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» Comments of Sollid
16-04 Number of families (Updated)
13:41:41 - 17-04
inyourasses at 13:09:41 on 17/04:
its just me or this version Admins are failing like we never saw?? fail reset time, fail objects time, fail fams limits..... roflmao if i was Righeli Top i would demand a revive from that LC account killed yesterday, i guess if the ppl knew the fam limit would rise today wouldnt risk there best accounts going up with 1 lc, Anyway i guess its just me, i dont see no1 complain about it

Quite probable that Righelli lost a LC for nothing indeed, smaller chance of suicide when they'd have had the time to wait for another LC. It'd have been really worth it when they kept the 22 family idea, but now it's just a waste in my opinion.

But asking the admins about a revive probably won't help you.. it's the admins, they don't help you :P If they're already incapable enough to see that 22 is weird regarding their own votd, then how would they manage to understand the most likely reason why that LC got shot..
General Comments & Major Rumors
13:34:49 - 12-04
Smurfje at 13:13:05 on 12/04:

LOL @ conflict
Taking credits for version 2.7b

I totally admit you've pwnd some versions, but 2.7b isnt one of em =|
Correct me if im wrong btw?

They kinda did "pwn" that version too. Just check all the big red wars they've been in for example and how they were up at the end too. Sure it wasn't pwnded by them only. But that's not what that image of them is showing I guess.

Also if you see how often they got shot at, died and got back it says quite something in my opinion.
General Comments & Major Rumors
16:18:00 - 30-03
zenga at 15:55:07 on 30/03:
Redspeert at 15:05:50 on 30/03:
Well, when there are no requirements whatsoever to join the crew

yes there is a requirement: you have to be a complete retarded useless moron

Cool, I fit in the description :D
06-03 As the version is (nearly) closed, how do you rate this version?
12:38:32 - 07-03
Here's my view on the last versions. Mainly my 3.x view.

.1 KA sucks.

Which means, it's not very profitable to shoot someone. It costs you bullets/bg's/maybe your account. Now family wise it means it costs you bullets/money/highranks. You gain the loss of a threat and perhaps an object or two. Game wise it means the one initiating the war gets weakend and other families get stronger (relatively speaking).

So in order to be able to survive even though you got weakend you need to have bloods who're able to back you up well enough. Other families will have to get more families then to be able to shoot their threat(s). Hello to the formation of pacts!

Schematic: KA sucks -> Shooting weakens you -> You need to overpower your opponent to be able to win ánd survive in a decent way -> Pactformation.

.2 The way this version went.

Before looking at this version you need to know the past. It's nearly always the same families fighting the first big war. Now since 3.x shooting weakens you a lot. So if you shoot in the big war you get weakend pretty much. Then a 3rd party who did nothing jumps in to kill the leftovers.

Ok back to the start of this version. "The Pact" often died last versions after fighting big wars and then get killed by families who just waited. This version they got sick of that and made themselves a bit stronger, so after the 1st big war they'd be able to last another big war. That's mainly why after the box of pandora got opened there wasn't a clusterwareffect (1 big war gets followed quickly by more big wars) as usually happend on 3.x versions (also happend after Yigidossed war).

Now they seem to have succeeded in that, even after the latest clusterwar they were involved. This version now isn't open anymore, nor is it closed. To explain that: it's closed to quite some families who already died. But it's still open for the families who're around, the families standing now won't all make it to the end. So in that way it's open. It's closed in the way who will win it. The winner will most likely be some "pact" families. But the question is who, there's still wars to come I think.

.3 Bla

I do like it very much to finally see an aggressive group of families being on top in the end and not families who've been waiting for month's to finally do something in this game. Sure it sucks for the ones who died, but! But there's a big difference this version. It's much faster than previous one, where even in the end there were like 50 families or so? With tons of sisfams. This version sister fams have actual use in a way to help the game to move on. If big fams expand now they close the game bit by bit, so for the families who died rather early and couldn't come back they don't have to wait a year for another oppertunity, but just a few months. Last version it was just for another GF, now it's for territory. Sounds more mob-like.

.4 End

If this was too long? Why did you start to read it?
If you want to reply, try to use arguements, it's fun! :)

27-02 War vs 'The Pact'
23:14:13 - 02-03
rIdDLe at 22:58:11 on 02/03:
Oke, u dunt just talk shit oke?! Al families no shoot on pact is dogs but biggest pig is bruinsma. if bruinsma no shoot conflict righelli dead.ok.

