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True corruption is behind the scenes
Author: LL
Last updated: Never
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Version: 2.8a
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True corruption is behind the scene
People who know me also know that I like to stab in the back and therefore I decided to do my last stab in this game and I promise you, it’s a good one.
Some months ago Renegade was joking and called me MrLovahLovah. I thought it was funny so I promised that I would try to marry an admin. The easiest target was Bramblerose as I was in the same channel as a friend of her. It was back then when the first akill waves started and as people know, I wasn’t always the most honest player so it was easy to get a subject that would take her interest.
So there I was, having a subject but I would not be the first one that tries to get an admin attention therefore I had to make up a story that would take her interest and would gain her trust. I told her that I was an admin on kitten (a thorn in the admins eye back then) and that I didn’t like that scripts became a way of earning money. I also told her how much I duped and scripted and how much fun it was to kill with 10 accounts at same time.
After I gained her trust, she was talking to me day in and day out and it was back then when the reset of 2.7c got announced. I asked her to marry me and she did. The first joke of the story, a VM that marries a scripter….To show you I am not lying, see the screen shot below….
There was also another joke with this marriage….the witnesses of this marriage were dupe of me and a dupe of her. Jezze was my dupe and biance was hers…to prove I am not lying, another screenshot and a bit of log.
(12:16) Danny - (L): wie is jou getuige?
(12:17) Bibi: ik kan Bianca doen
(12:17) Bibi: mijn dupe
(12:17) Danny - (L): :P
(12:17) Bibi: alleen ff favoren
(12:17) Bibi: want die is es nu
(12:17) Danny - (L): mag ik dan ook een dupe? xD
(12:17) Bibi: van mij wel
(12:18) Danny - (L): ok
(12:18) Danny - (L): Jezze :P
(12:19) Bibi: :P
(12:19) Bibi: wat een verrassing :P
(I am Danny and Bibi is Bramblerose)
(12:16) Danny - (L): who is your witness?
(12:17) Bibi: I can take bianca
(12:17) Bibi: my dupe
(12:17) Danny - (L): :P
(12:17) Bibi: only needs favoring
(12:17) Bibi: cause its ES now
(12:17) Danny - (L): Can i have a dupe too? xD
(12:17) Bibi: Fine by me
(12:18) Danny - (L): ok
(12:18) Danny - (L): Jezze :P
(12:19) Bibi: :P
(12:19) Bibi: what a suprise :P

So here we have the first point of corruption, the VM knowing someone is duping and not taking any actions. Of course I was a shocked player and I asked her why she wouldn’t akill me, as she knows I was scripting and duping, this is what she said:
(12:16) Bibi: ik check bekenden nooit
(12:16) Bibi: tenzij ze gemeld worden
(12:16) Bibi: dan moet ik wel

(12:16) Bibi: I never check people who I know
(12:16) Bibi: until they are reported
(12:16) Bibi: then I have no choice

This is point 2 of corruption, admin not akilling friends until someone else reports them. Makes you wonder what else she knows about what players told her and she is not taking actions on……..
And then the reset came and the scripts were ready….not long into version 2.8 we saw a mass akill slaughter, according to counts 612 people found death that day. It didn’t take long until we (the scripting community) found out how these akills happened. It happened because admins were typing in false codes which didn’t exist in the game. If you typed a non existing code you would have been akilled….The admin who was typing whole night was Bramblerose. I don’t know how she got access to other scripts but I know she used an account of Sexgod on kitten. So, you mean Sexgod helped the admins? Nope, as some old players might know Bramblerose and Sexgod were married in 2.2 so they know a lot of each other. Bramblerose knew Sexgod had an account on kitten but he never told her the pass but Bramblerose figured it out. So in an illegal way she gained access on kitten script, I kinda feel sick about it that someone who represents an official company uses these forbidden methods, whether it is for a good cause or not, hacking is illegal. Also I got akilled during that day because I entered 1 (ONE) non existing code. Imagine if someone saw this non existing code and asked his enemies to try if it works. Imagine how many people maybe got caught by this joke. This info I got from Bramblerose herself during a 2 hour phonecall.
The version continued and so did the akills and at some point Bramblerose told me she had a dupe ranking on a new script. I of course asked which account and she told me to look for it. I couldn't find, and she called me again to give some hints about her dupe. (The reason that she called me was to have no evidence.) After long searching I found the dupe and I smacked my head for not finding it earlier. The dupe was a soldier in Dozens, going by the name Dannysgirl (My real name is Danny, weird she calls a dupe that….). Some might think it is a smart way of admins to get scripts, but joining a fam, having bullets and a backfire also means interfering in a game. It took some waves before this account got akilled. After some waves I said in an article on this site ‘rip bramblerose’. After I posted this, the account dannysgirl got deleted, but you can still see that it existed and got akilled on this site and trabot.net.
Also there was a crew member (Extar) who said he didn’t believe that the methods of Bramblrose were solid proof for scripting. Not long after he said this he got kicked out of crew. Seems miss Bramblerose can’t take any complains nor do other crew members trust her methods….
So far my story about the scripting corruption part, I am now going to start with a very interesting subject, the Marazzino/Elf war. Some might remember this war, rumors said that the war was leaked and the mara/elf people even said that IRC operators were responsible for this…
Back in that day I was Righelli top and we heard a lot of rumors that mara and elf were planning a war against us. It was 1 day before the Turkish version would reset and I came on a brilliant idea. I told Bramblerose the fams were planning a war on us and not long after I told her this story I got a message on my cell phone. It was sent from Omerta by Bramblerose and it said the follow (in dutch but translated): “I think you are right and that it is going to happen.” You can see the dutch message and the date/time it was sent on in the movie I made from my cell phone. I am sorry for the bad quality but I am no Steven Spielberg.
So yes mara/elf people your plans got leaked and yes, an admin helped. If I heard correctly admins actions are logged therefore I ask Brando to check out Bramblerose her actions on that day and u will see that this message was really sent by her.
Another thing what I want to share with you all is that you might noticed that affinitas people were able to know all evil and lunatiko their ingames. Some people went to #help and telling that some admin was leaking info, there was never any action taken. When I told Bramblerose this information she checked it out and noticed that blackgod indeed looked up Evil and Lunatiko and therefore blackgod got kicked out of the crew. So therefore a lesson for you all, what you say in #help gets heard by nobody, exactly nobody.
You might be wondering, is this cheating Provenio really telling the truth? Was he really close with Bramblerose? To prove you that I was, I give you the following screenshot taken from Bramblerose her profile (it got deleted too when I said rip Bramblerose in the akill topic).
Also another point of proof, one of my ingames was Finesse, notice the <3 in the rank……It is still there when writing, if it gets deleted, I got screenshots.
So we can conclude that Bramblerose is corrupt by the following points:
1) Not akilling friends until reported
2) Using illegal methods to gain unauthorized access
3) Duping and interfering in game play with a scripted account
4) Confirming war plans to a player
During my research many stories were told to both sides, about the game and real life matters. I decided not to use any of this information as I still see this as a game. I hope the comments on this article do not contain any swearing towards Bramblerose, she is corrupt but still a human.
If even the highest admin, the one who checks all the other admins is corrupt, how corrupt are the others? We have heard many stories here and never has any action been taken, by posting this article I know there won’t be any actions, but I do hope players realize that they get fucked.


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