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07-02 Discord channel!
Comments: 29 - Views: 673 - Votes: 0
23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
Comments: 12 - Views: 339 - Votes: 1
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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
Comments: 72 - Views: 9,265 - Votes: 0
30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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21-08 First Family!
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General Comments & Major Rumors
05:15:48 - 23-10
Redspeert at 16:31:20 on 22/10:
Redspeert at 00:50:39 on 22/10:
Anonymous at 23:03:00 on 21/10:
EP at 07:10:22 on 19/10:
Anonymous at 19:42:59 on 18/10:
Anonymous at 20:09:58 on 17/10:
Trend at 14:16:32 on 17/10:
Yo McGee did you remember your password alrdy?

McGee we miss you :D <3333333333333

he might already be around I dunno
then again everyone always mimics things he says so who really knows it

You can find him on the ingame forums

He retired after his family died, we got him on Torn with us.
His name keeps appearing from his fans and haters in the game chat since.
It just randomly pops up I don’t even know what context they use his name for lol.
The guy is a legend but good grief did he leave a D stain in a lot of damaged users here lmao 🤣

Mate we know its you mcgee, unless you have a random guy living within the same household also playing this game.

And I know you're a creep Mcgee, but was it really necessary to make a fake facebook profile and track me down to message me about things that are written on beyond?

You need help.

psycho stalking u rip
22-10 Lads, its a war
00:42:39 - 23-10
Anonymous at 00:30:17 on 23/10:
Krypton ? You should delete krypton from that side.
Their members just mysteriously died from corona?
22-10 Lads, its a war
20:39:30 - 22-10
dejo at 20:36:45 on 22/10:
War system

This new war system doesn’t allow a family to be attacked by more than 1 family at the same time.

The defending family is automatically protected from attacks by other families.

what? since when?

that's .nl
General Comments & Major Rumors
07:16:30 - 22-10
Redspeert at 00:50:39 on 22/10:
Anonymous at 23:03:00 on 21/10:
EP at 07:10:22 on 19/10:
Anonymous at 19:42:59 on 18/10:
Anonymous at 20:09:58 on 17/10:
Trend at 14:16:32 on 17/10:
Yo McGee did you remember your password alrdy?

McGee we miss you :D <3333333333333

he might already be around I dunno
then again everyone always mimics things he says so who really knows it

You can find him on the ingame forums

He retired after his family died, we got him on Torn with us.
His name keeps appearing from his fans and haters in the game chat since.
It just randomly pops up I don’t even know what context they use his name for lol.
The guy is a legend but good grief did he leave a D stain in a lot of damaged users here lmao 🤣

Mate we know its you mcgee, unless you have a random guy living within the same household also playing this game.

lol busted
03-10 The Detroit War
00:11:51 - 06-10
Redspeert at 00:09:46 on 06/10:
Anonymous at 20:00:28 on 05/10:
Gambino and Krypton(sister of Horde) joined to defender side but still no info in OB.
biased like everytime...

You know, you could volunteer to become a reporter and add stuff like that yourself, or you could continue being a inbred mongrel like you currently are, up to you.

He kinda has a point there :x.
17-03 Gratatatatatata Gratatatata
23:52:46 - 18-03
suppressor at 23:48:38 on 18/03:
mmm at 22:50:55 on 18/03:
Anonymous at 22:20:49 on 18/03:
I'm saying the war is going on this weekend ;

20.03 The last shot

*Marazzino Family you the Aeterna family their last chance, too, to try to attack.
*So you don't get Lusa back to help her Aeterna family. Locating to the Siyahsancak family of the Lusa family will attack.
*Dragonara families and the Gambino/Fortress family they will attack the news with his Albireo family.
*According to the state of the remaining families and other war-party receivables.

Let's see who wins this war. xD


LOL, my thought exactly. I read it 3 times trying to figure out what they were saying.

Maybe if you reverse google translate it to turkish and ask someone to translate lol
General Comments & Major Rumors
03:30:07 - 15-03
WS Boyka wanted --> #Aeterna
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:57:40 - 03-03
Anonymous at 19:43:08 on 03/03:
The admins try to rescue the pathetic Fam Siberia...
Congratulatiibs !
Siberia wond a Version without any effort.
Where is the Justice ?

LOL that made me laugh! 9 LC's die and that gives automatically Siberia the win? :')
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:53:28 - 19-02
Anonymous at 14:44:01 on 19/02:
Anonymous at 14:07:48 on 19/02:
#1 marazzino :D

birader cyaa hof
now today siyah shooting marazzino because siyah crew and members all noob xD

Wtf are you talking about they hit 1 after rom decision not befor im not defending siyah i dont like them too still thinking guardians deserve the win after the first rom decision but yeah admins can do whatever they like if we ppl dont show any reaction to this!

