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Comments: 58,041 - Views: 16,906,513 - Votes: 81
07-02 Discord channel!
Comments: 40 - Views: 1,084 - Votes: 0
23-01 Winner of round #58 is...
Comments: 12 - Views: 414 - Votes: 1
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Endless Struggle !
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23-09 Reset → 30 September 2022, Friday → 12:00 OT
Comments: 72 - Views: 9,356 - Votes: 0
30-09 Welcome to Round #40!
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19-09 Congratulations Reichsthaler!
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01-09 Not Penny's boat..
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21-08 First Family!
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12-08 Welcome to Round #39
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» Comments of Rix
15-07 Do you use Omerta Beyond?
16:21:46 - 17-07
sbanks at 14:45:38 on 16/07:
you gotta check our github page daily to check if there is an update out

omerta beyond github page -> click! ( check the last update time of the file named: ob.user.js, click on it, and then press on Raw to download it. )
Nice thing about installing it that way is that you immediately get the newest version every time; it automatically updates while we are working on it (which might break some stuff for a while, but at least you also have the latest features and bug fixes).

ElMariachi at 11:07:25 on 17/07:
so any chance of an .nl version in the near future ?
Hmm, not really. Strings (text) are a problem because it's a whole other language it has to match stuff to, and quite frankly it's a pain in the ass to maintain it on three different versions, especially because Omerta is changing so much at the moment that stuff breaks a lot and is different on each version, so we're focusing on .com for now until all the features are back again.
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:06:01 - 23-06
Paus at 23:04:52 on 23/06:
Rix, you missed as much as you see currently on www.barafranca.com
Ah, ok! Sucks that IRC is down though.
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:03:02 - 23-06
So, what did I miss?
18-06 Weekly interview with Kcode - part 1
21:13:54 - 19-06
CojoW at 00:40:39 on 19/06:
Ber at 21:30:43 on 18/06:
Anonymous at 20:14:31 on 18/06:
we're working in bringing back the individual objectives for families of being proud that they won versions with complete dominance instead of the massive amount of blooded families that get together to close the version as fast as they can.

Bringing back?
When has that ever happened?
Apart from a couple mediocre vouchers and a free famlvl the next version there is little to no reason not to pact.
Sure, there is the whole prestige thing blabla but that only really even is talked about on sites like OBN.
Doubt a HoF entry has ever been the reason for a pact-backstab either.

Brando once promised into looking for actual RL rewards for winning a version such as Ipads and other stuff that MIGHT motivate people to take a different route.
Now its debatable if that would even have an impact but the current system surely doesn't, and i doubt any other ingame 'benefit' will either.

we allrdy had free stuff :") we as gambino did once get a dvd of the godfather and not even a original one xD
I won a t-shirt back in 2.1 !!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!
Holy crap, you have an Omerta t-shirt?!? I'm still waiting on the one which was promised me for finding an exploit when doing alphatesting for 4.0...
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:49:51 - 30-05
If anyone was having problems with being logged out when looking at the inbox for unknown reasons, please try again now (after removing your cache and cookies), as that might have been fixed but I can't test being that I never had these problems myself.
General Comments & Major Rumors
14:11:27 - 16-02

Look, it's almost like some of Beyond's features are working again!
General Comments & Major Rumors
18:58:11 - 11-02
Anonymous at 18:11:25 on 11/02:
I think that although sbanks and the other moderators from beyond news site hate kurosawa, kurosawa does not deserve that kind of discrimination. Every version till now the first raised would have its topic, and no matter how much personal problems you have with them, they deserve to be mentioned ?
We also had those topics when Kurosawa was the first (which is often, something worth giving credits for), so that doesn't even makes sense.

