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» Comments of Impact
09-10 Tempestuoso ↔ Fabrizio
20:45:21 - 14-10
Anonymous at 01:51:36 on 14/10:
Good job Temp...next time maybe ask help from bloods? We would have been happy to help :)
Indeed KA sux on .com..... I can't see a logical reason why offline should have an advantage....it needs to be fixed,as half of omerta's "old school" players are either retired,semi retired or just lackey whores
"A user who feels used"
Good job Temp...next time maybe ask help from bloods? We would have been happy to help :)
Indeed KA sux on .com..... I can't see a logical reason why offline should have an advantage....it needs to be fixed,as half of omerta's "old school" players are either retired,semi retired or just lackey whores
"A user who feels used"
No need for much help on a 2 brug fam :P
09-10 Tempestuoso ↔ Fabrizio
19:37:19 - 10-10
Anonymous at 18:22:51 on 10/10:
Offline brugs shootin isnt that difficult when you start the attack and the other side isnt expecting anything
Offline brugs shootin isnt that difficult when you start the attack and the other side isnt expecting anything
It is when 10k is a miss and 12.5k is a bf kill, so if you expect to kill them offline you have to sacrifice with a few 60k shots
09-10 Tempestuoso ↔ Fabrizio
01:35:30 - 10-10
What at 00:50:20 on 10/10:
Wahahaaha.. Who the f are you to tell me waht to do? i ll coment on what ever i want when ever i want..
What do you think you are superior just cause your a shitty mod?
Go ahead remove the post if i hurt your sissy feelings..
The love you make is the love you get :)
Wahahaaha.. Who the f are you to tell me waht to do? i ll coment on what ever i want when ever i want..
What do you think you are superior just cause your a shitty mod?
Go ahead remove the post if i hurt your sissy feelings..
The love you make is the love you get :)
I mean i could remove it if i wanted to, although it's not against the rules to just be generally annoying.
09-10 Tempestuoso ↔ Fabrizio
00:33:03 - 10-10
What at 00:17:14 on 10/10:
Nice edit :o
Impact at 23:53:45 on 09/10:
RIP to all who died o/
RIP to all who died o/
Nice edit :o
I edited my post because Rix fixed what i asked him to. Also why don't you find something else to do besides reply on every post on this site....
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:24:07 - 02-10
Soooo is there gonna be any more reporting happening on this site?
22-09 Nazdrovia ↔ DIG
19:57:06 - 27-09
Akri- at 19:21:17 on 27/09:
the shame the shame.
We have one donna in DIG asking to be safelisted, promising to log off and go to sleep.
Then we have a don on other side, leaving his family, going to "vacation" in close bloods of DIG.
I seriously question peoples gaming.
Dont accept a top 3 position, ESPECIALLY not don/donna, if you're gonna run like a bitch when bullets fly.
So sad, especially for the members that actually wants to shoot for their fam.
the shame the shame.
We have one donna in DIG asking to be safelisted, promising to log off and go to sleep.
Then we have a don on other side, leaving his family, going to "vacation" in close bloods of DIG.
I seriously question peoples gaming.
Dont accept a top 3 position, ESPECIALLY not don/donna, if you're gonna run like a bitch when bullets fly.
So sad, especially for the members that actually wants to shoot for their fam.
If you planned a vacation and war hit you would cancel your vacation? How would your family feel if u told them sorry kids, no beach this year, Daddy's got a war to fight?
General Comments & Major Rumors
16:49:39 - 22-09
Arcanine at 16:45:51 on 22/09:
Unfortunately they raped Vaffan so hard my partners in crime died:(
Latest update is that I got 2 brugs ready..2 are LC now and 2 are still considering. I need 4-5 brugs for a 100% kill.
No worry, she will die before the next war:)
Anonymous at 09:51:03 on 22/09:
whats up bro?
Arcanine at 21:11:35 on 17/09:
*Desteny* will die in 48 to 72 hours for the pussy style she keeps using version after version.
I keep promises...
RIP Vaffan!
*Desteny* will die in 48 to 72 hours for the pussy style she keeps using version after version.
I keep promises...
RIP Vaffan!
Unfortunately they raped Vaffan so hard my partners in crime died:(
Latest update is that I got 2 brugs ready..2 are LC now and 2 are still considering. I need 4-5 brugs for a 100% kill.
No worry, she will die before the next war:)
Should only take 3 if you do it right :P
14-09 Retaking Tempestuoso
16:21:43 - 16-09
Mickay at 15:40:38 on 16/09:
you and sabra finally moving in together eh? lol
gilly at 10:58:09 on 16/09:
i moved to toronto xD
counselor at 02:28:45 on 16/09:
hey Gilly
I'm driving up to PTBO soon.
Might see you on the drive up there
hey Gilly
I'm driving up to PTBO soon.
Might see you on the drive up there
i moved to toronto xD
you and sabra finally moving in together eh? lol
Yea, Ranking buddies xD
31-08 Tempestuoso hijacked
04:54:42 - 01-09
Deston at 02:56:29 on 01/09:
I know, Corniole was already killed last weekend. It's easy for him to say 'kill us all' because he is already dead, but he certainly wasn't looking out for the best interest of his members when he asked us to finish them. A don has to worry about his members first, and Corniole backstabbed his own members.
I know, Corniole was already killed last weekend. It's easy for him to say 'kill us all' because he is already dead, but he certainly wasn't looking out for the best interest of his members when he asked us to finish them. A don has to worry about his members first, and Corniole backstabbed his own members.
