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07-02 Discord channel!
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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
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30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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21-08 First Family!
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» Comments of inyourasses
27-05 Bada bing bada boom
00:10:41 - 28-05
isnt arcanine AKA Profestum???

and Sbanks ill retired cos of that faggot???

If it is Profestum not suprise at all , in fact im suprise Messima ppl let him stay in top...anyway very strange to see a old school fam, with a faggot that start play in 3.0 crying alot for HP´s in tha TOp
25-05 Venutti under fire!
22:17:54 - 25-05
any1 can update whats going on @ this war, who is shooting who and who jump on who???
General Comments & Major Rumors
22:03:11 - 24-05
Kevin at 21:37:02 on 24/05:
Phenky at 21:26:52 on 24/05:
Pfff Again my whores but really thats not your fault thats the fault of ppl believe U And join your fams No game for pupale And this year we add smull also in this condition ;) sorry guys join a fam Or ayır from here thats all o can do for U ;)
get a life for god sake xD ayre fik! :D
Loll i bet pupale and Smul shit there pants already with phenky statement :)

23-05 Vincitori Down!
13:06:02 - 23-05
Vc at 08:01:02 on 23/05:
nice job imo but not that hard with this ka ;d
rip vinci

with this KA, hard its Killing like this Affinitas, Armada, Bruinsma, Caliente, Conflict, Infezione, Lucchese, Memento, Righelli, Samagono, Sindikat, Vincitori, <-----------> Syndrum

A good Vincitori is a dead Vincitori with a dead VC :D
20-05 Mayday?
16:32:08 - 21-05
!reset :D

Gratzz winners :') Conflict, Affinitas, Righelli, Bruinsma, Infezione, Lucchese, Armada, Memento, Vincitori, Samagono, Sindikat

I guess u guys can put the 3.4 star already :D

I just wonder what Vertigo, Purgatory, Caliente, Venutti, Trafficante, Syndrum are doing in tha game, just hope the winners got half of the ranks with 60k to clean those fams asap :)
04-05 Falling Stars?
13:43:11 - 05-05
nice war , KA is kinda weird, to easy to kill, anyway if it wasnt like that the game could be closed already.
Lets see what happend whem 300+ Rp accounts are shooted by 5% brugs

PS: A good Vincitori is a dead Vincitori :)
16-04 Number of families (Updated)
13:09:41 - 17-04
its just me or this version Admins are failing like we never saw?? fail reset time, fail objects time, fail fams limits..... roflmao if i was Righeli Top i would demand a revive from that LC account killed yesterday, i guess if the ppl knew the fam limit would rise today wouldnt risk there best accounts going up with 1 lc, Anyway i guess its just me, i dont see no1 complain about it
16-04 Number of families (Updated)
16:13:20 - 16-04
roflmao atm there are 1900 soldier+, i guess players that ill try to find a fam and ill be hiranks soon, that means avarage highranks (chief+ ) in a month per fam ill be 80 FAIL VERSION
General Comments & Major Rumors
13:52:32 - 14-04
Anonymous at 04:23:51 on 14/04:
agreed at 01:09:34 on 14/04:
Anonymous at 23:51:12 on 13/04:
Anonymous at 21:05:26 on 13/04:
Funny lol,
3.0 was won by Grav,IDT and Krays Imho.
They did the most that version, Vinci got killed fee times and didn"t really end.

Sortoff funny to see those new logos with stars as winning :">

Don't wanna diss or something but only Gravano was one of main shooters (targets) in 3.0 in 1st war. Krays and ID&T came later, and these fams profited a lot and really lifted only after Vaffanculo Kerberos Vincitori and Gravano were shot by everyone after CC war.

IDT Gravano and Krays had amazing version in 3.0, but they're winners as much as Vaffanculo Kerberos and Vincitori are.

Well, I agree mostly, It was an Amazing version for IDT GRAV KRAYS.
altho Vaffanculo&Kerbers kinda got shot at the end, same as Vincitory etc.

