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07-02 Discord channel!
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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
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30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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21-08 First Family!
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12-08 Welcome to Round #39
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» Comments of counselor
02-12 Anadolu getting shot
22:40:48 - 02-12
who cares
02-12 Blackgolden vs Samagono
22:28:17 - 02-12
02-12 Blackgolden vs Samagono
22:28:06 - 02-12
I'm gunna fock up some lowrank accounts!!!
General Comments & Major Rumors
15:49:43 - 12-11
Squalor at 15:40:37 on 12/11:
Spy at 13:50:06 on 12/11:
`Donalo`Sixx at 03:25:38 on 12/11:
Spy at 23:35:50 on 11/11:
Anonymous at 22:09:15 on 11/11:
Your point is nullified by just the history of this version alone. There were plenty of tiny, new fams that became big via shooting and gaining the respect of other families. I can name the presidents family off the top of my head.
Well, Presidential already had a decent core group of players when they started.
It wasnt just a 2 brug fam, it was a fam with a decent core group and tops who have experiance in the game. Not just some random noobs.
They grew out to be big in the end but that was because they had the guts to shoot when they were not this big, although they were never a small and deffonately not an inexperianced fam, new, yes, inexperianced and/or small, no.

Dunno how presidents guys can walk with your head so far up their arse :p
Rofl, well that may be, but you're the one that sounds butthurt, not Presidential ;)

Its quite comfy really :')

Yep it is and 'Donalo 'Sixx, you have the experience urself ars well ;)

This game if freaking boring, 68kills as a picci..... can't believe how ppl can continue playing when it is soooo boring.....

* liks Donalo Spy, Anonymous and Squalor!
21-10 Reset?
12:13:37 - 22-10
reset plz
14-10 Complexio → Republica
21:32:30 - 14-10
where did the republica Don go? lolz
General Comments & Major Rumors
20:46:48 - 14-10
foreclosure :w
General Comments & Major Rumors
15:52:09 - 14-10
What at 13:15:56 on 14/10:
counselor at 11:42:13 on 14/10:
who wants to manscape me?

i ll manhandle you \o/

yes plz
14-10 Akills
15:51:35 - 14-10
i killed 10 of those fuckers!

shame on you, and me for being online at the time of the A-kills
General Comments & Major Rumors
11:42:13 - 14-10
who wants to manscape me?
09-10 Tempestuoso ↔ Fabrizio
17:07:13 - 11-10
~Pierluigi at 16:57:13 on 11/10:
corniole at 22:25:40 on 10/10:
PannaJunk at 10:44:18 on 10/10:
Anonymous at 02:16:17 on 10/10:
this shitty shooting is a disgrace to what pereira would want of tempestuoso

what did he want ? more hugging ? most people remember him as a honourable dude, i remember him as a boring leader -.-
Pereira was once a good player idd but at his end he wasnt anymore imo
it was his actions that fucked temp back in 2.3, but thats another story & off topic

we lost a few good acc against small shitty fam idd
but better check the rankpoints of a few of their accounts, then you see they where alive since start version and never shot so not weak at all
our shooters died 1 month ago also so much lower in rankpoints
But we didnt care about that we where tired of their big mouths & actions
after all its a game, unfortunatly dying is also part of that game ;)

Corniole still mad about that time that I shot the Moonshadow GF?;D


Dude nobody knows what you've done or cares, keep it shut plz
09-10 Tempestuoso ↔ Fabrizio
13:46:45 - 10-10
If I look at deaths....pretty bad shooting....but a war nonetheless!
08-10 Caliente Getting Shot!
19:41:24 - 09-10
u guys missed dp powah

RIP and stuff
03-10 Ilimitada Alliance Under Attack
21:29:52 - 03-10
RIP, I hope every1 dies tonight!
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:45:10 - 02-10
sweet hitlist

still wont' make me start ranking though!
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:28:33 - 30-09
Arcanine at 17:14:49 on 30/09:
Last Deaths
Name: Date of Death: Rank: Family:
Shoo 30-09-2011 17:11:51 Godfather Ilimitada


Cheers m8

Hobo 4 life
22-09 Nazdrovia ↔ DIG
21:37:09 - 24-09
Keep up da shooting bitches!
22-09 Nazdrovia ↔ DIG
19:15:10 - 24-09
mr.Anonymous at 18:35:22 on 24/09:
counselor at 17:13:34 on 24/09:
Caesarea is a pretty useless fam imo.

then kill it and show us how usefull you are

I`m very usefull as a deli boy, but I don`t have to show you.
I can show you my 1 ball though if you insist!
22-09 Nazdrovia ↔ DIG
17:13:34 - 24-09
Caesarea is a pretty useless fam imo.

General Comments & Major Rumors
22:58:43 - 18-09
Anonymous at 21:41:49 on 18/09:
Where is deston he's quiet :d
he's on a holiday bro