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07-02 Discord channel!
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23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
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30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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» Comments of Fenrir
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:17:05 - 25-10
MurderInc at 20:53:01 on 25/10:
Anonymous at 20:47:07 on 25/10:
ah srry indi. you are another fam jumper. totally forgot
One of the most loyal guys in this community, so that actually made me laugh out loud.

Haha idd. Ill vouch for him too :-)
25-10 Morning
10:24:56 - 25-10
Piao at 10:22:00 on 25/10:
Something smells funny, oh its Fenrir!

I noticed you still suck at making good accounts. Need to fill our caporegimes next version, please join? <333333
20-10 Fallen Angels
19:49:31 - 21-10
Can everybody please calm down and blame MurderInc
20-10 Fallen Angels
11:21:54 - 21-10
enjoy armylife kvothe o/
18-10 New day... New war!
22:49:29 - 18-10
Kvothe at 22:22:54 on 18/10:
Guys i want to remind !

Don't fuck with the Peaky Blinders ! :p

best tv-show ever
15-10 First blood
20:08:48 - 17-10
Toby the gold fish at 19:54:27 on 17/10:
Fenrir at 18:42:59 on 17/10:
Anonymous at 17:56:22 on 17/10:
In a desperate struggle to survive, Purgatory are hitting back at Favians/Nazdrovia/Jannisary+ with help from Koninkrijk


Am I the only one confused about the written word not being in synch with the graphical display (aka colour distribution).

Are Koninkrijk now helping Purgatory? (as the written word suggests)

Or Are they aiding the attackers? (as the visual cue aka colour distribution suggests)

Colour distribution should be correct now. Dont shoot me if im wrong, just editing according to the article!

Where's our circles and graph type thingy? I want our circles again...I bet dark stole them the bollox

Haha, thats MurderIncs area of expertise! Personally im far too lazy. If someone makes one ill make sure to upload it tho!
15-10 First blood
18:46:40 - 17-10
Cant really say that the war looks unbalanced, major fams acted on both sides. Difference seems to lie in organizing & planning
15-10 First blood
18:42:59 - 17-10
Anonymous at 17:56:22 on 17/10:
In a desperate struggle to survive, Purgatory are hitting back at Favians/Nazdrovia/Jannisary+ with help from Koninkrijk


Am I the only one confused about the written word not being in synch with the graphical display (aka colour distribution).

Are Koninkrijk now helping Purgatory? (as the written word suggests)

Or Are they aiding the attackers? (as the visual cue aka colour distribution suggests)

Colour distribution should be correct now. Dont shoot me if im wrong, just editing according to the article!
General Comments & Major Rumors
20:42:14 - 05-10
Merton at 20:13:24 on 05/10:
Maybe I am naive , really couldn't care about it. I have never had the need to script or abuse, maybe that makes me one of the sad few. Who want's to cheat on an internet "free" game ? Never understood or will. Chasing a hall of fame star has never been my goal in life. Yeah! I fail in the internetz world \o/

Though you are the true winner Fenrir you must win in real life also , go you!

Ouch, seems like you took my response as an insult. But thanks for being our moral compass.
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:56:42 - 05-10
Merton at 19:36:21 on 05/10:
Aint gonna quote as It's getting to long. Wel I'll tell you who i haven't joined.

Gambino, Siberia, Anarchy , Persico , any Turkish family :)

Thats probably the most useless answer i have ever seen. Except MurderIncs answers, i never bother to read those(K). So you have been in any other fam since the dawn of time?

Anyways given the enormous amount of time i have spent on this game during the years, i know for a fact that most top rankers are indeed scripting. And im saying "most" in respect to the exceptionally few freaks who manage to keep up with them(max 2-3 at first page). I could probably call out dozens of players within this community who is still actively playing and scripting. Fact is scripting is more or less part of the community by now. If you dont have first page rankers you lose your chance at good spots and objects, which can effectively ruin your version. Heard its different this version objectwise, but i reckon accountstrength remains the same and will still remain an incentive to script.

Its naive to think people isnt cheating in a certain degree in this game. The question is really how much are they cheating.

General Comments & Major Rumors
19:32:40 - 05-10
Merton at 19:18:39 on 05/10:
Anonymous at 18:06:35 on 05/10:
Merton at 17:44:16 on 05/10:
Anonymous at 14:10:53 on 05/10:
Merton at 06:10:01 on 05/10:
The saddest part of all this cheating is people joining their families... If they didn't join, they wouldn't be getting this strong. We all know they are cheating/cheated. So why encourage it by joining their family?

Please name a family that is not cheating so i can join them. Not cheating i mean no bugs/scripts/teamviewer. Sadly all the big fams probably cheat, or maybe you know one that doesn't?

Every family I have been in since I came back to play (why?) have not cheated, they have had one or 2 members at most akilled, and those tended to be a random player looking for a family. Generally the majority ranked and played fair. I could list them , but what would that achieve? I play for smaller fams and wont join the bigger blood pacting fams.

Receiving akills is no measurement for cheating are you really that naive? There is a rankscript website still in the air, which is used widely for example to do bust outs, without that people getting akilled, a lot of people still share their account with others without getting caught.

The fact that players are winning it from the admins by not getting caught doesn't mean there is no massive cheating going on in this game.

I never said there wasn't, but I generally get to know most of the highest rankers in the families I join and can vouch that they aint scripting.

Lol what fams do you join
16-09 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
20:06:39 - 16-09
If you want fams added to the article, contact Redspeert with WS's.

