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12-08 Omerta Beyond 1.10.0 Beta released
Author: Rix
Last updated: 4973d 12h 13m 38s ago by Rix
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Views: 6,767
Votes: 0 (0 average)
Version: 3.2
Involved families:
After 10 months of development, we have released a new version of everyone's favourite legitimate ranktool. 1.10.0 Beta contains over 50 fixes and has a lot new exciting features. As always, head over to our download page to install. If you have found any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to drop by in #beyond.

How to install:
If you don't know how you can install Omerta Beyond, follow the instructions below. The full guide, including different languages, can be found at this page.
  • Install the latest Firefox from their site. Firefox 4.0 or higher is required.
  • Install the GreaseMonkey addon from this page. Version 0.9 or higher is required.
  • Go to our download page for our latest version and scroll all the way down.
  • Click on "Click here to get Version BETA now!".
  • In the pop up which should appear, click on "Install". Afterwards you should be notified that Omerta Beyond has been installed successfully.

New features:
Here is just a handful of the new features:


"Died at" at user profiles

HR, family changes and latest deaths on fampages (click for larger version)

Remove Facebook API from menu

Quick lookup suggestions:

Clickable and highlighted cards when swapping with poker:

Known bugs:
Being that it is a beta version, there are some known bugs:
  • Killpass is broken.
  • 1-click voter is broken. This is due to a change in GreaseMonkey.
  • B/N lackeys break the smuggling page.
  • MOC WE autofill is broken (not confirmed).
  • Trackers are not reset at death.
  • Blackjack Tracker does not show the wins.
If you found any other bugs, feel free to drop by in #beyond.

