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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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» Comments of Trice
21-03 Mangano getting shot
10:26:02 - 22-03
As with all wars since the dawn of time, this was leaked real early. We knew we were gonna get raped by a billion fams (I miss 2.2, where the biggest 'alliance' was 4 fams, but each one was stacked as fuck and there were at least comparative alliances) and as Anonymous said, the fact we took out 15 with our 19 shows something sorely lacking in modern omerta, willingness for members to die for a fam they are passionate about and trust. So a huge credit to our mangano members.

However, passive thinking isnt what won you the version. Once again, the version will be won by making a big ass alliance and killing fams with a 100:1 brug ratio :P

Oooh look. Free DC to whoever is speedy: df98ui1d
22-10 Complexio/Tempestuoso getting shot
23:12:31 - 22-10
For all the anonymous posters, and trolls who call anda pussies, if we are the pussies, why did no one shoot at me all version? I had double figures of brug kills, from the wars we took part in that you turn a blind eye to, and yet still none of you took a shot at me? Cmon now anonymouses, i shot your consigs, capos, dons and insome cases, your lackeydupes. and still, anda are the pussies who you never shot at?

If andalusia suck, why didnt someone finish us off after Kuro and Carneglia raped us?

Andalusia are one of the few fams to survive from the early days of omerta, we have a top thats played for versions and versions. Anonymous posters can criticise all they want, but we have friends where it matters, and back up our bloods accordingly. You'll never see any proper tops whine about anda.

Theres a reason why anyone we are/were blooded to is a fam with a proper top, comprised of people who are able to understand the game, rather than those who make alliances with 16 other familes. You'll never see Andalusia's name in a ridiculous alliance of 5 fams.

And yes, I do sound arrogant. But being ungodly amounts of awesome will do that to you. Bring the hate anonyrats (hee. clever wordplay), im off to do busywork in london till the reset.

also, LL tastes like strawberries.
21-10 Reset?
00:43:35 - 22-10
Need a lackey to join for me
03-10 Ilimitada Alliance Under Attack
13:02:48 - 04-10
Anonymous at 11:59:33 on 04/10:Then we get a fam thats up since the start, that lost few to zero accounts,

lolwhat? it would take you just a few clicks to come up with wars where we have lost a lot of members. your laziness and ignorance is unbelievable.

Of course we defend our fam. Someone lies about you, its human nature to correct their mistake.

and lol @ more anonypussy posting :')
if we're so lame, post your real name. i mean, not like we'd shoot you for it, right? :o

03-10 Ilimitada Alliance Under Attack
11:22:03 - 04-10
3 anonymouses now? nice :D
is there a reason you dont put your names? it cant be because you are scared, because you think anda is a fail fam.

at anony1: if we kill, but dont die, and its not because we know how to shoot, its because we are stupid? stupid like a fox!

anony2: its not a question of me putting my name to "feel like a made man". its more that im putting my name, because im not a little girl who is worried that people will know my opinions are mine. whether the same can be said for you is questionable

anony3: if only i could be as funny as you, have as an amazing account as you, and be as successful as you in real life. i'd be able to tell my grandkids i'm just as successful as... anonymous.

smiga: hi ^_^
03-10 Ilimitada Alliance Under Attack
10:34:07 - 04-10
Anonymous at 10:04:17 on 04/10:
stfu you damn noob , you didnt even stick to your targets , you spent all night shooting lackey brugs with no danger in backfire, your a sorry excuse for a fam, its a disgrace what andalusia turned into. PPL dont die in backfire cause you shoot lackey brugs and not your targets, not cause you know how to shoot, damn noob.

if andalusia are the pussies, how about you post with your actual name?
I mean, by your logic, as long as you arent a lackey account, we wont shoot you, right?

yes indeed. my logic, much like my awesomitude knows no bounds.

if only there was some way to determine whether or not omerta was a game, or srs bsns. hmmmmm. could i ask the audience? no, wait. im gonna go with ga... sr.... game. thats my final answer chris/whoeverhostsapopulargameshowinyourcountry (delete as needed).

rip to all shooters and shootees.
03-10 Ilimitada Alliance Under Attack
08:47:46 - 04-10
Anonymous at 06:01:45 on 04/10:
kinda funny how anda is still listed as a shooter
also kinda funny how a cobra started anda and they cant ever find their guns anymore

1) odd. i distinctly remember killing last night. but if you, the ever reliable purveyor of facts, Mr Anonymous, says i didnt, that must definitely be the case.

2) A cobra started anda? you make me lol with your sillynonsenses :D

just because people dont die in backfire, doesnt mean they dont shoot. i know this is a difficult concept for the many many anonymous kids who are too ashamed to put their own name, but when your balls drop, maybe someone will teach you these things.
General Comments & Major Rumors
12:45:24 - 28-07
The irony of "Anonymous" calling anyone a pussy is clearly lost on them.

17-07 The last samurai?!
12:07:20 - 18-07
Maraz at 11:46:35 on 18/07:
Trice at 11:03:10 on 18/07:
Battalgazi at 10:22:26 on 18/07:
Graziano Bruglione Andalusia Sotto 17/07 22:46:12

puhahahaah he is dead when he was offline xD

Graziano baby,you were killed by a lackey account ^^ does it hurt you? :p

im going to guess at no. omerta is a game? and thus not linked to his pain responses?


also in regards to your request for my kills, if you want em, pm me :o

actually i asked him to be online lastnight and he rejected,who knows maybe he thought that he can survive if he stays offline.as a result, he is killed by a weaker account than him. and couldnt even manage a backfire kill.