Don't know the reason why the topic was late, but I myself was at work all day. Anyway, it's there now.
General Comments & Major Rumors
20:41:14 - 05-02
Anonymous at 20:13:08 on 05/02:
So any update when OB will be released for this new layout?

feels pretty naked lol
hate going on trabot the whole time to check certain stuff
Sorry but plugin-wise this new layout is really hard to make workable code for. We're thinking about rewriting it completely now (as we have wanted for 1.5 years or so), so we can make it proper from the start (and to filter out all the stuff we don't need anymore). This however, will also take a lot of time. We think about releasing a version for every feature we have implemented again to compensate this. We don't know exactly what we will do, but trying to fix our current code to work with the new layout will also take a very long time.
General Comments & Major Rumors
13:38:47 - 30-01
Anonymous at 11:56:17 on 30/01:
Rix at 10:41:39 on 30/01:
Anonymous at 21:03:01 on 29/01:
I've been inactive for a few versions and I feel like playing this one starting thursday, but after all these bug abuses and the reaction of the admins I really don't feel like it.
I know from a good source that devs are actually investing a lot of time in the game for this reset. I've been sharing a channel with a dev and regularly ask him how things are going, and I can see how hard he is working (and actually doing good things this time!). Hell, it even makes me want to play again.
Not sure if you're being sarcastic here Rix, but would you mind sharing the information you get from that dev with the mass?
We might do something like an interview or so with him later if he's open for that. No, I actually wasn't sarcastic here. For example, last weekend we extended our logger quite a bit. We asked DrunkenGamer two years ago to add family rank in the API and asked others as well, but it was never done (partially also because DG left few months after that). We also asked Brando and others to increase the number of deaths we can log (which was 20, like ingame) so we wouldn't miss any when there was a big wave of a lot of akills, but again, nothing happened.

But now, this dev actually came to us one and a half week ago, just after the major bug which caused this reset. Not sure why he initially looked for us, but we've been talking with him ever since. He actually asked for permission to implement some Beyond stuff ingame a year ago or so, so we knew he was one of the devs but we didn't talk a lot with him yet. This time, we asked him to add that stuff on the API, and he fulfilled all our requests within two days. Thanks to him we now log family rank changes, a maximum of 100 deaths, the amount of active lackeys ingame, and the hitlist. And more will probably follow soon.

Credit where credit it's due; it's not often that I'm positive about the admins, but this time I am.
General Comments & Major Rumors
10:41:39 - 30-01
Anonymous at 21:03:01 on 29/01:
I've been inactive for a few versions and I feel like playing this one starting thursday, but after all these bug abuses and the reaction of the admins I really don't feel like it.
I know from a good source that devs are actually investing a lot of time in the game for this reset. I've been sharing a channel with a dev and regularly ask him how things are going, and I can see how hard he is working (and actually doing good things this time!). Hell, it even makes me want to play again.
General Comments & Major Rumors
23:17:56 - 25-01
Danny at 21:00:27 on 25/01:
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but why can't I comment from the mobile site?
We have not implemented such functionality there.
23-01 Your thoughts...
15:13:08 - 24-01
Johnny at 15:09:17 on 24/01:
caliquela at 11:49:11 on 24/01:
My opinion is that the game is fucked up, when the lackeys were introduced.

I think they better can set up a new version for manual players.

I know admins cannot earn as much on such a version, but it would be nice if we have a version who stays on for half a year til 1 year

Lackeys were only logical thing after Brando failed to stop scripts. There are no manual rankers, honestly I can't imagine anyone going back to manual ranking after trying lackeys or script. Ranking is utterly boring process that is not rewarding or interesting at all. It doesn't get more fun the more you do it, it gets more and more boring.

Brando will never do that, it will be final nail in Omerta's coffin. Lackeys did destroy game however, now big families have 80+ brugs, back in days if you had more than 15-20 brugs you were considered huge. To shoot 80+ brug fam even if you have double that, you need at least 3 or 4 more times that number, simply cause from your 120 brugs maybe you can get 20-30 online on war night at your most active nights. And you can't risk leaving 40 brugs alive just cause you don't know how active they are.
Gameplay should be drastically changed, then lackeys can go away again. Grinding is so old in (MMO)RPG's, no sane game designer still puts it into his games.
23-01 Your thoughts...
15:08:27 - 24-01
kredu at 14:58:40 on 24/01:
How to replicate the bug:

$bullets = (int) $_POST['bullets'];
if ($bullets > 400) //error
else {
mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `bullets` = `bullets` + ".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['bullets'])." WHERE `userid` = ".$userid);

Great devs. :')
Oh god, I don't even...

If that's actual code they have (I guess they did because I reckon you reproduced the bug with that code) then the devs are even dumber than I ever thought.

php -r "print (int) '10+e6';"

PHP is just so damn broken...
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:49:46 - 23-01
Weird, 53% of our visitors voted for a reset, yet all the reactions I read here are negative.
General Comments & Major Rumors
19:45:48 - 22-01
So, I've just read the post Brando wrote today...