Full changelog / fixes:
* Cleaned up some code
* Changed minFFVersion to 4.0
* ( FS#361 ) Changed page marquee gets prices from to omerta xml
* Removed "Add to bustinglist" for fams on own familypage
* ( FS#448 ) Implemented go back to inbox after sent message
* ( FS#489 ) Added obay bullets to BulletTracker
* ( FS#629 ) Added autofocus on login form
* ( FS#628 ) Added boolean for PockerTracker
* Fixed ninja bug breaking title and favicon (commented out another line from bmsg)
* Fixed ninja bug title and favicon not showing on "logout" page (a slash was missing)
* Changed behavior of whereToRun() to make it easier to include remote pages for testing purposes (such as a .html dump you want to create code for). This is now as easy as including the link to the file in the @inlude section and then create an if-hook on it in the code of Beyond.
* Added easier way to select and swap cards with poker (you can now click the cards you want to swap and they are highlighted).
* Text field for codes now regains focus after clicking on the "Can't read this?" link.
* Fixed some grammar errors in the update checker.
* ( FS#316 ) Extra fields for JHL entries are now added dynamically instead of using the "more/less" buttons.
* JHL settings are now saved clientside, so the page isn't "refreshed" anymore.
* Changed the way JHL settings are saved in our variables, creating more room for future settings and less room for errors.
* Added constant to set bmsg on and off
* ( FS#492 ) Fixed jailHL not working when nobust set
* ( FS#600 ) Directionkeys in jail busted fixed
* Added link to user rankings on dead mans profile
* Removed Select all SH button
* ( FS#443 ) Added garage button stick to bottom
* ( FS#565 ) Fixed omerta3.com not properly detected
* ( FS#472 ) Fixed AF when raiding
* ( FS#599 ) Added hotkeys to inbox for next/prev/del/reply msg
* Bulletlackey results will be added to Bullettracker
* Added crush button to nicked car page
* Added Bmsg 0.1 (example included incode)
* Added Tidy Smuggling Page *WIP* (enable with incode boolean)
* ( FS#427 ) Implemented Mailbox Navigation Buttons
* ( FS#596 ) Fixed only OBN showing
* ( FS#578 ) Implemented hide full games @ poker
* (FS#573) Started with Lackey counter
* Placed onceonly div for bgov before the bgspage function
* Fixed broken killpass remover
* ( FS#328 ) Added last 10 family changes
* ( FS#591 ) Changed to focus on heistlinks
* ( FS#437 ) Changed setValue for missinghealth
* Fixed Nickreader appearing in menu
* ( FS#569 ) Implemented label on garage entry
* ( FS#455 ) Implemented removal from Jail hl for families
* ( FS#440 ) Fixed saving city on travelling
* ( FS#451 ) Implemented ship to city autoform
* ( FS#519 ) Implemented Actions dropdown on profile
* ( FS#577 ) Fixed calculators gone at bank
* ( FS#581 ) Fixed outlining of fambank
* Fixed In bank account not bold
* Switched Lex att/def starting amounts
* Placed grabLex function outside pref[36]
* Fixed arrow at bank account
* Added autoship focus @ garage
* Fixed typo at heist cancel focus
* Changed way of grabbing default color @ nickreader, brc, menu
* ( FS#449 ) Fixed - Hotkeys in descriptions
* ( FS#582 ) Fixed - Custom menu showing [ object Window ] instead of text
* ( FS#583 ) Fixed - Highlights on family page not working
* ( FS#584 ) Fixed - Obay Autoselect/focus fails for Pack of Bullets
* ( FS#475 ) Implemented - Add a "bid" link next to the "go" link on Obay
* ( FS#576 ) BF fail not working fixed
* ( FS#512 ) ALL-in button @ Poker implemented
* ( FS#487 ) Load BG stats on obay
* ( FS#513 ) Added extra refresh button @ poker
* ( FS#478 ) Reduced refreshtime to 0 on bulletspage
* ( FS#489 ) Added bullets bought today
* ( FS#483 ) Added Quicklookup suggestions
* ( FS#564 ) added separate icon for EDO news
* ( FS#563 ) fixed wrong linkification on dets page
* ( FS#496 ) Fixed raidpage for spotowners
* ( FS#555 ) made button dissapear when spot is not raidable
* Removed Rob & Mia code from BGOV
* Fixed refreshIn error when Lackeys close crimes/carnicks
* ( FS#453 ) Added total money for cars on garagepage
* ( FS#558 ) Fixed can't select cars without garage pref
* Removed CD from capomoneys table and changed amount for GF
* ( FS#556 ) Adding lackey results to car/crimetrackers
* ( FS#557 ) Fixed wrong linkifying in top log
* Replaced fin link with OBnews on loginpage
* Removed all controlpanel checks
* ( FS#481 ) Fixed - Smuggling names no focus if no codes
* Added "Remove Facebook API" feature
* Added Family worth and position to faminfo @ fampage
* ( FS#495 ) Fixed BT not showing on timer
* ( FS#486 ) Fixed In jail msg gone
* ( FS#311 ) improved some html
* Made some changes to garage
* ( FS#546 ) Fixed My account page
* ( FS#544 ) Added OBnews in info menu
* ( FS#543 ) Changed 1-click voter
* ( FS#532 ) Fixed - b/n fill
* Removed f.be stats link from menu
* ( FS#482 ) fixed custom menu link problem
* ( FS#444 ) added to all necessary inputfields
* ( FS#354 ) added SH calculator
* Changed text of pref
* ( FS#505 ) Added last family deaths
* ( FS#490 ) Implemented history info on user profile
* ( FS#528 ) Removed redundant image removal on cars/crimes pages (Omerta implemented this option)
* Added compatibility CSS for Firefox 4
* Bumped copyright year
* Cosmetics on outbox (turned "delete" into icon on preview msg)
* ( FS#517 ) fixed raiding from profiles
* Removed ignored parts of xhr (header is not supported anymore by firefox)
* ( FS#506 ) switched to new FAQ page, mistakes yet to be fixed
* ( FS#511 ) shown "unknown" death time for those that we don't have any info
* ( FS#510 ) added delete icon at outbox
* Cosmetic fix at Mailbox (faster drawing of icons for 12ms according to firebug)
* ( FS#491 ) added link for car race invite message
* ( FS#500 ) fixed .dm bug for PPB (prices per bullet)
* ( FS#501 ) fixed busted focus for bullet bids
* Changed format for laston (should be faster now)
* Added thumbnail for @screenshot (FF4)
* ( FS#306 ) implement HR overview on family page
* ( FS#502 ) implement death time on user profile
* Removed obsolete code in order to fix problems at bullets page
* some more FF4 compatibility fixes
* (FS#14) WIP ... added very basic .tr support
* ( FS#471 )( FS#480 ) Enhanced the update checker
* ( FS#485 ) Added new lines on the end of files to fix compatibility with LubeMonkey, WebMonkey and Scriptish.
* Fixed .nl edo nieuws link
* Fixed omerta game register break
* ( FS#458 ) implemented spotownership to family page
* Fixed add to jailhl broken when friend request pending
* Fixed BJtracker not working .nl
* ( FS#142 ) Implemented (WIP) - Add Lex improvements to calculation
* ( FS#488 ) Fixed - Garage HL not working in omerta3 domain
* ( FS#457 ) Fixed - [Discussion] AF smuggling modi
* ( FS#459 ) Fixed - BRC is wrong
* ( FS#481 ) Fixed - Smuggling names no focus if no codes
* ( FS#450 ) Fixed - BGOV dissapears
* Expanded linkify for condoleances and you've been shot message
* Implemented SlotsTracker
* ( FS#474 ) Fixed wrong linkify in dets fail msg
* ( FS#374 ) Implented linkify @ weddingwitness invite
* ( FS#476 ) Removed commafy at id on BGOV
* ( FS#477 ) Implented link to obay at BGOV
* Fixed not working crimetracker on .nl
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