend the bloods plus check numbers of boths sides ... dunno about u complain since war was pretty fair.

i am not complaining m8 , we knew righelli propably kill us !! i am just refering to the balls idea u spoke !!!! balls u have when u do something in a critical situation !!
as example ... we had the balls to shoot to revenge our bloods even we know that we will die !!

i disagree in that affi shooted cause phenky wanted show off also he threathed days ago venutti cause he was saying they was bloods and venutti never make bloods with affi . and he pmd venutti tops swearing stuff or they shoot krays or he kill them himself so this was this was a kind of trying revenge failed so you can say what you want but this wasnt to revenge bloods this was phenky actions if was to revenge bloods your shoots wouldnt be disorganized has it was and more fams would join on that.

there is a revenge part m8 but i see u see things diferent , and i would be happy to discuss u in mirc when u have time !! u can find me in #liberta later in the nights .. greedings
25-05 Venutti under fire!
18:17:30 - 26-05
Anonymous at 18:12:53 on 26/05:
hacker at 18:07:54 on 26/05:
anonn at 17:19:48 on 26/05:
Really nice move righelli :)
Atleast someone with balls!
Respect nice war

Me likeeeeyyyy

what do u mean balls ?? to shoot a target that they knew they could kill ??

no for defend the bloods plus check numbers of boths sides ... dunno about u complain since war was pretty fair.

i am not complaining m8 , we knew righelli propably kill us !! i am just refering to the balls idea u spoke !!!! balls u have when u do something in a critical situation !!
as example ... we had the balls to shoot to revenge our bloods even we know that we will die !!
25-05 Venutti under fire!
18:07:54 - 26-05
anonn at 17:19:48 on 26/05:
Really nice move righelli :)
Atleast someone with balls!
Respect nice war

Me likeeeeyyyy

what do u mean balls ?? to shoot a target that they knew they could kill ??
25-05 Venutti under fire!
20:28:03 - 25-05
reason of war

they shoot our bloods and friends supermazia !!

i guess things will change after this war !!

rip all die !!
25-05 Some Crooks got shot
17:53:34 - 25-05
i dont know if i deserve this kind of words ivopausje , but realy u give me strength to become better !! i hope things change in this game before game colapses !!

my respects to all that play with honour and good attitude !!
25-05 Some Crooks got shot
12:04:24 - 25-05
Ivopausje at 11:13:50 on 25/05:
Anonymous at 10:39:16 on 25/05:
FlowzZ at 10:09:48 on 25/05:
Anonymous at 08:34:02 on 25/05:
Reasons for war? Who are in Affi btw? Plenty of tops I know from the old Affi have nothing to do with this one.

just liberta

we wanted to kill pupale thats all, so we might as well do all his friends to

You are so badass

i dont like this vendetta at all to be honest !! i am sure logic will prevail some day !!
25-05 Some Crooks got shot
11:57:08 - 25-05
anonn at 11:19:45 on 25/05:
FlowzZ at 10:09:48 on 25/05:
Anonymous at 08:34:02 on 25/05:
Reasons for war? Who are in Affi btw? Plenty of tops I know from the old Affi have nothing to do with this one.

just liberta

Where is liberta i dont see them :DDDD
They cant add a star cuz they are playing under different name :(
So sad for them pussys :DDD

yea we are pushies and u are ... dead or tring to make a fam to suicide on us !! :O so sry ... go vote for resetttt ;)
21-05 Syndrum says hello!
21:52:29 - 21-05
after the failure against the pact , what did u all axpect ?

rip all died !!
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:31:27 - 21-05
Vstel at 18:21:21 on 21/05:
hacker at 18:03:01 on 21/05:
well done admins u fucked up with the server and u made people believe that is DDOS attack ... and the worst senario people believe it !!!

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
-Albert Einstein

rip all who died ... and phenky dont forget the stars next version ... some people see them and go crazy from theyr envy !!!!

lol hacker

vstellll my friend _o_
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:03:01 - 21-05
well done admins u fucked up with the server and u made people believe that is DDOS attack ... and the worst senario people believe it !!!

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
-Albert Einstein

rip all who died ... and phenky dont forget the stars next version ... some people see them and go crazy from theyr envy !!!!
04-05 Falling Stars?
00:38:49 - 06-05
DDOS attack to the servers of barafranca....
i think admins consider them selves inocent terrorists and that the pact is the 'anonumous' hacktivists.

04-05 Falling Stars?
20:14:38 - 05-05
.com is fucked !! after one war and needs reset !!!
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:19:58 - 04-04
Anonymous at 16:11:48 on 04/04:
Anonymous at 12:25:03 on 04/04:
Liberta saved asses of vinci and conflict more than 3 times this version. The dumbs who say Liberta hide behind conf and vinci are the ones who has no idea about omerta or no idea about wars. Just please fuck off. The pact won the version together. Noone more noone less. All gave same effort and stuff to the game. And as far as i remember Liberta was in the winning team of affinitas at 2,3 and 2,4. So that makes Phenky right. Haters gonna hate. Nothing to do. They did great this version as Liberta. They made great politics, saved bloods and members of pact several times against the shooters or fams who wanted to shoot them. Gratz Liberta for part of the winning team.

They're not a part of the winning team, they're a lackey of the winning team.

and u are dead from winning team ... so rip !!