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» Comments of Lovendetta
12-07 First blood
08:27:32 - 13-07
i cant follow this version properly but tbh i dont see a pact in either side, maybe some strong bloodships with 3-4 fams at most and i suggest not to ruin this version with pact arguments which has potential to be a good one although has less players.
Of course 3-5 fams will group up to shoot.Or when you attack 3 fams, their different bloods will jump to defend.
07-06 Samagono ↔ Bruinsma+Lucchese
22:23:01 - 07-06
shooting first with this ka when your targets are sleeping and there isnt rbaiao for ddos it cant be called as a duel.
05-06 Righelli → Messina
23:21:04 - 05-06
Mikee at 23:17:44 on 05/06:
Anonymous at 23:13:49 on 05/06:
Mikee at 23:10:44 on 05/06:
as expected..

well nice shooting so far

i'll be back next version! x

If you had expected it why not immediatly go down the road yesterday ;)

It's not like you to make such a mistake
juh we should have shot yesterday indeed, hired and found all, but sis died to soon so we decided to take out venutti first and wait another oppurtunity
well np, we had it coming!
you even kick vinci member and let righelli kill him
04-06 Messina → Venutti
23:06:42 - 05-06
manhell at 22:24:40 on 05/06:
Vincej at 11:57:35 on 05/06:
Nah, Messina and Firenze had a whole different set of tops. Vaffanculo and Marangello had the most in common with eachother.
Vincej fag (K)
Rip venutti and the rest
Manhell i need taxi
04-06 Sis ↔ Righelli
03:31:10 - 05-06
Anonymous at 03:03:03 on 05/06:
Lovendetta at 23:18:56 on 04/06:
Anonymous at 21:59:20 on 04/06:
Lady's statement <- it made me roll on floor laughing my ass OFF! :DDDD

Its a mistake done by Righelli that they let u come this far, thats why u think powerhouses are afraid of u!

if you think that way then at first it was liberta's mistake to let righelli come this far.

I was talking about these shitty small ones (Sis) seeing theirselfs so damn strong :D !!!

PS. Since I know righelli, you can never stop them except admins (until reset is announced) :D !!!
PPS. The ones who can stop them, is reds, theirself! (And Im not talking just about pwning at wars, I mean u cant just put them down FOREVER in a vers :D)
this post is kinda ironic
04-06 Sis ↔ Righelli
23:18:56 - 04-06
Anonymous at 21:59:20 on 04/06:
Lady's statement <- it made me roll on floor laughing my ass OFF! :DDDD

Its a mistake done by Righelli that they let u come this far, thats why u think powerhouses are afraid of u!

if you think that way then at first it was liberta's mistake to let righelli come this far.
29-05 Cocktails time! *burp*
23:52:08 - 29-05
Redspeert at 23:34:07 on 29/05:
Tobi at 21:28:38 on 29/05:
Hurdalik 29-05-2012 21:09:25 Chief Cocktails
Caxo 29-05-2012 21:03:40 Mobster
Palmiye 29-05-2012 20:59:45 Assassin Cocktails
Breaking 29-05-2012 20:53:33 Soldier
Faustt 29-05-2012 20:43:28 Bruglione Cocktails
Kasirga 29-05-2012 20:43:03 Soldier Cocktails
Justwatch 29-05-2012 20:34:44 Bruglione Cocktails
Toros 29-05-2012 20:34:38 Chief Cocktails
Byx 29-05-2012 20:34:37 Chief Cocktails
Saints 29-05-2012 20:33:35 Assassin Cocktails
Forkill 29-05-2012 20:33:31 Local Chief Cocktails

do you see any other than coocktails dead? no ... i didnt think so

And what a wave, 2brugs, 2 chiefs and 2 assassins in only 40min.
28-05 Memento Mori
23:57:28 - 28-05
FlowzZ at 23:53:41 on 28/05:
lavish at 23:49:43 on 28/05:
lavish at 23:48:48 on 28/05:
FlowzZ at 23:41:18 on 28/05:
lavish at 23:38:45 on 28/05:
this is what loriga think of there bloods
00:33:44] <lavish> and you do nothing
[00:33:51] <lavish> so stfu and keep hugging
[00:33:56] <Alessandro> what do you think about
[00:33:58] <Alessandro> conflict´
[00:34:02] <Alessandro> righelli
[00:34:05] <Alessandro> trafficante
[00:34:08] <Alessandro> samagono
[00:34:11] <Alessandro> vincitori
[00:34:14] <Alessandro> hey?
[00:34:16] <Alessandro> xDDDD
[00:34:20] <lavish> what about them
[00:34:23] <lavish> lmao
[00:34:29] <Alessandro> R.I.P rochester and nothing else matters mate ;D
[00:34:36] <lavish> hahahaha
[00:34:55] <lavish> you are not cinflict righelli
[00:35:07] <lavish> they are the only ones that will be remberd as winners not you
[00:35:45] <lavish> you shot your friends rocheter you now watchin your blood mangno die
[00:35:48] <lavish> lmao
[00:35:59] <lavish> you are a hider a pussy a hugger
[00:36:02] <Alessandro> is only one
[00:36:03] <Alessandro> ;D
[00:36:09] <lavish> there we go
[00:36:11] <lavish> is only one
[00:36:12] <lavish> pfff
[00:36:14] <Alessandro> mangano are almost dead
[00:36:14] <Alessandro> xD

