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» Comments of Barayev
27-02 War vs 'The Pact'
14:10:07 - 29-02
Brainstorm at 13:59:05 on 29/02:
dude, wtf are u saying ?
u seem to have a problem with my top's statement as u can't let go since yesterday..
Pact is in wheel chair now, check drops in famworth for last 2 days and then act like a clown
what kind of reporter/ OB crew are u when u can't be objective about facts ??
u know well that Liberta, Bruinsma + Purga made the difference this war since attackers were THAT close to fully achieving goal damn
Good day! o/
dude, wtf are u saying ?
u seem to have a problem with my top's statement as u can't let go since yesterday..
Pact is in wheel chair now, check drops in famworth for last 2 days and then act like a clown
what kind of reporter/ OB crew are u when u can't be objective about facts ??
u know well that Liberta, Bruinsma + Purga made the difference this war since attackers were THAT close to fully achieving goal damn
Good day! o/
He is saying that you didn't rape us...
The pact is in a wheel chair? Can I park in Handicap Spots now? inb4 i always could.
This is the internet, where freedom knows no boundries, just because he is a reporter doesn't mean he can't share his opinion like the rest of us, if you have a problem with the report say it!
22-02 Yigidossed!
05:15:03 - 24-02
Anonymous at 23:16:33 on 23/02:
As far as the insults are concerned... Insulting someone just because you don't like what he's saying, especially when he talks using certain unquestionable facts, just show your quality as a person (yes that's an insult). And it makes me happy not to be able to communicate with people like you.
And last but not least because you just don't seem to get it. I am PART of the so called "pact". That's how I know so much and that's why I remain anonymous.
Have a great version also. :)
P.S. Reborn thanks for the Mr.Anonymous. I think I ll register it... :p
As far as the insults are concerned... Insulting someone just because you don't like what he's saying, especially when he talks using certain unquestionable facts, just show your quality as a person (yes that's an insult). And it makes me happy not to be able to communicate with people like you.
And last but not least because you just don't seem to get it. I am PART of the so called "pact". That's how I know so much and that's why I remain anonymous.
Have a great version also. :)
P.S. Reborn thanks for the Mr.Anonymous. I think I ll register it... :p
I'll answer to this since you keep on distorting reality in order to fit your side of the argumentation..
And that was the reason why I insulted you in the first place, I hate stupid people...
And yes, I find it stupid that you assume you are right and therefor everything you say must be true when in fact it isn't... You call facts to your own opinion about different situations...
Tell me one time Conflict has joined a war and left midwar to shoot one of the prime attackers and I'll su...
"And last but not least because you just don't seem to get it" <- How was i supposed to "get it"? :') you're hiding like a little girl...
"And it makes me happy not to be able to communicate with people like you." <- Ofc you can't communicate with me, you already changed your words twice + you keep on taking my words and changing to something else... Just because you seem to have an ability to change reality in your head so you can feel better with yourself doesn't mean the others are wrong.
Btw, saying you are posting Anon BECAUSE you play with us is just stupid... It's not like we can't handle critics from our peers :S
Bottom line, and the reason why all this started, Imo maraz was smart yes, not brave.. and that was the point... If you think it's brave to shoot a 60brug fam with a 3:1 ratio orso while they are already attacking some1 else with their bloods, a war maraz was in... Oh well..
I realy shouldn't be wasting my time with you anymore, I hope you have fun playing with us... Cause I bet you will keep on doing it Mr Anonymous...
22-02 Yigidossed!
17:07:14 - 23-02
inyourasses at 16:47:28 on 23/02:
i think they made a nice move, if they realy wanna kill Aztec.
In fact i guess the only open window they could ever had was last night, if they setence there own dead, we will see in the coming days, but i dont think the "pact" got the guts to do it, cos killing Marazzino means killing Krays/brunissima and proly Kuro, with the ratios we saw the attackers allways shooting this version, i guess they would have to turn Laboratory and Correptio against Marazzino/kuro, so in fact you need to have some balls of steel to do a move like Marazzino did last night
Anyway Barayev only whats going to happen in the next weeks, will prove if was a good move or not
i think they made a nice move, if they realy wanna kill Aztec.