Now only one question remains:

What did the admins actually do or change? Seriously, what has been altered in the game or decided within the crew to:

- Fix the problem (they don't even state that they have fixed it).
- Prevent a problem like this to occur in the future.
- Fix the current unbalanced ingame economy (rollback or reset).

Seriously, lengthy posts full of ramblings are great, but I can't get from his post what they actually did in the past five days.
18-01 Doping in Omerta?!
17:57:55 - 21-01
kredu at 17:10:46 on 21/01:
How is it possible they don't even cast variables to (int)?
Yup, it's a really weird bug. "100+e6" or whatever is a perfectly fine number for PHP, so that's at least how it got through some of the checks. I guess they did use intval in their queries because that does (weirdly enough, but PHP is so insecure that it doesn't even surprise me) return 100 instead of 100 million, so in that way it also makes sense that only $100 is withdrawn from the user's account. What I don't get, though, is that all the same the maximum amount of an unsigned 32-bits integer is added as new money in the economy and used for the hitlist. Pretty irregular.
20-01 Its raining money!
22:20:54 - 20-01
Anonymous at 22:15:35 on 20/01:
Rix at 21:25:18 on 20/01:
ElMariachi at 21:21:33 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 20:10:17 on 20/01:
Saros`away at 18:24:52 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 18:19:12 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 17:39:55 on 20/01:
The reason they seems to do anything is because they're working on a new layout for Omerta.


too tired to write a long "fix the bugs first"

besides all that, who cares how 'perform a crime' page looks like, when you never do that yourself :')
everyone's lackeying anyway
they should change that fact first before they fix how pages look like

so sadly I see that only as a wasted effort

They are probably working under the assumption that good graphics equals a good game, even many real developers have that problem nowadays :').
But, but, that's true! Why else did I spend hours on Nethack if not for the awesome graphics?

isn't that just their FB version they where working on ?

That one was also posted, that seems to be for the ingame version. They're going to roll that out to deathmatch soon, or so it was said on FB.

In that screenshot codes don't seem to be necessary. Or maybe we have to 'go for it' and then type a code?
Or they just didn't include it in the mockup. To me that's the most likely scenario.

Or they altered the game in such a way that making a script for it is way more harder, but I don't think they are smart enough to design it that way.
20-01 Its raining money!
21:25:18 - 20-01
ElMariachi at 21:21:33 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 20:10:17 on 20/01:
Saros`away at 18:24:52 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 18:19:12 on 20/01:
Anonymous at 17:39:55 on 20/01:
The reason they seems to do anything is because they're working on a new layout for Omerta.


too tired to write a long "fix the bugs first"

besides all that, who cares how 'perform a crime' page looks like, when you never do that yourself :')
everyone's lackeying anyway
they should change that fact first before they fix how pages look like

so sadly I see that only as a wasted effort

They are probably working under the assumption that good graphics equals a good game, even many real developers have that problem nowadays :').
But, but, that's true! Why else did I spend hours on Nethack if not for the awesome graphics?

isn't that just their FB version they where working on ?

That one was also posted, that seems to be for the ingame version. They're going to roll that out to deathmatch soon, or so it was said on FB.
General Comments & Major Rumors
21:00:11 - 20-01
Anonymous at 20:56:19 on 20/01:
Changa at 16:15:46 on 20/01:
Rix at 15:59:10 on 20/01:
Changa at 14:06:51 on 20/01:
I got a suggestion for this website.

I see numbers next to favicon like (1) (2).

These are number of comments made since I last refreshed the page.

Would be nice to see this next to respective Articles so we know where these new comments were made o/
Yeah I've been thinking about something like that.

Something like:

General Comments & Major Rumors
Comments: 15,555 (3 new) - Views: 779,568

Or whatever. But I'm afraid that's really a shitload of data to keep track of. Maybe limit the functionality to only the last ten articles or so, I don't know.

Last 3 + GCMR would be fine :))

we kinda have that on latest comments
True, but the amount of new comments next to the articles would be nice as well. Gives the articles a sort of "unread" status. Which probably means more pageviews for us :+