Thank you for outlining in a great way how Bruinsma did a very valuable action to help two of their bloods _o_
27-02 War vs 'The Pact'
17:32:26 - 28-02
PeterPanAirLines at 17:13:40 on 28/02:
Also i can see the stupidity of some fams like Purgatory, Laboratory, Syndrum, Correptio thats always shoot for Conflict and not looking they were only used by them , cuz real fams in the pacts are only Marangello/Marangella, Vincitori/Escalada, Conflict/Conflictz, Equites/Quirites/Senatores, Righelli/Moretti. Gravano ( maybe )

Same story goes for Liberta/Guntanamo/Tremps, Bruinsma , they will get pwned by the pact :D

I think you're looking at this too much from your own perspective and with the hindsight bias (after something happend you think you already knew it before while you didn't). Because what if the fams you call stupid would have fought with others against "the pact"? Perhaps the others would have formed a pact, killed the families you called stupid and will be called stupid again, but then by other people. Another option would have been them staying out of every war, so not shooting with nor against "the pact". What could happen then is that they could die without even shooting 1 bullet. Several options with the same or a worse outcome.

And you're saying "used" by the pact. For shooting fun? Perhaps without the pact they wouldn't have had so much shooting fun or would be "used" by others.. same goes for people who name Bruinsma slaves of Conflict. If Bruinsma wouldn't shoot they'd be pussies, if they would shoot for the other group they'd have been slaves of them and now they're slaves of Conflict.. perhaps this was totally their own choice?

22-02 Yigidossed!
21:59:11 - 23-02
Vic at 21:53:46 on 23/02:
Anonymous at 21:45:18 on 23/02:
Anonymous at 20:51:52 on 23/02:
how did krays manage to lose so many brugs? their such a pussys

Because they went toe to toe with Aztec. 2 online families at war. Not many others were involved.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!! They just the pussy shooters. Dont shoot if you dont know how... stupid move, and they get what they wanted :)

If you shouldn't shoot when you don't know how to shoot... how do you ever learn how to shoot?

I say: shoot if you don't know how to, you'll only learn by trying. And if you know how to shoot, shoot because you're good at it. Ultimately, kill the KA and make it more attacker friendly :)
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:07:41 - 16-02
Anonymous at 20:28:11 on 16/02:
Anonyman at 20:08:45 on 16/02:
Antonio Cordoprati at 19:58:38 on 16/02:
Anonyman at 19:50:36 on 16/02:
War 2night! dont forget p0pc0rnz
Anonyman at 19:50:36 on 16/02:
War 2night! dont forget p0pc0rnz
Don't tell me Righelli will be gangbanged?XD

I dont think Righelli is the the lucky one this time.. But there will happend something :D

You are wrong, Righelli pussies will die like little bitches soon.
They deserve it for being one of the pussiest fams of all omerta history.

Well Righelli does have a kitten in top for a while.. kinda pussy indeed. Word bro, you da man.
08-02 War of the flowers
23:15:08 - 08-02
Bad discussion with bad arguements below my post.. If families had balls in this game they would die quickly, since having balls means you fight a risky war. With this KA a risky war would mean you lose a lot of people, result will be other families killing you the day after. So far the balls.

Conflict has like 3 good reasons to shoot with/for Vincitori:
1. Shooting is fun.
2. Shooting for bloods is cool.
3. Getting shooting fun without too much risk of lackeying back to bruglione again is fun. Now that's the case here since when a family suicided bloods usually don't support that and therefor it's a nice oppertunity to have some fun.

Oh and a sidenote to the tons of people whining about "the pact" (if it exists) shooting overpowered are missing one big thing which I will try to explain. Like I said above risky wars weaken a family. That's because the KA isn't so much in favor of the attackers that you gain more from shooting than you lose. Since you lose more from shooting you need to be careful. If you fight a big war and you lose quite some people, other families "take their chance" and overpower you. That's their right ofcourse. It happend to Conflict quite often, fighting a big first war and then getting shot at the next day by tons of families who did nothing. Just waiting to shoot a weakend fam. That's good tactics, but I guess Conflict and some other families got tired of this and tried a new tactic aswell. So far it's working.

Conclusion, KA should be more in the attackers favor.
General Comments & Major Rumors
15:18:20 - 21-01
Very true Johnson, some will surely view them as the same. In most ways they probably are the same :) That's the fun stuff about families sometimes though, if there's a history there are different kinds of views on them. The comparison with Bruinsma and Krays is incorrect indeed. Doesn't come close even :P
General Comments & Major Rumors
14:25:03 - 21-01
boesmans at 11:58:37 on 21/01:
and saying : i dont see vaffan show me, is just childish bs.

and i cant see what bru and krays got to do with this, no krays tops in bruinsma or bru tops in krays.

aeble is homo

This is actually an interesting thing you say! (not that aeble is homo..)

Vaffanculo is Marangello
Marangello is Vaffanculo
Vaffanculo isn't Marangello
Marangello isn't Vaffanculo

For me there's a huge difference between Marangello and Vaffanculo. The players might be exactly the same now, the mentality in the game might be exactly the same now and the connections they have might be exactly the same now. This pretty much makes them the same huh. Yet for me there's one big difference, the name!