In fact i guess the only open window they could ever had was last night, if they setence there own dead, we will see in the coming days, but i dont think the "pact" got the guts to do it, cos killing Marazzino means killing Krays/brunissima and proly Kuro, with the ratios we saw the attackers allways shooting this version, i guess they would have to turn Laboratory and Correptio against Marazzino/kuro, so in fact you need to have some balls of steel to do a move like Marazzino did last night
Anyway Barayev only whats going to happen in the next weeks, will prove if was a good move or not
Yeah.. It was a "nice move"... Not a brave one.. It didn't show they have balls.. It showed they can be backstabbing hoes who take advantage on the best oppurtunity to do what they want...
Again... It may be a nice move but it sure isn't a brave one :/
About the rest, nothing to add...
Good version to you too :p
22-02 Yigidossed!
16:59:07 - 23-02
Anonymous at 16:35:47 on 23/02:
1st. Guess closed...
2nd. Yeah it was. Its brave to deceive and turn like this during a war and shoot versus the ones you are supposed to help. There's always the risk of many fams leaving their targets to attack you.
3rd. You have to decide actually. You 're talking about Conflict or not? You judge DIG, Marazzino etc, but when asked why you 're criticizing them since Conflict does the same think since the day they were created, your response is: "I am not a top. I cant talk about Conflict". If that's the case you cant criticize other fams also. Keep on criticizing individuals, i.e. Inyour, Smul etc. If you decide to talk about families show us a war where conflict attacked with a reasonable ratio. Inyour showed us a couple...
And if the way you think that I use contradiction just because I wanna manipulate you and not because disagree with what you say, and that I keep telling lies because I state facts from Omerta history that everybody knows to be true (=not lies) then I guess you have to Google moronic also. If you re not used to talking with someone not in the need to be ironic or call names, sorry its not my fault. :)
1st. Guess closed...
2nd. Yeah it was. Its brave to deceive and turn like this during a war and shoot versus the ones you are supposed to help. There's always the risk of many fams leaving their targets to attack you.
3rd. You have to decide actually. You 're talking about Conflict or not? You judge DIG, Marazzino etc, but when asked why you 're criticizing them since Conflict does the same think since the day they were created, your response is: "I am not a top. I cant talk about Conflict". If that's the case you cant criticize other fams also. Keep on criticizing individuals, i.e. Inyour, Smul etc. If you decide to talk about families show us a war where conflict attacked with a reasonable ratio. Inyour showed us a couple...
And if the way you think that I use contradiction just because I wanna manipulate you and not because disagree with what you say, and that I keep telling lies because I state facts from Omerta history that everybody knows to be true (=not lies) then I guess you have to Google moronic also. If you re not used to talking with someone not in the need to be ironic or call names, sorry its not my fault. :)
Oh.. So now it's brave...
I was critizicing the fact they were planning a war and then they backout in the last second and shoot one of the attackers.. Tell me one time Conflict has ever did something like that..
And yes... you are contradicting yourself... First you say it was brave, then you say you didn't say it was brave, now you say it's brave again... Make up your mind bro!
About the "insults", I'm sorry for that... It's a waste of time to even be having this arguement in her ewith an anon.. If you want we can continue in Irc, just pm me and I'll be glad to talk with you..
Again, I'm sorry for the insults but you're realy not making sense with all that... Or we are having some troubles understanding each other :p
Anyway, there was no bravery or balls in their action like i said.. Were they smart? Ofc... But not brave... As you said they chose the best window to make their move by using a dirty tactic.. That's not bravery...
Anyway, cya and good version.
PS: I criticized iya because he was, like you are, saying Maraz had balls to do this... They didn't.. They were little rats who took advantage... That's not bravery..
