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» Comments of tao
20-07 Endphase!
10:07:16 - 24-07
Anonymous at 21:27:22 on 23/07:
Yes yes they pwned anarchy gmx and you very well. Hope you really learn smth from them.
Their united was a good lesson to all to be honest.
We had no bloods like them atleast this is my opinion xd
Diamante at 21:24:31 on 23/07:
i think those 3 tr fams should feel so lucky to even have participated in end phase considering their war performances throughout the version. it is still a mystery to me how can they even lose 2x more players than their enemies while they are shooting by at least 4 v 1 ratio in every war. truth be told, i have no other memory of such level of incompetence.
Great job by outsiders and gambino btw, respect . And batavia, well played.
Anonymous at 20:37:50 on 23/07:
gz to penta pact for win a big dick gj guys
gz to penta pact for win a big dick gj guys
Great job by outsiders and gambino btw, respect . And batavia, well played.
Yes yes they pwned anarchy gmx and you very well. Hope you really learn smth from them.
Their united was a good lesson to all to be honest.
We had no bloods like them atleast this is my opinion xd
20-07 Endphase!
13:46:57 - 23-07
Anonymous at 12:40:02 on 23/07:
looser talk... this is said every version, no matter who wins, shitty version. All players are shitty (kttb included).
Anonymous at 12:16:39 on 23/07:
anyway we all need to thank those penta marazzino lastdance reganto bata etc to make this version really shitty and their game play is really shame i hope they all have hall of shame ;D
Anonymous at 11:53:31 on 23/07:
Anonymous at 10:15:02 on 23/07:
idd +1
Anonymous at 10:11:05 on 23/07:
Nah admins should have done there jobs.
Fucking retards everywhere al licking sibs balls. Are u reading this Righello.
Hes even in there app group.
Omerta is dead. People need to realize that fact. Admins allways have picked there side. The side that buys the most dc's.
Anonymous at 10:05:52 on 23/07:
And who you think had to kill Outsiders? Penta/Marazz/TLD/Gambino? Batavia/Reg only ones capable of doing so, thus smart move. Retards.
Anonymous at 07:42:59 on 23/07:
You still need proof of their stupidity? Check the previous war reports
Anonymous at 07:34:38 on 23/07:
What are those Bavaria idiots shooting at outsiders? Are they really that stupid?
What are those Bavaria idiots shooting at outsiders? Are they really that stupid?
And who you think had to kill Outsiders? Penta/Marazz/TLD/Gambino? Batavia/Reg only ones capable of doing so, thus smart move. Retards.
Nah admins should have done there jobs.
Fucking retards everywhere al licking sibs balls. Are u reading this Righello.
Hes even in there app group.
Omerta is dead. People need to realize that fact. Admins allways have picked there side. The side that buys the most dc's.
idd +1
anyway we all need to thank those penta marazzino lastdance reganto bata etc to make this version really shitty and their game play is really shame i hope they all have hall of shame ;D
Good version at the end :D
27-06 Saturday Brawl
22:37:54 - 29-06
Anonymous at 22:12:45 on 29/06:
Mass cheating, mass pacting, selling bloods like they dont mean anything. Always the family with the most akills. Even now the usual suspects have 1m+ bullets shot (hi Mohome aka Darkdog that got akilled earlier) because the crew only cares about dc income at this point where despite the pandemic that brought some people back its still in a dying state. You brought back your old habits and it was a tough job for bulletless fams to kill you (you can thank the crew for that rather for blaming them because they are responsible for these insane bullet prices that only allow mass dupers and money buyers or rich people which you are not since you’re from a 3rd world country to be good at this game). Well congratu-fucking-lations but don’t post on here as if you’re the good shepherd and call everyone out on how the game should be played. By doing so you’re making yourself look even more like a laughing stock than you already are. You were a reason this game turned to shit back in the day.. or maybe not back in the day because it was bad already when you showed up but you certainly did nothing to make it better.
Anonymous at 22:01:56 on 29/06:
Funny coming from a guy like you... respek
Grigoriy at 21:56:34 on 29/06:
Hipocrits! You are all hipocrits!
Unfortunately, if admins don't change the rules in the way they did on other versions, for what war concerns, we will continue to have shitty versions like this.