Actually day before reset was announced in 3.0 DIG got shot, well mostly G... Talamasca left alliance, and Gravano Vincitori and some more shot Guardians. Kerberos Indelicato Destination shot Riot as retaliation at same time which caused huge war that kept on going for days. In the end Krays shot Talamasca, and Vincitori shot Krays for it. Near the end mostly Gravano and Vincitori remained in full force, and if I am not wrong godlike Smul's account was still alive as only one from Indelicato.
Vaffanculo was shot earlier by Gambino and later admin killed till only 2 accounts were left alive, Bazjuuh and Fruiousangel. Bazjuuh was shot by eviL if I am not wrong...

Whole 3.0 was weird and long version it lasted almost a year. As many of you wrote IDT (DIG IT later) did a lot but imo they came late as winners cause imo both Krays and Gravano did more than them. 3.0 was best version ever for Krays imo.
Still Krays DIG and even Gravano cameo out later, after Vaffanculo Vincitori and Kerberos broke the ice, 1st taking down Society and CC, then in ongoing war vs whole omerta (Memento group + APAS + Natarelli alliance + Favians) dying but causing quite some damage.
After that there was still cold war going between Vaffanculo/Vincitori/Kerberos and Impavido + Favians, in which Favians won 1st round, but later after DIG Krays and Gravano (with Gambino etc) would kill Impavido and Memento group, Vincitori/Kerberos/Vaffanculo came back to kill Favians.

Even if they went down couple of times influence and especially in early and late in game moves Vaffanculo etc group did decided 3.0

i agree whem you say IDT came later, considering IDT is Indelicato/destiantion/talamasca, but imo Indelicato was up from the begin and was the fam that was most time up from every versions of omerta, if i remember correct 1year and almost a month, true that indelicato only did a couple of shoots on the 1º war ( if im correct was society+memento vs gravano/vincitori/vanfanculo ).
whem the version had 2 or 3 months Destination made a alliance with Indelicato ( I&D ) and only later after Talamasca backstabe 2 alliances they were in, join I&D and in the end of the version backstabe (DIGi Destiantion-Indelicato-Guardians-Ilimitada ) cos they didnt want to Shoot Riot ( aka conflict ) and ofc came clear at least to my mind and moonwalker mind the begin of bloodship between Vincitori/gravano and conflict, and ofc for us was pretty strange to see the most haters of Cobras and Elegante protect them and even shoot back on Indelicato ( fam of a former TOP of Escalada and ofc hater of ccce )

-b4 ppl say anything - ppl should have in Mind that the starts of fam picture of Vincitori at least the 2.3/2.4 and 3.0 stars, was only possible cos Moonwalker suport 100% Vincitori until Vincitori blood Conflict.

Not true at all DIGi was shooted a day before the reset was anounced, the 1º shoot was made already whem the reset was anounced, ofc the tension was so high between Indelicato and Vincitori cos of some faction of "affinitas + Riot and talamasca" wanna shoot Guardians, at the same time DIGi wanna shoot Riot , that if admins realize that, would let the game go on the end of 3.0 would be great.

09-04 Confessions!
23:31:26 - 09-04
Giddiness at 22:23:24 on 09/04:
(00:52:27) <%Spriet> the're is no specific online time
(00:52:30) <%Spriet> we look at reasonablity
(00:52:43) <%Spriet> and activaty of the acc
(00:52:53) <+Giddiness> Online in last 48Hrs 23.9 HRS (12 H 08 M 19 S )
(00:52:58) <+Giddiness> wtf is this then?
(00:53:32) <+Giddiness> i am sure there was some game msg last vers about this
(00:53:33) <%Spriet> it's for your villa
(00:53:39) <+Giddiness> villa?
(00:53:40) <+Giddiness>
(00:53:43) <%Spriet> how many hours it will project you
(00:53:47) <%Spriet> when you're offline
(00:53:47) <+Giddiness> o.0
(00:53:53) <+Giddiness> wait wut!?
(00:54:04) <%Spriet> that's a adventage of a villa
(00:54:17) <%Spriet> more defence
(00:54:40) <+Giddiness> erm
(00:54:46) <+Giddiness> are you joking with me?
From: System
Type: Admin
Sent: 30-Mar @ 09:40:04
According to our records you have spent 38.7 of the Last 48 hours online

We do not feel that this is possible without some form of external assistance. For this reason we are automatically removing 2834 Rankpoints from your account.