PSII: What I do say to or about Smul is between him and me since you have no idea (I think) about how our relationship is.. I flame him he flames me but we love each other :D;D:D;$$:$;
22-02 Yigidossed!
14:42:24 - 23-02
Anonymous at 10:49:05 on 23/02:
1st. I never said I was against DIG or that I am against Conflict. Just stating facts.
2. I personally never said it was brave. I said it was a brilliant tactical move. And it is.
3. I thought you couldn't talk about your family since you were only a capo and not a top... What changed again?
I quote: "I just don't think we need to shoot 1:1 to show we have 'em.." Point taken and my point exactly... Thanks for proving me right. In the end its just a matter of perspective... :)
Plus shooting you as you say with more families than you can handle is as, if I 'm not mistaken, beating you at your own game... You can't blame them for that... And yes you 've learned, that is your top, and started manipulating again every possible family to shoot for you and then shoot them in the long run. My point exactly also...
P.S. I cant say whether I 'm a moron or not. I like to believe I am not. But I think you are intelligent enough to think why I haven't written who I am so far... Maybe not because I fear I might get laughed at...
Good morning. :)
1st. I never said I was against DIG or that I am against Conflict. Just stating facts.
2. I personally never said it was brave. I said it was a brilliant tactical move. And it is.
3. I thought you couldn't talk about your family since you were only a capo and not a top... What changed again?
I quote: "I just don't think we need to shoot 1:1 to show we have 'em.." Point taken and my point exactly... Thanks for proving me right. In the end its just a matter of perspective... :)
Plus shooting you as you say with more families than you can handle is as, if I 'm not mistaken, beating you at your own game... You can't blame them for that... And yes you 've learned, that is your top, and started manipulating again every possible family to shoot for you and then shoot them in the long run. My point exactly also...
P.S. I cant say whether I 'm a moron or not. I like to believe I am not. But I think you are intelligent enough to think why I haven't written who I am so far... Maybe not because I fear I might get laughed at...
Good morning. :)
1st - "And actually I was making a point on your argument against DIG and Inyour and the gameplay." <- You are right, I read it wrong, i give you that, tho...
2nd - "And yes Maraz action was a brave one if you think about it and see it objectively..." <- I think "brave" means "brave", I might have to google it...
3rd - I wasn't taking merit for our actions or bashing our moves, I was giving an opinion about it :p
Since you clearly continue to chose a moronic way of argumentation using lies and contradiction I find myself wondering, are you trolling me sir?
22-02 Yigidossed!
06:47:02 - 23-02
Thats your opinion...
I wouldnt expect anything different from Conflict hat0r numba 1 ;D
I wouldnt expect anything different from Conflict hat0r numba 1 ;D
22-02 Yigidossed!
06:28:54 - 23-02
1st "As far as I know Inyourasses is Indelicato. I don't see that fam in the link u post... And I know for sure that top think differently between the DIG fams... So actually it comes down to one thing... You think YOU have balls? And if so... Please show us that war... :)"
How is that against DIG ?!
2nd If you think shooting Aztec like this is brave I'll just quit trying to argue with you cause it's pure nonsense.
3rd I think my family has a lot of balls, I just don't think we need to shoot 1:1 to show we have 'em.. And if you play for so long you know that everytime Conf gets a bit weaker some gaygang takes advantage... So I guess we learned the lesson or so..
PS: Btw you take what i say and change to something completly different it just made me think you're a complete moron so I'll just stop answering and goin to sleep. I bet you hide behind that anonymous nick because if we knew who you are we would all be laughing at your face...
How is that against DIG ?!
2nd If you think shooting Aztec like this is brave I'll just quit trying to argue with you cause it's pure nonsense.
3rd I think my family has a lot of balls, I just don't think we need to shoot 1:1 to show we have 'em.. And if you play for so long you know that everytime Conf gets a bit weaker some gaygang takes advantage... So I guess we learned the lesson or so..