When I think of Marangello I think of when I entered this game, they were #1 and there were talks on the chat of what "they" did and how much kills their Don had. I instantly looked up to them and they got my respect. That's my main view on Marangello. My view on Vaffanculo is totally different, it makes me think of Fatoslocos who might have been the family which got a-killed by the admins the most of all families in omerta history. After that Fatoslocos period Vaffanculo got back again and that reminded me of some vague family in the past that wasn't very big back then, so no real associations yet. Therefore I kinda continued my "Fatos" view on them.

All in all, associations you have with a certain name can create quite a different view, even though it might not be a realistic view. So a first view on something can be rather important. It's why I think Vincitori is so often associated with Affinitas, most people simply think of Affinitas whenever Vincitori gets in their mind!

If this was a too long read? Next time look at the whole text before you start reading perhaps?
18-12 Object distribution
20:46:19 - 20-12
Octavello at 18:57:29 on 20/12:
yes, both sides need to just shut the hell up. This Euro vs Turk deal is getting far too old. Turks are 95% dirty filthy cheaters? Come on man. Euro's are crusaders? Both of u guys need to have a beer or smth and relax. Btw, this topic is supposed to be about OBJECT DISTRIBUTION....

*Hands Octavello a nice cold beer :D
09-12 Reset!
15:31:01 - 10-12

After this destructive version (activity wise, not because there was so much rampage) they're going to reset. I wonder how fast the activity will decline this time, I expect it'll be earlier in the game than during this last version.

Last version was the worst version I played actively in, at least partially active. There were some previous versions which were labelled as very bad, but in most of those I didn't actively participate. But this version! Oh man! Never saw such an empty irc during the game, never saw so much lack in interest in people's accounts. Organising wars got more difficult, thanks to the lackeys who make people inactive. Even for wars people often didn't bother to get online. For me that killed it. Ofcourse lackeys got introduced afted the massive scripting, so scripters were the disease of the game and lackeys the medicine that cured the largest part of the disease, while in the meantime it killed the body (Omerta). RIP

So now they're going to reset! (How much families were up when the reset was announced? That often indicates "something") To everyone who's going to play again, good luck and enjoy! Because I'm so pessimistic about the future of this game I won't play, it'll probably make me feel like time wasted. That used to be different :) Hopefully it'll be fun though! This is still the nice game that got me hooked for years :P

02-11 Gambino under attack
22:40:45 - 03-11
Lovendetta at 22:14:43 on 03/11:
johnny is wrong imo

Who's johnny?

btw, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA9WhYnsD_4 great music video. Hot girls in it too.
General Comments & Major Rumors
10:34:11 - 24-09
shell at 09:56:46 on 24/09:
Conclusion, Obama is on the bottom of his heart, a true republican.

Is he? :o
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:19:44 - 20-08
Anonymous at 18:03:08 on 20/08:
remaining top 10 families sucks big time

All the other top 10 families really made the difference indeed.
15-08 History + BIG site update!
10:55:14 - 16-08
That's nice stuff, thanks :)
07-08 Shadows ↔ Carneglia
20:08:14 - 07-08
Dunno why you guys expect so much from a family with around 12 brugs versus a family with 50 brugs and 10+ (!) bloods...
General Comments & Major Rumors
09:47:21 - 05-08
PannaJunk at 09:37:10 on 05/08:
Sollid at 09:12:02 on 05/08:
Yeah, Beowulf was the first GF of 2.1, though I remember some japanese girl who might've been first FL. And he was don of Marangello and shot quite a bunch of folks.
Then Cokemon was either don of Lucchese or Squad and had quite a bunch of kills too :)
Smartio was don of Cuppola and at the end of 2.1 his fam had like 1000 members, because of the change of the spot system. :P

Who was Noach again? From Medicci?

haha yeah you are all true on every part you said :p noach was medicci indeed :) then we also had guys like porello garra and indeed the FL of chikara her name was Liga she was the first FL in the game.
other big players were fingerbob donalesi ( I maybe misspelled some names) and ofc in Nuevitas mokoad brandon :) + forzagiant who also play this vers with casappa also pwnd in 2.1 as being GF.

Good old times :)

Fingerbob scared me. And there was Spero from SCU who had 3 GF kills in 1 war or so. And Loosecanon (with the highest rp)
General Comments & Major Rumors
09:12:02 - 05-08
Yeah, Beowulf was the first GF of 2.1, though I remember some japanese girl who might've been first FL. And he was don of Marangello and shot quite a bunch of folks.
Then Cokemon was either don of Lucchese or Squad and had quite a bunch of kills too :)
Smartio was don of Cuppola and at the end of 2.1 his fam had like 1000 members, because of the change of the spot system. :P

Who was Noach again? From Medicci?