The Omerta Crew

that was cos something was prevent my lackey account to log off and i got punish, anyway i think nowdays its no problem to be to be online 90hours from 100 hours possible, we all know thats normal pfffff

Loll Btw, after i remove beyond my account log off like allways do, i guess it was some bug
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:02:58 - 30-03
the main point is that i didnt even was online in last 48 hours more that the time necessary to do 2 or 3 heist´s and re hired lackeys ( not even waste time for MOC´s or Oc´s ), something prevent the normal way of login off whem we just let the page of barafranca open, normal takes 20 minutes to log out.

Anyway i realy dont care about the rp Lose, i just would like to know what happen, for now on i ill just close the window with Barafranca.com, maybe it ill just make me more fair away from the game that iam ... or maybe admins find a funny way to get some credits lose from the ppl and finding a way to sell more Dc´s, :D
General Comments & Major Rumors
17:17:01 - 30-03
[18:10:33] <07+inyourasses> anyway i think its realy unfair, and i think u guys should check
[18:10:38] <07+inyourasses> to see why that happend
[18:10:49] <07+inyourasses> cos like i said from the begin i didnt do anything
[18:10:54] <07+inyourasses> to a thing like that happend
[18:11:05] <04@Badeendje> you use beyond
[18:11:08] <04@Badeendje> end of story
[18:11:13] <07+inyourasses> soo

well not that i care that much to lose 40rp, but something went wrong, the only tool i got its beyond, and i guess its the only thing that prevent my account to be offline after 20 min. and since i dont care to much about omerta atm i didnt even realize what was going on at my barafranca.com TAB in mozilla.

If any1 got the same problem let me know please!
General Comments & Major Rumors
15:01:00 - 30-03
From: System
Type: Admin
Sent: 30-Mar @ 09:40:04
According to our records you have spent 38.7 of the Last 48 hours online

We do not feel that this is possible without some form of external assistance. For this reason we are automatically removing 2834 Rankpoints from your account.

The Omerta Crew

LOll just come to my house and went to my computer, like allways i let the computer on 24/7, with mozzila open many times pages open for days and days.
but today i got this message, and i was like "what a fuck", since my account its only based on lackeys, i just come online once in a while to heist and hire lackeys.
Well i went to admins to find out more and i guess year after year Omerta admins are getting more and more professional :') after explaining to the admin, and in fact i leave the computer many times with mozzila open with several pages open

[15:40:22] <04%Cayyolu> you said omerta page was open
[15:41:30] <04%Cayyolu> you should close the page when you were not ranking
[15:44:04] <04%Cayyolu> !done inyourasses obey the rules

in pm
[15:47:38] <14Cayyolu> you must obey the rules !
[15:47:46] <07inyourasses> Cayyolu i didnt do anything
[15:47:58] <07inyourasses> like allways i let mozzila open
[15:48:15] <07inyourasses> with omerta, omertanews, facebook, etc
[15:48:23] <14Cayyolu> [17:41:30] <%Cayyolu> you should close the page when you were not ranking
[15:48:25] <14Cayyolu> i was helping you
[15:48:31] <07inyourasses> i should?
[15:48:38] <07inyourasses> what a fuck, since whem

lolll, i guess its a new thing from admins to sell more dc´s whem omerta is dead :)
27-02 War vs 'The Pact'
23:36:41 - 29-02
LOLLL fuck off ppl and go cry a river somewhere else.

Lock down is already made and ppl even complain to lose some Gf accounts, the only war missing atm its Purga/vertigo/infragils get some guts and shoot down the remaining accounts of Conflict and Marangello, cos for me would be funny to see the true bloods that Quirites would be, about liberta i dont even have any doubt about what they would do.