And no, I am not pissed because we lost. Those who continue to say that, stopped in 2012.
Ofc we prefer to win, and we do what we can, but losing is also part of the game.
Omerta shows how society is nowadays - all we care is the winning at all costs. We sell ourselves for the win; we humiliate ourselves for a place on those finishing families.
Families dont even bother to do ratios 2:1. They have to be 3:1/4:1/5:1... all that matter is reaching the end.
I wonder why those fams play a mafia game. The climax here is killing. Whats the fun of it if you win a version with 120k shot as we saw a few times already? Not only turks; for what portuguese concerns, we might even have worst examples (templari, burguesia)...
Game is shitty bcs of our mentality. Fams blood everyone just to sell everyone out. Everyone does it. We do it less. Even so, we are warriors and crazy, and i can understand the worries when we come to final stages. Lately even worst since only a few fams can finish.
Most of us are old. We have been here for 10 years, we are above 30 and some 40...and those who should be responsable to put some fun in the game, to create some joy, some fun, are the worst.
Ffs, life is a shit already, why do you want to put the game the same way?
Respect yourself, respect your members.
I respect more those fams that play alone and do their wars than this kind of gameplay; i know most of those have a easy job, attacking when a fam is empty its easier (hello krays) ,even though, its preferable that way than those gangbangs we see.
And then we have those fame like maraz, that i cant even qualify it...
Seriously niggahs, all we want in the end of the day is to have fun shooting ,showing our skill, union, cooperation as a family. Thats the meaning of being a family, not having a group of guys and use the numbers (sometimes from massrecruit), to suck some other families and survive to playsims.
We dont quit. We do not retire. We do not change fams name to have a new start over. We are what we are and we are happy with that.
I know our bad reputation will always follow us. That we are a fam easy to target and to put fams targeting us, because at some point, we fucked x or y fam. That even with a different name, those tops are the same we killed few rounds ago.
And then we have those that play 1 version and comeback 5 versions after.
Its easy to win that way. The QI of some omerta tops is too low, as it is their self-esteem, what makes things easier for those.
Unless admins implement the new war rules we wont be able to continue to play omerta.
Cheers to our brothers Imperium. Once again they showed that they are the only ones abble to match us.
Hipocrits! You are all hipocrits!
Unfortunately, if admins don't change the rules in the way they did on other versions, for what war concerns, we will continue to have shitty versions like this.
And no, I am not pissed because we lost. Those who continue to say that, stopped in 2012.
Ofc we prefer to win, and we do what we can, but losing is also part of the game.
Omerta shows how society is nowadays - all we care is the winning at all costs. We sell ourselves for the win; we humiliate ourselves for a place on those finishing families.
Families dont even bother to do ratios 2:1. They have to be 3:1/4:1/5:1... all that matter is reaching the end.
I wonder why those fams play a mafia game. The climax here is killing. Whats the fun of it if you win a version with 120k shot as we saw a few times already? Not only turks; for what portuguese concerns, we might even have worst examples (templari, burguesia)...
Game is shitty bcs of our mentality. Fams blood everyone just to sell everyone out. Everyone does it. We do it less. Even so, we are warriors and crazy, and i can understand the worries when we come to final stages. Lately even worst since only a few fams can finish.
Most of us are old. We have been here for 10 years, we are above 30 and some 40...and those who should be responsable to put some fun in the game, to create some joy, some fun, are the worst.
Ffs, life is a shit already, why do you want to put the game the same way?
Respect yourself, respect your members.
I respect more those fams that play alone and do their wars than this kind of gameplay; i know most of those have a easy job, attacking when a fam is empty its easier (hello krays) ,even though, its preferable that way than those gangbangs we see.
And then we have those fame like maraz, that i cant even qualify it...
Seriously niggahs, all we want in the end of the day is to have fun shooting ,showing our skill, union, cooperation as a family. Thats the meaning of being a family, not having a group of guys and use the numbers (sometimes from massrecruit), to suck some other families and survive to playsims.
We dont quit. We do not retire. We do not change fams name to have a new start over. We are what we are and we are happy with that.
I know our bad reputation will always follow us. That we are a fam easy to target and to put fams targeting us, because at some point, we fucked x or y fam. That even with a different name, those tops are the same we killed few rounds ago.
And then we have those that play 1 version and comeback 5 versions after.