First rom was canceled because they say a qar is going and it needed 70% major yes it was 68 now second rom and again 68 but they reswt the game its really fair how the admins let us play this gsme :)

Siyah deserve a gayclup hof not a winner hof

Gl hf with this shit game still tje same shit

First one was around 65
General Comments & Major Rumors
00:21:11 - 19-02
Anonymous at 23:48:59 on 18/02:
Keeley at 23:15:10 on 18/02:
Anonymous at 21:22:20 on 18/02:
hey ppl who love this game

PLS VOTE FOR NO :) and maybe we can wake up this bullshit of admins to change something in this game we love!

thats really sad to see everyday again and again how scripters cheater duper and all other bitch players who can not play this game fair! fuck it more and more... its getting worse and worse with every day it stay on this without any changes...

I always vote no.....but even the yes votes don't count anymore.
The no people have no chance :)
The bar didnt show 70% so if admins using their rules no reset.
It's almost 70% so it's good enough lol under 65% wouldnt have been acceptable
16-02 The Pact is Broken
21:38:35 - 16-02
marla at 21:34:47 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 20:45:42 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 20:43:59 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 20:40:27 on 16/02:
Siyahsancak was the #1 fam the momment they formed this pact I think its hard for them to see guardians mass recruiting to grab the 1º place specially since they saved guardians on the Lusa aeterna war

saved? if you help your blood its save or loyal? hmmmm
this days blood has no value in ppls eyes i guess... good luck with that brain you guys have...
im really curious if siyah will be up next :)

hum so mass recruiting to grab the #1 spot from your loyal blood is ok? fuck logic LOL
so anonymous...''Don't worry, there will be no war bla bla bla but competition will be go between us.''
I thought the same while they were #1 ... and that massive recruiting was our way to win version coz in the end what's the point of this game if you don't even try to be #1 and we did something about it aand that was the best we could without backstabbing them. I'd say that's fair play.
but wait it's just my opinion, I could be wrong but at least I don't hide myself behind Anonymous post.


Inviting fams that aren't even your as1 (Republic) to become #1 is kinda disrespectful. Don't you remember when Prophecy and Lusa tried to merge to get the #1? Aeterna started shooting them because they weren't as1.

16-02 The Pact is Broken
20:23:25 - 16-02
Hi Merton :)
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:23:18 - 16-02
Toby's evil Twin at 20:09:04 on 15/02:
Criminal at 19:08:49 on 15/02:
Toby's evil Twin at 19:02:27 on 15/02:
Criminal at 18:44:59 on 15/02:
Criminal at 18:41:22 on 15/02:
mmm at 18:38:18 on 15/02:
Criminal at 18:23:39 on 15/02:
lol republic merging in guardians.

And they totally should, way too many familes still standing.
They aren't even as1. I wouldn't accept that.

Well luckily enough it has nothing to do with you, so you don't have to accept it. though thanks for your concerns's. I'll make a note of it .

love 'n' stuff

Merton Xxx
Let's wait and see what siya does about that nonsense lol
* puts on tin foil hat...

bring it on mofo ...bring it on I got my tinfoil hat...


Seems like I was right , looking at the last deaths lol
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:06:10 - 16-02
Anonymous at 15:38:41 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 15:35:54 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 15:13:11 on 16/02:
None at 14:50:28 on 16/02:
Anonymous at 14:42:41 on 16/02:
Gaybino, you might deserve the win this version, but look at 4.9.2, Senyera deserved it to and lost :)

Admins should just Say NO RESET UNTILL 2-3 FAMS ARE LEFT.

Or remove HOF this round, cause no1 deserves it at this point.

Well, every version winner deserved it. It's pointless to say that since either siyah or guard participated in all wars except the lame chiefs war between siberia or anarchy. So, creating another powerhouse is, you all must admit better then licking ass to Sib or Ana and get pwned at the end (there were a lot stabbing from both sides).

The actual idea of 3 fams closing can work. But tbh, which ver did someone finish with 3 fams? We had siberia with 8, phoenix with 12, one time gambino closed with 9, Janni closed 4.4 with an alliance (Justice, consisted with 8 fams) and 5 more fams.

So, instead of whining with your badass mobster rebirth account, it was better that u actually congratulated those fams that didnt had any relation with previous pacts whatsoever (it was hard to unite and create sometjing new) or reranked and tried to do something better for omerta society.

Take care o/

Where did you get your numbers? Phoenix ended with 7 afaik.

And Aeterna, Lusa and Faffie ended as 3 fams.
4.73 Aeterna Lusa Sangreal also 3 fams
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:08:49 - 15-02
Toby's evil Twin at 19:02:27 on 15/02:
Criminal at 18:44:59 on 15/02:
Criminal at 18:41:22 on 15/02:
mmm at 18:38:18 on 15/02:
Criminal at 18:23:39 on 15/02:
lol republic merging in guardians.

And they totally should, way too many familes still standing.
They aren't even as1. I wouldn't accept that.

Well luckily enough it has nothing to do with you, so you don't have to accept it. though thanks for your concerns's. I'll make a note of it .

love 'n' stuff

Merton Xxx
Let's wait and see what siya does about that nonsense lol
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:41:22 - 15-02
mmm at 18:38:18 on 15/02:
Criminal at 18:23:39 on 15/02:
lol republic merging in guardians.