Else they just need to wait a couple of weeks to be dead and the version locked
27-02 War vs 'The Pact'
23:18:17 - 27-02
Nice the best Part ill be WC Profile saying 20+ fams killed :')
27-02 War vs 'The Pact'
22:48:45 - 27-02
Kurosawa & Purgatory shame on those fams for shooting for the PACt against Latobuio/Notte/Levis

Now suicide on the fams thayt u guys help _o_

Nice strategy Braws
26-02 London Bridge is falling down
01:04:32 - 27-02
this version got potential to be the faster version of all the times :)

Anyway gratzzzz Conflict, Conflictz, Equites, Escalada, Gravano, Guantanamo, Liberta, Marangella, Marangello, Quirites, Righelli, Senatores, Tremps, Vincitori, Moretti nice Reset PACT :')
26-02 London Bridge is falling down
00:19:09 - 27-02
Reset madness already????
22-02 Yigidossed!
16:47:28 - 23-02
Barayev at 04:20:50 on 23/02:
inyourasses at 04:09:19 on 23/02:
same kind of wars , but diferent outcomes.....

I only have to ask you this then...

You realy think "big balls" is the expression that define Maraz&Co action today?
i think they made a nice move, if they realy wanna kill Aztec.
In fact i guess the only open window they could ever had was last night, if they setence there own dead, we will see in the coming days, but i dont think the "pact" got the guts to do it, cos killing Marazzino means killing Krays/brunissima and proly Kuro, with the ratios we saw the attackers allways shooting this version, i guess they would have to turn Laboratory and Correptio against Marazzino/kuro, so in fact you need to have some balls of steel to do a move like Marazzino did last night

Anyway Barayev only whats going to happen in the next weeks, will prove if was a good move or not
22-02 Yigidossed!
04:09:19 - 23-02
Anonymous at 03:01:25 on 23/02:
Barayev at 02:40:54 on 23/02:
inyourasses at 23:21:18 on 22/02:
yeah sure Barayev
they saw a chance to kill memento and they are trying at least, and i guess they dont think only with a ratio 10:1 its possible :') if they are sign there RIP with this action its another history, but at least they are trying to prove its possible to shoot with lower ratios ^^

Hey m8 about DIG, i was only part of the I and that I wasnt a new fam with newbies, and even what ppl says about it, that I was up 13 months in 3.0 and had alot of nice wars :') about last version i wasnt even active to have anything to say about what they did.

Well, you don't need 10:1 ratio when you're shooting against some1 who is still recovering from their shots, or in this case even in the middle of their war, a war they were also part of... Big balls indeed...

But then again.. You surely are from DIG... And I guess for you shooting some1 only when they are in a fragile spot means you have balls... Breaking news pal, it isn't! Smart? Obviously.. But not having balls...

http://news.omertabeyond.com/31 <- I guess you think DIG and Maraz had some BIG BALLS back then aswell x'D

As far as I know Inyourasses is Indelicato. I don't see that fam in the link u post... And I know for sure that top think differently between the DIG fams... So actually it comes down to one thing... You think YOU have balls? And if so... Please show us that war... :)
In fact atm im Conflict :D

But @Barayev the war u showing, was a after major war Conflict had with Violenza, so as i heard, was a chance familys took and shoot together but not as a Version Pact, and took conflict out, anyway i can show u some wars with Similiar conflict odds but with diferent outcomes that i participate and ofc iam proud of it.
08-01 Gravano / IDT ++ <-> ANPT
09-01 ID&T under attack ------ After a day of fighting against ANPT, its not over yet for ID&T. The Violenza Alliance: Violenza, Violence, Lacossa + Pulp Fiction Alliance: Portucalia, Pulp Fiction, Infragilis + Coccada + Memento + Conquista opened fire on ID&T: Indelicato, Destination Talamasca.

or with another diferent KA in 2.9

17-05 Profaci war
17-05 Resistance and Selvatica war <----Some suiciders from Resistance shot Vitale highrankers and they didn't like that attitude, so they shot them back and the family went with the fishes!
18-05 Corona war <---In the middle of the night, Corona and their closest bloods are shooting Vitale and a few more stronger families! The reason for why is Corona+ shooting is they are revenging their bloods Profaci who got shot down yesterday by the opposite side.
CoronaRIP + JusticiaRIP + PurgaRIP + RequenaRIP + KnellRIP <-> Vitale

same kind of wars , but diferent outcomes.....