10-09 Begin Again
09:08:07 - 13-09
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:35:33 - 07-09
MurderInc at 21:20:10 on 07/09:
Anonymous at 21:14:56 on 07/09:
Murderinc would not get abuse if he was not a massive cheat i met him a few versions back and to be honest he and his pals need to all jog on they always find the bugs and abuse they have the rank scripts the raid scripts the newly found 27k +++ bo ranking was down to them. The mass blooding always enjoy a 7 on 1 fight. But lets face it he cant get all the blame enforce are a massive dupe abuse family and the people who follow these people (fams) then make complaint about game and short versions how about you all do what people use to do and rather then be just a member in a family for 3 years go and make your own make versions longer and build player base instead you all join the same family or the same tops over and over and NO admins do not help with there need for fewer fams hence the family system and bullet lackey we currently have so to conclude murderinc is an abuser and a cheat but he has been alowed to do it for so long and he is not the only one his pals they know who they are fenir mellow ect ect the list goes on normally his fellow tops so it is unfair to blame just him you have to also blame his sheep followers and other fams for trying to do the same so yes hes bad but its not only him!

love you too, lavish.

Kinda insulted. He still cant spell my name.
General Comments & Major Rumors
14:14:24 - 06-09
MurderInc at 10:15:01 on 06/09:
Anonymous at 10:06:47 on 06/09:
MurderInc at 09:57:24 on 06/09:
Anonymous at 07:25:31 on 06/09:
Murderinc you suck. No one likes you and you smell. Just quit.
It's a cultivated smell. Deal with it.

Murderinc were is siberis ?

01-09 Admins strike again!
19:33:14 - 01-09
Anonymous at 18:47:51 on 01/09:
Terencio at 18:17:10 on 01/09:
Anonymous at 18:11:55 on 01/09:
Terencio at 17:40:08 on 01/09:
I have played .com many times, and most of the time page 1...last version i was ingame "orlando" i died at 88% lc by an suicider at that time I was #1 in rp. i was 10% ahead of #2 "ares" and was no more than 15-20% of #5-#10 and i tried with busting I had 50k or so and never seemed to get so far ahead, as others busted too...so for one person to be 1 whole rank ahead is virtually impossible, so for bruce to be akilled I wasn't shocked at all...but to see 3 other assa's join him, thats questionable.

Didn't you get a few akills yourself?

knew that was coming, i had one when i was don of gambino cant think of any others on .com

Was that when you did the rp bug?

You got A-killed that version you ranked with Faffie </3 :(

General Comments & Major Rumors
15:22:41 - 17-08
Anonymous at 15:16:33 on 17/08:
Jordyrp at 14:37:59 on 17/08:
Anonymous at 10:07:40 on 17/08:
Anonymous at 09:43:57 on 17/08:
Solstice at 09:33:30 on 17/08:
Anonymous at 19:56:21 on 15/08:
Anonymous at 18:43:39 on 15/08:
We want v5 (so scripting will be more difficult because apperently v5 has more difficult captcha's) + bullit limit kind of adjustment (a measure that makes suiciding at good accounts on local chief way harder to succeed, raceform doesn't help enough we have seen that this version, almost whole top 20 died)

Please bring it soon to .com Kcode/bramble

nope nope nope sui is a part of the game... dont cry hey i invest money into this game... so I DONT WANT TO DIE... go play mario bros o/

In ye olden days you had to do a lot of manual grinding to get your account strong enough to suicide on someone. Now you just buy a dc the first day, collect bounty everyday put on sluggs, buy 60k and a gun and shoot. Saying something should stay because it's part of the game isn't an argument really.

There are 2 possible fixes imo. Either make killing be based on points rather than rp, so people who invested a lot of time to make their account stronger can't be killed by players that did fuck all. Or implement the bulletcap.

3rd option. Change the way you play so ppl don't feel the need to suicide on you.


Only a small amount of the suicides are for personal reasons, most suicides are just to kill the top account(s) of a (potential) enemy fam. It is the easiest way to weaken your enemy before the game has even really started, use 2 or 3 suicide dupes to kill the strongest accounts of the enemy fam and they'll be a LOT easier to beat in a war.


You dont need to use dupes either. I mean, this game has by far more retired players than active ones. I for example have a huge number of people on whatsapp that no longer plays. And if it was in my interest i could probably get around 20-25 friends to pop some enemy top accounts if needed. Thats why things need to change in that area.
31-07 The Long Goodbye
00:50:53 - 01-08
MurderInc at 00:21:41 on 01/08:
Anonymous at 00:16:44 on 01/08:
MurderInc at 00:06:45 on 01/08:
Anonymous at 00:04:40 on 01/08:
"l highranks were kicked and the hijackers"

they didnt kick all highranks, why?
From what I can tel, they kicked all LC+ except for those who were stuck because of timers (You can't change/remove capos and top 3 when they just got set).

So why is Enfoire still ahead of Siberia in the "live fam stats?"
That's because of how the logger works. Omerta's API (where the logger gets the stats from) only includes accounts that are currently online. If someone gets kicked, it won't be picked up until the next time the account logs in. You can see they only have a couple of highranks left if you manually check their fampage; the accounts there are sorted by rank, and you'll see every non-capo and non-top 3 is below LC. They currently have 6 brugs, 0 chiefs and 0 LCs.

you think you're so fucking clever murderdick :''(
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:56:33 - 28-07
Veggzi at 23:37:22 on 28/07:
Anonymous at 13:44:40 on 28/07:
Siberia up! Things should get interesting now.

sup cloud

sup cloud
09-07 Welcome to Omerta 4.8
10:42:52 - 10-07