posting top convos , lamest thing a person can do , where is this game going to ...
dont like the truth and that isent a tops convo lmao people say top convos shouldent be posted y not? not like hes acting like a proper top anyway why have bloods if you not gonna help them lol
hes sayin who cares we have planty more pffff

its top convos , period . i dont know who loriga is or anything happening in there just telling you how things go , idk if ur top of any fam either but if you are then you are definitively doing it wrong , its how things go btw tops and how they always been.
Ps. excuse my nerves but i get frustrated when i see these kind of stuff , a top represents his fam thats all.
thats what noob manhell would say
25-05 Venutti under fire!
22:05:03 - 25-05
ishma at 20:39:03 on 25/05:
Lovendetta at 20:29:23 on 25/05:
ishma at 20:24:12 on 25/05:
Lovendetta at 20:17:56 on 25/05:
dunno if righelli can save venutti even they jump in i think that will only make them dead sooner or later.
Venutti or righelli? :)

Righelli do what they must do, defend their bloods from an attack made by a non blodded fam.
Isn't that what is the game about?
Or it is to mass pact and making a war were each fam shoot 1 brug?
i think you call stuff as pact when they are on a side that you dont like but ignore all others
I made a question. And until this war all that blood-web shot together (that is why named pact "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pact").
And you didn't answer my question, only argument about me disliking a side.
And to make clear, to me any side, fam, pact whatever can win since I don't have self interest in the game as before.
As a spectator I have my own opinion about how game would be more enjoyable, I am sorry if I hurt your feeling and beliefs by making such simple questions.
lol why should it hurt my feelings, in your opinion righelli was also a part of pact also.You might be spectator or play i dont really care since they both same for you.

And dunno what you got from my first sentence and defended righelli i didnt blame or offend them.
25-05 Venutti under fire!
20:29:23 - 25-05
ishma at 20:24:12 on 25/05:
Lovendetta at 20:17:56 on 25/05:
dunno if righelli can save venutti even they jump in i think that will only make them dead sooner or later.
Venutti or righelli? :)

Righelli do what they must do, defend their bloods from an attack made by a non blodded fam.
Isn't that what is the game about?
Or it is to mass pact and making a war were each fam shoot 1 brug?
i think you call stuff as pact when they are on a side that you dont like but ignore all others
25-05 Venutti under fire!
20:17:56 - 25-05
dunno if righelli can save venutti even they jump in i think that will only make them dead sooner or later.
20-05 Mayday?
02:59:19 - 22-05
Deston at 02:27:18 on 22/05:
Lovendetta at 02:23:33 on 22/05:
rip everyone and thanks rbaiao for changing ka
I heard rbaiao wrote Omerta-owned Tycoon Online for Brando and then ddosed it so he would be the only on able to get that free Ipad. So unfair! :(
rbaiao ddosing server while pact getting shot down. That's roleplaying.
20-05 Mayday?
02:23:33 - 22-05
rip everyone and thanks rbaiao for changing ka
20-05 Mayday?
22:57:56 - 20-05
wtf is going on
General Comments & Major Rumors
20:39:11 - 20-05
i dont get why you become as 1 and shoot eachother it is so lame
04-05 Falling Stars?
19:10:21 - 05-05
it would be cool if they did rollback
04-05 Falling Stars?
19:03:07 - 05-05
Brusakin at 19:00:17 on 05/05:
If there's any mature defending tops attending to this site, they could apologize openly for the inconvenience and say that this war didn't happen fairly. This way they could shut up their stupid members who keep talking about the fact attackers failed. Simply looking at the damage done I don't think the attackers failed, and if that ddos attack didn't happen, they might have even won.
that ddos attack was also a part of defence organization

thanks again rbaiao
04-05 Falling Stars?
02:00:23 - 05-05
nice war, rip all

and thanks rbaiao for shutting down servers !
General Comments & Major Rumors
13:28:31 - 04-05
so how is new ka?
General Comments & Major Rumors
16:09:12 - 13-04
imo conf can have stars in their pic for all versions we didnt finish before 3.0