Its easy to win that way. The QI of some omerta tops is too low, as it is their self-esteem, what makes things easier for those.
Unless admins implement the new war rules we wont be able to continue to play omerta.
Cheers to our brothers Imperium. Once again they showed that they are the only ones abble to match us.
Funny coming from a guy like you... respek
Mass cheating, mass pacting, selling bloods like they dont mean anything. Always the family with the most akills. Even now the usual suspects have 1m+ bullets shot (hi Mohome aka Darkdog that got akilled earlier) because the crew only cares about dc income at this point where despite the pandemic that brought some people back its still in a dying state. You brought back your old habits and it was a tough job for bulletless fams to kill you (you can thank the crew for that rather for blaming them because they are responsible for these insane bullet prices that only allow mass dupers and money buyers or rich people which you are not since you’re from a 3rd world country to be good at this game). Well congratu-fucking-lations but don’t post on here as if you’re the good shepherd and call everyone out on how the game should be played. By doing so you’re making yourself look even more like a laughing stock than you already are. You were a reason this game turned to shit back in the day.. or maybe not back in the day because it was bad already when you showed up but you certainly did nothing to make it better.
26-04 Lusa was bamboozled
08:54:40 - 29-04
EP at 10:38:23 on 27/04:
I was 5d offline 3h in house and still got 1-shot by Grigory XD
And as the #1, there are no safe shots.
If he shot me, and I was 5a he'd lose BGs in backfire.
If we then countered, he'd be in an awkward position.
Respect where it's due. It was as good a shooting session as you'll see in a version XD
ites at 09:00:57 on 27/04:
Not really. Lusa knew they could take safe 1-4 shots cuz you were waiting 5a.
Even I could have done that
EP at 08:28:23 on 27/04:
Whatever you think of the fam, it was really solid shooting by Lusa in earlier wars.
They completely rekt us in Kurosawa, and punched way above their weight for their size
Whatever you think of the fam, it was really solid shooting by Lusa in earlier wars.
They completely rekt us in Kurosawa, and punched way above their weight for their size
Even I could have done that
I was 5d offline 3h in house and still got 1-shot by Grigory XD
And as the #1, there are no safe shots.
If he shot me, and I was 5a he'd lose BGs in backfire.
If we then countered, he'd be in an awkward position.
Respect where it's due. It was as good a shooting session as you'll see in a version XD
24-04 Mutilation at night & day
16:27:21 - 24-04
Anonymous at 16:19:33 on 24/04:
imp shoot ontario :/
imp shoot ontario :/
20-04 Let's get ready to RUMBLEEEEEE
14:54:18 - 20-04
`Prci|aFkish at 14:52:46 on 20/04:
https://i.imgur.com/l9tTlcV.jpg hellooooo felaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas :D
https://i.imgur.com/l9tTlcV.jpg hellooooo felaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas :D
20-04 Let's get ready to RUMBLEEEEEE
14:35:06 - 20-04
Betray 20-04-2020 14:31:39 Capodecina Mayhem
Did soulfy shoot 60k atleast? :DD
Did soulfy shoot 60k atleast? :DD
11-04 (A)kincilar
13:02:23 - 12-04
Anonymous at 12:28:17 on 12/04:
tao u like turkish kebap. Liberta have Big Dick Turkisk kebap. xD
U eat last version liberta kebabss _|_
tao at 12:19:52 on 12/04:
what to remember kebap? how u start to use your kamikazes and crying over difference kebaps?? :D
Anonymous at 11:57:26 on 12/04:
tao remember last version :D
Liberta motherfucker
tao at 10:19:22 on 12/04:
they will get another wave of akills even on Liberta, no need to worrie for kebaps :'')
dejo at 09:30:13 on 12/04:
So? Now liberta can win by standing as last fam. IMO the admins helped them to get back into the race
Or are those Akills automatically go to liberta instead of akincilar
So? Now liberta can win by standing as last fam. IMO the admins helped them to get back into the race
Or are those Akills automatically go to liberta instead of akincilar
tao remember last version :D
Liberta motherfucker
tao u like turkish kebap. Liberta have Big Dick Turkisk kebap. xD
U eat last version liberta kebabss _|_
11-04 (A)kincilar
12:19:52 - 12-04
Anonymous at 11:57:26 on 12/04:
tao remember last version :D
Liberta motherfucker
tao at 10:19:22 on 12/04:
they will get another wave of akills even on Liberta, no need to worrie for kebaps :'')
dejo at 09:30:13 on 12/04:
So? Now liberta can win by standing as last fam. IMO the admins helped them to get back into the race
Or are those Akills automatically go to liberta instead of akincilar
So? Now liberta can win by standing as last fam. IMO the admins helped them to get back into the race
Or are those Akills automatically go to liberta instead of akincilar
tao remember last version :D
Liberta motherfucker
11-04 (A)kincilar
10:19:22 - 12-04
dejo at 09:30:13 on 12/04:
So? Now liberta can win by standing as last fam. IMO the admins helped them to get back into the race
Or are those Akills automatically go to liberta instead of akincilar
So? Now liberta can win by standing as last fam. IMO the admins helped them to get back into the race
Or are those Akills automatically go to liberta instead of akincilar
10-04 Trouble in Detroit
17:42:21 - 10-04
Sadly to see the early wars again, u guys destroyed this game for years so stop doing it and start doing real fights, Kcode use your button on kicking this kebaps before they gonna destroy game again :D
24-03 Aaaaand it’s gone!
