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» Comments of DJ
General Comments & Major Rumors
22:13:33 - 20-05
Anonymous at 22:06:06 on 20/05:
suppressor at 20:17:58 on 20/05:
Anonymous at 12:39:11 on 19/05:
I was in SHIELD this round and it was beyond lame.
Every war we were in was mostly tops looking for not important 60k trophy kills.
There was so many shooters on our side (pact) some of us never got targets. I can’t believe they dropped their family and let others kill the godfather and sottocapo emo quit. Now members just die with no revenge it was the fakest pussy family I ever been in lol
What families are not like this, I just want to play a game not pretend to be vagina in alternate virtual reality lol

Let's dissect this comment, since we know who you are and what level of knowledge you REALLY have about anything this version.

Anonymous at 12:39:11 on 19/05:
I was in SHIELD this round and it was beyond lame.

MAYBE if you had been around more often you wouldn't have found it so lame.

Anonymous at 12:39:11 on 19/05:
Every war we were in was mostly tops looking for not important 60k trophy kills.

Please name one example of this? Our Don shot 3 GFs. Outside of my one KS kill, all of my shots were on targets stronger than me. 2 died, including the Don of Noir.

Anonymous at 12:39:11 on 19/05:
There was so many shooters on our side (pact) some of us never got targets.

We gave everyone who wanted to shoot a chance to. I'm guessing you had other stuff to do during wars.

Anonymous at 12:39:11 on 19/05:
I can’t believe they dropped their family and let others kill the godfather and sottocapo emo quit.

Again, your ignorance is showing. It's clear you know zero about the family you were in. Maybe if you were around a little you wouldn't be making yourself look like the giant fool. BTW, our GF is still alive and no one rage quit.

Anonymous at 12:39:11 on 19/05:
Now members just die with no revenge it was the fakest pussy family I ever been in lol

Only because we had the biggest pussy, you, in the family :) I honestly thought McGee was the biggest dumbfuck in the game, but you were like "Hold my beer!".

You'd think Suppressor would be happy with his Ultimate Marvel Victory, so happy he's crying in joy in his dark corner where his wife left him. But no he's very mad. He's picking apart posts to celebrate his win with tears of emo text anger, giving it "all of his attention". Why should these posts bother him? Must be the dangerous...the dangerous...the almighty dangerous...truth.
I guess when you're a Marvel Super Hero Faggot and you wake up under another family flag with 250 other Marvel Superoheros, you get a little insecue. They are enjoying the win over a battlefield that was fought between two other sides like a gypsy would. Hell, that whole win side is enjoying their victory so much they are shooting each other left and right, the most action the game has seen since Lati-Fata war which started before plating, was it even two weeks into the round when that war was over and this win side took over, 18 Marvel Superheros vs 1 active ranker and 1 dupe/ghost ratio lmao xD
I can see why Suppressor is not happy with "his win" and here raging lmao

Do u actually realise the shit that comes out your mouth actually isn’t funny, if you’re trying to entertain us I’m pretty sure u’d be better on the sims
15-05 Royals are next! *Update*
21:14:18 - 20-05
Anonymous at 01:55:30 on 19/05:
Anonymous at 21:32:14 on 16/05:
Anonymous at 21:07:17 on 16/05:
Shield is shit xD

I’m starting to see

I saw their Don and other top commit emo suicide and drop their family without trying to win, there was so many highranks around compared to people who were actually active. When the going got tough, Shield called it quits and ran from the call :')
Kids never pretend to be Marvel Superheros on mafia game. Never go full retard.

Hahaha :D
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:49:49 - 20-05
Anonymous at 15:46:20 on 19/05:
Shield was biggest loser of this round.
Everyone knew they didn’t have the balls to carry a shield and they proved it by dropping it in the manner they did.
And then we have Onaga, who claims to be in a family not even up this round.
But that’s why they call him the Onaga Solo, he just bought Righello a Ducati Moto for the nicer weather.

If u want to know why we dropped in the manner we did then grow a set and mail me, u have no idea about the games politics.
14-05 Sure under attack!
19:39:04 - 20-05
Anonymous at 01:50:40 on 19/05:
DJ at 18:50:00 on 15/05:
FYI Shield didn’t play last version or the 12 before, I recalled us all for a fun round, if you're not having fun then don’t go flaming us coz u died loser :)

Some people die, some people make families and commit suicide and drop their family instead trying to win. Sound familiar DJ?

Haha, do u even know how this game works?
14-05 Sure under attack!
23:22:02 - 17-05
Not sure where u get your info from, Shield have not been up in 12 versions, I think the time travel from end game has confused your small brain

Anonymous at 22:55:10 on 15/05:
Anonymous at 22:06:35 on 15/05:
DJ at 18:50:00 on 15/05:
FYI Shield didn’t play last version or the 12 before, I recalled us all for a fun round, if you're not having fun then don’t go flaming us coz u died loser :)

they were to fucking pussy to go up by themselves and play lmao!