PS: Btw you take what i say and change to something completly different it just made me think you're a complete moron so I'll just stop answering and goin to sleep. I bet you hide behind that anonymous nick because if we knew who you are we would all be laughing at your face...
22-02 Yigidossed!
05:54:12 - 23-02
Anonymous at 05:16:22 on 23/02:
About the balls, if you read back before you post you can see he was the one saying this families had a lot of balls.. I only counter his statement..
Till now you were talking about fams... What changed so suddenly?
I tried to find the war you 're saying also. No luck...
Barayev at 04:54:13 on 23/02:
1 - I am not a top of Conflict so I can't answer or take merit for our actions as a family.
2 - Sorry but no, knowing the history doesn't mean I'll give you any credit while you remain anonymous...
3 - Yes I do, search for the war where Righelli+Cogere(where i was top)&Co shot against Ilimitada&Co.
Booya ?!
1 - I am not a top of Conflict so I can't answer or take merit for our actions as a family.
2 - Sorry but no, knowing the history doesn't mean I'll give you any credit while you remain anonymous...
3 - Yes I do, search for the war where Righelli+Cogere(where i was top)&Co shot against Ilimitada&Co.
Booya ?!
About the balls, if you read back before you post you can see he was the one saying this families had a lot of balls.. I only counter his statement..
Till now you were talking about fams... What changed so suddenly?
I tried to find the war you 're saying also. No luck...
Well you asked me 1 example and i gave you one...
And btw, "Till now you were talking about fams".. Wrong, I was laughing and questioning iya's statement that maraz showed big balls today... And then I bashed a bit on DIG.. And only after that you showed up trying to whiteknight him or wtv.
I can't find any post where I say "oh-oh conflict has the most balls cause we always shoot 1:1 ratio", I just questioned how can THIS action be taken as a brave one...
But I guess you're too much of an idiot and so full of yourself you can't read correctly...
Mr Bravonymous...
22-02 Yigidossed!
04:54:13 - 23-02
1 - I am not a top of Conflict so I can't answer or take merit for our actions as a family.
2 - Sorry but no, knowing the history doesn't mean I'll give you any credit while you remain anonymous...
3 - Yes I do, search for the war where Righelli+Cogere(where i was top)&Co shot against Ilimitada&Co.
Booya ?!
2 - Sorry but no, knowing the history doesn't mean I'll give you any credit while you remain anonymous...
3 - Yes I do, search for the war where Righelli+Cogere(where i was top)&Co shot against Ilimitada&Co.
Booya ?!
22-02 Yigidossed!
04:20:50 - 23-02
inyourasses at 04:09:19 on 23/02:
same kind of wars , but diferent outcomes.....
same kind of wars , but diferent outcomes.....
I only have to ask you this then...
You realy think "big balls" is the expression that define Maraz&Co action today?
22-02 Yigidossed!
04:16:33 - 23-02
Anonymous at 03:01:25 on 23/02:
As far as I know Inyourasses is Indelicato. I don't see that fam in the link u post... And I know for sure that top think differently between the DIG fams... So actually it comes down to one thing... You think YOU have balls? And if so... Please show us that war... :)
As far as I know Inyourasses is Indelicato. I don't see that fam in the link u post... And I know for sure that top think differently between the DIG fams... So actually it comes down to one thing... You think YOU have balls? And if so... Please show us that war... :)
Hey there Mr. Anonymous.
Are you telling me that Indelicato was against that war? Or that they didn't shoot? Nigga please... Most likely they weren't even up by then... And that was the only reason they didn't join...
About the balls, if you read back before you post you can see he was the one saying this families had a lot of balls.. I only counter his statement..
About me having balls.. Yea.. I think i do.. Always considered myself a brave gamer i.e. I never camped or hug in this case.. I think we can't say the same about you... Mr. Anonymous.. ;p
If you were talking about my family,
PS: Do YOU have balls to post with your nick? ;D
22-02 Yigidossed!