00:24:39 - 26-03
Anonymous at 14:26:56 on 25/03:
Horde won more rounds than all of those xD
hof doesnt mean something imo, admins put your name there or not we all know who won it.
Anonymous at 13:46:32 on 25/03:
horde will now start using fam names like: righelli / n00bitas / lucchese xD
horde will now start using fam names like: righelli / n00bitas / lucchese xD
Horde won more rounds than all of those xD
hof doesnt mean something imo, admins put your name there or not we all know who won it.
02-02 Plating ends again!
17:28:20 - 09-02
phenkyhenky at 22:33:39 on 08/02:
Are u normal? Or you have dream land ? Who is acting and who is tlking? İ cant see your fam ? Where are you now ?
tao at 23:21:04 on 07/02:
kanker u like talking, we like acting!!!
phenkyhenky at 21:57:55 on 07/02:
Ohmg still talking like a drama queen :/ this is double wait triple
tao at 20:37:57 on 07/02:
kanker omerta was and will be here always with or without “Affinitas” Since u put always the legendary “Affinitas” at all the talks, i play also v2.+ and ur not the only one that is “older” at game kanker :’))))
phenkyhenky at 17:27:27 on 07/02:
Lol newbie talks... what goes around what comes around..
tao at 23:59:58 on 06/02:
hahaha kanka with all due respect, u cant give lessons to anybody not even to imperium, so dont start with ur "lessons".
phenkyhenky at 15:57:38 on 06/02:
Wish everybody learn sthg.. was a good lesson :)
Wish everybody learn sthg.. was a good lesson :)
Ohmg still talking like a drama queen :/ this is double wait triple
02-02 Plating ends again!
23:21:04 - 07-02
phenkyhenky at 21:57:55 on 07/02:
Ohmg still talking like a drama queen :/ this is double wait triple
tao at 20:37:57 on 07/02:
kanker omerta was and will be here always with or without “Affinitas” Since u put always the legendary “Affinitas” at all the talks, i play also v2.+ and ur not the only one that is “older” at game kanker :’))))
phenkyhenky at 17:27:27 on 07/02:
Lol newbie talks... what goes around what comes around..
tao at 23:59:58 on 06/02:
hahaha kanka with all due respect, u cant give lessons to anybody not even to imperium, so dont start with ur "lessons".
phenkyhenky at 15:57:38 on 06/02:
Wish everybody learn sthg.. was a good lesson :)
Wish everybody learn sthg.. was a good lesson :)
Ohmg still talking like a drama queen :/ this is double wait triple
02-02 Plating ends again!
20:37:57 - 07-02
phenkyhenky at 17:27:27 on 07/02:
Lol newbie talks... what goes around what comes around..
tao at 23:59:58 on 06/02:
hahaha kanka with all due respect, u cant give lessons to anybody not even to imperium, so dont start with ur "lessons".
phenkyhenky at 15:57:38 on 06/02:
Wish everybody learn sthg.. was a good lesson :)
Wish everybody learn sthg.. was a good lesson :)