So Horde shot them inside their fam for sport and fun because they were so gay and a game wasn’t being played only after 10 days last round?
Goodness I’m crying laughing, it kills me that SHIELD is working with the same .tr pact that did them dirty not even a month ago. That’s epic homo content, to funny.
Bets on Trapezia shooting SHIELD? Delorio kills Suppressor and all the tits squeeze out some dairy goodness on his grave? Great conclusion if you ask me.
14-05 Sure under attack!
18:50:00 - 15-05
FYI Shield didn’t play last version or the 12 before, I recalled us all for a fun round, if you're not having fun then don’t go flaming us coz u died loser :)
General Comments & Major Rumors
14:42:10 - 22-09
Anonymous at 14:22:34 on 22/09:
DJ at 10:15:10 on 22/09:
Shield will not be suiciding as there is no respect in such action. Version is over and if or when Aeterna want NY they will come talk to me
Or, you know, they will just shoot you down like the pussies you are.

big words from a small boy :D
General Comments & Major Rumors
11:00:03 - 22-09
I'm not going to reply to an anonymous person sorry, or discuss plans on here
General Comments & Major Rumors
10:15:10 - 22-09
Shield will not be suiciding as there is no respect in such action. Version is over and if or when Aeterna want NY they will come talk to me
01-09 Going for gold!
10:18:22 - 02-09
Merton at 08:26:55 on 02/09:
Anonymous at 06:43:12 on 02/09:
pffft, nice acct fair enough, but dun go making out Eliza was some great version to version killing machine/goddess, never heard of her b4 this, and the only reason she got so many 'great' kills is coz you guys always had 5-6 shooters empty the target's bf 1st, legit tactic, but lol :')

ah come on , you haven't heard of Eliza? next you'll be saying you never heard of me ffs!!!


01-09 Going for gold!
15:20:29 - 01-09
Anonymous at 15:18:27 on 01/09:
1) It's Gambino, Assassino, Syracuse, Horde, Bertone and Krays shooting.

2) Sun isn't Saros, he used TeamViewer to get into that account and make the kill.

09-02 The last stand
20:14:15 - 09-02
Gangbang again, can none of these loser fams shoot on there own or at least a fair fight? and I say again, what are they going to do after the war if they win? shoot each other or close the version. No chance of a longer version then. There should be a training program that u should pass before becoming a top in family, not noobs that have not even been in the game a year :P
05-02 Oy vey, another war!
08:48:14 - 06-02
Yet another gangbang, what you families gonna do now? betray and shoot each other? :)
01-02 The Perfect Opportunity
13:54:26 - 02-02
You have witnessed Giovani kill Crazyvirago. To auction this witness statement use the following id: 625

Corvus shot too
01-02 The Perfect Opportunity
22:01:00 - 01-02
I want to thank all the vincitorians who returned for this round for Stekke, not the way we hoped it would end but we got #1 for a day.

As for the bullshit these families are claiming, don't make me laugh, any excuse to shoot :)

RIP Stekke
24-01 Earlier than Expected
11:23:50 - 25-01
Anonymous at 11:20:08 on 25/01:
johngotti at 11:06:58 on 25/01:
Anonymous at 10:40:52 on 25/01:
Anonymous at 09:07:29 on 25/01:
You might want to add Koninkrijk to the shooting side.
New definition of deblooding:I'll up your sisfam and shoot with you, but we're not bloods!

We are not a sis fam son of a bitch! We were never asked any fam for to be up between...
Yes its true we are not blood with anarchy but it is not mean we gonna shoot eachother. We can work with every fam while towards to our goal. They came to det without our permission. Than we did what we need to do. Than we stopped bcs we learn them are not our enemies. If you still have problem with my blood understanding come to my pm and teach it the truth one.

You need to shoot someone to work out if they are your enemy or not? If only there was another way to communicate with someone.

+1 I was gonna write that, I had to laugh at his comment
24-01 Earlier than Expected
22:57:15 - 24-01
Tattaglia took family space, its not like they claimed objects or shit. Closing a city so new families cant make a go of it is crazy
04-01 Spread The Fun
21:02:31 - 05-01
RIP illu :(
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:24:27 - 18-10
Former Infection members suicide from inside Shield, we have kicked out the rest

Shield are not shooting
15-10 First blood
18:18:33 - 16-10
lamegaybino at 18:11:21 on 16/10:
DJ at 18:05:13 on 16/10:
Anonymous at 18:02:36 on 16/10:
Hey guys lets start a family.

What are gonna name it? SHIELD

What are we gonna do? Well we will garble Purgatory semen through blooding Peakys.

Yeah but what do we gain from making Purgatory winners? We get to live till reset.

Yeah but what do we achieve? Well Nothing.

another gay statement from mr Anonymous, we are not here to win or survive, what would be the fun in that?
what fun do you find licking analchy balls LOL

for a start they could be salty