02:40:54 - 23-02
inyourasses at 23:21:18 on 22/02:
yeah sure Barayev
they saw a chance to kill memento and they are trying at least, and i guess they dont think only with a ratio 10:1 its possible :') if they are sign there RIP with this action its another history, but at least they are trying to prove its possible to shoot with lower ratios ^^
Hey m8 about DIG, i was only part of the I and that I wasnt a new fam with newbies, and even what ppl says about it, that I was up 13 months in 3.0 and had alot of nice wars :') about last version i wasnt even active to have anything to say about what they did.
yeah sure Barayev
they saw a chance to kill memento and they are trying at least, and i guess they dont think only with a ratio 10:1 its possible :') if they are sign there RIP with this action its another history, but at least they are trying to prove its possible to shoot with lower ratios ^^
Hey m8 about DIG, i was only part of the I and that I wasnt a new fam with newbies, and even what ppl says about it, that I was up 13 months in 3.0 and had alot of nice wars :') about last version i wasnt even active to have anything to say about what they did.
Well, you don't need 10:1 ratio when you're shooting against some1 who is still recovering from their shots, or in this case even in the middle of their war, a war they were also part of... Big balls indeed...
But then again.. You surely are from DIG... And I guess for you shooting some1 only when they are in a fragile spot means you have balls... Breaking news pal, it isn't! Smart? Obviously.. But not having balls...
http://news.omertabeyond.com/31 <- I guess you think DIG and Maraz had some BIG BALLS back then aswell x'D
22-02 Yigidossed!
23:13:38 - 22-02
Oh nvm.. I just remembered you are DIG.. Obiously you don't know what "having balls" mean..
22-02 Yigidossed!
23:13:03 - 22-02
inyourasses at 23:02:56 on 22/02:
Dont know if its true
But if is or without Marazino ( even less ratio )
Krays, Marazzino, Carneglia are countering on Aztec
Marazzino on both sides of the war, first attacking Yigidos & Co. and now helping Krays+ to shoot down a fellow attacker
can you see the diference of what balls means?
Dont know if its true
But if is or without Marazino ( even less ratio )
Krays, Marazzino, Carneglia are countering on Aztec
Marazzino on both sides of the war, first attacking Yigidos & Co. and now helping Krays+ to shoot down a fellow attacker
can you see the diference of what balls means?
So in your opinion, joining a war plan to kill some fams and then shoot one of the attacking families (with 4 other families) while all their bloods are busy with the main plan is the definition of having balls?
O great, more ka whining!
Lets look at the facts shall we?
Sigsauer - User Rankings
Rankpoints: #76
Bullets: #170
Madness - User Rankings
Rankpoints: #32
Bullets: #3
They where actually not all that far apart from eachother in rp.
Now, knowing the latter was a GF its unlikely he has full attack bodyguards right?
So, lets for argument sake say he didnt, lets say he had around 150ish (vic+some ike and joe points or the more common vic/ike attack rest deff)
Maybe the target had max attack?
Or the more likely 200?
At this point you can pretty much ignore ks since its likely both accounts had 100 of that so that evens out.
A bf kill can happen, even with #170 bullets your looking at what, 500k?
Thats 500 account strength points from that alone, add another few hundred due to his rp and the target could have easily had 1k point correct?
Add in the account status from the target (Online=strong, offline for 6hours+=strong) and you could explain the situation that way you know.
Sure the shooter had a whole lot more acc points but maybe this ka wasent designed around gathering 2.xmil bullets.
People complained about huggers being to strong the last few rounds and back then you could only get such extremes by doing nothing. Maybe there is just a hardcap on account strength points. Maybe the problem doesn't come from tiredness but from a version where someone with 2.x mil bullets is still only #3.
To summarize: Suck it up; if you dont like the bf risk, dont shoot.
I just wanted to get this out of my chest: WTF?
There is NO excuse for such a GF to die in the bf of an online brug, NO EXCUSE.