And they totally should, way too many familes still standing.
They aren't even as1. I wouldn't accept that.
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:23:39 - 15-02
lol republic merging in guardians.
09-02 The last stand
22:28:21 - 09-02
Anonymous at 22:17:25 on 09/02:
Nakketikker at 22:15:25 on 09/02:
MurderInc at 22:12:20 on 09/02:
Anonymous at 22:08:37 on 09/02:
MurderInc at 21:43:43 on 09/02:
Anonymous at 21:32:41 on 09/02:
Jimbo at 21:17:28 on 09/02:
Bosco at 20:38:24 on 09/02:
MurderInc at 20:27:12 on 09/02:
Anonymous at 20:11:06 on 09/02:
H`HMD at 20:06:01 on 09/02:
Anonymous at 20:01:49 on 09/02:
Colo crying like a bitch now on OB while they had plenty chances to do something and where offered plenty chances but pussied out or thought they where playing it smart. Where was colo when this same pact was shooting aert+lusa? When empusa, imperium, phoenix, caliante shot against this new pact and you pussied out after which empusa shot you as they saw they couldn't work whit you so better try and kill you to finish the first war. What if you had shot whit them then? Instead crying here now.

Where were we when Aeterna/Lusa was shooting Guardians? We were covering Corvus because after killing Empusa almost single-handedly we had only 5 accounts left with 2 shots. The real question is: Where was Gambino who was supposed to cover another family and where was Caliente? I guess we know the answer now. Don't talk about things you know nothing about kid.

This was before aert and lusa shot guardians. I mean when guard was attacking them.. So many fams tried to get you to shoot whit them but you only had excuses same as now.


So many fams shooting against this so called new pact but where was colo? Playing it smart? or just being pussy. In any case result is your gangbang which i also enjoy :p

Actually, we attempted to do this with a group of families (including Colossal).

Empusa was unwilling to shoot anything meaningful. Gambino was unwilling to shoot at all claiming they were empty (that was their blood being shot, btw).

As much as I would have enjoyed attacking that side, I'm not gonna open myself like that to a group of families obviously dead set on only shooting me and not achieving anything else all version long. Coincidentally, they weren't all that empty just two days later. So put the blame where it belongs, thanks.

This is a gay war and i am a gaybino.
There was a moment this version where i thought that there was the possibility of making it a fun version. Coloss/bosp vs guardians fero siyah that could have been a bit of a standoff. This is now fucked up and flushed down the toilet. To bad the pacting continues.
Its a game made by the players and it will die by the players. Admins are just facilitators doing a bad facilitating job...

To bad none of the big families including gambino wants to make a stand against pacting. We just have to reach the tipping point guys that's all but alle begin is moeilijk :)


That takes a lot of balls to say. Respect Bosco

then start it with gayberia and analcyh pacts :)
go to this familys and ask them if they will stop to BLOOD HOLE OMERTA :)
Yes, go to gayberia and ask them if they will stop to blood two familys.

u wait you blood just two familys THIS ROUND? #2 #3 #4 :) wooooooooooooow
Clearly you're clueless.

Schnapps was great so is carnival in austria, though this war is gay.Nakketikker out. Cracka bought a mouse yet?

oh ok GOD im clueless we are all clueless GOD pls teach us how to win this game without a fucking pact... :) can you do it self? oh wait you are not a pact family sry i forget !!!

As far as I know.. Sib's bloods were Colossal and Bosphorus. Who was suposedly the 3rd one?
09-02 The last stand
20:29:27 - 09-02
Indi6_next at 19:50:15 on 09/02:
This version seems like my country elections: in the end all say they won against the same adversary.
Siberia managed to be killed by anarchy+ gambino, with the help of against the pact fams. Só we have 2 winners against the pact.
Anarchy+ died killed by the anti pact fams, who seems to be another pact. That makes win for the non-pact fams, aka, 3rd pact?
Aeterna+ shoots some fams... And die, left to die, cause they Were a pact.
Now the other pact is Boeing killed from a new pact, or not só new.
In the end... The pact is dead, long live the pact.
Love it or leave it.
Nobody to blame. Its the game now.

LOL the aeterna part made me laugh. What pact were aeterna in again?
07-02 Your duty is over
00:31:38 - 08-02
Anonymous at 00:26:00 on 08/02:
some will tell that aeterna-lusa fought bravely against the pact, the ones who wrote that staff for vinci :) But let me tell first before you right that kind of thing. Vinci was one of the first fams to start massblood. If they had time after anarchy vs siberia, they would have done so. And as for Aeterna, they tried to blood all fams on omerta and if you are aware they were always in the winning pacts, and this version they tried to do so but they weren't accepted to the pact. So please don't right such things like aeterna is the bravest fam of all omerta.

Weren't accepted in wich pact? I think you don't know what you're talking about lol