I think the majority of Temp members would agree we would rather die then be extorted. RIP Temps we had an awesome run, and many more to come!
25-08 Carneglia under heavy attack
22:58:55 - 27-08
corniole at 22:14:49 on 27/08:
I think it was a fair shooting war what presi fam did too us.
it was 1 vs 1 + their sisfam but I count that as 1 fam still.
In a war everything is allowed too win if its on me, also use leakers in warchannels of your target.
offc its dissapointed if 1 of your members leak stuff to your attackers but thats the risk of inviting your highranks into a warchannel so I wont blame presidential fam for that at all, they wanted too win and used what they could to achieve that
I must admitt presi fam did a great shooting at us, too bad they guessed the wrong 2th successor ;)
Now lets rank back to create another good account and die in 1 shot again xD
RIP all on both sides,
its a game, dont take a war too serious if you died
Heavensent at 21:36:45 on 27/08:
a leak to uncover a leak is 100% different than a leak ratting out fellow fam members, i have respect for the one guy who had balls enough to tell us that someone was ratting us out...was he giving us your guys' detectives? fuck no, we have more honor than that...you may have jumped a family 1.5x bigger than you, but not 1v1...authority shot also not to mention you guys had a shit ton more brugs than us and you were higher ranked. Im not saying at all that Presi isnt a strong fam, but i know have no respect for anything they do. And if Temp doesnt feel the same way so be it. I would be perfectly fine saying you guys would have beat us anyway, and its not really even the fact that you attacked us, its the fact that you used leaks to do it. That is just stooping down to a whole new level fella', and as for not being account huggers...HA everytime the leak would tell you guys who we were targeting he was in a SH 30 mins later, even low ranked brugs in SH... just cooincidence? i think not. I was 235% brug and I died attempting to shoot Atlas, because i knew if i went for any other presi they would end up in SH. So go big or go home imo. I would rather die for temp shooting the GF of one of the biggest families and knowing i would die in BF than to sit back and watch them get wiped out... so dont you dare tell me that i give them a bad name.
Mickay at 21:13:44 on 27/08:
It's also worth mentioning that the way you discovered you had a leak was by one of your own leaks... so really your just calling the kettle black. I've said it once, I'll say it again, leaks are part of the game. Very unfortunate, and ill admit unsavory, but you would be a fool not to use em. Furthermore, don't float your account hugger bullshit up in here. We took on a fam 1.5x our size 1 v 1 because we knew they would jump us if we hit anyone else. We ended up getting hit by 3 of you all together. The only attempted gangbang that happened was the counter on us. Don't you dare call us huggers. I think temp are some brave mofo's but people like you, anon, give them a bad name. RIP all who died.
Anonymous at 21:01:33 on 27/08:
fuck yeah its their fault, when you war you get shooters, no way to tell if one of those shooters is loyal or not...and the fact that presi let it happen on a fam that wasnt shooting anyone, was just there for back up is fucking pathetic imho...i never liked Presi, but i respected them...now thats gone, they are a bunch of account hugging pussy no lifes to me now.
Anonymous at 20:49:02 on 27/08:
lol thats their fault? or your own fault for allowing it to actually happen. its your own responsibility to keep that from happening. sounds like you got fucked cuz of it and it makes me laugh :)
Anonymous at 20:37:24 on 27/08:
they did it with 5 uber accounts and a spy that was pasting all the detectives...punk ass bitches would sh every time one of them was found. pretty fucking sad whenever you have to spy just to beat a family not even shooting in the war, assholes.
Anonymous at 18:56:42 on 27/08:
I think they did it single handed with their 4 or 5 uberaccounts in top 20 _o_
Gotta give them some credit for running their fam, i think they do a awesome job ^^
Anonymous at 16:43:46 on 27/08:
So has anyone jumped in to help presidential or did they single handedly take out 25+ brugs an some gf/cd''s? :)
So has anyone jumped in to help presidential or did they single handedly take out 25+ brugs an some gf/cd''s? :)
Gotta give them some credit for running their fam, i think they do a awesome job ^^
they did it with 5 uber accounts and a spy that was pasting all the detectives...punk ass bitches would sh every time one of them was found. pretty fucking sad whenever you have to spy just to beat a family not even shooting in the war, assholes.
It's also worth mentioning that the way you discovered you had a leak was by one of your own leaks... so really your just calling the kettle black. I've said it once, I'll say it again, leaks are part of the game. Very unfortunate, and ill admit unsavory, but you would be a fool not to use em. Furthermore, don't float your account hugger bullshit up in here. We took on a fam 1.5x our size 1 v 1 because we knew they would jump us if we hit anyone else. We ended up getting hit by 3 of you all together. The only attempted gangbang that happened was the counter on us. Don't you dare call us huggers. I think temp are some brave mofo's but people like you, anon, give them a bad name. RIP all who died.
it was 1 vs 1 + their sisfam but I count that as 1 fam still.
In a war everything is allowed too win if its on me, also use leakers in warchannels of your target.
offc its dissapointed if 1 of your members leak stuff to your attackers but thats the risk of inviting your highranks into a warchannel so I wont blame presidential fam for that at all, they wanted too win and used what they could to achieve that
I must admitt presi fam did a great shooting at us, too bad they guessed the wrong 2th successor ;)
Now lets rank back to create another good account and die in 1 shot again xD
RIP all on both sides,
its a game, dont take a war too serious if you died
That's just u noobniole, never surviving wars, next time u should actually buy BGs xD
As for u Mickay, start writing my recommendation hahaha
See you all next version o/