i would be pissed if it had happened to me ;)

graz has had some amazing kills this version, so i dont think hes too bothered. given the nature of the version im not overly surprised some people die without a BF kill despite teh strength of the account.
17-07 The last samurai?!
11:03:10 - 18-07
Battalgazi at 10:22:26 on 18/07:
Graziano Bruglione Andalusia Sotto 17/07 22:46:12

puhahahaah he is dead when he was offline xD

Graziano baby,you were killed by a lackey account ^^ does it hurt you? :p

im going to guess at no. omerta is a game? and thus not linked to his pain responses?


also in regards to your request for my kills, if you want em, pm me :o
17-07 The last samurai?!
09:00:29 - 18-07
cmon Trice at 04:51:30 on 18/07:
Trice at 23:01:41 on 17/07:
Carneglia shooting at Andalusia
Infragilis moved from Firenze & Florentia to Andalusia
Marazzino+ joined in for their bloods Kurosawa and shooting at Andalusia
Anadolu+ (Anadolu/Hooligans/Signoria) joined in, and is also shooting at Andalusia

need more fams on anda. they are too strong captain! More power to the starboard shields!
Dont act though Trice after youve seen only one war and it even failed....

1 war?


pretty sure my 14 kills arent from 1 war. ive said many times. just because we arent seen to be shooting, doesnt mean we arent shooting :)
but ofc. that would involve others having basic literacy skills in order to actually read it, which is probably difficult when they cant even put their write their own name when they post :D
17-07 The last samurai?!
23:49:36 - 17-07
Hyobanshi at 23:42:34 on 17/07:
Lets stay ontopic :x


i like boats.
17-07 The last samurai?!
23:01:41 - 17-07
Carneglia shooting at Andalusia
Infragilis moved from Firenze & Florentia to Andalusia
Marazzino+ joined in for their bloods Kurosawa and shooting at Andalusia
Anadolu+ (Anadolu/Hooligans/Signoria) joined in, and is also shooting at Andalusia

need more fams on anda. they are too strong captain! More power to the starboard shields!
17-07 The last samurai?!
22:04:55 - 17-07
Anonymous at 22:01:56 on 17/07:

im being paid £100,000 a week to play professional football?

well then i no longer have time for omerta!
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:35:57 - 06-07
Anonymous at 18:45:36 on 06/07:
Anonymous at 01:59:48 on 06/07:
Anonymous at 18:53:00 on 05/07:
Anonymous at 18:48:30 on 05/07:
Krays+Camorra+Anda vs Kuro


True !!! Somes Families are asking for help to shoot Samurai aliance down !!!

maybe in some days :D

fail fake !


lets wait and see :p


see how things have actual gravitas and relevance when you dont post anonymous? ^_^
27-06 Liberta+ ↔ DIG
22:03:57 - 27-06
PannaJunk at 20:15:55 on 27/06:
Andalusia also shooting Liberta

Yeah hush baby sell that skanky ass, who's your daddy andalusia :') 1 blowjob and you are on the side of the winners

i want a blowjob :(

everyone gets too hung up on "omg bloods ass lick pussy you suck omg logs omg suck nuts"

its a game. people play to win. nothings changed in 10 versions.
General Comments & Major Rumors
13:24:27 - 27-06
Achille at 10:07:35 on 27/06:
Funny fact from this site:
Firenze is up since 08-05 and been involved in 4 wars, which probably 2 of them were big ones.

Andalusia is up since 06-03 and been involved in 2 big wars while shooting around 10 to 20 brugs in total and another small war which didn't took them much either.

This news site is awesome! <3


Funny fact from this site:
Last activity: 11:15:57 on 27-06-2011 (2h 7m 23s ago)
Country: Netherlands Netherlands
Comment count: 221 (1.92 per day)

spammer! :D
General Comments & Major Rumors
16:54:11 - 25-06
Anonymous at 16:41:14 on 25/06:
Achille at 10:21:43 on 25/06:
Trice this is the first time I agree with a few anonymous people, I mean look what Andalusia did this version:') It's even rididculous if you disagree with 'em. There is a handy thing on this site which shows us all which war(s) family's been in. I count 2/3 wars for Andalusia. 2 'big' wars where Andalusia shot probably 10 brugs in total and managed to back out of war against Kurosawa just cause Liberta (or Kurosawa) asked you guys to stop shooting. Oh and ofcourse that low family that got shot cause they didn't paid bloodmoney for a killed buster in your family.

Now you tell me, what did Andalusia achieved and why are you up anyways?:')

+1 Achille

just bcause something isnt on this site, doesnt mean it didnt happen.

youd be surprised how easy it is to not be mentioned on an impartial news website by shootng with no BF deaths, simple WS obtaining and knowing the right people.

fams in the top 10 always get abuse, im surprised its taken this long for Team Anonymous to take lame shots at anda :D
General Comments & Major Rumors
09:27:43 - 25-06
Anonymous at 02:18:07 on 25/06:
sad andalusia without mordor and with ppl like trice ... sad how a fam once so good with ccce , conflict etc , can drop so low in just 3 or 4 versions...

sad posting on beyond without names and with ppl like anonymous ... sad how someones opinions can be so useless, can be mocked and are the real pussies etc. can drop your pants for 3 or 4 versons ...

didnt know how to do the last part, but you get the picture.

mordor ran anda last version. you ignorant anonymous fool.
General Comments & Major Rumors
01:02:57 - 25-06
Boleone at 00:54:56 on 25/06:
Leave Trice alone :) He knows what they were doing and why they were doing while shooting @ Kurosawa... They stopped at some point, for a reason. So Anonymous 1-2-3 you will just have to learn how to save popcorn for days to come :)

P.S. Trice, why were some of your members SHoused tonight? :)

im not aware any of our members were safehoused. if you get names id be interested to know who, #trice or pm.

i however, was enjoying Burnout Paradise and Fifa 11. :D